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Ton van Reen schreef onder meer romans, kinder- en jeugdboeken en journalistiek werk.
Bekend zijn de romans Het winterjaar, Roomse meisjes en Concert voor de Führer. Gestolen jeugd is het ware verhaal van jongens en mannen die aan het eind van de Tweede Wereldoorlog als dwangarbeiders naar Duitsland werden gevoerd. De lichtverkoper werpt licht op een donker tijdperk in de geschiedenis van de kinderarbeid in de negentiende eeuw. De verdwenen stad is de werdegang van een advocaat. Dochters is het levensverhaal van een journalist in Afrika. Katapult is een verhaal over gewone mensen in roerig Amsterdam in de vorige eeuw. De bende van de bokkenrijders werd verfilmd tot een veelbekroonde tv-serie. In Frankrijk spelen zijn boeken Vlucht uit Montaillou, Bevroren dromen, Landverbeuren en In het spoor van de camisards.
Ton van Reen over het ontstaan van zijn nieuwe roman:
“Zestig jaar geleden werkte ik als leerling-verpleger in Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Ursula in Wassenaar. Drie avonden in de week bezocht ik de avond-HBS in Den Haag. Bij thuiskomst kwam ik vaak, op eigen verzoek, in de nachtdienst terecht.
Vaak had ik lange gesprekken met patiënten die slecht sliepen. Er was een man die mij het verhaal vertelde over een misdaad die hij niet had begaan maar waarvoor hij de schuld op zich had genomen. Uit liefde. Daarna belandde hij lange jaren in de gevangenis.
Zijn verhaal bleef mijn leven lang in mijn hoofd hangen. Ik wilde het ooit opschrijven. Het kwam er nooit van.
Het drama had zich afgespeeld in een kloosterdorp, in Brabant of Limburg, zoals Velp bij Grave, of Steijl bij Tegelen. Tot ik opeens besefte dat er ook zo’n dorp met een psychiatrische inrichting bij mij in de buurt lag. Koningslust, een kerkdorp van de gemeente Helden waar zich een deel van mijn jeugd had afgespeeld. Een dorp dat mede ontstaan was door het klooster dat er in 1849 was gesticht door de Broeders van Sint Joseph.
Alles viel op zijn plek. Ik had een handvat om het verhaal waarvan ik alleen de kern kende, op te schrijven. Het verhaal had ik zestig jaar geleden gehoord en het speelde zestig jaar eerder, rond 1900. Ik besloot het in deze tijd te plaatsen. Het is immers een verhaal van alle tijden. De kern, over de man die zich opoffert uit liefde, blijft.”
Ton van Reen
Het nooit geschreven verhaal
Vormgeving omslag Carmen Arends
Gebrocheerd in omslag
240 blz.
Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer
ISBN 978-94-93214-68-2
Eerste uitgave maart 2022
€ 19,50
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R, Psychiatric hospitals, Reen, Ton van, Reen, Ton van, Ton van Reen
Sluitertijd zeer kort
Het is met ingehouden adem klaar:
terwijl bij afdrukken aan weerszijden
van de lens zeer kort niets te zien valt
is als de vis van de adelaar de klauwen
ontwaart het water aan beide kanten
nog eventjes glad als een spiegel, eventjes.
Bert Bevers
Sluitertijd zeer kort
uit Bedekte termen, bundel in voorbereiding
Bert Bevers is dichter en schrijver
Hij woont en werkt in Antwerpen (Be)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert
Waarlijk liever schuil ik in ons huis, in deze
stad waarin ik gretige namen geef aan al dat
buiten en al die sporen. Men spreekt alsof
een dag te lang duurt in een eigen zegging
terwijl het kompas wijst naar een onverwachte
bedding. Weerbaar haperen klemtonen.
