
  1. Sara Teasdale: The Storm
  2. Air and Angels by John Donne
  3. Farewell by Eliza Paul Kirkbride Gurney
  4. Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson
  5. In Heaven by Stephen Crane
  6. Autumn by Christina Georgina Rossetti
  8. Keith Douglas: The Deceased
  9. Sara Teasdale: At Midnight
  10. The Higher Pantheism by Alfred Lord Tennyson
  11. Jenny Kiss’d Me by James Henry Leigh Hunt
  12. Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell by Ann Powers
  13. Christine de Pisan: Seulette suis…
  14. Bob Dylan: Mixing up the Medicine Hardcover by Mark Davidson & Parker Fishel (Authors)
  15. William Lisle Bowles: Song of the American Indian
  16. Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder by Salman Rushdie
  17. The Sleeping Beauty by Samuel Rogers
  18. The Rising Sun by John Donne
  19. Edgar Allan Poe: The Sleeper
  20. The Arrow and the Song by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  21. Bert Bevers: Houvast
  22. Summer by Christina Georgina Rossetti
  23. Bert Bevers: Winters erfrecht
  24. Written at Midnight by Samuel Rogers
  25. Cupid Drowned by Leigh Hunt
  26. William Lisle Bowles: The Dying Slave
  27. The Ecstasy by John Donne
  28. Sara Teasdale: I Shall Not Care
  29. Fame is a bee by Emily Dickinson
  30. Ask me no more by Alfred Lord Tennyson
  31. Keith Douglas: How to Kill
  32. Christine de Pisan: Comme surpris
  33. Conrad Ferdinand Meyer: In der Sistina
  34. Emma Lazarus: Age and Death
  35. William Blake’s Universe


  5. EXHIBITION – art, art history, photos, paintings, drawings, sculpture, ready-mades, video, performing arts, collages, gallery, etc.
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  16. STORY ARCHIVE – olv van de veestraat, reading room, tales for fellow citizens
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Sara Teasdale: The Storm

The Storm

I thought of you when I was wakened
⁠By a wind that made me glad and afraid
Of the rushing, pouring sound of the sea
⁠That the great trees made.

One thought in my mind went over and over
⁠While the darkness shook and the leaves were thinned—
I thought it was you who had come to find me,
⁠You were the wind.

Sara Teasdale
The Storm
from: Flame and Shadow

• magazine

More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Teasdale, Sara

Air and Angels by John Donne


Air and Angels

Twice or thrice had I lov’d thee,
Before I knew thy face or name;
So in a voice, so in a shapeless flame
Angels affect us oft, and worshipp’d be;
Still when, to where thou wert, I came,
Some lovely glorious nothing I did see.
But since my soul, whose child love is,
Takes limbs of flesh, and else could nothing do,
More subtle than the parent is
Love must not be, but take a body too;
And therefore what thou wert, and who,
I bid Love ask, and now
That it assume thy body, I allow,
And fix itself in thy lip, eye, and brow.

Whilst thus to ballast love I thought,
And so more steadily to have gone,
With wares which would sink admiration,
I saw I had love’s pinnace overfraught;
Ev’ry thy hair for love to work upon
Is much too much, some fitter must be sought;
For, nor in nothing, nor in things
Extreme, and scatt’ring bright, can love inhere;
Then, as an angel, face, and wings
Of air, not pure as it, yet pure, doth wear,
So thy love may be my love’s sphere;
Just such disparity
As is ‘twixt air and angels’ purity,
‘Twixt women’s love, and men’s, will ever be.

John Donne
Air and Angels

• magazine

More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Donne, John

Farewell by Eliza Paul Kirkbride Gurney



Fare thee well, we’ve no wish to detain thee,
For the loved ones are bidding thee come,
And, we know, a bright welcome awaits thee
In the smiles and the sunshine of home,
Thou art safe on the crest of the billow,
And safe in the depths of the sea;
For the God we have worshipped together
Is Almighty, and careth for thee.

And when, in the home of thy fathers,
Thy fervent petition shall rise
For the loved who are circling around thee,
The joy and delight of thine eyes,
Oh, then, for the weak and the faltering,
Should a prayer, as sweet incense, ascend
To the God we have worshipped together,
Remember thy far-distant friend.

We miss the calm light of thy spirit,
We miss thy encouraging smile;
But we bless the unslumbering Shepherd
Who sent thee to cheer us awhile.
The light, which burned brightly among us,
We rejoiced for a season to see,
For the God we have worshipped together
Gave a halo of glory to thee.

But didst thou not point to another,
A brighter, an unsetting sun?
For thou preached not thyself to us, brother,
But Jesus, the Crucified One.
May He be thy rock and thy refuge,
In Him thy “strong confidence” be;
For the God we have worshipped together
Still loveth and careth for thee.

