
  1. Oscar Wilde: Symphony In Yellow
  2. That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America by Amanda Jones
  3. When You Are Old and grey by William Butler Yeats
  4. Katy Hessel: The Story of Art without Men
  5. Alice Loxton: Eighteen. A History of Britain in 18 Young Lives
  6. Oscar Wilde: Ballade De Marguerite
  7. Anita Berber: Kokain
  8. Arthur Rimbaud: Bannières de mai
  9. Algernon Charles Swinburne: The Complaint of Lisa
  10. The Revelation by Coventry Patmore
  11. Guillaume Apollinaire: Annie
  12. Oscar Wilde: The Garden of Eros
  13. The Song of the Wreck by Charles Dickens
  14. Guillaume Apollinaire: Poème 1909
  15. There was an Old Man with a Beard by Edward Lear
  16. Modern Love: XXIX by George Meredith
  17. Insomnia by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  18. Arthur Rimbaud: Départ
  19. ‘Yours Truly’ in Nahmad Contemporary New York
  20. The Toys by Coventry Patmore
  21. ‘Keen, fitful gusts . . . ’ by John Keats
  22. Lustwarande 2024
  23. Giosuè Carducci: Dante
  24. Low Barometer by Robert Bridges
  25. Bert Bevers: Het plezier van de liplezer
  26. La Chambrée de nuit par Arthur Rimbaud
  27. Maddalena Vaglio Tanet: Ballade van het bos
  28. Giosuè Carducci: Petrarca
  29. Gedicht: Märchen von Gertrud Kolmar
  30. Thaw by Lola Ridge
  31. Bert Bevers: Model
  32. Paul Bezembinder: Tristram en Isolde
  33. All Alone by Eliza Paul Kirkbride Gurney
  34. Giosuè Carducci: Madrigal
  35. Spring Rain by Sara Teasdale


  5. EXHIBITION – art, art history, photos, paintings, drawings, sculpture, ready-mades, video, performing arts, collages, gallery, etc.
  6. FICTION & NON-FICTION – books, booklovers, lit. history, biography, essays, translations, short stories, columns, literature: celtic, beat, travesty, war, dada & de stijl, drugs, dead poets
  7. FLEURSDUMAL POETRY LIBRARY – classic, modern, experimental & visual & sound poetry, poetry in translation, city poets, poetry archive, pre-raphaelites, editor's choice, etc.
  8. LITERARY NEWS & EVENTS – art & literature news, in memoriam, festivals, city-poets, writers in Residence
  10. MUSEUM OF LOST CONCEPTS – invisible poetry, conceptual writing, spurensicherung
  11. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY – department of ravens & crows, birds of prey, riding a zebra, spring, summer, autumn, winter
  13. MUSIC
  16. STORY ARCHIVE – olv van de veestraat, reading room, tales for fellow citizens
  19. TOMBEAU DE LA JEUNESSE – early death: writers, poets & artists who died young
  20. ULTIMATE LIBRARY – danse macabre, ex libris, grimm & co, fairy tales, art of reading, tales of mystery & imagination, sherlock holmes theatre, erotic poetry, ideal women
  21. WAR & PEACE
  22. ·


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Edmond Rostand: Le Petit Chat

Le Petit Chat

C’est un petit chat noir effronté comme un page,
Je le laisse jouer sur ma table souvent.
Quelquefois il s’assied sans faire de tapage,
On dirait un joli pressepapier vivant.

Rien en lui, pas un poil de son velours ne bouge ;
Longtemps, il reste là, noir sur un feuillet blanc,
A ces minets tirant leur langue de drap rouge,
Qu’on fait pour essuyer les plumes, ressemblant.

Quand il s’amuse, il est extrêmement comique,
Pataud et gracieux, tel un ourson drôlet.
Souvent je m’accroupis pour suivre sa mimique
Quand on met devant lui la soucoupe de lait.

Tout d’abord de son nez délicat il le flaire,
La frôle, puis, à coups de langue très petits,
Il le happe ; et dès lors il est à son affaire
Et l’on entend, pendant qu’il boit, un clapotis.

