Begin jaren tachtig ontmoette Lawrence Weschler de toen nog hard aan de weg timmerende Oliver Sacks in New York.
Het was een onzekere periode voor de jonge neuroloog: Sacks’ eerste boek Ontwaken in verbijstering was tien jaar eerder al verschenen, maar hij had het grote publiek nog niet bereikt.
Met de jaren groeide Sacks’ bekendheid en werd de vriendschap tussen hem en Weschler hechter. Op zijn sterfbed vroeg Sacks zijn goede vriend of hij zijn verhaal zou willen optekenen. Dit boek is het resultaat van dat verzoek.
In En hoe gaat het met u, dokter Sacks? brengt Weschler Sacks’ extravagante persoonlijkheid prachtig tot leven. We worden teruggevoerd naar Sacks’ jongere jaren vol drugs en turbulentie, volgen hem in zijn werk als neuroloog en schrijver, zien hem patiënten helpen en vrienden vermoeien, en we volgen zijn strijd met medische en wetenschappelijke instellingen om aandacht te krijgen voor zijn belangrijkste bekommernis als neuroloog: de individuele menselijke ziel.
Weschler is erin geslaagd om Sacks’ belangrijkste vraag voor zijn patiënten – Hoe gaat het met u? – terug te kaatsen naar de beroemde neuroloog zelf.
Lawrence Weschler (1952) schreef meer dan twintig jaar voor The New Yorker. Daarnaast gaf hij les aan prominente Amerikaanse universiteiten waaronder Princeton, Columbia, Brown en New York University. Aan de laatstgenoemde universiteit was hij tot 2013 directeur van het New York Institute for the Humanities. Weschlers oeuvre bestaat uit veelgeprezen literaire non-fictie over allerlei politieke en culturele onderwerpen.
En hoe gaat het met u, dokter Sacks?
Lawrence Weschler
Oorspronkelijke titel: And How AreYou, Dr. Sacks?
De Bezige Bij 2019
Aantal pagina’s 496
Paperback: 34,99
# new books
And How AreYou, Dr. Sacks?
Lawrence Weschler
• magazine
More in: #Biography Archives, - Book News, - Book Stories, Archive S-T, Archive W-X, In Memoriam, Oliver Sacks, Psychiatric hospitals
The Grave on the Wall is a memoir and a book of mourning, a grandson’s attempt to reconcile his own uncontested citizenship with his grandfather’s lifelong struggle.
Award-winning poet Brandon Shimoda has crafted a lyrical portrait of his paternal grandfather, Midori Shimoda, whose life—child migrant, talented photographer, suspected enemy alien and spy, desert wanderer, American citizen—mirrors the arc of Japanese America in the twentieth century.
In a series of pilgrimages, Shimoda records the search to find his grandfather, and unfolds, in the process, a moving elegy on memory and forgetting.
“Shimoda brings his poetic lyricism to this moving and elegant memoir, the structure of which reflects the fragmentation of memories. . . . It is at once wistful and devastating to see Midori’s life come full circle . . . In between is a life with tragedy, love, and the horrors unleashed by the atomic bomb.”––Booklist
Title: The Grave on the Wall
Author: Brandon Shimoda
Publisher: City Lights Publishers
Format: Paperback
ISBN-10 0872867900
ISBN-13 9780872867901
Publication Date: 06 August 2019
222 pages
List Price $16.95
# New books
Brandon Shimoda
The Grave on the Wall
• magazine
More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News
Portret Anton (AHJ) Dautzenberg
Stadsdichter van Tilburg (2017 -2019)
door kunstenaar Ivo van Leeuwen
• magazine for art & literature
More in: A.H.J. Dautzenberg, Art & Literature News, City Poets / Stadsdichters, Ivo van Leeuwen, Literary Events
Paper Aeroplane: Selected Poems 1989-2014 by Simon Armitage is the essential selection of poems from one of Britain’s foremost contemporary poets.
When Simon Armitage burst on to the poetry scene in 1989 with his spectacular debut Zoom!, readers were introduced to an exceptional new talent who would reshape the landscape of contemporary poetry in the years to come.
