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«« Previous page · Paul Celan: “Etwas ganz und gar Persönliches” – Briefe 1934-1970 · Herman Melville: Gettysburg (Poem) · The Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini · The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump by Rob Sears · Jean-Louis Cabanès et Pierre Dufief biographie: Les Frères Goncourt · Patricia Bouchenot-Déchin: Charles Perrault · Hera Lindsay Bird: Pamper Me to Hell and Back (Poetry) · Zaina Alsous, winner of the Norma Farber First Book Award · The Passion according to Renée Vivien by Maria-Mercè Marçal · Leïla Slimani: Het land van de anderen – Mathilde roman · The Silent Woman by Janet Malcolm · Laat jouw stem voor cultuur horen!

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Paul Celan: “Etwas ganz und gar Persönliches” – Briefe 1934-1970

Paul Celan, der meistgedeutete deutschsprachige Dichter nach 1945, ist auch der Autor eines eminenten Briefwerks.

Mit dieser Ausgabe wird es nun erstmals als eigenes Werk sichtbar: in 691 Briefen, davon 330 bisher unpubliziert, an 252 Adressaten. Wer sind die Adressaten? Es sind die Mitglieder der Familie, geliebte Frauen, befreundete Autoren, sehr junge und begeisterte Leser, Übersetzerkollegen, französische Philosophen ebenso wie deutsche Germanisten und die Mitarbeiter vieler Verlage. Aus alledem entsteht in chronologischer Folge über vier Jahrzehnte ein Leben aus Briefen.

In ihnen zeigt sich Celan als herausragender Korrespondenzpartner mit einer enormen stilistischen Bandbreite, ausgeprägt in seiner Fähigkeit, auch auf Unbekannte einzugehen. Die Briefe offenbaren eine Vielzahl bisher verborgener biografischer Fakten, ermöglichen eine Präzisierung seiner Poetologie und zeigen ihn zugleich als Menschen in seinem ganz gewöhnlichen Alltag.

Das Jahr 2020 steht ganz im Zeichen von Paul Celan: Am 20. April jährte sich sein Todestag zum fünfzigsten Mal, und am 23. November 2020 wäre einer der wichtigsten deutschsprachigen Dichter nach 1945 einhundert Jahre alt geworden.

Paul Celan wurde als Paul Antschel am 23. November 1920 als einziger Sohn deutschsprachiger, jüdischer Eltern im damals rumänischen Czernowitz geboren. Nach dem Abitur 1938 begann Celan ein Medizinstudium in Frankreich, kehrte jedoch ein Jahr später nach Rumänien zurück, um dort Romanistik zu studieren. 1942 wurden Paul Celans Eltern deportiert. Im selben Herbst starb sein Vater in einem Lager an Typhus, seine Mutter wurde erschossen. Von 1942 bis 1944 musste Celan in verschiedenen rumänischen Arbeitslagern Zwangsarbeit leisten.
Von 1945 bis 1947 arbeitete er als Lektor und Übersetzer in Bukarest, wo auch erste Gedichte von Celan erschienen. Im Juli 1948 zog er von Wien aus nach Paris, wo der Dichter bis zu seinem Tod lebte. Dort lernte Celan 1951 die Künstlerin Gisèle de Lestrange kennen, die er ein Jahr später heiratete. Ihr gemeinsamer Sohn Eric kam 1955 zur Welt. Im Frühjahr 1970 nahm sich Celan in der Seine das Leben. (Suhrkamp Verlag)

“Dieses aus- und eindrucksvolle Mosaik ist die große Leistung der Herausgeberin Barbara Wiedemann, die schon so viele Publikationen zu Paul Celan verantwortet hat.” – Martin Oehlen, Frankfurter Rundschau

Paul Celan
“Etwas ganz und gar Persönliches”
Briefe 1934-1970
Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Barbara Wiedemann
Suhrkamp Verlag
1286 Seiten
78,00 €
Erschienen: 14.12.2019
ISBN: 978-3-518-42888-7

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Paul Celan
Briefe 1934-1970

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Herman Melville: Gettysburg (Poem)



O Pride of the days in prime of the months
Now trebled in great renown,
When before the ark of our holy cause
Fell Dagon down-
Dagon foredoomed, who, armed and targed,
Never his impious heart enlarged
Beyond that hour; God walled his power,
And there the last invader charged.

