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«« Previous page · POËZIEWEEK 2022: 17-01 tm 02-02 · Bert Bevers: Weerwil · Vincent Berquez: Delight · Bert Bevers: Rimpels · Vincent Berquez: Dancing into the cream of the night · “Desmond Tutu se laaste vlug” a farewell poem by Carina van der Walt · Albert Hagenaars: Het Aardbeienveld (gedicht) · Bert Bevers – bij het werk van Ron Scherpenisse: Vliegers die niet opgaan · Albert Hagenaars: De Overgang (gedicht) · Albert Hagenaars: Verboden Terrein (gedicht) · The Sound of Blossom Falling: New book of poetry by Vincent Berquez · T. S. Eliot Prize 2021 – Shortlist Announced

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POËZIEWEEK 2022: 17-01 tm 02-02

More in: #Modern Poetry Archive, - Audiobooks, - Book Lovers, - Book News, - Bookstores, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, CONCRETE , VISUAL & SOUND POETRY, Poëzieweek

Bert Bevers: Weerwil


Macht kan harde dingen maar is zo zacht
als spek wanneer het er op aankomt. Ogen
in de rug moeten open blijven want achter
de hoek dralen ongeduldige messendragers.
Grof als de krachtige streken van Permeke

zijn hun bedoelingen. Ze zwijgen instemmend,
zwaar als leugens die nooit ontmaskerd werden.

Bert Bevers
(Uit: Andere taal, Litera Este, Borgerhout, 2010)

Bert Bevers is dichter en schrijver.
Hij woont en werkt in Antwerpen (Be).

• magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert

Vincent Berquez: Delight



I’ve been delighting in your face
since the Eureka mess of our embrace,
the cork of fizzing kissing taken place,
the sexual notation of blushing staves,
a lust-compass flashing up radar blips.

Sloppy corners, edges in melted clips
of our manic laughter, on risky ships,
in the city’s darkness and muddy trips,
naked tangles on private sandy strips,
isolated scrub lands and forest bits,
disused canal tunnel with freezing tits,
stopping the car in shadowy lay-bys,
alleyways, echoing blissed-out cries,
she delighted, ripping open my flies.

And through our lustiness a miracle came,
the pneumatic forces created the near-same,
through the acrobatic propagated struggle
in the hospital you pushed out of the bubble
when we saw you delight in your life force.
Now we are celebrating the main course
of us all together, as a loving source,
of the wonderful blended mix,
of our delight, our scented lives transfixed
we have built the home as well as the bricks.

Vincent Berquez


Vincent Berquez is a London–based artist and poet. He has published in Britain, Europe, America and New Zealand. His work is in many anthologies, collections and magazines worldwide (f.i.

# new book of poetry by Vincent Berquez:
The Sound of Blossom Falling
Author: Vincent Berquez
Language: ‎ English
86 pages
ISBN-10: ‎9390601096
ISBN-13: ‎978-9390601097

• magazine

More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, Berquez, Vincent, Vincent Berquez

Bert Bevers: Rimpels


We lijken alleen zo oud. Het is de lichtval maar.
Want, gedraaid, kijk: nu zijn we weer gladjong.

Als toen we de simpele hoop uitspraken later
samen te mogen rimpelen. Die speling in en van

rechtmatig verleden. We wachtten brave jaren
op tijdgenoten, maar die bleken er al lang te zijn.

Bert Bevers

Bert Bevers is dichter en schrijver.
Hij woont en werkt in Antwerpen (Be).

• magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert

Vincent Berquez: Dancing into the cream of the night

Dancing into
the cream of the night

You said take me dancing
in the cream of the night

like we did that time
when the music was jasper Spanish.

The seated flamenco women clapped
out the velocity of chattering rhythms

pushing the black and scarlet music
to the edge of our half-conscious world,

exciting the bloody pump with the drum
of temptation that agitated our lustiness.

The partnership of limbs tangled
loquacious, heady, demanding.

We took to the slippery dance floor
where I held the spine of your wet skin

in the stretch of my flexed palm –
you said your heart needed to dance with me

until the silver slit cracked into the shock
of the smoky grey marbled morning.

In charged anarchy, we succumbed
to fog drunkenly and lost ourselves till then.

Vincent Berquez
Dancing into the cream of the night


# Vincent Berquez is a London–based artist and poet. He has published in Britain, Europe, America and New Zealand. His work is in many anthologies, collections and magazines worldwide (f.i.