Il boit, bougeant la queue et sans faire une pause,
Et ne relève enfin son joli museau plat
Que lorsqu’il a passé sa langue rêche et rose
Partout, bien proprement débarbouillé le plat.

Alors il se pourlèche un moment les moustaches,
Avec l’air étonné d’avoir déjà fini.
Et comme il s’aperçoit qu’il s’est fait quelques taches,
Il se lisse à nouveau, lustre son poil terni.

Ses yeux jaunes et bleus sont comme deux agates ;
Il les ferme à demi, parfois, en reniflant,
Se renverse, ayant pris son museau dans ses pattes,
Avec des airs de tigre étendu sur le flanc.

Edmond Rostand
Le Petit Chat

• magazine

More in: Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R, Natural history

William Blake: To Tirzah


To Tirzah

Whate’er is born of mortal birth
Must be consumed with the earth,
To rise from generation free:
Then what have I to do with thee?

The sexes sprang from shame and pride,
Blown in the morn, in evening died;
But mercy changed death into sleep;
The sexes rose to work and weep.

Thou, mother of my mortal part,
With cruelty didst mould my heart,
And with false self-deceiving tears
Didst bind my nostrils, eyes, and ears,

Didst close my tongue in senseless clay,
And me to mortal life betray.
The death of Jesus set me free:
Then what have I to do with thee?

William Blake
(1757 – 1827)
To Tirzah

• magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Blake, William, Tales of Mystery & Imagination

Mrs. Sigourne: Birds of Grace

Birds of Grace

O little birds of grace,
To-day ye sweetly sing,
Yea, make my heart your nesting-place,
And all your gladness bring.

When ye are in my heart,
How swiftly pass the days!
The fears and doubts of life depart,
And leave their room to praise.

My work I find as play,
And all day long rejoice;
But, if I linger on my way,
I hear this warning voice:

_With fervor work and pray,
And let not coldness come,
Or birds of grace will fly away
To seek a warmer home_.

Mrs. Sigourne
(Lydia Huntley Sigourney,
1791 – 1865)
Birds of Grace

• magazine

More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, CLASSIC POETRY

Geen boekenweek, maar wel een week vol boeken (6 t/m 14 maart 2021)

More in: - Book Lovers, - Book News, - Bookstores, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Boekenweek

Helen Leah Reed: Serbia



Serbia, valiant daughter of the Ages,
Happiness and light should be thy portion!
Yet thy day is dimmed, thine heart is heavy;
Long hast thou endured–a little longer
Bear thy burden, for a fair to-morrow
Soon will gleam upon thy flower-spread valleys,
Soon will brighten all thy shadowy mountains;
Soon will sparkle on thy foaming torrents
Rushing toward the world beyond thy rivers.
Bulgar, Turk and Magyar long assailed thee.
Now the Teuton’s cruel hand is on thee
Though he break thy heart and rack thy body,
‘Tis not his to crush thy lofty spirit.
Serbia cannot die. She lives immortal,
Serbia–all thy loyal men bring comfort
Fighting, fighting, and thy far-flung banner
Blazons to the world thy high endeavor,
–This thy strife for brotherhood and freedom–
Like an air-free bird unknowing bondage,
Soaring far from carnage, smoke and tumult,
Serbia–thy soul shall live forever!
Serbia, undaunted is, immortal!

Helen Leah Reed

• magazine

More in: #More Poetry Archives, Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R

Charles Baudelaire: Le Vin de l’assassin


Le Vin de l’assassin

Ma femme est morte, je suis libre!
Je puis donc boire tout mon soûl.
Lorsque je rentrais sans un sou,
Ses cris me déchiraient la fibre.

Autant qu’un roi je suis heureux;
L’air est pur, le ciel admirable…
Nous avions un été semblable
Lorsque j’en devins amoureux!