Bert Bevers
uit Bedekte termen, bundel in voorbereiding
Bert Bevers is dichter en schrijver
Hij woont en werkt in Antwerpen (Be)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert
Winkelstraat in Tilburg
Armoei, kindersterfte, dwangarbeid en hei
bestaan niet meer. We zijn van winters wei-
en zomers hooiland helemaal vervreemd, en
wat ooit de verschillen waren tussen beemd
en eeuwsel, niemand weet het meer. De tijd
liet de gemene gronden van het nageslacht
alleen wat weemoed na, een soort respijt,
een voorgevoel. Alsof er wordt gewacht.
Paul Bezembinder
Winkelstraat in Tilburg
Paul Bezembinder studeerde theoretische natuurkunde in Nijmegen. In zijn poëzie zoekt hij vooral in klassieke versvormen en thema’s naar de balans tussen serieuze poëzie, pastiche en smartlap. Zijn gedichten en vertalingen (Russisch-Nederlands) verschenen in verschillende (online) literaire tijdschriften. Bundels: Kwatrijnen (Fantom E-books, 2018), Gedichten (2020, heruitgave), Parkzicht (2020). Meer voorbeelden van zijn werk vindt u op: www.paulbezembinder.nl.
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bezembinder, Paul
A master of documentary poetry, Erika Meitner takes up the question of desire and intimacy in her latest collection of poems.
In her previous five collections of poetry, Erika Meitner has established herself as one of America’s most incisive observers, cherished for her remarkable ability to temper catastrophe with tenderness. In her newest collection Useful Junk, Meitner considers what it means to be a sexual being in a world that sees women as invisible—as mothers, customers, passengers, worshippers, wives.
These poems render our changing bodies as real and alive, shaped by the sense memories of long-lost lovers and the still thrilling touch of a spouse after years of parenthood, affirming that we are made of every intimate moment we have ever had.
Letter poems to a younger poet interspersed throughout the collection question desire itself and how new technologies—Uber, sexting, Instagram—are reframing self-image and shifting the ratios of risk and reward in erotic encounters.
With dauntless vulnerability, Meitner travels a world of strip malls, supermarkets, and subway platforms, remaining porous and open to the world, always returning to the intimacies rooted deep within the self as a shout against the dying earth.
Boldly affirming that pleasure is a vital form of knowledge, Useful Junk reminds us that our bodies are made real and beautiful by our embodied experiences and that our desire is what keeps us alive.
Erika Meitner is the author of five books of poems, including Ideal Cities (Harper Perennial, 2010), which was a 2009 National Poetry Series winner, Copia (BOA Editions, 2014), and Holy Moly Carry Me (BOA Editions, 2018). Her poems have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Tin House, The New Republic, Virginia Quarterly Review, Oxford American, Best American Poetry, Ploughshares, and elsewhere. In 2015, she was the US-UK Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Creative Writing at the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry at Queen’s University Belfast, and she has also received fellowships from The MacDowell Colony, the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, the Blue Mountain Center, and the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing. She is currently an associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, where she directs the MFA and undergraduate programs in Creative Writing.
# new poetry
Useful Junk
By: Erika Meitner
Regular price $ 17.00
Publisher: BOA Editions Ltd.
April 5, 2022
Language: English
Paperback: 104 pages
ISBN-10: 1950774538
ISBN-13: 978-1950774531
•fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Modern Poetry Archive, - Book News, Archive M-N, Archive M-N
The armed conflict in the east of Ukraine in 2017 brought about an emergence of a distinctive trend in contemporary Ukrainian poetry: the poetry of war.
Directly and indirectly, the poems collected in this volume engage with the events and experiences of war, reflecting on the themes of alienation, loss, dislocation, and disability; as well as justice, heroism, courage, resilience, generosity, and forgiveness.
In addressing these themes, the poems also raise questions about art, politics, citizenship, and moral responsibility. The anthology brings together some of the most compelling poetic voices from different regions of Ukraine. Young and old, female and male, somber and ironic, tragic and playful, filled with extraordinary terror and ordinary human delights, the voices recreate the human sounds of war in its tragic complexity.
Oksana Maksymchuk is an author of two award-winning books of poetry in the Ukrainian language, and a recipient of Richmond Lattimore and Joseph Brodsky-Stephen Spender translation prizes. She works on problems of cognition and motivation in Plato’s moral psychology. Maksymchuk teaches philosophy at the University of Arkansas.