# new book of poetry by Vincent Berquez:
The Sound of Blossom Falling
Author: Vincent Berquez
Language: ‎ English
86 pages
ISBN-10: ‎9390601096
ISBN-13: ‎978-9390601097

• magazine

More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, Berquez, Vincent, Vincent Berquez

“Desmond Tutu se laaste vlug” a farewell poem by Carina van der Walt


Desmond Tutu se laaste vlug

in sy laaste tyd sweef hy geluidloos oor die water

die wind hou asem op oor die stroomversnellings

geen Woord meer ontsnap uit sy snawel nie

hy is visarend aartsbiskop vader man

sy oë speur stroomop & stroomaf

na dubbele reënboë soos poorte op die horison

salf wierook mirre was woorde vir sy kinders        ook vuur

nou verswart & skeur sy kleed as sy roep die stilte breek

met uitgestrekte kloue in ’n laaste seëngroet duik hy verloor

sy kruis & vang hy ’n vir sy vlug onder deur ’n reënboog


Carina van der Walt
Desmond Tutu se laaste vlug*
Farewell poem


* In Greek and Roman times, the Eagle was referred to as a God or “The King of Birds”. In many cultures the Eagle is known as a symbol of power and resurrection,

Desmond Tutu was a South African Anglican bishop and theologian, known for his work as an anti-apartheid and human rights activist. In 1984 Tutu won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Tutu died from cancer at the Oasis Frail Care Centre in Cape Town on 26 December 2021, at the age of 90. The funeral took place on 1 January 2022 at St. George’s Cathedral, Cape Town.

Carina van der Walt moved from Klerksdorp in South Africa to the Netherlands in 2007. In Klerksdorp she was a high school teacher during apartheid. After the death of her first husband she took up her studies in literature. She came to Tilburg University for an exchange and met her future husband. The same city (Klerksdorp recently renamed to Matlosana) was the birthplace of archbishop Desmond Tutu. He qualified as a teacher and taught there for the first years of his professional life until a law on Bantu education made it impossible for him to fulfil his work. He resigned and moved to London to get educated to become a priest. They share the same backdrop, the dry half desert part of the North West province with the beautiful acacia trees. Parenthood was an important part of both their lives.

Van der Walt met Tutu once in 2012. He came to The Hague to unveil the statue Long Walk to Freedom in celebration of Nelson Mandela. He made a massive impression on her. Carina van der Walt now lives in Tilburg in The Netherlands. She works as a writer, poet and editor.

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More in: # Archive S.A. literature, Apartheid, Archive W-X, Carina van der Walt, In Memoriam, Walt, Carina van der

Albert Hagenaars: Het Aardbeienveld (gedicht)

Het Aardbeienveld

En in alle vroegte

in het doorscheurende licht,
bleken we alleen en waaiden open,

waren onbegroeid en knielden
op het nog natte stro tussen het loof
en roken alsof we geen ogen hadden.

We drukten de rijpste in elkaars nek
en op de buik en lager, steeds harder
en hijgden zonder te begrijpen

want bleven sindsdien onvindbaar.

Vijftig jaar later schrap ik talg en eelt,
neem ik alsnog wat jij had durven geven,
bevend op een jongen,

verloren starend in het getande blad.


Albert Hagenaars
Verboden Terrein

# new poetry
by Albert Hagenaars
Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer
ISBN 978-94-93214-32-3
84 pagina’s
Prijs ca. € 17,50
Verschijnt begin 2022

• Albert Hagenaars (Bergen op Zoom, 1955) was aanvankelijk werkzaam als beeldend kunstenaar en galeriehouder. Hij studeerde Nederlands en bracht veel tijd in Frankrijk door. In 1980 koos hij voor de literatuur. Werk van zijn hand verscheen in talrijke bladen en bloemlezingen, waaronder Maatstaf, De Tweede Ronde, Literair Akkoord, Raster, Poëziekrant en ‘De Nederlandse poëzie van de negentiende en twintigste eeuw in 1000 en enige gedichten’. Behalve gedichten, romans en vertalingen schrijft hij ook kritieken over literatuur en moderne beeldende kunst voor tal van bladen. Hagenaars werkt vaak samen met kunstenaars en musici en ook met collega’s uit andere taalgebieden. Enkele van zijn boeken werden vertaald; in het Duits, Frans, Indonesisch en Roemeens. Enkele componisten maakten muziek bij werk van Albert Hagenaars. Hagenaars maakte veel reizen, door o.a. de Verenigde Staten, Latijns-Amerika en het Verre Oosten. De laatste jaren woont hij deels in Indonesië, het geboorteland van zijn vrouw, Siti Wahyuningsih, met wie hij al ruim 200 Nederlandstalige gedichten van bekende en onbekende auteurs in Bahasa Indonesia vertaalde en publiceerde. Begin 2022 verschijnt een nieuwe bundel: Pelgrimsgrond bij Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer (meer informatie op website:

