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#Editors Choice Archiv

· Nina Mingya Powles: In the Hollow of the Wave (Poetry) · Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito · ‘Il y a’ poème par Guillaume Apollinaire · I Shall not Care by Sara Teasdale · Anita Berber: Kokain · Arthur Rimbaud: Bannières de mai · Insomnia by Dante Gabriel Rossetti · Arthur Rimbaud: Départ · La Chambrée de nuit par Arthur Rimbaud · Gedicht: Märchen von Gertrud Kolmar · Bert Bevers: Model · Who Will Make the Fire by Greta Bellamacina

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Nina Mingya Powles: In the Hollow of the Wave (Poetry)

Women Poet’s Prize and Nan Shepherd Prize winner: Nina Mingya Powles publishes a much-anticipated second collection in July 2025

In the Hollow of the Wave examines Orientalism, art and artmaking in a time of ecological crisis in distinctive poems that are elemental and tactile, shaped by memory and landscapes of the body.

Powles’ debut poetry collection, Magnolia, was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection and the Ondaatje Prize.

Nina Mingya Powles (born 1993) is a New Zealand poet and essayist. Born in Wellington, Powles has spent time living in Shanghai and London.

Her poetry and essay collections are inspired by nature and her Chinese – Malaysian heritage, and she has received a number of notable awards including the inaugural Women Poets’ Prize in 2018.

In the Hollow of the Wave (Poems)
by Nina Mingya Powles
Nine Arches Press
ISBN: 9781916760226
Publication date: 24th July 2025
Format: Paperback
72 pp
ISBN: 9781916760226
Price: £11.99

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Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito

Under a Future Sky is a gathering of generations, a performance with ghosts anchored in Brynn Saito’s journey with her father to the desert prison where, over 80 years ago, her grandparents met and made a life.

Born of a personal ache, an unquenchable desire to animate the shadow archive, Saito’s journey unfolds in lyric correspondences and epistolary poems that sing with rage, confusion, and, ultimately, love. In these works, descendants of wartime incarceration exchange dreams, mothers become water goddesses, and a modern daughter haunts future ruins. To enter this book is to enter the slipstream of nonlinear time, where mystical inclinations, yellow cedars, and sisterhood make a balm for trauma’s scars. Altogether, the work enacts a dialogue between the past and the present; the radical ancestor and the future child; and the desert prison and the family garden, where Saito’s father diligently gathers stones.

Brynn Saito is the author of Power Made Us Swoon (2016) and The Palace of Contemplating Departure (2013), winner of the Benjamin Saltman Poetry Award from Red Hen Press and a finalist for the Northern California Book Award. She has received grant support from Densho, Hedgebrook, and the Santa Fe Arts Institute. Her poems have appeared in the New York Times and American Review among other journals and anthologies. She was a finalist for the Paterson Poetry Prize and the Milt Kessler Poetry Book Award. Brynn lives in Fresno, CA, where she is an Assistant Professor at California State University, Fresno and co-director of Yonsei Memory Project.
Brynn teaches in the MFA program at California State University, Fresno. She’s co-editing with Brandon Shimoda an anthology of poetry written by descendants of the Japanese American / Nikkei incarceration, forthcoming in 2025 from Haymarket Books.

Under a Future Sky
by Brynn Saito
112 pages
August 15, 2023
ISBN-13 978-1636281070
Publisher: Red Hen Press

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‘Il y a’ poème par Guillaume Apollinaire

Il y a

Il y a des petits ponts épatants
Il y a mon cœur qui bat pour toi
Il y a une femme triste sur la route
Il y a un beau petit cottage dans un jardin
Il y a six soldats qui s’amusent comme des fous
Il y a mes yeux qui cherchent ton image
Il y a un petit bois charmant sur la colline
Et un vieux territorial pisse quand nous passons
Il y a un poète qui rêve au ptit Lou
Il y a un ptit Lou exquis dans ce grand Paris
Il y a une batterie dans une forêt
Il y a un berger qui paît ses moutons
Il y a ma vie qui t’appartient
Il y a mon porte-plume réservoir qui court, qui court
Il y a un rideau de peupliers délicat, délicat
Il y a toute ma vie passée qui est bien passée
Il y a des rues étroites à Menton où nous nous sommes aimés
Il y a une petite fille de Sospel qui fouette ses camarades
Il y a mon fouet de conducteur dans mon sac à avoine
Il y a des wagons belges sur la voie
Il y a mon amour
Il y a toute la vie

Je t’adore


Entre Bar-sur Aube et Troyes,
le 5 avril 1915

Guillaume Apollinaire
(1880 – 1918)
Il y a
Poèmes à Lou

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I Shall not Care by Sara Teasdale

I Shall not Care

When I am dead and over me bright April
Shakes out her rain-drenched hair,
Tho’ you should lean above me broken-hearted,
I shall not care.