Max Rosochinsky is a poet and translator from Simferopol, Crimea. His poems had been nominated for the PEN International New Voices Award in 2015. With Maksymchuk, he won first place in the 2014 Brodsky-Spender competition. His academic work focuses on twentieth century Russian poetry, especially Osip Mandelshtam and Marina Tsvetaeva.
Published by Academic Studies Press (Boston, MA) and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (Cambridge, MA), Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine is available in hardback, paperback, and digital ebook formats.
New Poems from Ukraine by:
Anastasia Afanasieva
Vasyl Holoborodko
Borys Humenyuk
Yuri Izdryk
Aleksandr Kabanov
Kateryna Kalytko
Lyudmyla Khersonska
Boris Khersonsky
Marianna Kiyanovska
Halyna Kruk
Oksana Lutsyshyna
Vasyl Makhno
Marjana Savka
Ostap Slyvynsky
Lyuba Yakimchuk
Serhiy Zhadan
# new poetry
Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine
Edited by Oksana Maksymchuk & Max Rosochinsky
with an introduction by Ilya Kaminsky and an afterword by Polina Barskova
Publisher: Academic Studies Press
Series: Ukrainian Studies
Pages: 242 pp.
16 illus. (color)
Publication Date: December 2017
ISBN: 9781618116666 (cloth) 32,99 euro
ISBN: 9781618118615 (paper) 24,99 euro
More information: https://www.wordsforwar.com/
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Modern Poetry Archive, #More Poetry Archives, *War Poetry Archive, - Book News, - Book Stories, Archive Y-Z, REPRESSION OF WRITERS, JOURNALISTS & ARTISTS, WAR & PEACE, Yakimchuk, Lyuba
we will walk back, even with bare feet
if we don’t find our home in the place where we left it
we will build another one in an apricot tree
out of luscious clouds, out of azure ether
Apricots of Donbas—by award-winning contemporary Ukrainian poet Lyuba Yakimchuk—is the 7th book in the Lost Horse Press Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry Series. As are previous volumes in the Series, it has been released in a dual-language edition.
Born and raised in a small coal-mining town in Ukraine’s industrial east, Yakimchuk lost her family home in 2014, when the region was occupied by Russian-backed militants, and her parents and sister were forced to flee as refugees.
Reflecting the complex emotional experiences of a civilian witnessing a gradual disintegration of her familiar surroundings, Yakimchuk’s poetry is versatile, ranging from sumptuous verses about the urgency of erotic desire in a war-torn city to imitations of child-like babbling about the tools and toys of military combat.
Playfulness in the face of catastrophe is a distinctive feature of Yakimchuk’s voice, evoking the legacy of the Ukrainian Futurists of the 1920s. The poems’ artfulness goes hand in hand with their authenticity, offering intimate glimpses into the story of a woman affected by a life-altering situation beyond her control.
my friends are hostages
and I can’t reach them, I can’t do netsk
to pull them out of the basements
from under the rubble
yet here you are, writing poems
ideally slick poems
high-minded gilded poems
beautiful as embroidery
there’s no poetry about war
just decomposition
only letters remain
and they all make a single sound — rrr
Lyuba Yakimchuk from Decomposition,
translated from the Ukrainian by Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky
Lyuba Yakimchuk
is a poet, playwright, and screenwriter. Her two collections of poetry, Moda (2009) and Abrykosy Donbasu (2015) won prestigious awards, including the International Slavic Poetic Award (Ukraine) and the International Poetic Award of the Kovalev Foundation (USA). Since 2019, her play The Wall has been running at the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theater, the largest in Ukraine. She also authored the script for the film The Slovo House: An Unfinished Novel, reflecting on the literary life in the 1930’s Kharkiv. Born and raised in a small town near Luhansk, Yakimchuk now lives in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Born and raised in a small coal-mining town in Ukraine’s industrial east, Yakimchuk lost her family home in 2014 when the region was occupied by Russian-backed militants and her parents and sister were forced to flee as refugees. Reflecting her complex emotional experiences, Yakimchuk’s poetry is versatile, ranging from sumptuous verses about the urgency of erotic desire in a war-torn city to imitations of childlike babbling about the tools and toys of military combat. Playfulness in the face of catastrophe is a distinctive feature of Yakimchuk’s voice, evoking the legacy of the Ukrainian Futurists of the 1920s. The poems’ artfulness go hand in hand with their authenticity, offering intimate glimpses into the story of a woman affected by a life-altering situation beyond her control.