L’horrible soif qui me déchire
Aurait besoin pour s’assouvir
D’autant de vin qu’en peut tenir
Son tombeau; — ce n’est pas peu dire:

Je l’ai jetée au fond d’un puits,
Et j’ai même poussé sur elle
Tous les pavés de la margelle.
— Je l’oublierai si je le puis!

Au nom des serments de tendresse,
Dont rien ne peut nous délier,
Et pour nous réconcilier
Comme au beau temps de notre ivresse,

J’implorai d’elle un rendez-vous,
Le soir, sur une route obscure.
Elle y vint — folle créature!
Nous sommes tous plus ou moins fous!

Elle était encore jolie,
Quoique bien fatiguée! et moi,
Je l’aimais trop! voilà pourquoi
Je lui dis: Sors de cette vie!

Nul ne peut me comprendre. Un seul
Parmi ces ivrognes stupides
Songea-t-il dans ses nuits morbides
À faire du vin un linceul?

Cette crapule invulnérable
Comme les machines de fer
Jamais, ni l’été ni l’hiver,
N’a connu l’amour véritable,

Avec ses noirs enchantements,
Son cortège infernal d’alarmes,
Ses fioles de poison, ses larmes,
Ses bruits de chaîne et d’ossements!

— Me voilà libre et solitaire!
Je serai ce soir ivre mort;
Alors, sans peur et sans remords,
Je me coucherai sur la terre,

Et je dormirai comme un chien!
Le chariot aux lourdes roues
Chargé de pierres et de boues,
Le wagon enragé peut bien

Ecraser ma tête coupable
Ou me couper par le milieu,
Je m’en moque comme de Dieu,
Du Diable ou de la Sainte Table!

Charles Baudelaire
Le Vin de l’assassin

• magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Baudelaire, Baudelaire, Charles

Friedrich Hölderlin: Da ich ein Knabe war…

Da ich ein Knabe war…

Da ich ein Knabe war,
Rettet′ ein Gott mich oft
Vom Geschrei und der Ruthe der Menschen,
Da spielt′ ich sicher und gut
Mit den Blumen des Hains,
Und die Lüftchen des Himmels
Spielten mit mir.

Und wie du das Herz
Der Pflanzen erfreust,
Wenn sie entgegen dir
Die zarten Arme streken,

So hast du mein Herz erfreut
Vater Helios! und, wie Endymion,
War ich dein Liebling,
Heilige Luna!

Oh all ihr treuen
Freundlichen Götter!
Daß ihr wüßtet,
Wie euch meine Seele geliebt!

Zwar damals rieff ich noch nicht
Euch mit Nahmen, auch ihr
Nanntet mich nie, wie die Menschen sich nennen
Als kennten sie sich.

Doch kannt′ ich euch besser,
Als ich je die Menschen gekannt,
Ich verstand die Stille des Aethers
Der Menschen Worte verstand ich nie.

Mich erzog der Wohllaut
Des säuselnden Hains
Und lieben lernt′ ich
Unter den Blumen.

Im Arme der Götter wuchs ich groß.

Friedrich Hölderlin
(1770 – 1843)
Da ich ein Knabe war…


• magazine

More in: Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Hölderlin, Friedrich

Wilhelm Hauff: Grabgesang, Gedicht


Vor des Friedhofs dunkler Pforte
Bleiben Leid und Schmerzen stehn,
Dringen nicht zum heil’gen Orte,
Wo die sel’gen Geister gehn,
Wo nach heißer Tage Glut
Unser Freund in Frieden ruht.

Zu des Himmels Wolkentoren
Schwang die Seele sich hinan,
Fern von Schmerzen, neu geboren,
Geht sie auf — die Sternenbahn;
Auch vor jenen heil’gen Höhn
Bleiben Leid und Schmerzen stehn.

Sehnsucht gießet ihre Zähren
Auf den Hügel, wo er ruht;
Doch ein Hauch aus jenen Sphären
Füllt das Herz mit neuem Mut;
Nicht zur Gruft hinab — hinan,
Aufwärts ging des Freundes Bahn.

