
  1. Ode To Beauty by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. Lie-a-bed by Lesbia Harford
  3. Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito
  4. Bert Bevers: Regen
  5. The Snow-Storm by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  6. Eliza Cook: Song for the New Year
  7. D. H. Lawrence: New Year’s Eve
  8. Bert Bevers: Arbeiterstadt
  9. O. Henry (William Sydney Porter): The Gift of the Magi. A Christmas story
  10. Emily Pauline Johnson: A Cry from an Indian Wife
  11. Bluebird by Lesbia Harford
  12. Prix Goncourt du premier roman (2023) pour “L’Âge de détruire” van Pauline Peyrade
  13. W.B. Yeats: ‘Easter 1916’
  14. Paul Bezembinder: Nostalgie
  15. Anne Provoost: Decem. Ongelegenheidsgedichten voor asielverstrekkers
  16. J.H. Leopold: O, als ik dood zal zijn
  17. Paul Bezembinder: Na de dag
  18. ‘Il y a’ poème par Guillaume Apollinaire
  19. Eugene Field: At the Door
  20. J.H. Leopold: Ik ben een zwerver overal
  21. My window pane is broken by Lesbia Harford
  22. Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers in The National Gallery London
  23. Eugene Field: The Advertiser
  24. CROSSING BORDER – International Literature & Music Festival The Hague
  25. Expositie Adya en Otto van Rees in het Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
  26. Machinist’s Song by Lesbia Harford
  27. “Art says things that history cannot”: Beatriz González in De Pont Museum
  28. Georg Trakl: Nähe des Todes
  29. W.B. Yeats: Song of the Old Mother
  30. Bert Bevers: Großstadtstraße
  31. Lesbia Harford: I was sad
  32. I Shall not Care by Sara Teasdale
  33. Bert Bevers: Bahnhofshalle
  34. Guillaume Apollinaire: Aubade chantée à Laetare l’an passé
  35. Oscar Wilde: Symphony In Yellow


  5. EXHIBITION – art, art history, photos, paintings, drawings, sculpture, ready-mades, video, performing arts, collages, gallery, etc.
  6. FICTION & NON-FICTION – books, booklovers, lit. history, biography, essays, translations, short stories, columns, literature: celtic, beat, travesty, war, dada & de stijl, drugs, dead poets
  7. FLEURSDUMAL POETRY LIBRARY – classic, modern, experimental & visual & sound poetry, poetry in translation, city poets, poetry archive, pre-raphaelites, editor's choice, etc.
  8. LITERARY NEWS & EVENTS – art & literature news, in memoriam, festivals, city-poets, writers in Residence
  10. MUSEUM OF LOST CONCEPTS – invisible poetry, conceptual writing, spurensicherung
  11. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY – department of ravens & crows, birds of prey, riding a zebra, spring, summer, autumn, winter
  13. MUSIC
  17. STORY ARCHIVE – olv van de veestraat, reading room, tales for fellow citizens
  20. TOMBEAU DE LA JEUNESSE – early death: writers, poets & artists who died young
  21. ULTIMATE LIBRARY – danse macabre, ex libris, grimm & co, fairy tales, art of reading, tales of mystery & imagination, sherlock holmes theatre, erotic poetry, ideal women
  22. WAR & PEACE
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Emma Lazarus: Age and Death


Age and Death

Come closer, kind, white, long-familiar friend,
Embrace me, fold me to thy broad, soft breast.
Life has grown strange and cold, but thou dost bend
Mild eyes of blessing wooing to my rest.
So often hast thou come, and from my side
So many hast thou lured, I only bide
Thy beck, to follow glad thy steps divine.
Thy world is peopled for me; this world’s bare.
Through all these years my couch thou didst prepare.
Thou art supreme Love—kiss me—I am thine!

Emma Lazarus
(1849 – 1887)
Age and Death
From: Selected Poems

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More in: Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Lazarus, Emma

William Blake’s Universe

William Blake’s Universe
until 19 May 2024

Discover William Blake’s universe and a constellation of European artists seeking spirituality in their lives and art in response to war, revolution and political turbulence.

Sometimes seen as an eccentric figure or lone genius, William Blake’s Universe is the first exhibition to explore Blake’s boundless imagination in the context of wider trends and themes in European art including romanticism, mysticism and ideas of spiritual regeneration.

This timely new exhibition brings together the largest-ever display of works by the radical British artist, printmaker and poet from our own collection, alongside artworks by his European contemporaries such as the German romantic painters Philipp Otto Runge and Caspar David Friedrich – many of which have never been displayed publicly in the UK until now.

Though these artists never met or connected in their lifetimes, Blake, Runge and Friedrich shared a strong sense of individuality and an unwavering belief in the power of art to redeem a society in crisis.

William Blake’s Universe
until 19 May 2024
University of Cambridge Museums
The Fitzwilliam Museum
Trumpington Street
Tel: +44 (0)1223 333 230

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, Blake, William, Literary Events

Natalie Amiri & Düzen Tekkal: Nous n’avons pas peur. Le courage des femmes iraniennes

En écho au mouvement « Femme, Vie, Liberté », 16 femmes iraniennes livrent ici leurs témoignages.

