
  1. Ernst Stadler: Vorfrühling
  2. The Past by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  3. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Totentanz
  4. Eugene Field: Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
  5. Adya en Otto van Rees: Pioniers binnen de avant-garde
  6. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Neue Liebe, neues Leben
  7. Nina Mingya Powles: In the Hollow of the Wave (Poetry)
  8. The Apology by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. J.H. Leopold: Gij deed van alle mensen
  10. Umberto Eco: Hoe herken ik een fascist
  11. Ode To Beauty by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  12. Lie-a-bed by Lesbia Harford
  13. Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito
  14. Bert Bevers: Regen
  15. The Snow-Storm by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  16. Eliza Cook: Song for the New Year
  17. D. H. Lawrence: New Year’s Eve
  18. Bert Bevers: Arbeiterstadt
  19. O. Henry (William Sydney Porter): The Gift of the Magi. A Christmas story
  20. Emily Pauline Johnson: A Cry from an Indian Wife
  21. Bluebird by Lesbia Harford
  22. Prix Goncourt du premier roman (2023) pour “L’Âge de détruire” van Pauline Peyrade
  23. W.B. Yeats: ‘Easter 1916’
  24. Paul Bezembinder: Nostalgie
  25. Anne Provoost: Decem. Ongelegenheidsgedichten voor asielverstrekkers
  26. J.H. Leopold: O, als ik dood zal zijn
  27. Paul Bezembinder: Na de dag
  28. ‘Il y a’ poème par Guillaume Apollinaire
  29. Eugene Field: At the Door
  30. J.H. Leopold: Ik ben een zwerver overal
  31. My window pane is broken by Lesbia Harford
  32. Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers in The National Gallery London
  33. Eugene Field: The Advertiser
  34. CROSSING BORDER – International Literature & Music Festival The Hague
  35. Expositie Adya en Otto van Rees in het Stedelijk Museum Schiedam


  5. EXHIBITION – art, art history, photos, paintings, drawings, sculpture, ready-mades, video, performing arts, collages, gallery, etc.
  6. FICTION & NON-FICTION – books, booklovers, lit. history, biography, essays, translations, short stories, columns, literature: celtic, beat, travesty, war, dada & de stijl, drugs, dead poets
  7. FLEURSDUMAL POETRY LIBRARY – classic, modern, experimental & visual & sound poetry, poetry in translation, city poets, poetry archive, pre-raphaelites, editor's choice, etc.
  8. LITERARY NEWS & EVENTS – art & literature news, in memoriam, festivals, city-poets, writers in Residence
  10. MUSEUM OF LOST CONCEPTS – invisible poetry, conceptual writing, spurensicherung
  11. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY – department of ravens & crows, birds of prey, riding a zebra, spring, summer, autumn, winter
  13. MUSIC
  17. STORY ARCHIVE – olv van de veestraat, reading room, tales for fellow citizens
  20. TOMBEAU DE LA JEUNESSE – early death: writers, poets & artists who died young
  21. ULTIMATE LIBRARY – danse macabre, ex libris, grimm & co, fairy tales, art of reading, tales of mystery & imagination, sherlock holmes theatre, erotic poetry, ideal women
  22. WAR & PEACE
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Vincent Berquez: Covid poem


Covid poem


Working in ITU Dept at a time of Covid 19

You cried for those eyes that felt no warmth,

for the afterthoughts of conversations yet to be finished.

The utter confinement gave little comfort in the dying cold

of pipes and masks, the smacking of latex gloves

trapping hands in sweaty health, the fear of a closing down.

The complete violation of sleep’s healing process,

static and dispassionate, mechanical air forced through.

The healthy milling around big bodies on small beds,

in plastic bubbles, lying on their bellies with loved ones far away.


Vincent Berquez


Vincent Berquez is a London–based artist and poet. He has published in Britain, Europe, America and New Zealand. His work is in many anthologies, collections and magazines worldwide (f.i.

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Berquez, Vincent, Vincent Berquez

Bert Bevers: Monolietjes



Boven hun tijd zijn ze uitstekend gebleven, die
vele monoliedjes uit de transistorradio. Er was

geen stereo nog maar deze oren hoorden wel al
in een taal die ze verstonden hoe ze zouden blijven

hangen. Fijn afgedaald terug naar blij verlangen,
halsstarrig glanzend als muntjes in een fontein.

