
  1. The Apology by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. J.H. Leopold: Gij deed van alle mensen
  3. Umberto Eco: Hoe herken ik een fascist
  4. Ode To Beauty by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  5. Lie-a-bed by Lesbia Harford
  6. Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito
  7. Bert Bevers: Regen
  8. The Snow-Storm by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. Eliza Cook: Song for the New Year
  10. D. H. Lawrence: New Year’s Eve
  11. Bert Bevers: Arbeiterstadt
  12. O. Henry (William Sydney Porter): The Gift of the Magi. A Christmas story
  13. Emily Pauline Johnson: A Cry from an Indian Wife
  14. Bluebird by Lesbia Harford
  15. Prix Goncourt du premier roman (2023) pour “L’Âge de détruire” van Pauline Peyrade
  16. W.B. Yeats: ‘Easter 1916’
  17. Paul Bezembinder: Nostalgie
  18. Anne Provoost: Decem. Ongelegenheidsgedichten voor asielverstrekkers
  19. J.H. Leopold: O, als ik dood zal zijn
  20. Paul Bezembinder: Na de dag
  21. ‘Il y a’ poème par Guillaume Apollinaire
  22. Eugene Field: At the Door
  23. J.H. Leopold: Ik ben een zwerver overal
  24. My window pane is broken by Lesbia Harford
  25. Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers in The National Gallery London
  26. Eugene Field: The Advertiser
  27. CROSSING BORDER – International Literature & Music Festival The Hague
  28. Expositie Adya en Otto van Rees in het Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
  29. Machinist’s Song by Lesbia Harford
  30. “Art says things that history cannot”: Beatriz González in De Pont Museum
  31. Georg Trakl: Nähe des Todes
  32. W.B. Yeats: Song of the Old Mother
  33. Bert Bevers: Großstadtstraße
  34. Lesbia Harford: I was sad
  35. I Shall not Care by Sara Teasdale


  5. EXHIBITION – art, art history, photos, paintings, drawings, sculpture, ready-mades, video, performing arts, collages, gallery, etc.
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  8. LITERARY NEWS & EVENTS – art & literature news, in memoriam, festivals, city-poets, writers in Residence
  10. MUSEUM OF LOST CONCEPTS – invisible poetry, conceptual writing, spurensicherung
  11. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY – department of ravens & crows, birds of prey, riding a zebra, spring, summer, autumn, winter
  13. MUSIC
  17. STORY ARCHIVE – olv van de veestraat, reading room, tales for fellow citizens
  20. TOMBEAU DE LA JEUNESSE – early death: writers, poets & artists who died young
  21. ULTIMATE LIBRARY – danse macabre, ex libris, grimm & co, fairy tales, art of reading, tales of mystery & imagination, sherlock holmes theatre, erotic poetry, ideal women
  22. WAR & PEACE
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Georg Trakl: Abendländisches Lied

Abendländisches Lied

O der Seele nächtlicher Flügelschlag:
Hirten gingen wir einst an dämmernden Wäldern hin
Und es folgte das rote Wild, die grüne Blume und der lallende Quell
Demutsvoll. O, der uralte Ton des Heimchens,
Blut blühend am Opferstein
Und der Schrei des einsamen Vogels über der grünen Stille des Teichs.

O, ihr Kreuzzüge und glühenden Martern
Des Fleisches, Fallen purpurner Früchte
Im Abendgarten, wo vor Zeiten die frommen Jünger gegangen,
Kriegsleute nun, erwachend aus Wunden und Sternenträumen.
O, das sanfte Zyanenbündel der Nacht.

O, ihr Zeiten der Stille und goldener Herbste,
Da wir friedliche Mönche die purpurne Traube gekeltert;
Und rings erglänzten Hügel und Wald.
O, ihr Jagden und Schlösser; Ruh des Abends,
Da in seiner Kammer der Mensch Gerechtes sann,
In stummem Gebet um Gottes lebendiges Haupt rang.

O, die bittere Stunde des Untergangs,
Da wir ein steinernes Antlitz in schwarzen Wassern beschaun.
Aber strahlend heben die silbernen Lider die Liebenden:
Ein Geschlecht. Weihrauch strömt von rosigen Kissen
Und der süße Gesang der Auferstandenen.

Georg Trakl
(1887 – 1914)
Abendländisches Lied

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More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Trakl, Georg, Trakl, Georg

Ark by Estill Pollock

English poet Estill Pollock’s new collection is an ARK built to weather the flood of 21st century life.

“I have nothing left / To offer, except this poem,” Estill Pollock declares around the midpoint of his new collection ARK, and for anyone else this might seem an apology or lament; but Pollock’s poems encompass multitudes, and offer the reader entire worlds. His title of course suggests both a means of safety and sanctuary (the title of one section here), as well as a repository of sacred texts, and both are apt descriptions for this volume.

