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«« Previous page · As If a Phantom Caress’d Me by Walt Whitman · Gustave Roud: ‘Air of Solitude’ followed by ‘Requiem’ · Joseph Roth: Nervenschock · Nanni Balestrini & Primo Moroni: The Golden Horde. Revolutionary Italy, 1960–1977 · The Star by Lola Ridge · Herta Müller: Father’s on the Phone with the Flies. A Selection · This Alaska by Carlie Hoffman (Poetry) · Meet the author: Vincent Berquez · An evening of poetry and art in London with celebrated artist and author Vincent Berquez · George Orwell: Awake! Young Men of England · Sandro Penna: Within the Sweet Noise of Life. Selected Poems · The Essential Muriel Rukeyser, Poems

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As If a Phantom Caress’d Me by Walt Whitman


As If a Phantom Caress’d Me

As if a phantom caress’d me,
I thought I was not alone walking
here by the shore;
But the one I thought was with me as
now I walk by the shore,
the one I loved that caress’d me,
As I lean and look
through the glimmering light,
that one has utterly disappear’d.
And those appear that are hateful to me
and mock me.

Walt Whitman
(1819 – 1892)
Poem: As If a Phantom Caress’d Me

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More in: Archive W-X, Archive W-X, Whitman, Walt

Gustave Roud: ‘Air of Solitude’ followed by ‘Requiem’

Gustave Roud, perhaps the most beloved poet of Swiss Romandy, is widely considered the founder of modern francophone Swiss literature, along with Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz.

Roud lived at his grandfather’s farm in Carrouge, Canton Vaud, for his entire life. In Air of Solitude, the first section of this two-part book, he stalks the structures and fields of his youth, composing memories out of his landscape.

The narrator appears homegrown, expressing nostalgia for what is already in front of him. Yet, like an outsider, he remains distinctly elsewhere, unable to participate in the workday rituals of the men around him—a stalking shadow of unfulfilled yearning for affection and belonging. Air of Solitude explores the rural bodies and lives of the Vaudois, returning again and again to the desired male laborer Aimé.

Between each section of Air of Solitude, Roud inserts short vignettes that provide fleeting and lyrical images that resemble allusions to half-forgotten memories. However, Roud leaves the relationship between the titled sections and the interludes ambiguous.

As the book concludes with Requiem, the remnants of narrative shatter, leaving behind only the spectral tatters of memory as Roud confronts the enigma of loss in peerless, jewel-studded elegiac prose. With these two tales, Roud revives the pastoral tradition and injects it with distinctly modernist anxiety and disillusionment.

‘Gustave Roud made all of French-speaking Switzerland dream poetically upon itself, the land that welcomed European Romanticism from Rousseau to Byron, from Lamartine to Shelley. His poetry could seem idyllic, sustained by an ethereal figure of constantly conflicted desires (more or less unspeakable, always displayed), and a moral, sacrificial figure inspired, above all, by Novalis and Hölderlin.’—Antonio Rodriguez, University of Lausanne

Gustave Roud (1897–1976) was a major Swiss poet and photographer whose neoromantic poetic prose influenced a generation of poets including Maurice Chappaz and Philippe Jaccottet. His works include Ecrits (1950) and Campagne perdue (1972). He also translated German writers including Rilke, Hölderlin and Novalis.

Gustave Roud
‘Air of Solitude’ Followed by ‘Requiem’
Translated by Alexander Dickow and Sean T. Reynolds
ISBN: 9780857426871
Pages: 172
Rights: UCP
Publication Year: 2020
Format: Hardback
Size: 5″ x 8″
Publisher: Seagull Books

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R

Joseph Roth: Nervenschock


Seht her: In einem Zauberknäul gebannt
schlottert und taumelt er an schwanker Krücke,
bald hart am Pflasterrand und bald zurück
prallt klappernd sein Gebein an rauher Wand.

Und aller Augen sind ihm zugewandt:
der frechen Neugier und des Mitleids Blick – –
ein Kind, das spielt, hält mitten still im Glücke,
als blick’ es plötzlich in ein dunkles Land . . .

Oh, seht ihn an! In graues Tuch gewandet,
der Menscheit Heldentum in torkelndem Zick-Zack
zwei Kreuzchen scheppern und zwei Bänder
fliegen – – –
Im roten Meer von Blut und Siegen
ist des Jahrhunderts stolzes Schiff gestrandet –
und das ist Euer Wrack! . . .

