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freda kamphuis
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Freda Kamphuis, Kamphuis, Freda
To create the poems in this collection, Nobel Prize–winner Herta Müller cut up countless newspapers and magazines in search of striking phrases, words, or even fragments of words, which she then arranged in a the form of a collage.
Father’s on the Phone with the Flies presents 73 of Müller’s collage poems for the first time in English translation, alongside full-colour reproductions of the originals.
Müller takes full advantage of the collage form, generating poems rich in wordplay, ambiguity and startling, surreal metaphors—the disruption and dislocation at their core rendered visible through stark contrasts in colour, font and type size.
Liberating words from conformity and coercion, Müller renders them fresh and invests them forcefully with personal experience.
Herta Müller was born in a German-speaking community in western Romania in 1953. She published her first collection of short stories in 1982. In 1987, she left Romania for West Berlin, where she continued to write and publish. She has been awarded numerous prizes, including the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Herta Müller
Father’s on the Phone with the Flies
A Selection
Translated by Thomas Cooper
ISBN: 9781803090450
Pages: 200 pages
73 colour plates
Publication Year: 2022
Format: Paperback
Size: 5 x 8
Rights: UCP
Series: The Seagull Library of German Literature
Category: Poetry
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, - Book News, Archive M-N, Archive M-N, Awards & Prizes
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Poema visual: Pair of vases #1
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida, Curitiba, Brazil (1964).
Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida cv:
Curitiba, Brazil (1964). Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist. – He has published in numerous anthologies and specialized magazines in Brazil and outside; participated in exhibitions of visual poetry as International Biennial of Visual and Alternative Poetry in Mexico (editions from 1987 to 2010); Post-Art International Exhibition of Visual / Experimental Poetry, San Diego State University-USA (1988); 51 and 53 Venice Biennial (2005 and 2009). – He published in 2007 the book Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida with a global vision about his work as a visual artist and poet. – This book was incorporated into the “Artist Books” collection of the New York City Library (USA). – Author of the CD of kinetic visual poems (EU) NI/IN VERSO (still unpublished). – He presented urban interventions in Curitiba, San Diego, Seattle, New York, Paris, Rome. – In 2014 and 2015 visual poems published in the Rampike experimental literature magazine of the University of Windsor, Canada. – He recently had his poems published in Jornal Candido (n. 64) and Relevo (2015 and 2016), and in 2017 in: fleursdumal.nl magazine for art & literature (www.fleursdumal.nl).
More about his work:
Livro eletrônico http://issuu.com/boek861/docs/sergio_monteiro_libro;
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de artes visuais www.itaucultural.com.br;
Videos no Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SergioMAlmeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Curitiba – PR – Brazil
email: sergio.ma@ufpr.br
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive M-N, Archive M-N, Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Poema visual: Pair of vases #1
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida, Curitiba, Brazil (1964).
Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida cv:
Curitiba, Brazil (1964). Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist. – He has published in numerous anthologies and specialized magazines in Brazil and outside; participated in exhibitions of visual poetry as International Biennial of Visual and Alternative Poetry in Mexico (editions from 1987 to 2010); Post-Art International Exhibition of Visual / Experimental Poetry, San Diego State University-USA (1988); 51 and 53 Venice Biennial (2005 and 2009). – He published in 2007 the book Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida with a global vision about his work as a visual artist and poet. – This book was incorporated into the “Artist Books” collection of the New York City Library (USA). – Author of the CD of kinetic visual poems (EU) NI/IN VERSO (still unpublished). – He presented urban interventions in Curitiba, San Diego, Seattle, New York, Paris, Rome. – In 2014 and 2015 visual poems published in the Rampike experimental literature magazine of the University of Windsor, Canada. – He recently had his poems published in Jornal Candido (n. 64) and Relevo (2015 and 2016), and in 2017 in: fleursdumal.nl magazine for art & literature (www.fleursdumal.nl).
More about his work:
Livro eletrônico http://issuu.com/boek861/docs/sergio_monteiro_libro;
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de artes visuais www.itaucultural.com.br;
Videos no Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SergioMAlmeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Curitiba – PR – Brazil
email: sergio.ma@ufpr.br
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive M-N, EXPERIMENTAL POETRY, Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Poema visual: Scissors
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida, Curitiba, Brazil (1964).
Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida cv:
Curitiba, Brazil (1964). Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist. – He has published in numerous anthologies and specialized magazines in Brazil and outside; participated in exhibitions of visual poetry as International Biennial of Visual and Alternative Poetry in Mexico (editions from 1987 to 2010); Post-Art International Exhibition of Visual / Experimental Poetry, San Diego State University-USA (1988); 51 and 53 Venice Biennial (2005 and 2009). – He published in 2007 the book Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida with a global vision about his work as a visual artist and poet. – This book was incorporated into the “Artist Books” collection of the New York City Library (USA). – Author of the CD of kinetic visual poems (EU) NI/IN VERSO (still unpublished). – He presented urban interventions in Curitiba, San Diego, Seattle, New York, Paris, Rome. – In 2014 and 2015 visual poems published in the Rampike experimental literature magazine of the University of Windsor, Canada. – He recently had his poems published in Jornal Candido (n. 64) and Relevo (2015 and 2016), and in 2017 in: fleursdumal.nl magazine for art & literature (www.fleursdumal.nl).
More about his work:
Livro eletrônico http://issuu.com/boek861/docs/sergio_monteiro_libro;
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de artes visuais www.itaucultural.com.br;
Videos no Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SergioMAlmeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Curitiba – PR – Brazil
email: sergio.ma@ufpr.br
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive M-N, EXPERIMENTAL POETRY, Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Poema visual: Pair of vases #2
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida, Curitiba, Brazil (1964).
Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida cv:
Curitiba, Brazil (1964). Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist. – He has published in numerous anthologies and specialized magazines in Brazil and outside; participated in exhibitions of visual poetry as International Biennial of Visual and Alternative Poetry in Mexico (editions from 1987 to 2010); Post-Art International Exhibition of Visual / Experimental Poetry, San Diego State University-USA (1988); 51 and 53 Venice Biennial (2005 and 2009). – He published in 2007 the book Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida with a global vision about his work as a visual artist and poet. – This book was incorporated into the “Artist Books” collection of the New York City Library (USA). – Author of the CD of kinetic visual poems (EU) NI/IN VERSO (still unpublished). – He presented urban interventions in Curitiba, San Diego, Seattle, New York, Paris, Rome. – In 2014 and 2015 visual poems published in the Rampike experimental literature magazine of the University of Windsor, Canada. – He recently had his poems published in Jornal Candido (n. 64) and Relevo (2015 and 2016), and in 2017 in: fleursdumal.nl magazine for art & literature (www.fleursdumal.nl).
More about his work:
Livro eletrônico http://issuu.com/boek861/docs/sergio_monteiro_libro;
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de artes visuais www.itaucultural.com.br;
Videos no Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SergioMAlmeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Curitiba – PR – Brazil
email: sergio.ma@ufpr.br
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive M-N, EXPERIMENTAL POETRY, Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Poema visual: AR_dor (Air_ ache= ardor), for me this is the summary of these pandemic times
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida, Curitiba, Brazil (1964).
Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida cv:
Curitiba, Brazil (1964). Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist. – He has published in numerous anthologies and specialized magazines in Brazil and outside; participated in exhibitions of visual poetry as International Biennial of Visual and Alternative Poetry in Mexico (editions from 1987 to 2010); Post-Art International Exhibition of Visual / Experimental Poetry, San Diego State University-USA (1988); 51 and 53 Venice Biennial (2005 and 2009). – He published in 2007 the book Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida with a global vision about his work as a visual artist and poet. – This book was incorporated into the “Artist Books” collection of the New York City Library (USA). – Author of the CD of kinetic visual poems (EU) NI/IN VERSO (still unpublished). – He presented urban interventions in Curitiba, San Diego, Seattle, New York, Paris, Rome. – In 2014 and 2015 visual poems published in the Rampike experimental literature magazine of the University of Windsor, Canada. – He recently had his poems published in Jornal Candido (n. 64) and Relevo (2015 and 2016), and in 2017 in: fleursdumal.nl magazine for art & literature (www.fleursdumal.nl).