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More in: - Book News, Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Hagenaars, Albert

Bert Bevers – bij het werk van Ron Scherpenisse: Vliegers die niet opgaan


Vliegers die niet opgaan

Heus niet een ieder lijkt omzeilen van liegen
gegeven. Sommigen verhalen over waarheid

zo vaak dat ze vergeten wat zij wil. Hunkeren
naar klaarheid vergt uitleg, een introductie

op tomeloos mijmeren. Op varianten zonder
schroom. Nergens is begenadiging in zicht.


Bert Bevers

•bij het werk van Ron Scherpenisse

Uit: Varianten zonder schroom, Heren Met Hoeden, Bergen op Zoom, 2021

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More in: Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, Bevers & Scherpenisse, Bevers, Bert, Illustrators, Illustration

Albert Hagenaars: De Overgang (gedicht)


De Overgang

Jij nooit ver, je vader vol soldatenzeer
van verre als versteende wortel in het hoofd.

Nu ook niet meer dichtbij, zo dicht
bij waar je ons tot verliezens toe dronk,
voor het eerst schonk wat je zelf steeds eiste.

Klokkend was de stilte na de lessen in dit bos
aan het spoor, op varens en zachte naalden.

Hier was het ook dat jij tussen de rails
nog net je armen spreidde, het kruis werd

dat je veertig jaar, met en zonder medicijnen,
in licht en schaduw van andere mannen,
van huis naar huis naar tehuis mee moest slepen.

Geluk wellicht nog in die allerlaatste flits,
in het geraas door je ooit zo lenige botten,
door je zo hevig verlangende vlees,

door de geest van je enig kind,

door je enige liefde

die bleef.


Albert Hagenaars
Verboden Terrein

# new poetry
by Albert Hagenaars
Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer
ISBN 978-94-93214-32-3
84 pagina’s
Prijs ca. € 17,50
Verschijnt begin 2022

• Albert Hagenaars (Bergen op Zoom, 1955) was aanvankelijk werkzaam als beeldend kunstenaar en galeriehouder. Hij studeerde Nederlands en bracht veel tijd in Frankrijk door. In 1980 koos hij voor de literatuur. Werk van zijn hand verscheen in talrijke bladen en bloemlezingen, waaronder Maatstaf, De Tweede Ronde, Literair Akkoord, Raster, Poëziekrant en ‘De Nederlandse poëzie van de negentiende en twintigste eeuw in 1000 en enige gedichten’. Behalve gedichten, romans en vertalingen schrijft hij ook kritieken over literatuur en moderne beeldende kunst voor tal van bladen. Hagenaars werkt vaak samen met kunstenaars en musici en ook met collega’s uit andere taalgebieden. Enkele van zijn boeken werden vertaald; in het Duits, Frans, Indonesisch en Roemeens. Enkele componisten maakten muziek bij werk van Albert Hagenaars. Hagenaars maakte veel reizen, door o.a. de Verenigde Staten, Latijns-Amerika en het Verre Oosten. De laatste jaren woont hij deels in Indonesië, het geboorteland van zijn vrouw, Siti Wahyuningsih, met wie hij al ruim 200 Nederlandstalige gedichten van bekende en onbekende auteurs in Bahasa Indonesia vertaalde en publiceerde. Begin 2022 verschijnt een nieuwe bundel: Pelgrimsgrond bij Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer (meer informatie op website:

• magazine

More in: - Book News, Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Hagenaars, Albert

Albert Hagenaars: Verboden Terrein (gedicht)

Verboden Terrein

Spannender dan boeken, een tuin,
was de verwilderde bongerd.

