
  1. Adah Menken: Answer Me
  2. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Philine
  3. Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson
  4. Adah Menken: Dreams of Beauty
  5. Ernst Stadler: Vorfrühling
  6. The Past by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  7. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Totentanz
  8. Eugene Field: Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
  9. Adya en Otto van Rees: Pioniers binnen de avant-garde
  10. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Neue Liebe, neues Leben
  11. Nina Mingya Powles: In the Hollow of the Wave (Poetry)
  12. The Apology by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  13. J.H. Leopold: Gij deed van alle mensen
  14. Umberto Eco: Hoe herken ik een fascist
  15. Ode To Beauty by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  16. Lie-a-bed by Lesbia Harford
  17. Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito
  18. Bert Bevers: Regen
  19. The Snow-Storm by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  20. Eliza Cook: Song for the New Year
  21. D. H. Lawrence: New Year’s Eve
  22. Bert Bevers: Arbeiterstadt
  23. O. Henry (William Sydney Porter): The Gift of the Magi. A Christmas story
  24. Emily Pauline Johnson: A Cry from an Indian Wife
  25. Bluebird by Lesbia Harford
  26. Prix Goncourt du premier roman (2023) pour “L’Âge de détruire” van Pauline Peyrade
  27. W.B. Yeats: ‘Easter 1916’
  28. Paul Bezembinder: Nostalgie
  29. Anne Provoost: Decem. Ongelegenheidsgedichten voor asielverstrekkers
  30. J.H. Leopold: O, als ik dood zal zijn
  31. Paul Bezembinder: Na de dag
  32. ‘Il y a’ poème par Guillaume Apollinaire
  33. Eugene Field: At the Door
  34. J.H. Leopold: Ik ben een zwerver overal
  35. My window pane is broken by Lesbia Harford


  5. EXHIBITION – art, art history, photos, paintings, drawings, sculpture, ready-mades, video, performing arts, collages, gallery, etc.
  6. FICTION & NON-FICTION – books, booklovers, lit. history, biography, essays, translations, short stories, columns, literature: celtic, beat, travesty, war, dada & de stijl, drugs, dead poets
  7. FLEURSDUMAL POETRY LIBRARY – classic, modern, experimental & visual & sound poetry, poetry in translation, city poets, poetry archive, pre-raphaelites, editor's choice, etc.
  8. LITERARY NEWS & EVENTS – art & literature news, in memoriam, festivals, city-poets, writers in Residence
  10. MUSEUM OF LOST CONCEPTS – invisible poetry, conceptual writing, spurensicherung
  11. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY – department of ravens & crows, birds of prey, riding a zebra, spring, summer, autumn, winter
  13. MUSIC
  17. STORY ARCHIVE – olv van de veestraat, reading room, tales for fellow citizens
  20. TOMBEAU DE LA JEUNESSE – early death: writers, poets & artists who died young
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Maria Jastrzębska: The True Story of Cowboy Hat & Ingénue

In a landscape scarred by conflict, two women begin a quest for a lost child and a lost world of peace.

Bound together by love and acceptance, their story and path interweave with fellow outcasts — people like the ever-suave Dame Blanche, Sister Asunta, martial artist and magician, Master Wu Wu, and the lost soul, Tulip — but whether peace is simply the end of war or something deeper is something they must discover for themselves.

A haunting tale, told in a series of visionary prose poems, The True Story of Cowboy Hat & Ingénue interweaves memory and yearning to ask questions that reflect on our past and, disturbingly, on our futures.

Maria Jastrzębska is a Polish-born poet, editor and translator. Her most recent collection was At The Library of Memories (Waterloo Press 2013) and her selected poems, The Cedars of Walpole Park, have been translated into Polish by Anna Błasiak, Paweł Gawroński and Wioletta Grzegorzewska and published bilingually (Stowarzyszenie ŻŻwych Poetów 2015). Old Knives is a selection of her work translated into Romanian by Lidia Vianu and published bilingually by Integral Contemporary Literature Press (2017). She was co-editor with Anthony Luvera of Queer in Brighton (New Writing South 2014). She co-translated Iztok Osojnik’s selected poems Elsewhere with Ana Jelnikar and her translations of Justyna Bargielska’s selected poems The Great Plan B are published by Smokestack Press (2017). Her work features in the British Library poetry and translation project Poetry Between Two Worlds. Dementia Diaries, her literary drama, toured nationally with Lewes Live Lit in 2011. Her poems have been much anthologized from The Virago Book of Wicked Verse (1992) to This Line Is Not For Turning — An Anthology of Contemporary British Prose Poetry (Cinnamon Press 2011) and Hallelujah for 50ft Women (Bloodaxe 2015). Maria lives in Brighton and you can discover more about her work on her website. (