Joseph Roth
(1894 – 1939)
Prager Tagblatt – 6.10.1918

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More in: Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R, Joseph Roth

Nanni Balestrini & Primo Moroni: The Golden Horde. Revolutionary Italy, 1960–1977

The Golden Horde is a definitive work on the Italian revolutionary movements of the 1960s and ’70s.

An anthology of texts and fragments woven together with an original commentary, the volume widens our understanding of the full complexity and richness of this period of radical thought and practice.

The book covers the generational turbulence of Italy’s postwar period, the transformations of Italian capitalism, the new analyses by worker-focused intellectuals, the student movement of 1968, the Hot Autumn of 1969, the extra-parliamentary groups of the early 1970s, the Red Brigades, the formation of a radical women’s movement, the development of Autonomia, and the build-up to the watershed moment of the spontaneous political movement of 1977.

Far from being merely a handbook of political history, The Golden Horde also sheds light on two decades of Italian culture, including the newspapers, songs, journals, festivals, comics, and philosophy that these movements produced.

The book features writings by Sergio Bologna, Umberto Eco, Elvio Fachinelli, Lea Melandri, Danilo Montaldi, Toni Negri, Raniero Panzieri, Franco Piperno, Rossana Rossanda, Paolo Virno, and others, as well as an in-depth introduction by translator Richard Braude outlining the work’s composition and development.

Nanni Balestrini (1935–2019) was an Italian poet, experimental writer, visual artist and founding member of both the avant-garde Gruppo ’63 and the revolutionary organization Potere Operio.

Primo Moroni (1936–1998) was an Italian writer, activist and archivist. Founder of the Calusca bookshop in Milan, for decades he was a point of reference for radical movements and subcultures across Italy.

Richard Braude lives in Palermo, Italy. His translations include works by Nanni Balestrini, Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Antonio Negri and Rossana Rossanda.

The Golden Horde
Revolutionary Italy, 1960–1977
by Nanni Balestrini and Primo Moroni
Translated by Richard Braude
ISBN: 9780857427465
Pages: 690
Publication Year: May 2021
Size: 6″ x 9″
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Seagull Books

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, #Modern Poetry Archive, - Book News, Archive A-B, Archive M-N, Art & Literature News

The Star by Lola Ridge



The Star

Last night
I watched a star fall like a great pearl into the sea,
Till my ego expanding encompassed sea and star,
Containing both as in a trembling cup.

Lola Ridge
The Star

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More in: Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R, Ridge, Lola

Herta Müller: Father’s on the Phone with the Flies. A Selection

To create the poems in this collection, Nobel Prize–winner Herta Müller cut up countless newspapers and magazines in search of striking phrases, words, or even fragments of words, which she then arranged in a the form of a collage.

Father’s on the Phone with the Flies presents 73 of Müller’s collage poems for the first time in English translation, alongside full-colour reproductions of the originals.

Müller takes full advantage of the collage form, generating poems rich in wordplay, ambiguity and startling, surreal metaphors—the disruption and dislocation at their core rendered visible through stark contrasts in colour, font and type size.

Liberating words from conformity and coercion, Müller renders them fresh and invests them forcefully with personal experience.

Herta Müller was born in a German-speaking community in western Romania in 1953. She published her first collection of short stories in 1982. In 1987, she left Romania for West Berlin, where she continued to write and publish. She has been awarded numerous prizes, including the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Herta Müller
Father’s on the Phone with the Flies
A Selection
Translated by Thomas Cooper
ISBN: 9781803090450
Pages: 200 pages
73 colour plates
Publication Year: 2022
Format: Paperback
Size: 5 x 8
Rights: UCP
Series: The Seagull Library of German Literature
Category: Poetry

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, - Book News, Archive M-N, Archive M-N, Awards & Prizes

This Alaska by Carlie Hoffman (Poetry)

To live in an Alaska of the mind is to map the imagined cartography of winter on all that is physical.



To dwell perpetually in a symbolic cold, and to emerge, with grace, unscathed. This book questions what it means to live and love in such a buried season.

This Alaska interrogates all that emotional and physical intimacy cannot salvage or keep warm. Death and dreams are at the very center of this book. But life — and all it entails and circles and loses and loves — is at its heart.

Carlie Hoffman is a poet and translator from New Jersey. Her honors include a 92Y Discovery Prize and a Poets & Writers Amy Award. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Small Orange Journal. This Alaska is her first book. She lives in New York City.

This Alaska
by Carlie Hoffman
Publisher: ‎ Four Way Books
15 september 2021
76 pages
ISBN-10: ‎ 1945588926
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1945588921
€ 21,36

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, Archive G-H, Archive G-H

Meet the author: Vincent Berquez

More in: Archive A-B, Berquez, Vincent, Literary Events, Vincent Berquez

An evening of poetry and art in London with celebrated artist and author Vincent Berquez

An evening of poetry and art with celebrated local author Vincent Berquez.