Ces voix s’élèvent parfois depuis l’exil, parfois depuis des cellules de prison. Elles parlent d’une vie sans droits contrôlée par la police des mœurs, d’humiliations, de mise sous tutelle et de détresse économique.

Mais aussi d’une nouvelle génération, d’une révolution que plus rien ne pourra arrêter, de libertés qui se gagnent pas à pas et de l’incroyable résilience du peuple iranien. Leurs textes sont bouleversants, remplis de larmes et porteurs d’espoir. Leur bravoure est une leçon d’humanité.

Avec les témoignages de : Golshifteh Farahani, Ghazal Abdollahi, Parastou Forouhar, Shohreh Bayat, Shila Behjat, Ani, Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg, Fariba Balouch, Rita Jahanforuz, Jasmin Shakeri, Shirin Ebadi, Masih Alinejad, Narges Mohammadi, Nazanin Boniadi, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Leily.

Traduit de l’allemand par Mathilde Ramadier, sauf pour le témoignage de Golshifteh Farahani, recueilli par Sophie Caillat.

Nous n’avons pas peur
Le courage des femmes iraniennes
Natalie Amiri & Düzen Tekkal
Avec le témoignage de Golshifteh Farahani
Traduction : Mathilde Ramadier
Editions du Faubourg
ISBN : 9782493594686
Publié le 1 mars 2024
208 pages
140 x 190 mm
Acheter le livre en librairie au prix de € 18,-

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, - Book Stories, - Bookstores, Archive A-B, Archive S-T, Banned Books, Feminism, Persian Art, REPRESSION OF WRITERS, JOURNALISTS & ARTISTS

Much Madness is divinest Sense by Emily Dickinson

Much Madness is divinest Sense

Much Madness is divinest Sense
To a discerning Eye –
Much Sense – the starkest Madness –
’Tis the Majority
In this, as all, prevail –
Assent – and you are sane –
Demur – you’re straightway dangerous –
And handled with a Chain –

Emily Dickinson
Much Madness is divinest Sense

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More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Dickinson, Emily

Death. A spirit sped by Stephen Crane


A spirit sped
Through spaces of night;
And as he sped, he called,
“God! God!”
He went through valleys
Of black death-slime,
Ever calling,
“God! God!”
Their echoes
From crevice and cavern
Mocked him:
“God! God! God!”
Fleetly into the plains of space
He went, ever calling,
“God! God!”
Eventually, then, he screamed,
Mad in denial,
“Ah, there is no God!”
A swift hand,
A sword from the sky,
Smote him,
And he was dead.

Stephen Crane
(1871 – 1900)
Death. A spirit sped

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More in: *War Poetry Archive, Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Stephen Crane

Song: ‘Sweetest love, I do not go’ by John Donne


Sweetest love, I do not go

Sweetest love, I do not go,
For weariness of thee,
Nor in hope the world can show
A fitter love for me;
But since that I
Must die at last, ’tis best
To use myself in jest
Thus by feign’d deaths to die.

Yesternight the sun went hence,
And yet is here today;
He hath no desire nor sense,
Nor half so short a way:
Then fear not me,
But believe that I shall make
Speedier journeys, since I take
More wings and spurs than he.

O how feeble is man’s power,
That if good fortune fall,
Cannot add another hour,
Nor a lost hour recall!
But come bad chance,
And we join to’it our strength,
And we teach it art and length,
Itself o’er us to’advance.

When thou sigh’st, thou sigh’st not wind,
But sigh’st my soul away;
When thou weep’st, unkindly kind,
My life’s blood doth decay.
It cannot be
That thou lov’st me, as thou say’st,
If in thine my life thou waste,
That art the best of me.

Let not thy divining heart
Forethink me any ill;
Destiny may take thy part,
And may thy fears fulfil;
But think that we
Are but turn’d aside to sleep;
They who one another keep
Alive, ne’er parted be.

John Donne
Song: Sweetest love, I do not go

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More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Donne, John

Michail Lermontov: Mijn dolk (Vertaling Paul Bezembinder)


Mijn dolk

Ik sloot jou in mijn hart, mijn maat, mijn dolk,
Sinds jaar en dag mijn onderkoelde kameraad,
Gesmeed werd jij door vrijgevochten ruitervolk,
Geslepen door een christenhart vervuld van haat.

Door lelieblanke hand wist jij jouw heft omvat,
Als aandenken aan wat – aan wíe – ik achterliet,
In plaats van bloed vergleed er langs jouw blad
Een opgewelde traan – een parel van verdriet.

Haar rokerige ogen vast op mijn persoon gericht,
Vervuld van onbenoembaar, onuitspreekbaar leed,
Verschoten, vlamden dan weer op, in haar gezicht,
Zoals jouw kling dat in het laaiend kampvuur deed.

