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Gulden Sporen
Negentienhonderd Zestien
In dertienhonderd en twee
beken naar de stroom, stromen naar de zee,
zó de verdedigers van het vlaamse-gemeente-sisteem, sterk in de strijd,
wal, tegen de aanval van de franse leenroerigheid;
zee-wal, pal, als de Rode Zee ten tijde van de Eksode
was, tocht van godsvolk naar Kanaäan, tocht der Joden.
Maar negentienhonderd zestien
zal, zij aan zij,
pal, rij op rij,
het aktieve leger groeien zien,
tot een wil en tot een daad,
gekromd de rug en vuist gebald, die de vijand slaat
en de nacht; breekt de dag door dageraad.
Negentienhonderd zestien, jaar dat woord werd,
woord dat vlees werd,
leger van ons land,
wachtersdaad bij wachterswoord en -hand.
Vastberaân, wij staan
in kamp. Wij staan.
… Ik en de stad …
Paul van Ostaijen
(1896 – 1928)
Gulden Sporen
Negentienhonderd Zestien
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive O-P, Archive O-P, Ostaijen, Paul van, Paul van Ostaijen
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Poema visual: Scissors
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida, Curitiba, Brazil (1964).
Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida cv:
Curitiba, Brazil (1964). Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist. – He has published in numerous anthologies and specialized magazines in Brazil and outside; participated in exhibitions of visual poetry as International Biennial of Visual and Alternative Poetry in Mexico (editions from 1987 to 2010); Post-Art International Exhibition of Visual / Experimental Poetry, San Diego State University-USA (1988); 51 and 53 Venice Biennial (2005 and 2009). – He published in 2007 the book Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida with a global vision about his work as a visual artist and poet. – This book was incorporated into the “Artist Books” collection of the New York City Library (USA). – Author of the CD of kinetic visual poems (EU) NI/IN VERSO (still unpublished). – He presented urban interventions in Curitiba, San Diego, Seattle, New York, Paris, Rome. – In 2014 and 2015 visual poems published in the Rampike experimental literature magazine of the University of Windsor, Canada. – He recently had his poems published in Jornal Candido (n. 64) and Relevo (2015 and 2016), and in 2017 in: fleursdumal.nl magazine for art & literature (www.fleursdumal.nl).
More about his work:
Livro eletrônico http://issuu.com/boek861/docs/sergio_monteiro_libro;
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de artes visuais www.itaucultural.com.br;
Videos no Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SergioMAlmeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Curitiba – PR – Brazil
email: sergio.ma@ufpr.br
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive M-N, EXPERIMENTAL POETRY, Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Poema visual: Pair of vases #2
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida, Curitiba, Brazil (1964).
Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida cv:
Curitiba, Brazil (1964). Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist. – He has published in numerous anthologies and specialized magazines in Brazil and outside; participated in exhibitions of visual poetry as International Biennial of Visual and Alternative Poetry in Mexico (editions from 1987 to 2010); Post-Art International Exhibition of Visual / Experimental Poetry, San Diego State University-USA (1988); 51 and 53 Venice Biennial (2005 and 2009). – He published in 2007 the book Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida with a global vision about his work as a visual artist and poet. – This book was incorporated into the “Artist Books” collection of the New York City Library (USA). – Author of the CD of kinetic visual poems (EU) NI/IN VERSO (still unpublished). – He presented urban interventions in Curitiba, San Diego, Seattle, New York, Paris, Rome. – In 2014 and 2015 visual poems published in the Rampike experimental literature magazine of the University of Windsor, Canada. – He recently had his poems published in Jornal Candido (n. 64) and Relevo (2015 and 2016), and in 2017 in: fleursdumal.nl magazine for art & literature (www.fleursdumal.nl).
More about his work:
Livro eletrônico http://issuu.com/boek861/docs/sergio_monteiro_libro;
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de artes visuais www.itaucultural.com.br;
Videos no Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SergioMAlmeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Curitiba – PR – Brazil
email: sergio.ma@ufpr.br
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive M-N, EXPERIMENTAL POETRY, Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Poema visual: AR_dor (Air_ ache= ardor), for me this is the summary of these pandemic times
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida, Curitiba, Brazil (1964).
Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida cv:
Curitiba, Brazil (1964). Intermedia visual poet and conceptual artist. – He has published in numerous anthologies and specialized magazines in Brazil and outside; participated in exhibitions of visual poetry as International Biennial of Visual and Alternative Poetry in Mexico (editions from 1987 to 2010); Post-Art International Exhibition of Visual / Experimental Poetry, San Diego State University-USA (1988); 51 and 53 Venice Biennial (2005 and 2009). – He published in 2007 the book Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida with a global vision about his work as a visual artist and poet. – This book was incorporated into the “Artist Books” collection of the New York City Library (USA). – Author of the CD of kinetic visual poems (EU) NI/IN VERSO (still unpublished). – He presented urban interventions in Curitiba, San Diego, Seattle, New York, Paris, Rome. – In 2014 and 2015 visual poems published in the Rampike experimental literature magazine of the University of Windsor, Canada. – He recently had his poems published in Jornal Candido (n. 64) and Relevo (2015 and 2016), and in 2017 in: fleursdumal.nl magazine for art & literature (www.fleursdumal.nl).
More about his work:
Livro eletrônico http://issuu.com/boek861/docs/sergio_monteiro_libro;
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de artes visuais www.itaucultural.com.br;
Videos no Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SergioMAlmeida
Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Curitiba – PR – Brazil
email: sergio.ma@ufpr.br
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Archive M-N, EXPERIMENTAL POETRY, Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida
Winde klatschen.
Dein Lachen weht.
Greifen Fassen
Balgen Zwingen
August Stramm
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Stramm, August, Stramm, August, WAR & PEACE
Die Stadt
Ich sah den Mond und des Ägäischen
Grausamen Meeres tausendfachen Pomp.
All meine Pfade rangen mit der Nacht.
Doch sieben Fackeln waren mein Geleit
Durch Wolken glühend, jedem Sieg bereit.
“Darf ich dem Nichts erliegen, darf mich quälen
Der Städte weiten Städte böser Wind?
Da ich zerbrach den öden Tag des Lebens!”
Verschollene Fahrten! Eure Siege sind
Zu lange schon verflackt. Ah! helle Flöten
Und Geigen tönen meinen Gram vergebens.
Jakob van Hoddis
(1887 – 1942)
Die Stadt (Gedicht)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Hoddis, Jakob van
C’est Lou
Qu’on La Nommait
Il est des loups de toute sorte
Je connais le plus inhumain
Mon cœur que le diable l’emporte
Et qu’il le dépose à sa porte
N’est plus qu’un jouet dans sa main
Les loups jadis étaient fidèles
Comme sont les petits toutous
Et les soldats amants des belles
Galamment en souvenir d’elles
Ainsi que les loups étaient doux
Mais aujourd’hui les temps sont pires
Les loups sont tigres devenus
Et les Soldats et les Empires
Les Césars devenus Vampires
Sont aussi cruels que Vénus
J’en ai pris mon parti Rouveyre
Et monté sur mon grand cheval
Je vais bientôt partir en guerre
Sans pitié chaste et l’œil sévère
Comme ces guerriers qu’Epinal
Vendait Images populaires
Que Georgin gravait dans le bois
Où sont-ils ces beaux militaires
Soldats passés Où sont les guerres
Où sont les guerres d’autrefois
Guillaume Apollinaire
(1880 – 1918)
C’est Lou Qu’on La Nommait
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Apollinaire, Guillaume, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Guillaume Apollinaire
Mein blaues Klavier
Ich habe zu Hause ein blaues Klavier
Und kenne doch keine Note.
Es steht im Dunkel der Kellertür,
Seitdem die Welt verrohte.
Es spielten Sternenhände vier
-Die Mondfrau sang im Boote-
Nun tanzen die Ratten im Geklirr.
Zerbrochen ist die Klaviatür…..
Ich beweine die blaue Tote.
Ach liebe Engel öffnet mir
-Ich aß vom bitteren Brote-
Mir lebend schon die Himmelstür-
Auch wider dem Verbote.