Oh! mayst thou abide ‘neath the shadow
Of Immanuel’s sheltering wing,
And continue proclaiming the goodness
Of Zion’s all-glorious King,
Till the sun shall be turned into darkness,
The moon in obscurity be;
And the God we have worshipped together,
Be a “light everlasting” to thee.

Eliza Paul Kirkbride Gurney
(1801 – 1888)

• magazine

More in: # Classic Poetry Archive, Archive G-H, Archive G-H

Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson


Because I could not stop for Death

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.

We slowly drove – He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility –

We passed the School, where Children strove
At Recess – in the Ring –
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain –
We passed the Setting Sun –

Or rather – He passed Us –
The Dews drew quivering and Chill –
For only Gossamer, my Gown –
My Tippet – only Tulle –

We paused before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground –
The Roof was scarcely visible –
The Cornice – in the Ground –

Since then – ’tis Centuries – and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses’ Heads
Were toward Eternity –

Emily Dickinson
Because I could not stop for Death

• magazine

More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Dickinson, Emily

In Heaven by Stephen Crane


In Heaven,
Some little blades of grass
Stood before God.
“What did you do?”
Then all save one of the little blades
Began eagerly to relate
The merits of their lives.
This one stayed a small way behind
Presently God said:
“And what did you do?”
The little blade answered: “Oh, my lord,
“Memory is bitter to me
“For if I did good deeds
“I know not of them.”
Then God in all His splendor
Arose from His throne.
“Oh, best little blade of grass,” He said.

Stephen Crane
(1871 – 1900)
In Heaven XVIII

• magazine

More in: *War Poetry Archive, Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Stephen Crane

Autumn by Christina Georgina Rossetti


I dwell alone – I dwell alone, alone,
Whilst full my river flows down to the sea,
Gilded with flashing boats
That bring no friend to me:
O love-songs, gurgling from a hundred throats,
O love-pangs, let me be.

Fair fall the freighted boats which gold and stone
And spices bear to sea:
Slim, gleaming maidens swell their mellow notes,
Love-promising, entreating –
Ah! sweet, but fleeting –
Beneath the shivering, snow-white sails.
Hush! the wind flags and fails –
Hush! they will lie becalmed in sight of strand –
Sight of my strand, where I do dwell alone;
Their songs wake singing echoes in my land –
They cannot hear me moan.

One latest, solitary swallow flies
Across the sea, rough autumn-tempest tossed,
Poor bird, shall it be lost?
Dropped down into this uncongenial sea,
With no kind eyes
To watch it while it dies,
Unguessed, uncared for, free:
Set free at last,
The short pang past,
In sleep, in death, in dreamless sleep locked fast.

Mine avenue is all a growth of oaks,
Some rent by thunder strokes,
Some rustling leaves and acorns in the breeze;
Fair fall my fertile trees,
That rear their goodly heads, and live at ease.

A spider’s web blocks all mine avenue;
He catches down and foolish painted flies
That spider wary and wise.
Each morn it hangs a rainbow strung with dew
Betwixt boughs green with sap,
So fair, few creatures guess it is a trap:
I will not mar the web,
Though sad I am to see the small lives ebb.

It shakes – my trees shake – for a wind is roused
In cavern where it housed:
Each white and quivering sail,
Of boats among the water leaves
Hollows and strains in the full-throated gale:
Each maiden sings again –
Each languid maiden, whom the calm
Had lulled to sleep with rest and spice and balm
Miles down my river to the sea
They float and wane,
Long miles away from me.

Perhaps they say: ‘She grieves,
Uplifted, like a beacon, on her tower.’
Perhaps they say: ‘One hour
More, and we dance among the golden sheaves.’
Perhaps they say: ‘One hour
More, and we stand,
Face to face, hand in hand;
Make haste, O slack gale, to the looked-for land!’

My trees are not in flower,
I have no bower,
And gusty creaks my tower,
And lonesome, very lonesome, is my strand.

Christina Georgina Rossetti
(1830 – 1894)

• magazine

More in: 4SEASONS#Autumn, Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R, Rossetti, Christina


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Keith Douglas: The Deceased

The Deceased

He was a reprobate I grant,
and always liquired till his money went.
His hair depended on a noose from
his pale brow, his eyes were dumb.
Like prisoners in their cavernous slots were
settled in attitudes of despair.
You who God bless you never sunk so low
censure and pray for him that he was so.
And with his failings you regret the verses
the fellow made, proberly between curses,
proberly in the extreames of moral decay
but he wrote them in a sincere way.
And seems to have felt a sort of pain
to which your imagination can not attain!

Keith Douglas
(1920 – 1944)
The Deceased

• magazine

More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Douglas, Keith, WAR & PEACE

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