His hierophantic language demands much from the reader, but rewards in equal measure, and pleasure. His scope ranges over time and space, “in data streams / Of stars,” from “Neanderthals in Paris” to “AI execution codes” and “Cryptocurrency blockchain” carrying us over rising tides of (literal) water and war and all manner of floods that threaten to engulf us. A long account of “London in those times / Of empire” makes up much of the middle section; and even though it has been decades since he left his native America he devotes specific attention to its problematic history, and present. “Mason-Dixon” recounts the Original Sin of slavery, while more recently he observes how “American democracy eats / Its young—pockets emptied to Big Pharma / Big Banks, murder-cop trials, neo-Nazi podcast / Or demagogue variant QAnon.”

“Old worlds give up their dead,” he observes, “a skull / In tidal mud, looted barrows, souvenirs / Of species an archived fidelity, as though / We were disappearing from our own lives.” But Pollock’s ARK is here to preserve us. “This is about everything, and nothing” – in which respect it perfectly resembles life.

Estill Pollock’s publications include Constructing the Human (Poetry Salzburg, 2001) and the book cycle Relic Environments Trilogy (Cinnamon Press, Wales, 2012). His recent poetry collections, ENTROPY (2021) and TIME SIGNATURES (2022), are published by Broadstone Books. He lives in Norfolk, England.

by Estill Pollock
Pub Date: 8/15/2023
Publisher: Broadstone Books
ISBN 978-1-956782-43-1
Pages: 92
Price: $ 26.00

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William Butler Yeats: A Drinking Song

A Drinking Song

Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That’s all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.

William Butler Yeats
A Drinking Song

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More in: Archive Y-Z, Archive Y-Z, Yeats, William Butler

Freda Kamphuis: closest-up

freda kamphuis



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Régis Jauffret: Dictionnaire amoureux de Flaubert

Loin des idées reçues et des poncifs sur Flaubert, Régis Jauffret nous invite à découvrir sa vie et son oeuvre et des aspects méconnus de sa personnalité : l’homme tonitruant et hâbleur qui se cachait derrière un des écrivains incontournables des lettres françaises.

“Depuis longtemps la postérité s’est chargée de peinturlurer Flaubert. Il est admis aujourd’hui qu’il mena toujours une vie d’ermite dans sa maison isolée de Croisset, que son père l’écrasait de sa personnalité, que sa mère était possessive jusqu’à l’empêcher de se marier, de fonder une famille, bref, de quitter le nid.

Nous verrons dans cet ouvrage à quel point ces poncifs sont controuvés. En outre, je me permets à plusieurs reprises d’évoquer le Flaubert tonitruant, hâbleur et par certains aspects assez grotesque qu’évoquent à l’occasion ses contemporains. Ce n’est certes pas pour l’accabler, au contraire cette facette de sa personnalité me semble presque attendrissante et fait de lui un commensale des pantins que nous sommes. Et puis, que voulez-vous, j’ai toujours préféré les humains aux dieux. Si je fus humble dans ma tâche – sans humilité, la littérature se fane au fur et à mesure de son apparition sur le papier, l’écran, le papyrus – je n’ai pas hésité à faire preuve d’une grande familiarité envers le maître. J’ai passé près de cinq années en sa compagnie, il est devenu pour moi une sorte de camarade d’outre-tombe.

Un ami que j’ai pris souvent dans mes bras, malgré son corps fumeux de fantôme et avec lequel je me suis régulièrement disputé jusqu’à la fâcherie. Néanmoins, je n’ai jamais poussé le ridicule jusqu’à me prendre pour lui car je suis assez occupé à me croire vaniteusement moi-même et à finir mon oeuvre à laquelle je tiens davantage qu’à celle de notre Gustave. Je devrais m’abstenir de proférer pareil blasphème.
A force de sincérité les romanciers se montrent mufles”.

Regis Jauffret est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages dont Microfictions, Sévère, La Ballade de Rikers Island, Papa et Le Dernier Bain de Gustave. Il a reçu le prix Goncourt de la nouvelle pour Microfictions 2018, le prix Femina pour Asile de fous et le prix Décembre pour Univers, Univers.

Dictionnaire amoureux de Flaubert
de Régis Jauffret (Auteur)
Alain Bouldouyre (Dessins)
Éditeur: ‎Plon
Illustrated édition
4 mai 2023
Langue: Français
480 pages
€ 28,00

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More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive E-F, Archive I-J, Gustave Flaubert, Illustrators, Illustration

LET FREEDOM READ – During Banned Books Week 2023! – October 1 – 7, 2023


During Banned Books Week 2023!
October 1 – 7, 2023

The American Library Association has announced the theme for Banned Books Week 2023: “Let Freedom Read!” Banned Books Week will take place October 1 – 7, 2023.