The True Story of Cowboy Hat & Ingénue
Maria Jastrzębska
Language: ‎English
Publisher: Cinnamon Press
70 pages
ISBN-10: 1911540033
ISBN-13:‎ 978-1911540038
Price: 14,27 euro

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Hart Crane: At Melville’s Tomb

At Melville’s Tomb

Often beneath the wave, wide from this ledge
The dice of drowned men’s bones he saw bequeath
An embassy. Their numbers as he watched,
Beat on the dusty shore and were obscured.

And wrecks passed without sound of bells,
The calyx of death’s bounty giving back
A scattered chapter, livid hieroglyph,
The portent wound in corridors of shells.

Then in the circuit calm of one vast coil,
Its lashings charmed and malice reconciled,
Frosted eyes there were that lifted altars;
And silent answers crept across the stars.

Compass, quadrant and sextant contrive
No farther tides . . . High in the azure steeps
Monody shall not wake the mariner.
This fabulous shadow only the sea keeps.

Hart Crane
(1889 – 1932)
At Melville’s Tomb

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More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Crane, Hart, Herman Melville

The Advantages of Nearly Dying, poems by Michael Rosen

Michael Rosen was dangerously ill from COVID at the beginning of 2020 and as doctors told him, if he hadn’t received treatment, he would have ‘gone’.

While he was in hospital, 42% of the patients on his intensive care ward died. He spent three months in hospital, of which nearly seven weeks were in an induced coma, followed by several weeks recovering in an ordinary ward and then in a Rehabilitation Hospital.

He couldn’t walk and his memory was damaged. Three years later his hearing and eyesight are still badly affected (‘I can’t hear with my left eye, I can’t see with my left ear and I get muddled’).

Following his best-selling COVID memoirs Many Different Kinds of Love: a story of life, death and the NHS and Sticky McStickstick: the friend who helped me walk again, his new collection for grown-ups records his bewilderment with what’s happened, and shares his thoughts about the politics of the pandemic – the ‘crazed incompetence’ of the Tory government and the war against the ‘Oldies’ that led to over 200,000 dead in the UK.

Unforgiving, whimsical, grim, warm, philosophical and comical, The Advantages of Nearly Dying is a book about hospital appointments, waiting-rooms, blood-tests, brain-scans, eye-tests – and a song of praise for the NHS.

Michael Rosen, an English poet, scriptwriter, broadcaster, and performer, has been writing for children since 1970. He lives in London with his wife and five children.

The Advantages of Nearly Dying
Poems by Michael Rosen
Published: 1s Paperback edition , t March 2023
Publisher: Smokestack Books
Language: ‎English
Paperback: 220 pages

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Paul Valéry: Même féerie


Même féerie

La lune mince verse une lueur sacrée,
Comme une jupe d’un tissu d’argent léger,
Sur les masses de marbre où marche et croit songer
Quelque vierge de perle et de gaze nacrée.

Pour les cygnes soyeux qui frôlent les roseaux
De carènes de plume à demi lumineuse,
Sa main cueille et dispense une rose neigeuse
Dont les pétales font des cercles sur les eaux.

Délicieux désert, solitude pâmée,
Quand le remous de l’eau par la lune lamée
Compte éternellement ses échos de cristal,

Quel cœur pourrait souffrir l’inexorable charme
De la nuit éclatante au firmament fatal,
Sans tirer de soi-même un cri pur comme une arme ?

Paul Valéry
Même féerie
Album de vers anciens

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More in: Archive U-V, Archive U-V, Valéry, Paul

Sasha Marianna Salzmann: Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein. Roman

Wie soll man “herrlich” sein in einem Land, in dem Korruption und Unterdrückung herrschen, in dem nur überlebt, wer sich einem restriktiven Regime unterwirft?

Wie soll man diese Erfahrung überwinden, wenn darüber nicht gesprochen wird, auch nicht nach der Emigration und nicht einmal mit der eigenen Tochter? 