# new poetry
poems by Lyuba Yakimchuk
Translated by Oksana Maksymchuk,
Max Rosochinsky & Svetlana Lavochkina
Oktober 2021
166 pp
ISBN 978-1-7364323-1-0
Lost Horse Press
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Modern Poetry Archive, - Book News, Archive Y-Z, Archive Y-Z, Art & Literature News, Yakimchuk, Lyuba
Born in New Zealand in 1934, Fleur Adcock spent the war years in England, returning with her family to New Zealand in 1947.
She emigrated to Britain in 1963, working as a librarian in London until 1979. In 1977-78 Fleur Adcock was writer-in-residence at Charlotte Mason College of Education, Ambleside.
Fleur Adcock was Northern Arts Literary Fellow in 1979-81, living in Newcastle, becoming a freelance writer after her return to London.
She received an OBE in 1996, and the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry in 2006 for Poems 1960-2000 (Bloodaxe Books, 2000).
Fleur Adcock published three pamphlets with Bloodaxe: Below Loughrigg (1979), Hotspur (1986) and Meeting the Comet (1988), as well as her translations of medieval Latin lyrics, The Virgin & the Nightingale (1983).
She also published two translations of Romanian poets with Oxford University Press, Orient Express by Grete Tartler (1989) and Letters from Darkness by Daniela Crasnaru (1994).
All her other collections were published by Oxford University Press until they shut down their poetry list in 1999, after which Bloodaxe published her collected poems Poems 1960-2000 (2000), followed by Dragon Talk (2010), Glass Wings (2013), The Land Ballot (2015) and Hoard (2017).
The Mermaid’s Purse is due from Bloodaxe in 2021. Poems 1960-2000 and Hoard are Poetry Book Society Special Commendations while Glass Wings is a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. In October 2019 Fleur Adcock was presented with the New Zealand Prime Minister’s Award for Literary Achievement in Poetry 2019 by the Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern.
Fleur Adcock writes about men and women, childhood, identity, roots and rootlessness, memory and loss, animals and dreams, as well as our interactions with nature and place. Her poised, ironic poems are remarkable for their wry wit, conversational tone and psychological insight, unmasking the deceptions of love or unravelling family lives.
Fleur Adcock began writing the poems in this book when she was 82. The two chief settings are New Zealand, with its multi-coloured seas, and Britain, seen in various decades.
There are foreign travels, flirtations, family memories, deaths and conversations with the dead. Katherine Mansfield, incognito, dodges an academic conference; there’s a lesson in water divining as well as a rather unusual Christmas party.
We meet several varieties of small mammal, numerous birds, doomed or otherwise, and some sheep. The book ends with a sequence in memory of her friend, the poet Roy Fisher.
# new poetry
The Mermaid’s Purse
by Fleur Adcock
Publication Date : 25 Feb 2021
Pages: 80
Size: 234 x 156mm
ISBN: 9781780375700
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Modern Poetry Archive, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Mermaids
gevonden in een conservatorium
Ik weet wel dat mijn stiltes pijnlijk zijn,
vandaar dat ik niet ieder stuk nog speel.
Een rust in mijn 4’33” wordt niet zelden
ook de doorgewinterd luisteraar te veel.