This annual event highlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools and the value of free and open access to information.
Banning books restricts information and discourages freedom of thought. It undermines one of the primary functions of education: teaching students how to think for themselves.

The 2023 Banned Books Week theme – ‘Let Freedom Read’ – captures what’s at stake for our democracy: that the safety of our right to speak and think freely is directly in proportion to our right to read.

During Banned Books Week 2023!
October 1 – 7, 2023

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Umfangreiche Ausstellung zur Malerei Chaïm Soutines im Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen – K20

Die Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen zeigt ab 2.9.2023 in einer umfassenden Ausstellung die Werke des Künstlers Chaïm Soutine (1893 – 1943, geb. in Smilovit- chi, gest. in Paris).

Dessen expressive Gemälde reflektieren sein Leben als jüdischer Emigrant und sind zugleich Zeugnisse einer Existenz am Rand der Gesellschaft. Die Ausstellung im K20 konzentriert sich mit rund 60 Gemälden bewusst auf die frühen Meisterwerke des Künstlers und legt ihren Fokus auf die Serien, die zwischen 1918 und 1928 entstanden sind. Die Ausstellung widmet sich auch der Entwurzelung des Menschen infolge von Flucht und Migration, die damals wie heute eine zutiefst prägende Erfahrung ist.

Die Gemälde Soutines sind Farbexplosionen und trotz aller widrigen Umstände Liebeserklärungen an das Leben und an die Menschen, die wie er auf der untersten Stufe der Gesellschaft stehen. Pagen, Zimmermädchen, Köche, Messdiener und Chorknaben sind seine Modelle. Mit ihnen, wie mit den Gemälden von wankenden Landschaften und geschlachteten Tieren schafft er prägnante Bilder für eine ganze Epoche. Einer Generation, die durch Krieg, soziale Missstände und den unerbittlichen Widerstreit religiöser und politischer Weltanschauungen gezeichnet ist. Die Menschen und Motive berühren zutiefst, weil ihre Verletzlichkeit den Existenzängsten unserer Zeit Ausdruck verleiht.

War Soutine durch sein Einzelgängertum zu Lebzeiten ein Spezialfall der Moderne, so wurde er nach seinem Tod gleichermaßen zum Urvater des Abstrakten Expressionismus und der Neuen Figuration erhoben. Nachfolgende Maler*innengenerationen verehrten ihn und beriefen sich auf ihn als Vorbild und Inspiration. Dazu gehörten Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Jean Dubuffet und vor allem Francis Bacon. Später kamen Georg Baselitz, Marlene Dumas, Anish Kapoor und andere dazu.


Chaïm Soutine. Gegen den Strom
Herausgegeben von:
Susanne Gaensheimer und Susanne Meyer-Büser, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Texte von Claire Bernardi, Marta Dziewańska, Catherine Frèrejean, Sophie Krebs,
Susanne Meyer-Büser, Pascale Samuel
Hatje Cantz, Berlin
Deutsche Ausgabe
176 Seiten, Hardcover
Preis: 32 Euro



Chaïm Soutine. Gegen den Strom
K20 vom 2. September bis 14. Januar 2024
Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf

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Because I love you, I become war. Poems & Uncollected Poetics Prose by Eileen R. Tabios

The title poem, “Because I Love You, I Become War,” is a poem of feminist genius, deserving to be in the pantheon of all-time brilliant poems!

Sascha A. Akhtar, author of #LoveLikeBlood

Raw[ness] exudes from this collection of poems and poetics prose about love and war, both corporal and terrestrial. Whether speaking of “rose petals yawning like little girls, like the daughters I never bore,” or a California wildfire’s “yellowed skies” and “smoke taint,” even color is narrative in Eileen Tabios’ dexterous hands.

Eileen R. Tabios has released over 60 collections of poetry, fiction, essays, and experimental biographies from publishers in 11 countries and cyberspace. DOVELION: A FAIRY TALE FOR OUR TIMES (AC Books, 2021) is her first long- form novel. Her 2020 books include a short story collection, PAGPAG: The Dictator’s Aftermath in the Diaspora; a poetry collection, THE IN(TER)VENTION OF THE HAY(NA)KU (Marsh Hawk Press, 2019); and her third bilingual edition (English/Thai), INCULPATORY EVIDENCE: Covid-19 Poems.

Her award-winning body of work includes invention of the hay(na)ku, a 21st century diasporic poetic form, and the MDR Poetry Generator that can create poems totaling theoretical infinity, as well as a first poetry book, Beyond Life Sentences, which received the Philippines’ National Book Award for Poetry. Translated into 11 languages, she also has edited, co-edited or conceptualized 15 anthologies of poetry, fiction and essays. Her writing and editing works have received recognition through awards, grants and residencies.