“Was sehen sie, wenn sie mit ihren Sowjetaugen durch die Gardinen in den Hof einer ostdeutschen Stadt schauen?” fragt sich Nina, wenn sie an ihre Mutter Tatjana und deren Freundin Lena denkt, die Mitte der neunziger Jahre die Ukraine verließen, in Jena strandeten und dort noch einmal von vorne begannen.

Lenas Tochter Edi hat längst aufgehört zu fragen, sie will mit ihrer Herkunft nichts zu tun haben. Bis Lenas fünfzigster Geburtstag die vier Frauen wieder zusammenbringt und sie erkennen müssen, dass sie alle eine Geschichte teilen.

In ihrem neuen Roman erzählt Sasha Marianna Salzmann von Umbruchzeiten, von der “Fleischwolf-Zeit” der Perestroika bis ins Deutschland der Gegenwart. Sie erzählt, wie Systeme zerfallen und Menschen vom Sog der Ereignisse mitgerissen werden.

Dabei folgt sie vier Lebenswegen und spürt der unauflöslichen Verstrickung der Generationen nach, über Zeiten und Räume hinweg. Bildstark, voller Empathie und mit großer Intensität.

Sasha Marianna Salzmann ist Theaterautor:in, Essayist:in und Dramaturg:in. Für ihre Theaterstücke, die international aufgeführt werden, hat sie verschiedene Preise erhalten, zuletzt den Kunstpreis Berlin 2020. Ihr Debütroman Außer sich wurde 2017 mit dem Literaturpreis der Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung und dem Mara-Cassens-Preis ausgezeichnet und stand auf der Shortlist des Deutschen Buchpreises. Er ist in sechzehn Sprachen übersetzt. Für ihren zweiten Roman, Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein (2021), ebenfalls für den Deutschen Buchpreis nominiert, erhielt sie den Preis der Literaturhäuser 2022 und den Hermann-Hesse-Preis 2022.

Sasha Marianna Salzmann:
Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein
Erscheinungstermin: 10.10.2022
Broschur, 380 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-518-47274-3
Suhrkamp taschenbuch 5274
Suhrkamp Verlag, 1. Auflage
ca. 11,8 × 19,0 × 2,8 cm
€ 13,00 (D)

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Orestes by Stephen Phillips


Me in far lands did Justice call, cold queen
Among the dead, who after heat and haste
At length have leisure for her steadfast voice,
That gathers peace from the great deeps of hell.
She call’d me, saying: ‘I heard a cry by night!
Go thou, and question not; within thy halls
My will awaits fulfilment. Lo, the dead
Cries out before me in the under-world.
Seek not to justify thyself: in me
Be strong, and I will show thee wise in time;
For, though my face be dark, yet unto those
Who truly follow me through storm or shine,
For these the veil shall fall, and they shall see
They walked with Wisdom, though they knew her not.’
So sped I home; and from the under-world
Forever came a wind that fill’d my sails,
Cold, like a spirit! and ever her still voice
Spoke over shoreless seas and fathomless deeps,
And in great calms, as from a colder world;
Nor slack’d I sail by day, nor yet when night
Fell on my running keel, and now would burn,
With all her eyes, my errand into me.
So sped I on, fill’d with a voice divine:
And hardly wist I whom I was to slay,
My mother! but a vague, heroic dream
Possess’d me; fired to do the will of gods,
I lost the man in minister of Heaven;
Nor took I note of sandbank, nor of storm,
Nor of the ocean’s thunders, when the shores
All round had faded, leaving me alone:
I knew I could not die, till I had slain!
But, when I came once more upon the land
That rear’d me, all the sweetness of old days
Came back on me: I stood, as from a dream
Waked to a sudden, sad reality.
And when, far off, I saw those ancient towers,
The palaces and places of my youth,
I long’d to fall into my mother’s arms,
And tell a thousand tales of near escapes.
And lo! the nurse, that fondled me of yore,
Fell with glad tears upon my neck, and told
How she, and how my mother, all this while
Had dream’d of all I was to do, and said
How dear I should be to my mother’s eyes.
Her words shook me, but shook not my resolve.
For even then there came that sterner voice,
Echoing to what was highest in the soul.
Then, like to those who have a work on earth,
And put far from them lips of wife or child,
And gird them to the accomplishment; so I
Strode in, nor saw at all mine ancient halls;
And struck my father’s murderess, not my mother.
And, when I had smitten, lo, the strength of gods
Pass’d from me, and the old, familiar halls
Reel’d back on me; dim statues, that of old
Holding my mother’s hand I marvell’d at,
And questioned her of each. And she lies there,
My mother! ay, my mother now; O hair
That once I play’d with in these halls! O eyes
That for a moment knew me as I came,
And lighten’d up, and trembled into love;
The next were darkened by my hand! Ah me!
Ye will not look upon me in that world.
Yet thou, perchance, art happier, if thou go’st
Into some land of wind and drifting leaves,
To sleep without a star; but as for me,
Hell hungers, and the restless Furies wait.
Then the dark Curse, that sits upon the towers,
Bow’d down her awful head, thus satisfied,
And I fled forth, a murderer, through the world.