Drum auf des Gesanges Schwingen
Steigen wir zu ihm empor,
Unsre Trauertöne dringen
Aufwärts zu der Sel’gen Chor,
Tragen ihm in stille Ruh’
Unsre letzten Grüße zu.

Wilhelm Hauff
(1802 – 1827)
Grabgesang, Gedicht

• magazine

More in: Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Galerie des Morts, Hauff, Hauff, Wilhelm, Tales of Mystery & Imagination

Mary Gardiner Horsford: Madeline. A Legend Of The Mohawk


Madeline. A Legend Of The Mohawk

Where the waters of the Mohawk
Through a quiet valley glide,
From the brown church to her dwelling
She that morning passed a bride.
In the mild light of October
Beautiful the forest stood,
As the temple on Mount Zion
When God filled its solitude.

Very quietly the red leaves,
On the languid zephyr’s breath,
Fluttered to the mossy hillocks
Where their sisters slept in death:
And the white mist of the Autumn
Hung o’er mountain-top and dale,
Soft and filmy, as the foldings
Of the passing bridal veil.

From the field of Saratoga
At the last night’s eventide,
Rode the groom, – a gallant soldier
Flushed with victory and pride,
Seeking, as a priceless guerdon
From the dark-eyed Madeline,
Leave to lead her to the altar
When the morrow’s sun should shine.

All the children of the village,
Decked with garland’s white and red,
All the young men and the maidens,
Had been forth to see her wed;
And the aged people, seated
In the doorways ‘neath the vine,
Thought of their own youth and blessed her,
As she left the house divine.

Pale she was, but very lovely,
With a brow so calm and fair,
When she passed, the benediction
Seemed still falling on the air.
Strangers whispered they had never
Seen who could with her compare,
And the maidens looked with envy
On her wealth of raven hair.

In the glen beside the river
In the shadow of the wood,
With wide-open doors for welcome
Gamble-roofed the cottage stood;
Where the festal board was waiting,
For the bridal guests prepared,
Laden with a feast, the humblest
In the little village shared.

Every hour was winged with gladness
While the sun went down the west,
Till the chiming of the church-bell
Told to all the hour for rest:
Then the merry guests departed,
Some a camp’s rude couch to bide,
Some to bright homes, – each invoking
Blessings on the gentle bride.

Tranquilly the morning sunbeam
Over field and hamlet stole,
Wove a glory round each red leaf,
Then effaced the Frost-king’s scroll:
Eyes responded to its greeting
As a lake’s still waters shine,
Young hearts bounded, – and a gay group
Sought the home of Madeline.

Bird-like voices ‘neath the casement
Chanted in the hazy air,
A sweet orison for wakening, –
Half thanksgiving and half prayer.
But no white hand drew the curtain
From the vine-clad panes before,
No light form, with buoyant footstep,
Hastened to fling wide the door.

Moments numbered hours in passing
‘Mid that silence, till a fear
Of some unseen ill crept slowly
Through the trembling minstrels near,
Then with many a dark foreboding,
They, the threshold hastened o’er,
Paused not where a stain of crimson
Curdled on the oaken floor;

But sought out the bridal chamber.
God in Heaven! could it be
Madeline who knelt before them
In that trance of agony?
Cold, inanimate beside her,
By the ruthless Cow-boys slain
In the night-time whilst defenceless,
He she loved so well was lain;

O’er her bridal dress were scattered,
Stains of fearful, fearful dye,
And the soul’s light beamed no longer
From her tearless, vacant eye.
Round her slight form hung the tresses
Braided oft with pride and care,
Silvered by that night of madness
With its anguish and despair.

She lived on to see the roses
Of another summer wane,
But the light of reason never
Shone in her sweet eyes again.
Once where blue and sparkling waters
Through a quiet valley run,
Fertilizing field and garden,
Wandered I at set of sun;

Twilight as a silver shadow
O’er the softened landscape lay,
When amid a straggling village
Paused I in my rambling way.
Plain and brown the church before me
In the little graveyard stood,
And the laborer’s axe resounded
Faintly, from the neighboring wood.