Nog onwetend dwalen in dat domein
van netels en varens, gonzende
dan weer doodstille poelen, van geritsel

in geplet gras, in overvolle loofkuilen,
onder de rok van dennen.

Dan, plots, spitste spel zich toe
op verandering van lijf en leden,
een hem en een haar, knoestend

op de dikste tak van de appelboom.
Glanzend gleed hij nader over de bast.

Jij ervoer eerste verraad, werd één
met de stam. Ik


Albert Hagenaars
Verboden Terrein

# new poetry
by Albert Hagenaars
Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer
ISBN 978-94-93214-32-3
84 pagina’s
Prijs ca. € 17,50
Verschijnt begin 2022

• Albert Hagenaars (Bergen op Zoom, 1955) was aanvankelijk werkzaam als beeldend kunstenaar en galeriehouder. Hij studeerde Nederlands en bracht veel tijd in Frankrijk door. In 1980 koos hij voor de literatuur. Werk van zijn hand verscheen in talrijke bladen en bloemlezingen, waaronder Maatstaf, De Tweede Ronde, Literair Akkoord, Raster, Poëziekrant en ‘De Nederlandse poëzie van de negentiende en twintigste eeuw in 1000 en enige gedichten’. Behalve gedichten, romans en vertalingen schrijft hij ook kritieken over literatuur en moderne beeldende kunst voor tal van bladen. Hagenaars werkt vaak samen met kunstenaars en musici en ook met collega’s uit andere taalgebieden. Enkele van zijn boeken werden vertaald; in het Duits, Frans, Indonesisch en Roemeens. Enkele componisten maakten muziek bij werk van Albert Hagenaars. Hagenaars maakte veel reizen, door o.a. de Verenigde Staten, Latijns-Amerika en het Verre Oosten. De laatste jaren woont hij deels in Indonesië, het geboorteland van zijn vrouw, Siti Wahyuningsih, met wie hij al ruim 200 Nederlandstalige gedichten van bekende en onbekende auteurs in Bahasa Indonesia vertaalde en publiceerde. Begin 2022 verschijnt een nieuwe bundel: Pelgrimsgrond bij Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer (meer informatie op website:

• magazine

More in: - Book News, Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Hagenaars, Albert

The Sound of Blossom Falling: New book of poetry by Vincent Berquez

Vincent Berquez is a poet and artist, living in London with his wife and son. He was born to French parents and attended the French Lycée and Cannock boarding school.

Berquez studied Fine Art at Goldsmith’s; followed by The Camden Institute, where he was taught by Frank Auerbach.

He worked as an artist for many years prior to studying museology and conservation at London University following which he worked as a curator and conserver at various institutions, including the British Museum, and the Louvre.

Berquez has published in Britain, Europe, America and New Zealand. His work is in many anthologies, collections and magazine worldwide. Vincent Berquez was requested to write a Tribute as part of ‘Poems to the American People’ for the Hastings International Poetry Festival for 9/11, read by the mayor of New York at the podium.

He has also been commissioned to write an eulogy by the son of Chief Albert Nwanzi Okoluko, the Ogimma Obi of Ogwashi-Uku to commemorate the death of his father.

Vincent Berquez has been a judge many times, including for Manifold Magazine and had work read as part of Manifold Voices at Waltham Abbey. He has recited many times, including at The Troubadour and the Pitshanger Poets, in London. In 2006 his name was put forward with the Forward Prize for Literature. Recently he was awarded a prize with Decanto Magazine. Berquez is now a member of London Voices who meet monthly in London, U.K

Berquez has also been collaborating in 07/08 with a Scottish composer and US film maker to produce a song-cycle of seven of his poems for mezzo-soprano and solo piano. These are being recorded at the Royal College of Music under the directorship of the concert pianist, Julian Jacobson. In 2009 he contributed 5 poems for the edition of A Generation Defining Itself, as well as 3 poems for Eleftheria Lialios’s book on wax dolls published in Chicago. He also made poetry films that have been shown at various venues, including a Polish/British festival in London, Jan 07.

As an artist Vincent Berquez has exhibited world wide, winning prizes, such as at the Novum Comum 88’ Competition in Como, Italy. He has also worked with an art’s group, called Eins von Hundert, from Cologne, Germany for over 16 years. Berquez has shown his work at the Institute of Art in Chicago, US, as well as many galleries and institutions worldwide.