Stephen Phillips
(1864 – 1915)

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The Story of Art Without Men by Katy Hessel

The story of art as it’s never been told before, from the Renaissance to the present day, with more than 300 works of art.

How many women artists do you know? Who makes art history? Did women even work as artists before the twentieth century? And what is the Baroque anyway?

Guided by Katy Hessel, art historian and founder of @thegreatwomenartists, discover the glittering paintings by Sofonisba Anguissola of the Renaissance, the radical work of Harriet Powers in the nineteenth-century United States and the artist who really invented the “readymade.”

Explore the Dutch Golden Age, the astonishing work of postwar artists in Latin America, and the women defining art in the 2020s.

Have your sense of art history overturned and your eyes opened to many artforms often ignored or dismissed. From the Cornish coast to Manhattan, Nigeria to Japan, this is the history of art as it’s never been told before.

Katy Hessel is an art historian, presenter, and curator dedicated to celebrating female artists. The founder of @thegreatwomenartists on Instagram and the podcast of the same name, she lives in London.

The Story of Art Without Men
by Katy Hessel
May 2, 2023
Publisher: ‎W. W. Norton & Company (May 2, 2023)
Language: English
100 color illustrations
512 pages
ISBN-10: ‎0393881865
ISBN-13: ‎978-0393881868

This title will be released on May 2, 2023.

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Friedrich Nietzsche: Das Wort


Das Wort

Lebendgem Worte bin ich gut:
Das springt heran so wohlgemut,
das grüßt mit artigem Geschick,
hat Blut in sich, kann herzhaft schnauben,
kriecht dann zum Ohre selbst dem Tauben
und ringelt sich und flattert jetzt
und was es tut, das Wort ergötzt.
Doch bleibt das Wort ein zartes Wesen,
bald krank und aber bald genesen.
Willst ihm sein kleines Leben lassen,
mußt du es leicht und zierlich fassen,
nicht plump betasten und bedrücken,
es stirbt oft schon an bösen Blicken –
und liegt dann da, so ungestalt,
so seelenlos, so arm und kalt,
sein kleiner Leichnam arg verwandelt,
von Tod und Sterben mißgehandelt.
Ein totes Wort – ein häßlich Ding,
ein klapperdürres Kling-Kling-Kling.
Pfui allen häßlichen Gewerben,
an denen Wort und Wörter sterben.

Friedrich Nietzsche
(1844 – 1900)
Das Wort

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More in: Archive M-N, Archive M-N, Friedrich Nietzsche, Nietzsche

Gabrielle Ratcliffe: Mes Vanités. La passion selon Satan. Poésie

Du vitriol, du sucre, du vice et de la vertu déversés dans un cocktail explosif tracé de mon stylographe corrosif.

Vous trouverez dans cet ouvrage des réactions à l’intolérable, des rédemptions aimables et le récit d’angoisses et de poisse.

Un verre de prose légère et particulière, qui je l’espère, ne saura vous déplaire. A consommer sans modération.

Gabrielle Ratcliffe, née à Munich, manie le langage avec passion dans toute sa richesse. Aussi, les mots qu’elle dresse et adresse finissent par rendre ses écrits simples et limpides.

Elle noircit sans cesse le papier où qu’elle soit et quelle que soit son humeur. Singulière parce que plurielle !

Benoît Bertouy, dessinateur au cœur de génie, illustre avec parcimonie et rigueur, de son crayon, magique, sa prose, telles deux âmes sœurs.