Because I love you, I become war
Poems & Uncollected Poetics Prose
by Eileen R. Tabios
Pub Date: 5/30/2023
Publisher: Marsh Hawk Press, Inc.
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 099865826X
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0998658261
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 332
Price: $ 22.00

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Genevieve Taggard: With Child

With Child

Now I am slow and placid, fond of sun,
Like a sleek beast, or a worn one:
No slim and languid girl—not glad
With the windy trip I once had,
But velvet-footed, musing of my own,
Torpid, mellow, stupid as a stone.

You cleft me with your beauty’s pulse, and now
Your pulse has taken body. Care not how
The old grace goes, how heavy I am grown,
Big with this loneliness, how you alone
Ponder our love. Touch my feet and feel
How earth tingles, teeming at my heel!
Earth’s urge, not mine,—my little death, not hers;
And the pure beauty yearns and stirs.

It does not heed our ecstacies, it turns
With secrets of its own, its own concerns,
Toward a windy world of its own, toward stark
And solitary places. In the dark,
Defiant even now, it tugs and moans
To be untangled from these mother’s bones.

Genevieve Taggard
(1894 – 1948)
With Child

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More in: # Classic Poetry Archive, Archive S-T, Archive S-T

Blood Snow by Dg Nanouk Okpik

Finalist for the 2023 Pulitzer Prize Listed in The Boston Globe’s Best Poetry Books of 2022.

Longlisted for the PEN/Voelcker Award in PoetryAmerican Book Award-winning poet dg okpik’s second collection of poems, Blood Snow, tells a continuum story of a homeland under erasure, in an ethos of erosion, in a multitude of encroaching methane, ice floe, and rising temperatures.

Here, in a true Inupiaq voice, dg okpik’s relationship to language is an access point for understanding larger kinships between animals, peoples, traditions, histories, ancestries, and identities.

Through an animist process of transfiguration into a Shaman’s omniscient voice, we are greeted with a destabilizing grammar of selfhood. Okpik’s poems have a fraught relationship to her former home in Anchorage, Alaska, a place of unparalleled natural beauty and a traumatic site of devastation for Alaskan native nations and landscapes alike. In this way, okpik’s poetry speaks to the dualistic nature of reality and how one’s existence in the world simultaneously shapes and is shaped by its environs.

dg nanouk okpik was born and spent much of her life in Anchorage, Alaska. She graduated from Salish Kootenai College with an AFA in Liberal Arts and Liberal Studies, and later attended the Institute of American Indian Arts, graduating with an AFA and a BFA in Creative Writing before receiving her MFA in Creative Writing from Stonecoast College. okpik has won the Truman Capote Literary Award, the May Sarton Award, and an American Book Award for her first book, Corpse Whale (University of Arizona Press, 2012).

Blood Snow
by Dg Nanouk Okpik
Publisher: Wave Books
Publish Date: October 18, 2022
Pages 96
Language: English
EAN/UPC: 9781950268634
BISAC Categories:
Native American
Women Authors
Price $18.00

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More in: #Archive Native American Library, #Editors Choice Archiv, #Modern Poetry Archive, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive O-P, Archive O-P

Paul Verlaine: Nevermore


Souvenir, souvenir, que me veux-tu ? L’automne
Faisait voler la grive à travers l’air atone,
Et le soleil dardait un rayon monotone
Sur le bois jaunissant où la bise détone.

Nous étions seul à seule et marchions en rêvant,
Elle et moi, les cheveux et la pensée au vent
Soudain, tournant vers moi son regard émouvant :
« Quel fut ton plus beau jour ! » fit sa voix d’or vivant

Sa voix douce et sonore, au frais timbre angélique.
Un sourire discret lui donna la réplique,
Et je baisai sa main blanche, dévotement.

– Ah ! les premières fleurs qu’elles sont parfumées
Et qu’il bruit avec un murmure charmant
Le premier oui qui sort de lèvres bien-aimées !

Paul Verlaine
(1844 – 1896)
Mon rêve familier
Poèmes saturniens

Photo: Willem Witsen, 1892

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More in: #De Vijftigers Archive, Archive U-V, Archive U-V, Verlaine, Paul

Geoffrey Chaucer: Since I From Love


Since I From Love

Since I from Love escaped am so fat,
I ne’er think to be in his prison ta’en;
Since I am free, I count him not a bean.

He may answer, and saye this and that;
I do no force, I speak right as I mean;
Since I from Love escaped am so fat.

Love hath my name struck out of his slat,
And he is struck out of my bookes clean,
For ever more; there is none other mean;
Since I from Love escaped am so fat.

Geoffrey Chaucer
(1343 – 1400)
Since I From Love

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More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Geoffrey Chaucer

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