Recently he showed his paintings at the Lambs Conduit Festival, he took part in a group show called Gazing on Salvation, reciting his poetry for Lent and exhibiting paintings/collages.

He had a one-man show at Sacred Spaces Gallery with his Christian collages in 2007. In 2008 Vincent Berquez had a solo show of paintings at The Foundlings Museum and in 2011 an exposition with new work in Langham Gallery London.

Vincent Berquez has published regularly in magazine for many years.

His book of poetry, called: The Sound of Blossom Falling, was recently published by CyberWit in London.

“The main point about these poems is deep emotion and concrete theme. We notice very impressive ardour of imagination in these poem.”


The Sound of Blossom falling

He talks of her with the simple love of a father,
describing how they walked the verdant path
and along the softness of the hardy hills
entwined in each other’s presence.

He feeds the dialogue of his love of nature
as he gazes and points out
the crisp colours and myriad greens –

he asks if she sees what he sees,
if she hears what he hears –

and as she looks and thinks
with a bright child’s mind
she says ‘I can hear the sound of blossom falling.’

They both stand still and listen for a moment.


The Sound of Blossom Falling
Author: Vincent Berquez
Binding: Paperback
Language: ‎ English
86 pages
Pub. Date: 2021
ISBN-10: ‎9390601096
ISBN-13: ‎978-9390601097
Dimensions: ‎13.97 x 0.56 x 21.59 cm

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Berquez, Vincent

T. S. Eliot Prize 2021 – Shortlist Announced

Last evening the T. S. Eliot Prize 2021 – Shortlist was announced.

It shows an eclectic mixture of established poets, none of whom has previously won the Prize, and relative newcomers.

Judges Glyn Maxwell (Chair), Caroline Bird and Zaffar Kunial have chosen the 2021 T. S. Eliot Prize shortlist from a record 177 poetry collections submitted by British and Irish publishers.

The list comprises one debut collection; work from six men and four women; one American; one poet from Ireland; as well as poets of mixed race ancestry, including Jamaican, Jamaican-Chinese and Zambian. Eight publishers are represented, with two titles from small presses.


Here are the ten poets who have been shortlisted by the judges:

Raymond Antrobus – All the Names Given (Picador)
Raymond Antrobus is the author of To Sweeten Bitter and The Perseverance (Penned in the Margins/Tin House) and All the Names Given (Picador 2021). In 2019 he became the first ever poet to be awarded the Rathbone Folio Prize. Other accolades include the Ted Hughes Award, PBS Winter Choice and Sunday Times Young Writer of the year award, as well as being shortlisted for the Griffin Prize and Forward Prize.

Kayo Chingonyi – A Blood Condition (Chatto & Windus)
Kayo Chingonyi is the author of two pamphlets. His first full-length collection, Kumukanda, (Chatto & Windus 2012) won the Dylan Thomas Prize and a Somerset Maugham Award and was shortlisted for the Costa Poetry Prize and the Seamus Heaney Centre First Poetry Collection Prize. His most recent collection is A Blood Condition (Chatto & Windus 2021).

Victoria Kennefick – Eat Or We Both Starve (Carcanet)
Victoria Kennefick’s pamphlet, White Whale (Southword Editions, 2015), won the Munster Literature Centre Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition and the Saboteur Award for Best Poetry Pamphlet. Her work has appeared in Poetry, The Poetry Review, PN Review, Poetry Ireland Review, The Irish Times, Ambit and elsewhere. Her debut collection Eat Or We Both Starve was published by Carcanet in 2021.

Selima Hill – Men Who Feed Pigeons (Bloodaxe)
Selima Hill is a prodigiously prolific poet, who has produced nineteen books of poetry, all published by Bloodaxe. Her 1997 collection, Violet, was shortlisted for the Forward Poetry Prize, the T. S. Eliot Prize and the Whitbread Poetry Award. Bunny (2001), won the Whitbread Poetry Award, was a Poetry Book Society Choice and was shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize. Her new collection is Men Who Feed Pigeons (Bloodaxe 2021).

Hannah Lowe – The Kids (Bloodaxe)
Hannah Lowe’s first poetry collection Chick (Bloodaxe 2013) won the Michael Murphy Memorial Award for Best First Collection, was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection and the Seamus Heaney Centre Prize for Poetry, and was selected for the Poetry Book Society’s Next Generation Poets 2014 promotion. Her second collection was Chan and her third collection, The Kids, (Bloodaxe 2021) was a Poetry Book Society Choice.