La passion selon Satan.
Gabrielle Ratcliffe
Illustrations de Benoit Bertouy
Les Impliqués
Date de publication: 13 décembre 2022
Langue: Français
Broché format: 13,5 x 21,5 cm
174 pages
ISBN : 978-2-38417-707-3
EAN13 : 9782384177073
Livre papier:
€ 17,5

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Marieke Lucas Rijneveld komt in 2023 met een nieuwe roman

Marieke Lucas Rijneveld komt met een nieuwe roman.


In de fictiebrochure van Atlas Contact staat een vooraankondiging van de nieuwe roman van Rijneveld.


Het verdriet van Sigi F. is de titel. Wanneer deze roman precies verschijnt is nog niet duidelijk (voorjaar, zomer, najaar?). Over de inhoud is verder ook nog niets bekend.


Marieke Lucas Rijneveld
Het verdriet van Sigi F.

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William Butler Yeats: All Things can tempt Me

All Things can tempt Me

All things can tempt me from this craft of verse:
One time it was a woman’s face, or worse –
The seeming needs of my fool-driven land;
Now nothing but comes readier to the hand
Than this accustomed toil. When I was young,
I had not given a penny for a song
Did not the poet sing it with such airs
That one believed he had a sword upstairs;
Yet would be now, could I but have my wish,
Colder and dumber and deafer than a fish.

William Butler Yeats
All Things can tempt Me

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More in: Archive Y-Z, Archive Y-Z, Yeats, William Butler

Cees Nooteboom: Zo worden jaren tijd. Gedichten 2022-1955

Voor Cees Nooteboom, auteur van een imposant internationaal oeuvre, komen zijn gedichten op de eerste plaats.

Zijn poëzie gaat over waarnemen en zien, en al bijna zeventig jaar is het voor hem een vorm van ascese, van mediteren; een manier van denken. In zijn gedichten stelt hij zich vragen over het wezen van de tijd, de zielsverhuizingen van een mens tijdens zijn leven of de ontvankelijkheid voor poëzie bij hemzelf of collega-dichters.

Lang heeft Cees Nooteboom gewacht om al zijn gedichten in één band bijeen te brengen. Aan de vooravond van zijn negentigste verjaardag zal deze grootse literaire gebeurtenis eindelijk plaatsvinden.

Cees Nooteboom (31 juli 1933) wordt beschouwd als een van de belangrijkste Nederlandse schrijvers. In zijn jeugd trok hij na een opleiding in kloosterscholen liftend door Europa, een gebeurtenis die hij gebruikte voor zijn debuutroman Philip en de anderen (1955).

Een jaar later verscheen zijn poëziedebuut De doden zoeken een huis. In 1956 begon hij ook aan een ander deel van zijn carrière, de reisjournalistiek. Hij schreef reportages en reisverhalen voor onder andere Het Parool, Elsevier, en de Volkskrant. Vanaf 1968 vond hij zijn eigen plek bij het glossy tijdschrift Avenue.

In 1963 werden zijn reisverhalen gebundeld onder de titel Een middag in Bruay, gevolgd door Een nacht in Tunesië (1965) en Een avond in Isfahan (1978). Met Rituelen (1980, F. Bordewijkprijs en de Amerikaanse Pegasusprijs voor de beste niet-Amerikaanse roman) brak Nooteboom door bij het grote publiek.

In 1992 ontving Nooteboom de Constantijn Huygensprijs voor zijn volledige oeuvre. In 2003 kreeg hij de Oostenrijkse Staatsprijs voor Europese Literatuur, en in 2004 werd hem de P.C. Hooftprijs toegekend. In het najaar van 2009 ontving hij uit handen van koning Albert de prestigieuze Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren, die een keer per drie jaar door de Nederlandse Taalunie wordt toegekend.

Naast romans, poëzie en reisverhalen schreef hij ook enkele toneelstukken. Zijn boeken worden in meer dan dertig talen vertaald. In 2023 verschijnen zijn verzamelde gedichten onder de titel ‘Zo worden jaren tijd’.

Zo worden jaren tijd
Gedichten 2022-1955
Auteur: Cees Nooteboom
Uitgever: De Bezige Bij
Taal: Nederlands
26 januari 2023
Aantal pagina’s: 656
ISBN: 9789403161716
NUR: 306
Prijs: 49,99

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