Through the low, half-open wicket
Deeply worn, a pathway led:
Silently I paced its windings
Till I stood among the dead.
Passing by the grave memorials
Of departed worth and fame,
Long I paused before a record
That no pomp of words could claim:

Simple was the slab and lowly,
Shaded by a fragrant vine,
And the single name recorded,
Plainly writ, was “Madeline.”
But beneath it through the clusters
Of the jessamine I read,
“Spes,” engraved in bolder letters, –
This was all the marble said.

Mary Gardiner Horsford
Madeline. A Legend Of The Mohawk

• magazine

More in: Archive G-H, Archive G-H, CLASSIC POETRY, Western Fiction

Digby Mackworth Dolben: After reading Aeschylus


After reading Aeschylus

I will not sing my little puny songs.
It is more blessed for the rippling pool
To be absorbed in the great ocean-wave
Than even to kiss the sea-weeds on its breast.
Therefore in passiveness I will lie still,
And let the multitudinous music of the Greek
Pass into me, till I am musical.

Digby Mackworth Dolben
(1848 – 1867)
After reading Aeschylus

• magazine

More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Digby Mackworth Dolben

Mrs. Sigourne: Lincoln


God placed on Lincoln’s brow
A sad, majestic crown;
All enmity is friendship now,
And martyrdom renown.

A mighty-hearted man,
He toiled at Freedom’s side,
And lived, as only heroes can,
The truth in which he died.

Like Moses, eyes so dim,
All signs he could not spell;
Yet he endured, as seeing Him
Who is invisible.

His life was under One
“Who made and loveth all;”
And when his mighty work was done,
How grand his coronal!

Mrs. Sigourne
(Lydia Huntley Sigourney,
1791 – 1865)

• magazine

More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, CLASSIC POETRY

Kim Pattiruhu: ‘M E T A M O R F O S E’

Experimentele fotografie in de raamtentoonstellingen aan de Stedekestraat. Kim Pattiruhu vertoont veelal nieuw werk. Vanaf vrijdagavond 15 januari 2021, dag en nacht geopend. Ondanks de zoveelste lockdown kunt u ons nog steeds bezoeken. Reserveren niet nodig, mondkapje evenmin. De expositie duurt tot en met zondag 14 maart 2021. Komt dat zien!

“Het werk van Kim Pattiruhu kenmerkt zich,” volgens Joris van Laak, “door haar, ogenschijnlijk eenvoudige, blik op de imperfecties van onze wereld. Deze fascinatie voor de rauwe dingen des levens geven de toeschouwer een inkijkje in een wereld waar niets is wat het in eerste instantie lijkt. Daar waar de waarneming meerdere invalshoeken biedt. Werelden van contrastrijk verval waarin de mens en de natuur centraal staan. Maar dan net even anders.”

Kim Pattiruhu (Tilburg, 1982) volgde fotografie aan de kunstakademie St. Joost in Breda en stelt als onderzoekend fotograaf levensvragen vanuit een diepgewortelde drang om het leven en al zijn rauwe randjes te begrijpen. “Met veel gevoel voor detail zoek ik het verhaal van het onooglijke en onaanzienzienlijke, van de schoonheid van het alledaagse. Fotografie is mijn middel om een wereld die voor de gehaaste hedendaagse mens normaal verborgen blijft in beeld te brengen.” Daarbij schuwt zij het niet nieuwe technieken toe te passen en onalledaagse materialen als ondergrond voor haar fotografisch werk te gebruiken.

tentoonstelling Kim Pattiruhu

15 januari t/m 14 maart 2021
dagelijks, dag en nacht, toegang vrij

‘Metropolitan Museum | Tilburg’
Stedekestraat 15, 5041DM Tilburg

productie: Dorith van der Lee
telefoon: 013 5358041 / 06 20325030

Kim Pattiruhu:
foto ‘Plain Palermo’ © Kim Pattiruhu

#Kim Pattiruhu
Experimentele fotografie
• magazine

More in: Art & Literature News, Exhibition Archive, Metropolitan Museum Tilburg, Photography, Theater van de Verloren Tijd

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