I shall have peace, as leafy trees are peaceful
When rain bends down the bough,
And I shall be more silent and cold-hearted
Than you are now.

Sara Teasdale
I Shall not Care

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Teasdale, Sara

Anita Berber: Kokain


Schatten und Katzen
Grüne Augen
Viele Augen
Millionenfache Augen
Das Weib
Nervöses zerflatterndes Begehren
Aufflackerndes Leben
Schwälende Lampe
Tanzender Schatten
Kleiner Schatten
Großer Schatten
Der Schatten
Oh – der Sprung über den Schatten
Er quält dieser Schatten
Er martert dieser Schatten
Er frißt mich dieser Schatten
Was will dieser Schatten

Viele Schmerzen
Und die Augen
Die Tiere
Die Mäuse
Das Licht
Dieser Schatten
Dieser schrecklich große schwarze Schatten.

Anita Berber

Anita Berber (1899 – 1928) was a German dancer, actress, and poet.  She lived during the time of the Weimar Republic in Berlin.

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Arthur Rimbaud: Bannières de mai


Bannières de mai

Aux branches claires des tilleuls
Meurt un maladif hallali.
Mais des chansons spirituelles
Voltigent parmi les groseilles.
Que notre sang rie en nos veines,
Voici s’enchevêtrer les vignes.
Le ciel est joli comme un ange.
L’azur et l’onde communient.
Je sors. Si un rayon me blesse
Je succomberai sur la mousse.

Qu’on patiente et qu’on s’ennuie
C’est trop simple. Fi de mes peines.
je veux que l’été dramatique
Me lie à son char de fortunes
Que par toi beaucoup, ô Nature,
– Ah moins seul et moins nul ! – je meure.
Au lieu que les Bergers, c’est drôle,
Meurent à peu près par le monde.

Je veux bien que les saisons m’usent.
A toi, Nature, je me rends ;
Et ma faim et toute ma soif.
Et, s’il te plaît, nourris, abreuve.
Rien de rien ne m’illusionne ;
C’est rire aux parents, qu’au soleil,
Mais moi je ne veux rire à rien ;
Et libre soit cette infortune.

Arthur Rimbaud
(1854 – 1891)
Bannières de mai
Derniers vers

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Insomnia by Dante Gabriel Rossetti


Thin are the night-skirts left behind
By daybreak hours that onward creep,
And thin, alas! the shred of sleep
That wavers with the spirit’s wind:
But in half-dreams that shift and roll
And still remember and forget,
My soul this hour has drawn your soul
A little nearer yet.

Our lives, most dear, are never near,
Our thoughts are never far apart,
Though all that draws us heart to heart
Seems fainter now and now more clear.
To-night Love claims his full control,
And with desire and with regret
My soul this hour has drawn your soul
A little nearer yet.

Is there a home where heavy earth
Melts to bright air that breathes no pain,
Where water leaves no thirst again
And springing fire is Love’s new birth?
If faith long bound to one true goal
May there at length its hope beget,
My soul that hour shall draw your soul
For ever nearer yet.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti
(1828 – 1882)

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, *The Pre-Raphaelites Archive, Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R, Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

Arthur Rimbaud: Départ


Assez vu. La vision s’est rencontrée à tous les airs.
Assez eu. Rumeurs des villes, le soir, et au soleil, et toujours.
Assez connu. Les arrêts de la vie. – Ô Rumeurs et Visions !
Départ dans l’affection et le bruit neufs !