Bert Bevers

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert

There She Was: The Secret History of Miss America by Amy Argetsinger

A Washington Post Style editor’s fascinating and irresistible look back on the Miss America pageant as it approaches its 100th anniversary.

The sash. The tears. The glittering crown. And of course, that soaring song. For all of its pomp and kitsch, the Miss America pageant is indelibly written into the American story of the past century.

From its giddy origins as a summer’s-end tourist draw in Prohibition-era Atlantic City, it blossomed into a televised extravaganza that drew tens of millions of viewers in its heyday and was once considered the highest honor that a young woman could achieve.

For two years, Washington Post reporter and editor Amy Argetsinger visited pageants and interviewed former winners and contestants to unveil the hidden world of this iconic institution.

There She Was spotlights how the pageant survived decades of social and cultural change, collided with a women’s liberation movement that sought to abolish it, and redefined itself alongside evolving ideas about feminism.

For its superstars—Phyllis George, Vanessa Williams, Gretchen Carlson—and for those who never became household names, Miss America was a platform for women to exercise their ambitions and learn brutal lessons about the culture of fame. Spirited and revelatory, There She Was charts the evolution of the American woman, from the Miss America catapulted into advocacy after she was exposed as a survivor of domestic violence to the one who used her crown to launch a congressional campaign; from a 1930s winner who ran away on the night of her crowning to a present-day rock guitarist carving out her place in this world. Argetsinger dissects the scandals and financial turmoil that have repeatedly threatened to kill the pageant—and highlights the unexpected sisterhood of Miss Americas fighting to keep it alive.

Amy Argetsinger is an editor and writer for The Washington Post. “There She Was” is her first book.

There She Was:
The Secret History of Miss America
by Amy Argetsinger
Publisher: ‎ Atria/One Signal Publishers
September 7, 2021
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 384 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1982123397
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1982123390
$ 23.49

• magazine


Everyday Mojo Songs of Earth: New and Selected Poems, 2001-2021 by Yusef Komunyakaa

New and selected poets from the

great Pulitzer Prize–winning poet


Everyday Mojo Songs of Earth brings together selected poems from the past twenty years of Yusef Komunyakaa’s work, as well as new poems from the Pulitzer Prize winner.

Komunyakaa’s masterful, concise verse conjures arresting images of peace and war, the natural power of the earth and of love, his childhood in the American South and his service in Vietnam, the ugly violence of racism in America, and the meaning of power and morality.

The new poems in this collection add a new refrain to the jazz-inflected rhythms of one of our “most significant and individual voices” (David Wojahn, Poetry).

Komunyakaa writes of a young man fashioning a slingshot, workers who “honor the Earth by opening shine / inside the soil,” and the sounds of a saxophone filling a dim lounge in New Jersey. As April Bernard wrote in The New York Times Book Review, “He refuses to be trivial; and he even dares beauty.”

These songs run along dirt roads
& highways, crisscross lonely seas
& scale mountains, traverse skies
& underworlds of neon honkytonk,
Wherever blues dare to travel.

Yusef Komunyakaa (born James William Brown, April 29, 1941) is an American poet who teaches at New York University and is a member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers. Komunyakaa is a recipient of the 1994 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award, for Neon Vernacular and the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. He also received the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize. Komunyakaa received the 2007 Louisiana Writer Award for his enduring contribution to the poetry world. His subject matter ranges from the black experience through rural Southern life before the Civil Rights era and his experience as a soldier during the Vietnam War.

Everyday Mojo Songs of Earth:
New and Selected Poems, 2001-2021
by Yusef Komunyakaa
Publisher: ‎ Farrar, Straus and Giroux
(June 15, 2021)
Language: ‎ English
288 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0374600139
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0374600136
Hardcover $25.60
Paperback $18.00

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Black Lives Matter

Banned Books Week: Defend free expression, support persecuted writers, and promote literary culture

September 26 – October 2 for the 2021
celebration of the right to read!

Across the United States, divisive book bans and censorious threats have taken hold in schools, academia, and the public square, particularly in regards to books that center racism, history, and diversity. This has raised questions: Who is allowed to be heard? Who decides? This year, as we celebrate Banned Books Week, PEN America uplifts the books, authors, teachers, and writers who insist on telling stories and examining history with truth, honesty, and complexity.

In an effort to unpack these current challenges, PEN America is hosting a series of virtual and in-person events. These events will offer a clear-eyed view of the current assaults on the freedom to express, the freedom to read, and the freedom to learn.