Paul Bezembinder
Notitie, gevonden in een conservatorium
(Meer over Paul Bezembinder is te vinden op zijn website: www.paulbezembinder.nl)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: # Music Archive, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bezembinder, Paul
Zong ik mijn lief een liedekijn,
ik koos een mooie, zware brom,
ik zong van jeugd en ouderdom,
en dat het fijn voor ons zou zijn.
Van cocktails en van ambrozijn,
van slapen saam en kerels stom
zong ik mijn lief een liedekijn –
ik koos een mooie, zware brom.
Van instrument, muziek, refrein,
van slagwerk en van stille trom,
van ochtendlicht en ouderdom
zong ik een liedje klein en fijn,
zong ik mijn lief een liedekijn.
Paul Bezembinder
(Meer over Paul Bezembinder is te vinden op zijn website: www.paulbezembinder.nl)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bezembinder, Paul
Hij gaf verdwenen talen. Aan een school
in Rotterdam. Daaruit ontstond misschien
die diepe eenzaamheid die in hem school,
de angst dat iemand hem zou willen zien
om wie hij was, – om wie hij had te zijn,
een fluisteraar van oude stemmen zacht
die zich in peppels om de woning klein
verstopten voor de stiltes van de nacht.
Paul Bezembinder
Foto: J.H. Leopold (1865 – 1925)
Paul Bezembinder studeerde theoretische natuurkunde in Nijmegen. In zijn poëzie zoekt hij vooral in klassieke versvormen en thema’s naar de balans tussen serieuze poëzie, pastiche en smartlap. Zijn gedichten en vertalingen (Russisch-Nederlands) verschenen in verschillende (online) literaire tijdschriften. Bundels: Kwatrijnen (Fantom E-books, 2018), Gedichten (2020, heruitgave), Parkzicht (2020). Meer voorbeelden van zijn werk vindt u op: www.paulbezembinder.nl.
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bezembinder, Paul, Leopold, J.H.
A timeless, visionary collection of poems from one of China’s most acclaimed poets-now available in English for the first time in a generation and featuring a foreword by his son, contemporary artist and activist Ai Weiwei
One of the most influential poets in Chinese history, Ai Qing is mostly unknown to Western readers, but his work has shaped the nature of poetry in China for decades. Born between the fall of imperial Manchurian rule and the establishment of the Communist People’s Republic, Ai Qing was at one time an intimate of Mao Zedong.
He would eventually fall out with the leader and be sentenced to hard labor during the Cultural Revolution, when he was exiled to the remote part of the country known as “Little Siberia” with his family, including his son, Ai Weiwei.
In his work, Ai Qing tells the story of a China convulsing in change, leaving behind a legacy of feudalism and imperialism but uncertain what the future will hold. Breaking with traditional forms of Chinese poetry, Ai Qing innovatively adapted free verse, writing with a simple sincerity in clear lines that could be understood by everyday readers.
Selected Poems of Ai Qing is an extraordinary collection that traces the powerful inner life of this influential poet who crafted poems of protest, who longed for a newer, happier age, and who wrote with a profound lyricism that reaches deep into the heart of the reader.
Selected Poems by Ai Qing (Author),
Ai Weiwei (Introduction), Robert Dorsett (Translator)
Ai Qing is regarded as one of the finest modern Chinese poets, whose free verse was influential in the development of new poetry in China.
Ai Weiwei is one of the world’s most important living artists. Born in 1957, he lives in Cambridge, UK.
Allan H. Barr is the author of a study in Chinese of a literary inquisition in the early Qing dynasty, Jiangnan yijie: Qing ren bixia de Zhuangshi shi’an, and the translator of several books by contemporary Chinese authors, including Yu Hua’s China in Ten Words and Han Han’s This Generation. He teaches Chinese at Pomona College in California.
# new poetry
Selected Poems by Ai Qing (Author),
Ai Weiwei (Introduction),
Robert Dorsett (Translator)
Publisher: Vintage Classics
2 Nov. 2021
Language: English
128 pages
ISBN-10: 1784877662
ISBN-13: 978-1784877668
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, #Modern Poetry Archive, - Book News, - Bookstores, Ai Weiwei, Archive A-B, Archive A-B
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