Twenty-five years on, Simon Armitage’s reputation as one of the nation’s most original, most respected and best-loved poets seems secure. Paper Aeroplane: Poems 1989-2014 is the author’s own selection from across a quarter-century of work, from his debut to the latest, uncollected work. Drawing upon all of his award-winning poetry collections, including Kid, Book of Matches, The Universal Home Doctor and Seeing Stars, this generous selection provides an essential gathering of this most thrilling of poets, and is key reading for students and general readers alike.
Simon Armitage was born in West Yorkshire and is Professor of Poetry at the University of Leeds. A recipient of numerous prizes and awards, he has published twelve collections of poetry, including Seeing Stars (2010), The Unaccompanied (2017), Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic (2019) and his acclaimed translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (2007). He writes extensively for television and radio, and is the author of two novels and the non-fiction bestsellers All Points North (1998), Walking Home (2012) and Walking Away (2015). His theatre works include The Last Days of Troy, performed at Shakespeare’s Globe in 2014. In 2015 he was appointed Professor of Poetry at Oxford University and in 2018 he was awarded the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry. Simon Armitage is Poet Laureate of the UK.
Paper Aeroplane: Selected Poems 1989-2014
by Simon Armitage (Author), Sue Roberts (Author)
Hardback Price £14.99
Paperback Price £10.99
Pages: 248pp
Publisher: Faber and Faber Poetry
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0571310699
ISBN-13: 978-0571310692
# new books
Paper Aeroplane:
Selected Poems 1989-2014
by Simon Armitage (Author)
• magazine
More in: - Book Lovers, - Book News, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Armitage, Simon
The Maldive Shark
About the Shark, phlegmatical one,
Pale sot of the Maldive sea,
The sleek little pilot-fish, azure and slim,
How alert in attendance be.
From his saw-pit of mouth, from his charnel of maw,
They have nothing of harm to dread,
But liquidly glide on his ghastly flank
Or before his Gorgonian head;
Or lurk in the port of serrated teeth
In white triple tiers of glittering gates,
And there find a haven when peril’s abroad,
An asylum in jaws of the Fates!
They are friends; and friendly they guide him to prey,
Yet never partake of the treat —
Eyes and brains to the dotard lethargic and dull,
Pale ravener of horrible meat.
Herman Melville
(1819 – 1891)
The Maldive Shark
• magazine
More in: Archive M-N, Archive M-N, Herman Melville, Natural history
Tu avais l’âge de quitter ton enfance, l’âge où on se sent libre et où, dans le train pour Paris, on s’assoit dans le sens de la marche.
Dès ton arrivée, tu t’es sentie obligée de devenir quelqu’un d’autre. Quelqu’un qui n’oserait plus dire « je ne sais pas ». C’était la ville qui t’imposait ça, dans ce qu’elle avait à tes yeux de violent et de désirable : sa culture .
Puis tu as rencontré Elsa.
Elle avait le goût des métamorphoses.
Blandine Rinkel (1991) est une journaliste, musicienne et écrivaine française.
Après des études de lettres et de philosophie, elle intègre la classe d’écriture de l’ENSATT et la quitte pour l’EHESS. En parallèle, elle écrit portraits et critiques littéraires pour la presse écrite (Le Matricule des Anges, Gonzai, Brain Magazine, Inferno, France Inter, Citizen K…) et imagine des fictions radiophoniques.
Blandine Rinkel a fait une entrée en littérature très remarquée avec L’abandon des prétentions , paru chez Fayard en 2017. Le nom secret des choses est son deuxième roman.
Le nom secret des choses
Blandine Rinkel
Editeur : Fayard
Collection : Littérature Française
Langue : Français
Paru le: 21 Août 2019
Format: 135 x 215 mm
Broché : 304 pages
ISBN-10 : 2213712905
Prix : 19.00 €
# new books
Le nom secret des choses
Blandine Rinkel
• magazine
More in: - Book News, - Book Stories, Archive Q-R, Art & Literature News, PRESS & PUBLISHING
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