Arthur Rimbaud
(1854 – 1891)

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La Chambrée de nuit par Arthur Rimbaud


La Chambrée de nuit

On a faim dans la chambrée –
C’est vrai…
Émanations, explosions. Un génie :
« Je suis le gruère ! » –
Lefêbvre « Keller ! »
Le génie « Je suis le Brie ! » –
Les soldats coupent sur leur pain :
« C’est la vie ! »
Le génie. – « Je suis le Roquefort ! »
– « Ça s’ra not’ mort !… »
Je suis le gruère
Et le Brie !… etc.

On nous a joints, Lefèbvre et moi, etc.

Arthur Rimbaud
(1854 – 1891)
La Chambrée de nuit
Derniers vers

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Gedicht: Märchen von Gertrud Kolmar


Ich hab vor deinem Hause still gestanden
In einer Nacht.
Und hatte ganz dich lieb und ohne Maßen;
Ich wies zu dir den Sternen goldne Straßen
Und habe selig stumm gelacht.

Ob meinem losen Haar hob ich die Arme
Wie Zweige, schlank und rund.
Da stürzte Regen in das Mainachtschweigen
Und rief sich zage Blüten aus den Zweigen,
Und jede war ein blasser Mund.

Du aber kamst nicht.
So streute ich mit lächelndem Verschwenden
Dem Mond die Blumen her.
Und spürte Treiben herber, dunkler Kräfte,
Mir ward die Frucht voll süßer, süßer Säfte;
Schon fiel sie, duftend, weich und schwer.

Du aber kamst nicht.
Eishagel tanzte höhnend auf den Steinen.
Da klaffte schwarz ein Schacht.
Drein ließ ich die zerbrochnen Arme hangen. –
Geblüht und Frucht getragen – und vergangen
In einer Nacht.

Gertrud Kolmar
(1894 – 1943)

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Bert Bevers: Model



Ik merk dat wat dieper in de tram een meisje mij
bekijkt en tekent. Ze schrikt wanneer ik knipoog,

alsof onder haar potlood het papier beweegt.
Ik laat haar en denk wanneer ik uitstap ‘Dag

schetsboek met mijn anonieme kop erin! Dag
lijnenzetster die niet weet dat ik dit schrijven zal.’

Bert Bevers

Uit Bedekte termen, Stabilitas loci, Antwerpen, 2023

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Who Will Make the Fire by Greta Bellamacina

In her new collection Who Will Make The Fire, published in association with New River Press, Bellamacina employs metaphors of wind, dawn, trees and fire to explore an interior world.

A personal book about love, loss, nature, depression and recovery, the wind in Who Will Make The Fire becomes the biographer of the self; a way to trace this everevolving garden, that must die, again and again, like a wild bird shedding its unimaginable feathers.

Who Will Make The Fire questions what it is to really live, to live with stillness and fire; to combat the digital world and to get back to the earth and let the hidden circle of nature find its way back into the self.

‘Dreamlike, with bite. Bellamacina’s work is brutal, floral, blood-soaked and knowing, in the way that nature is both cruel and beautiful.’  ―  Florence Welch

Greta Bellamacina   published her first collection ‘Kaleidoscope’ in 2011. In 2014 she was short-listed as the Young Poet Laureate of London. In 2015 she edited ‘A Collection of Contemporary British Love Poetry’ a survey of British love poetry from Ted Hughes til now, it features the work of Wendy Cope, Emily Berry, Annie Freud and Sam Riviere. She has been a writer-in-residence at the Chateau Marmont Hotel in LA. and Andy Warhol’s Interview Magazine says Greta, ” is garnering critical acclaim for her way with words and her ability to translate the classic poetic form into the contemporary creative landscape.” Greta’s new collection “Perishing Tame” is a dazzling and frank meditation on motherhood, female identity, ennui and love. Greta and her work have featured in The Guardian, The Times, The Evening Standard, Dazed & Confused, I-D Magazine, Interview Magazine, British Vogue, Elle , Wonderland, and Hunger Magazine. She has performed her poetry on CNN, BBC World News, BBC Radio 4 , BBC London, BBC Radio 2 with Jonathan Ross and BBC Radio 3 on The Verb poetry show.

Greta Bellamacina:
Who Will Make the Fire
Publisher: Cheerio Publishing
Publication Date: 20 Jun. 2024
Language: ‎ English
ISBN-10: ‎1739440595
ISBN-13 978-1739440596

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