Vincent Berquez is an Anglo-French Balham based artist and poet. He has exhibited his artwork worldwide and is published in Britain, Europe, America and New Zealand.

Vincent will be reading from his latest book, ‘The Sound of Blossom Falling’.

Thu, 15 September 2022
19:00 – 21:00 BST

Balham Library
16 Ramsden Road
SW12 8QY
United Kingdom

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book Lovers, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Berquez, Vincent, FDM in London, Literary Events, Vincent Berquez

George Orwell: Awake! Young Men of England


Awake! Young Men of England

OH! give me the strength of the Lion,
The wisdom of reynard the Fox
And then I’ll hurl troops at the Germans
And give them the hardest of knocks.

Oh! think of the War Lord’s mailed fist,
That is striking at England today:
And think of the lives that our soldiers
Are fearlessly throwing away.

Awake! Oh you young men of England,
For if, when your Country’s in need,
You do not enlist by the thousand,
You truly are cowards indeed.

George Orwell
(1903 – 1950)
Awake! Young Men of England

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More in: Archive O-P, Archive O-P, George Orwell, Orwell, George

Sandro Penna: Within the Sweet Noise of Life. Selected Poems

Widely considered to be among the most important Italian poets of the twentieth century, Sandro Penna was born and raised in Perugia but spent most of his life in Rome.

Openly gay, Penna wrote verses celebrating homosexual love with lyrical elegance.

His writing alternates between whimsy and melancholia, but it is always full of light.

Juggling traditional Italian prosody and subject matter with their gritty urban opposites in taut, highly concentrated poems, Penna’s lyrics revel in love and the eruption of Eros together with the extraordinary that can be found within simple everyday life.

There is something ancient in Penna’s poetry, and something Etruscan or Greek about the poems, though the landscape is most often of Rome: sensual yet severe, sinuous yet solid, inscrutable, intangible and languorous, with a Sphinx-like and sun-soaked smile.

Penna’s city is eternal—a mythically decadent Rome that brings to mind Paris or Alexandria. And though the echoes resound—from Rimbaud, Verlaine, Baudelaire to Leopardi, D’Annunzio, Cavafy—the voice is always undeniably and wonderfully Penna’s own.

Sandro Penna (1906–77) was an Italian poet. During his life, he was awarded two of Italy’s most important literary awards, the Premio Viareggio and the Premio Bagutta. His work has been translated into many languages, including English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish, and has appeared in numerous anthologies of Italian poetry.

Alexander Booth is a writer and translator and the recipient of a 2012 PEN Translation Fund grant for his translations of Lutz Seiler.

Sandro Penna
Within the Sweet Noise of Life
Selected Poems
Translated by Alexander Booth
ISBN: 9780857427878
Format: Hardback
Pages: 96
Rights: UCP
Publication Year: March 2021
Size: 5″ x 8.5″
Publisher: Seagull Books

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, Archive O-P, Archive O-P, LGBT+ (lhbt+)

The Essential Muriel Rukeyser, Poems

The definitive edition of selected work from a poet whose influence continues to be widely felt today, introduced by Natasha Trethewey

Engaging closely with the violence, oppression, and injustice that she witnessed in her lifetime, Muriel Rukeyser was one of the seminal poets of the mid-twentieth century.

Closely informed by issues relating to equality, social justice, feminism, and Judaism, her impassioned poetry was often seen as a mode of social protest, but it was also heralded for its deep emotional impact; its personal perspective; forthright discussion of the female experience, particularly sex and single parenthood at a time when these topics were largely taboo; and its wide-ranging exploration of genre and form.

As Adrienne Rich wrote: “Muriel Rukeyser’s poetry is unequalled in the twentieth-century United States…She pushes us…to enlarge our sense of what poetry is about in the world, and of the place of feelings and memory in politics.”

The Essential Muriel Rukeyser represents the curation of Rukeyser’s most enduring and urgent work, gathered in one volume that spans the many decades of her life and career, and with an introduction from Natasha Trethewey, one of our most important contemporary poets.

‘This posthumous collection affirms Rukeyser’s importance as a poet of witness.’ — New York Times

The Essential Muriel Rukeyser
By Muriel Rukeyser
Foreword by Natasha Trethewey
ISBN: 9780062985491
ISBN 10: 0062985493
Imprint: Ecco
Trimsize: 6x7in
Pages: 224 pages

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