Join PEN America Today
Defend free expression, support persecuted writers, and promote literary culture.

Read more about what PEN America is doing to fight back against book bans during 2021 Banned Books Week.


September 26 – October 2 for the 2021
celebration of the right to read!

Banned Books Week is the annual celebration of the freedom to read. The event is sponsored by a coalition of organizations dedicated to free expression, including American Booksellers Association; American Library Association; American Society of Journalists and Authors; Association of University Presses; Authors Guild; Comic Book Legal Defense Fund; Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE); Freedom to Read Foundation; Index on Censorship; National Coalition Against Censorship; National Council of Teachers of English; PEN America; People For the American Way Foundation; and Project Censored. It is endorsed by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. Banned Books Week also receives generous support from DKT Liberty Project and Penguin Random House.

Read more about the 2021 Banned Books Week.



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More in: - Bookstores, Art & Literature News, Banned Books, DICTIONARY OF IDEAS, Literary Events, PEN Actions, PRESS & PUBLISHING, Racism, REPRESSION OF WRITERS, JOURNALISTS & ARTISTS

Karl Leberecht Immermann: Münchhausen. Eine geschichte in arabesken

Die »Münchhausiade« von Karl Leberecht Immermann steht in einer langen Tradition: Sie ist die groteske Variante der Ur-Münchhausen-Legende aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, die von den Kriegs-, Jagd- und Reiseabenteuern des volkstümlichen Freiherrn von Münchhausen auf Bodenwerder fabuliert.

Immermann verwandelt die phantastischen Legenden des berühmten »Lügenbarons« zu einer in der deutschen Literatur bis dahin unbekannten Form des Romans: zeithistorisch, gesellschaftskritisch, komisch und scharf-satirisch, eine anspielungsreiche, schillernde Verbindung aus Zeit- und Kulturkritik. Immermanns Münchhausen erneuert den Roman seiner Zeit und ist eines der bedeutendsten epischen Werke der deutschen Literatur.

Karl Leberecht Immermann, heute fast vergessen, nimmt Abschied vom Bildungs- und Erziehungsroman der klassischen und romantischen Literatur. 1838/39 erschienen und nicht nur von Heinrich Heine bewundert, ist sein origineller Münchhausen eine virtuos verschlungene »Geschichte in Arabesken«.

Bei Immermann ist Münchhausen ein »Erzwindbeutel«, ein »Cäsar der Lügen« und ein »Don Juan der Erfindung « – einer, der in seinem Tun und Erzählen die Wahrheit beansprucht und den Leser, angesprochen und immer wieder ins Geschehen einbezogen, zur Wahrheitsfindung auffordert. Laurence Sternes komischer Roman Tristram Shandy ist dabei das große, vom Erzähler herbeizitierte Vorbild.

Münchhausen ist zugleich ein Doppelroman, der auch vom »Oberhof«, einem reichen westfälischen Gutshof, und vom Kosmos der damaligen ländlichen Lebenswelt erzählt; im Zentrum der »Hofschulze« und ein »Jäger Oswald« – die Gegenwelt zur verfallenden Welt des Adels, in der der Münchhausen-Enkel und sein Diener Karl Buttervogel vor dem Herrn von »Schloss Schnick-Schnack-Schnurr«, vor Tochter und Dorfschulmeister schwadronieren. Eingebunden wird das ausschweifende Geschehen in eine Ehe- und Liebesgeschichte, erzählt werden die ineinander verschlungenen Welten in einem Zeitraum von wenigen Wochen.

Und was bedeutet es, wenn Immermann von einer »Geschichte in Arabesken« spricht? »… wer dabei den Verstand behalten will, der muss einen weniger geordneten Kopf haben, als ich leider besitze. Herr von Münchhausen beginnen zu erzählen; dann fangen wieder andere Personen an, in diesen Erzählungen zu erzählen; wenn man nicht schleunigst Einhalt tut, so geraten wir wahrhaftig in eine Untiefe des Erzählens hinein, worin unser Verstand notwendig Schiffbruch leiden muss. Bei den Frauen, die mit Schachteln handeln, stecken oft vierundzwanzig ineinander …«

Karl Leberecht Immermann (1796–1840) studierte Rechtswissenschaft, pflegte literarische Interessen, nahm an den napoleonischen Kriegen teil und wurde 1818 Gerichtsreferendar in Magdeburg. In dieser Zeit schreibt er seine ersten Dramen, es folgen ein Roman, Gedichte und Trauerspiele. Als Landgerichtsrat geht er nach Düsseldorf und übernimmt die Leitung des Düsseldorfer Theaters. 1836 erscheinen Die Epigonen. Familienmemoiren in neun Büchern und 1838/39 Münchhausen. Eine Geschichte in Arabesken.