More about his work:
Livro eletrônico http://issuu.com/boek861/docs/sergio_monteiro_libro;
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de artes visuais www.itaucultural.com.br;
Videos no Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SergioMAlmeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Curitiba – PR – Brazil
email: sergio.ma@ufpr.br
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive M-N, EXPERIMENTAL POETRY, Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Jérôme Peignot, romancier, essayiste, est aussi l’auteur d’une œuvre poétique consacrée à interroger l’écriture dans sa matérialité, proposant de celle-ci une lecture typographique ludique.
Dans ce recueil imaginatif et facétieux de typoèmes, chiffres, lettres, palindromes, anagrammes, esperluettes, virgules… sont autant d’images alphabétiques nouvelles pour “retrouver l’étymologie graphique des êtres et des choses”.
Une poésie visuelle concrète qui révèle ainsi, par l’invention, l’humour et l’impromptu, “les mécanismes graphiques jusque dans leurs intimes arcanes, et partant, témoigne qu’ils ne sont pas lettres mortes”.
Jérôme Peignot, poète et écrivain, a publié une trentaine d’ouvrages, régulièrement réédités, dont Typoésie (Éditions de l’imprimerie nationale, 1993 réée. 2005), Typoèmes (Seuil, 2003) et Les Jeux de l’amour et du langage (10/1, 1974 rééd. 2009). Ces dernières années, il creuse le sillon de la poésie et publie des sonnets dans la revue Conférence ou en recueils (Éditions des cendres, Éditions de l’amandier).
Jérôme Peignot
Poésie visuelle
Hors collection
Actes Sud
Novembre, 2017
11,5 x 17,0
156 pages
ISBN 978-2-330-08731-9
prix indicatif: 16,80€
new books
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, - Book News, Archive O-P, Archive O-P, Art & Literature News
Woon jij in de Tilburgse Kleuren- en Kruidenbuurt? Dan nodigen ContourdeTwern en On-Site Poetry (Nick J. Swarth en Sander Neijnens) jou uit voor een bijzondere bijeenkomst op woensdag 20 september.
Onder de noemer ‘We gooien het op het woord’ wordt op speelse wijze naar boven gehaald hoe jij als bewoner de wijk ervaart.
Uiteindelijk leidt het tot een verzameling schijnbaar losse teksten, waar Nick J. Swarth een gedicht van maakt. Dat wordt, in een vormgeving van Sander Neijnens, aangebracht in de trappenhal van wijkcentrum Het Kruispunt. Zichtbaar voor alle bezoekers maar ook voor de mensen die voorbijlopen. Later dit jaar wordt het gedicht op feestelijke wijze onthuld.
De bijeenkomst vindt plaats op woensdag 20 september 2017 van 19.00–21.00 uur in het wijkcentrum aan de Sinopelstraat 1. Voor lekkere hapjes en drankjes is ook gezorgd. Je bent van harte welkom. Aanmelden is niet nodig.
Meer informatie kun je krijgen bij Joy’s van Lieshout, joysvanlieshout@contourdetwern.nl of bel: 013 4683857
ContourdeTwern en On-Site Poetry Tilburg
‘We gooien het op het woord’
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, City Poets / Stadsdichters, Graffity, Nick J. Swarth, Sander Neijnens, Swarth, Nick J., Urban Art
John Reinhart: An arsonist by trade, eccentric by avocation, John Reinhart lives in Colorado with his wife and children, and beasts aplenty, including a dog, cat, duck, goats, chickens, and probably mice. His poetry has recently been published in Interfictions, Star*Line, Moon Pigeon Press, and Charles Christian’s Grievous Angel. More of his work is available at http://home.hampshire.edu/~jcr00/reinhart.html
John Reinhart: inFinite
Arsonist, Versifier
digital magazine fleursdumal.nl
More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive Q-R, John Reinhart, Reinhart, John
Rob Stuart: Mutation
Biography: Rob Stuart is a media studies lecturer, filmmaker and writer living in Southeast England. He has contributed poetry to a variety of magazines and e-zines including Ink, Sweat & Tears, Light, Lighten Up Online, Magma, New Statesman, The Oldie, The Spectator and Snakeskin.
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Rob Stuart, Rob Stuart, Stuart, Rob
Rob Stuart: Mind the Gap
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Rob Stuart, Rob Stuart, Stuart, Rob
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