Michael Symmons Roberts – Ransom (Cape Poetry)
Michael Symmons Roberts’s eight poetry collections have all been published by Cape and include Corpus, which was the winner of the 2004 Whitbread Poetry Award, and was shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize, the Forward Prize and the Griffin International Prize. Drysalter was the winner of the 2013 Forward Prize and the Costa Poetry Prize and was shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize. His eighth poetry collection is Ransom (Cape Poetry, 2021).

Daniel Sluman – single window (Nine Arches Press)
Daniel Sluman co-edited the first major UK Disability poetry anthology, Stairs and Whispers: D/deaf and Disabled Poets Write Back, (2017) with Sandra Alland and Khairani Barokka. He has previously published two poetry collections, Absence has a weight of its own (2012) and the terrible (2015), both Nine Arches Press. His third poetry collection, single window, was published in 2021 by Nine Arches Press.

Joelle Taylor – C+nto & Othered Poems (The Westbourne Press)
Joelle Taylor has published four collections of poetry: Ska Tissue (2011, Mother Foucault Press), The Woman Who Was Not There (2014, Burning Eye Books) and Songs My Enemy Taught Me (2017, Out-Spoken Press). She founded SLAMbassadors for the Poetry Society in 2001 and is the host of London’s premier night of poetry and music Out-Spoken. C+not & Othered Poems was published in 2021 by The Westbourne Press.

Jack Underwood – A Year in the New Life (Faber)
Jack Underwood was a winner of the Eric Gregory Award in 2007 and his debut pamphlet was published by Faber as part of the first Faber New Poets series in 2009. His debut poetry collection, Happiness (Faber, 2015), won the Somerset Maugham Award. He is a senior lecturer in English and Creative Writing at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His second collection, A Year in the New Life, was published by Faber in 2021.

Kevin Young – Stones (Cape Poetry)
Kevin Young is the author of fifteen books of poetry and prose, including Brown; Blue Laws: Selected & Uncollected Poems 1995-2015; Book of Hours, Jelly Roll: a blues, Bunk and The Grey Album. He is the Andrew W. Mellon Director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture and the poetry editor of the New Yorker. Stones (Cape 2021) is the first of his poetry collections to be published in the UK.


The T. S. Eliot Prize is run by the T. S. Eliot Foundation. The T. S. Eliot Prize is the most valuable prize in British poetry – the winning poet will receive a cheque for £25,000 and the shortlisted poets will be presented with cheques for £1,500. It is the only major poetry prize which is judged purely by established poets. The 2021 judging panel are looking for the best new poetry collection written in English and published in 2021 in the UK or Ireland.

Chair Glyn Maxwell said:
‘Judging the T. S. Eliot Prize 2021, I am lucky enough to be joined by two of my favourite younger poets, Caroline Bird and Zaffar Kunial. We are delighted with our shortlist, while lamenting all the fine work we had to set aside. Poetry styles are as disparate as I’ve ever known them, and the wider world as threatened and bewildered as any of us can remember. Out of this we have chosen ten books that sound clear and compelling voices – of the moment, yet also below and beyond it. Older and younger, wiser and wilder, well-known and lesser-known, these are the ten voices we think should enter the stage and be heard in the spotlight, changing the story while there’s a story to be changed.’

The T. S. Eliot Prize Shortlist Readings will take place on Sunday 9th January 2022 in the Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall in London as part of its literature programme. The shortlist readings are the largest annual poetry event in the UK and will be hosted once again by Ian McMillan.

Tickets for the Readings in the Royal Festival and the simultaneously streamed event are now on sale from the box office: 0203 879 9555 (Open from 10am – 2pm Monday to Friday). Website:

The winner of the 2021 Prize will be announced at the Award Ceremony on Monday 10th January 2022, where the winner and the shortlisted poets will be presented with their cheques.

Last year’s winner was Bhanu Kapil’s How to Wash a Heart and the judges were Lavinia Greenlaw (chair), Mona Arshi and Andrew McMillan.

The T. S. Eliot Prize, which former Poet Laureate Andrew Motion has described as “the Prize most poets want to win”, is an annual prize for the best new poetry collection published in the UK or Ireland.

T. S. Eliot Prize 2021 – Shortlist Announced
# For more information click for the T S Eliot Prize website

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