Else Lasker-Schüler
(1869 – 1945)
Mein blaues Klavier
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Lasker-Schüler, Else
Es wird ein großer Stern in meinen Schoß fallen …
Wir wollen wachen die Nacht,
In den Sprachen beten,
Die wie Harfen eingeschnitten sind.
Wir wollen uns versöhnen die Nacht –
So viel Gott strömt über.
Kinder sind unsere Herzen,
Die möchten ruhen müdesüß.
Und unsere Lippen wollen sich küssen,
Was zagst du?
Grenzt nicht mein Herz an deins –
Immer färbt dein Blut meine Wangen rot.
Wir wollen uns versöhnen die Nacht,
Wenn wir uns herzen, sterben wir nicht.
Es wird ein großer Stern in meinen Schoß fallen.
Else Lasker-Schüler
(1869 – 1945)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Lasker-Schüler, Else
Forschen Fragen
Du trägst Antwort
Fliehen Fürchten
Du stehst Mut!
Stank und Unrat
Du breitst Reine
Falsch und Tücke
Du lachst Recht!
Wahn Verzweiflung
Du schmiegst Selig
Tod und Elend
Du wärmst Reich!
Hoch und Abgrund
Du bogst Wege
Hölle Teufel
Du siegst Gott!
August Stramm
•fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Stramm, August, Stramm, August, WAR & PEACE
Der Marsch
Rum und Trum
Rum und Trum
“Potz Kerle! hebt die Beine!”
Rum und Trum
Rum und Trum
“Verfluchte Sonne!” … Schweine!
Flüt und Tü
Flüt und Tü
“Der Brand! … die heiße Kehle!”
Flüt und Tü
Flüt und Tü
“Wie lang noch das Gequäle?!”
“Ei schaut! bläht dort das Röckchen!”
“Verteufelt steht das Böckchen!”
Rum und Trum
“Wie blinkt das Dörfchen heiter!”
Flüt und Tü
Und “weiter! weiter! weiter!”
August Stramm
Der Marsch
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Stramm, August, Stramm, August, WAR & PEACE
How do you begin a future that has essentially already ended, separated from your home, your language and yourself by a stretch of water? Kurt Schwitters is forty-nine years old when the Nazis force him to flee Germany. His success, work, possessions, parents, and wife Helma stay behind – and art gives way to the art of survival.
Schwitters’s second life in a foreign language begins in Norway, then takes him to London and finally to the Lake District. Wantee, the new woman at his side, keeps him on course and his head above water, even when the word artist falls silent. With his Merzbau installation, Schwitters has discovered a new way to capture sky and serenity, shimmering meadows and transparent air. He is ludicrously disciplined, to the point of exhaustion. As we watch him at work, we learn that art doesn’t interpret the world: It translates it into forms that move us.
In Schwitters in the Lakes, Ulrike Draesner follows the writer and artist Kurt Schwitters into exile, giving voice to Kurt, his wife, his son and his lover. Through a virtuoso blend of fact and fiction, she has created a panorama of a time when the struggle for freedom and art was renewed in the face of a world on fire.
A profound yet witty novel about the power of art in dark times.
Ulrike Draesner, born in 1962, is a lyricist, novelist and essayist. She studied English, German and philosophy and has worked as an academic, translator and editor. She has published poetry collections, short stories, and novels, and held posts at several renowned universities such as the Swiss Literature Institute in Biel. She was a Visiting Fellow at New College, Oxford and at the Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities and is professor for German Literature and Creative Writing at the Deutsche Literaturinstitut Leipzig. Ulrike Draesner has received numerous awards.
Ulrike Draesner
Schwitters in the Lakes
Hardcover with jacket
480 pages
13.5 x 21.5 cm
Publishing House: Penguin
ISBN: 978-3-328-60126-5
Date of publication: August 24, 2020
€ 25.00
# new novel
Schwitters in the Lakes
Kurt Schwitters (1887 – 1948)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: - Book News, Archive C-D, Archive S-T, DADA, Kurt Schwitters, Kurt Schwitters, Schwitters, Kurt
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