Karl Leberecht Immermann
Eine Geschichte in Arabesken
Seitenanzahl: 852
Bandnummer: 435
Mit ausführlichen Anmerkungen und einem Nachwort von Tilman Spreckelsen. Originalausgabe, nummeriert und limitiert, Sondernummer zum Sonderpreis. Fadenheftung mit Lesebändchen, Dünndruckpapier. Umschlaggestaltung: Ute Henkel, Berlin
ISBN: 9783847704355
52,00 EUR

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More in: - Book Lovers, - Book Stories, Archive I-J, Münchhausen, Tales of Mystery & Imagination

‘100% FEMALE EXPO – 100% MALE NUDE’ mannelijk naakt in het ‘Metropolitan Museum Tilburg’

Ulrike Doszmann, Neeltje Drijfhout, HoiShan Mak, Kim Pattiruhu, Marianne Peijnenburg, Ellen Rijk, Jonaske de Ruiter, Milian van Stokkum, Ans Verdijk en Hanneke Wetzer:



‘Metropolitan Museum Tilburg’
Stedekestraat 15 – 5041DM Tilburg
vrijdag 17 september t/m zondag 14 november 2021

Een groep vrouwelijke kunstenaars onder de naam ‘Guerrilla Girls’ voert al decennia actie tegen de ondervertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in de grote musea van de Verenigde Staten, ook in onze dependance in New York, het ‘Metropolitan Museum of Art’. Hun telling: minder dan 5% exposerende vrouwen, terwijl het tentoongestelde naakt voor 85% vrouwelijk was.

Oef! Dit gaf te denken. Daar moest wat aan te doen zijn. Waarom niet omkeren? Vandaar deze expositie van alléén vrouwen met alléén mannelijk naakt. Ook dat mag gezien worden.

Hierbij een uitnodiging voor onze tentoonstelling ‘100% female expo – 100% male nude’ in de ramen van het ‘Metropolitan Museum – Tilburg’ van 17 september t/m 14 november 2021.

Ulrike Doszmann, Neeltje Drijfhout, HoiShan Mak, Kim Pattiruhu, Marianne Peijnenburg, Ellen Rijk, Jonaske de Ruiter, Milian van Stokkum, Ans Verdijk en Hanneke Wetzer laten hun licht schijnen op het verschijnsel man in al zijn glorie. Nu in Tilburg. U bent van harte welkom!

Het ‘Metropolitan Museum | Tilburg’, de raamtentoonstellingen aan de Stedekestraat 15 te Tilburg, is dagelijks dag en nacht geopend en de toegang is vrij.

Ulrike Doszmann, Neeltje Drijfhout, HoiShan Mak, Kim Pattiruhu, Marianne Peijnenburg, Ellen Rijk, Jonaske de Ruiter, Milian van Stokkum, Ans Verdijk

17 september t/m 14 november 2021
dagelijks, dag en nacht, toegang vrij

‘Metropolitan Museum Tilburg’
Stedekestraat 15, 5041DM Tilburg
telefoon: 013 5358041 / 06 20325030

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Marc-Antoine Girard de Saint-Amant: La débauche