Zij maakte jou mijn metgezel, haar liefdespand,
De vagebond in mij volgt steeds jouw wijze raad,
Ja, trouw ben ik haar, ik doe mijn woord gestand,
En jij, jij houdt mij bij de les, mijn kille kameraad!

Michail Lermontov,
Mijn dolk, Кинжал (1838)
(1814 – 1841)
Vertaling Paul Bezembinder

Paul Bezembinder studeerde theoretische natuurkunde in Nijmegen. In zijn poëzie zoekt hij vooral in klassieke versvormen en thema’s naar de balans tussen serieuze poëzie, pastiche en smartlap. Bij uitgeverij Leeuwenhof (Oostburg) verschenen de bundels Gedichten (2020), Parkzicht (2020) en Duizelingen (2022). Website:

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More in: - Archive Tombeau de la jeunesse, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Bezembinder, Paul, Lermontov, Lermontov, Mikhail

Anne Bradstreet: To My Dear and Loving Husband


To My Dear and Loving Husband

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.

I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompence.

Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let’s so persever[e],
That when we live no more, we may live ever.

Anne Bradstreet
(1612 – 1672)
To My Dear and Loving Husband

• magazine

More in: # Classic Poetry Archive, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bradstreet, Anne

Emmy Hennings: Ein Traum


Ein Traum

Wir liegen in einem tiefem See
Und wissen nichts von Leid und Weh.
Wir halten uns umfangen
Und Wasserrosen rings um uns her.
Wir streben und wünschen und wollen nichts mehr.
Wir haben kein Verlangen.
Geliebter, etwas fehlt mir doch,
Einen Wunsch, den hab ich noch:
Die Sehnsucht nach der Sehnsucht.

Emmy Hennings
(1885 – 1948)
Ein Traum

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More in: Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Emmy Hennings, Hennings, Emmy, Performing arts

Emma Doude Van Troostwijk premier roman: ¨Ceux qui appartiennent au jour”

« Je voulais raconter ça, l’histoire d’une famille de pasteurs qui perd la mémoire. Traiter d’un drame, avec le plus de lumière possible. »   〈Emma Doude van Troostwijk〉

Le temps d’un séjour de quelques semaines dans sa maison d’enfance, la narratrice raconte ses retrouvailles avec sa famille, où, depuis trois générations, hommes et femmes ont choisi le métier de pasteur. Mais quand elle arrive, quelque chose de cet ordre ancien s’est profondément déréglé.

Plongez, grâce à ce subtil premier roman, dans l’atmosphère enveloppante et mystérieuse d’un presbytère. Un premier roman aux charmes puissants, tout en clair-obscur, serti de détails lumineux. Un livre bouleversant sur la mémoire, l’oubli et la puissance de la narration – pour retisser du lien.

Une grande découverte !  Gallimard〉

Emma Doude van Troostwijk écrit un premier roman éminemment original. Son originalité est à la fois narrative et formelle. L’histoire est sombre, pourtant ceux qui la vivent restent libres.  Le Monde〉

Ceux qui appartiennent au jour
par Emma Doude Van Troostwijk
Roman Francais
Date de parution: 2 Janvier 2024
Éditions Minuit
EAN 9782707349484
Nombre de pages: 176
Longueur 18.5 cm
Largeur 13.5 cm
Épaisseur 1.5 cm
€ 17.00

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More in: - Book Lovers, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive C-D, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Emma Doude Van Troostwijk

Marriage Morning by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Marriage Morning

Light, so low upon earth,
You send a flash to the sun.
Here is the golden close of love,
All my wooing is done.
Oh, all the woods and the meadows,
Woods, where we hid from the wet,
Stiles where we stayed to be kind,
Meadows in which we met!
Light, so low in the vale
You flash and lighten afar,
For this is the golden morning of love,
And you are his morning star.
Flash, I am coming, I come,
By meadow and stile and wood,
Oh, lighten into my eyes and my heart,
Into my heart and my blood!
Heart, are you great enough
For a love that never tires?
O heart, are you great enough for love?
I have heard of thorns and briers.
Over the thorns and briers,
Over the meadows and stiles,
Over the world to the end of it
Flash of a million miles.

Alfred Lord Tennyson
Marriage Morning

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More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Christine de Pisan: Belle, ce que j’ay requis

Belle, ce que j’ay requis

Belle, ce que j’ay requis
Or le vueilliez ottroier,
Car par tant de fois proier
Bien le doy avoir conquis.

Je l’ay ja si long temps quis,
Et pour trés bien emploier,
Belle, ce que j’ay requis.
Se de moy avez enquis,

Ne me devez pas noyer
Mon guerdon, ne mon loier;
Car par raison j’ai acquis,
Belle, ce que j’ay requis.

Christine de Pisan
(1364/1365 – 1430)
Belle, ce que j’ay requis

• magazine

More in: # Classic Poetry Archive, Archive O-P, Archive O-P, Pisan, Christine de, The Ideal Woman

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