La débauche

Bacchus ! qui vois notre débauche,
Par ton saint portrait que j’ébauche
En m’enluminant le museau
De ce trait que je bois sans eau ;
Par ta couronne de lierre,
Par la splendeur de ce grand verre,
Par ton thyrse tant redouté,
Par ton éternelle santé,
Par l’honneur de tes belles fêtes,
Par tes innombrables conquêtes,
Par les coups non donnés, mais bus,
Par tes glorieux attributs,
Par les hurlements des Ménades,
Par le haut goût des carbonnades,
Par tes couleurs blanc et clairet,
Par le plus fameux cabaret,
Par le doux chant de tes orgies,
Par l’éclat des trognes rougies,
Par table ouverte à tout venant,
Par les fins mors de ta cabale,
Par le tambour et la cymbale,
Par tes cloches qui sont des pots,
Par tes soupirs qui sont des rots,
Par tes hauts et sacrés mystères,
Par tes furieuses panthères,
Par ce lieu si frais et si doux,
Par ton bouc, paillard comme nous,
Par ta grosse garce Ariane,
Par le vieillard monté sur l’âne,
Par les satyres, tes cousins,
Par la fleur des plus beaux raisins,
Par ces bisques si renommées,
Par ces langues de boeuf fumées,
Par ce tabac, ton seul encens,
Par tous les plaisirs innocents,
Par ce jambon couvert d’épice,
Par ce long pendant de saucisse,
Par la majesté de ce broc,
Par masse, tope, cric et croc,
Par cette olive que je mange,
Par ce gai passeport d’orange,
Par ce vieux fromage pourri,
Bref par Gillot, ton favori,
Reçois-nous dans l’heureuse troupe,
Des francs chevaliers de la coupe,
Et, pour te montrer tout divin,
Ne la laisse jamais sans vin.

Marc-Antoine Girard de Saint-Amant
(1594 – 1661)
La débauche

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More in: # Classic Poetry Archive, Archive G-H, Archive S-T, Archive S-T

Charlotte Perkins Gilman: “We as women”


“We as women”

There’s a cry in the air about us–
We hear it before, behind–
Of the way in which “We, as women,”
Are going to lift mankind!

With our white frocks starched and ruffled,
And our soft hair brushed and curled–
Hats off! for “We, as women,”
Are coming to save the world.

Fair sisters, listen one moment–
And perhaps you’ll pause for ten:
The business of women as women
Is only with men as men!

What we do, “We, as women,”
We have done all through our life;
The work that is ours as women
Is the work of mother and wife.

But to elevate public opinion,
And to lift up erring man,
Is the work of the Human Being;
Let us do it–if we can.

But wait, warm-hearted sisters–
Not quite so fast, so far.
Tell me how we are going to lift a thing
Any higher than we are!

We are going to “purify politics,”
And to “elevate the press.”
We enter the foul paths of the world
To sweeten and cleanse and bless.

To hear the high things we are going to do,
And the horrors of man we tell,
One would think, “We, as women,” were angels,
And our brothers were fiends of hell.

We, that were born of one mother,
And reared in the self-same place,
In the school and the church together,
We of one blood, one race!

Now then, all forward together!
But remember, every one,
That ’tis not by feminine innocence
The work of the world is done.

The world needs strength and courage,
And wisdom to help and feed–
When, “We, as women” bring these to man,
We shall lift the world indeed.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
“We as women”
Suffrage Songs and Verses

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More in: # Classic Poetry Archive, Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Feminism

Four Quartets: Poetry in the Pandemic by Kristina Marie Darling & Jeffrey Levine

Four Quartets: Poetry in the Pandemic by Jeffrey Levine (Author, Editor), Kristina Marie Darling (Author, Editor). Praised as “an extraordinary bardic chant and threnody for humanity,” Four Quartets is a transcendent and ultimately transformative book of poetry written through the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this timely anthology, established and emerging poets bear powerful witness to the COVID-19 pandemic in writing that reels from collective grief and uncertainty. This volume consists of sixteen separate chapbooks, and a collection of pandemic-era photography, which are unified by a shared narrative: public and private experiences of quarantine, and the impulse toward creation during a time of enormous upheaval, injustice, and protest.

Each voice brings with it a deeply personal account of this globally historic moment, and in doing so, conveys the urgency of introspection, of isolation, and of revolution.

These pieces feature B. A. Van Sise, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Yusef Komunyakaa, Laren McClung, Stephanie Strickland, Mary Jo Bang, Shane McCrae, Ken Chen, J. Mae Barizo, Dora Malech, Jon Davis, Lee Young-Ju, Jae Kim, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, A. Van Jordan, Maggie Queeney, Traci Brimhall, Brynn Saito, Denise Duhamel, and Rick Barot.

Kristina Marie Darling is the author of over twenty books of poetry. Her awards include two Yaddo residencies and a Hawthornden Castle Fellowship, as well as grants from the Whiting Foundation and Harvard University’s Kittredge Fund. She has twice been appointed as a Visiting Artist at the American Academy in Rome. Her poems and essays appear in The Gettysburg Review, New American Writing, The Mid-American Review, Third Coast, The Columbia Poetry Review, Verse Daily, and elsewhere.

Four Quartets: Poetry in the Pandemic
by Kristina Marie Darling & Jeffrey Levine
Publisher‏: ‎ Tupelo Press (November 25, 2020)
Language: ‎ English
296 pages
ISBN-10‏: ‎ 1946482455
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1946482457
Paperback $25.95
Hardcover $39.95

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, #More Poetry Archives, Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Archive K-L, Archive K-L

38ste Nacht van de Poëzie TivoliVredenburg – Utrecht op 2 oktober 2021

De Nacht van de Poëzie is al veertig jaar een begrip. Het grootste poëziefestival van het jaar vond voor het eerst in 1980 plaats, in wat toen nog Muziekcentrum Vredenburg heette.


De Nacht trok door de jaren heen bomvolle zalen met legendarische optredens tot diep in de nacht van grote namen als Annie M.G. Schmidt, Lucebert, Hugo Claus, Rutger Kopland en Judith Herzberg, en vele jonge dichters die later legendarisch werden.

De Nacht is terug! Vorig jaar moesten we helaas overslaan vanwege de onoverzichtelijke corona-ontwikkelingen, maar dit jaar zal alsnog de 38ste editie van de illustere Nacht plaatsvinden. Voorlopig nog steeds in een aangepaste vorm, want groen licht om op 2 oktober alweer in een bomvolle zaal te zitten is er op dit moment nog niet.

Tijdens deze ‘limited edition’ in de Grote Zaal van TivoliVredenburg presenteren Piet Piryns en Ester Naomi Perquin als vanouds optredens van de beste dichters van dit moment, afgewisseld met muzikale entr’actes. Het motto van dit jaar is geleverd door Vrouwkje Tuinman: ’s Nachts woon ik zelden waar mijn bed staat. In die regel klinkt zowel een zoete herinnering aan een onbezorgd verleden door, als een hoopvolle wens voor een toekomst zonder afstand, mondkapjes en avondklok; de afsluiting van een periode waarin we veel te vaak waren overgeleverd aan ons eigen bed.

Hoe de omstandigheden op 2 oktober ook zullen zijn: deze Nacht gaat door! Er zullen optredens zijn van Dichter des Vaderlands Lieke Marsman, Vrouwkje Tuinman, K. Michel, Lisette Ma Neza, Edward van de Vendel, Maria Barnas, Maartje Smits, Vrouwkje Tuinman, Erwin Mortier, Rosa Schogt, Bart Moeyaert, Meity Völke, Arjen Duinker, Wout Waanders, Paul Demets, Liesbeth Lagemaat, Mattijs Deraedt, Maarten van der Graaff en Joost Prinsen.

Dit jaar worden de muzikale entr’actes verzorgd door Claudia de Breij, Maarten Engeltjes en zijn barokorkest PRJCT Amsterdam en de Marokkaanse muzieksensatie Aicha Tachinouite. een solo optreden van Jett Rebel, Thijs Boontjes Dans- en Showorkest, en de Belgische ontdekking Naima Joris.

International Literature Festival Utrecht 2021
De 38ste Nacht van de Poëzie
(limited edition)
zaterdag 2 oktober 2021
19:30 – 22:30 uur
TivoliVredenburg – Utrecht
Grote Zaal

Meer informatie op facebook pagina:

Grote Zaal TivoliVredenburg
Vredenburgkade 11
3511WC Utrecht Netherlands

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More in: # Music Archive, #More Poetry Archives, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Literary Events, Nacht van de Poëzie

Lilia Hassaine: Soleil amer

À la fin des années 50, dans la région de l’Aurès en Algérie, Naja élève seule ses trois filles depuis que son mari Saïd a été recruté pour travailler en France.

Quelques années plus tard, devenu ouvrier spécialisé, il parvient à faire venir sa famille en région parisienne. Naja tombe enceinte, mais leurs conditions de vie ne permettent pas au couple d’envisager de garder l’enfant…

Avec ce second roman, Lilia Hassaine aborde la question de l’intégration des populations algériennes dans la société française entre le début des années 60 et la fin des années 80. De l’âge d’or des cités HLM à leur abandon progressif, c’est une période charnière qu’elle dépeint d’un trait. Une histoire intense, portée par des personnages féminins flamboyants.

Lilia Hassaine
Soleil amer
Collection Blanche, Gallimard
Parution : 19-08-2021
160 pages, 140 x 205 mm
Genre : Romans et récits
Littérature française
ISBN : 9782072952173
Code distributeur : G05672
Livre imprimé €16,90

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