He charged, and in that charge condensed
His all of hate and all of fire;
He sought to blast us in his scorn,
And wither us in his ire.
Before him went the shriek of shells-
Aerial screamings, taunts and yells;
Then the three waves in flashed advance
Surged, but were met, and back they set:
Pride was repelled by sterner pride,
And Right is a strong-hold yet.

Before our lines it seemed a beach
Which wild September gales have strown
With havoc on wreck, and dashed therewith
Pale crews unknown-
Men, arms, and steeds. The evening sun
Died on the face of each lifeless one,
And died along the winding marge of fight
And searching-parties lone.

Sloped on the hill the mounds were green,
Our centre held that place of graves,
And some still hold it in their swoon,
And over these a glory waves.
The warrior-monument, crashed in fight,
Shall soar transfigured in loftier light,
A meaning ampler bear;
Soldier and priest with hymn and prayer
Have laid the stone, and every bone
Shall rest in honor there.

Herman Melville
(1819 – 1891)

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The Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini

Most people outside Italy know Pier Paolo Pasolini for his films, many of which began as literary works—Arabian Nights, The Gospel According to Matthew, The Decameron, and The Canterbury Tales among them.

What most people are not aware of is that he was primarily a poet, publishing nineteen books of poems during his lifetime, as well as a visual artist, novelist, playwright, and journalist. Half a dozen of these books have been excerpted and published in English over the years, but even if one were to read all of those, the wide range of poetic styles and subjects that occupied Pasolini during his lifetime would still elude the English-language reader.

For the first time, Anglophones will now be able to discover the many facets of this singular poet. Avoiding the tactics of the slim, idiosyncratic, and aesthetically or politically motivated volumes currently available in English, Stephen Sartarelli has chosen poems from every period of Pasolini’s poetic oeuvre. In doing so, he gives English-language readers a more complete picture of the poet, whose verse ranged from short lyrics to longer poems and extended sequences, and whose themes ran not only to the moral, spiritual, and social spheres but also to the aesthetic and sexual, for which he is most known in the United States today. This volume shows how central poetry was to Pasolini, no matter what else he was doing in his creative life, and how poetry informed all of his work from the visual arts to his political essays to his films. Pier Paolo Pasolini was “a poet of the cinema,” as James Ivory says in the book’s foreword, who “left a trove of words on paper that can live on as the fast-deteriorating images he created on celluloid cannot.”

Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922–75) was an Italian film director, writer, and intellectual. This generous selection of poems will be welcomed by poetry lovers and film buffs alike and will be an event in American letters.

The Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini
A Bilingual Edition
Edited and Translated by Stephen Sartarelli
With a Foreword by James Ivory
Format Paperback
512 pages
Dimensions 152.4 x 226.06 x 33.02mm
Publisher The University of Chicago Press
Language English
Edition Bilingual edition
ISBN10 022632544X
ISBN13 9780226325446
Paper $25.00

Susan Stewart | The Nation: “An accused blasphemer deeply devoted to Franciscan Catholicism, a Gramscian communist permanently expelled from the party, an avowed homosexual dedicated to the consensual sexual freedom of everyone, a champion of the local on a global scale, a neorealist of the imagination, and a radically innovative poet alienated from the existing practices of the avant-garde: Pasolini is not so much a figure of contradictions as he is a force against the incoherence hiding in every hypocrisy.”

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The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump by Rob Sears

Does a poet’s heart beat under Donald Trump’s brash exterior? This bestseller rearranges his quotes and tweets into hilarious poetry. It’s a new word order and a perfect stocking filler.

What if there’s a hidden dimension to Donald Trump; a sensitive, poetic side? Driven by this question, Rob Sears began combing Trump’s words for signs of poetry.

What he found was a revelation. By simply taking the 45th President of the United States’ tweets and transcripts, cutting them up and reordering them, Sears unearthed a trove of beautiful verse that was just waiting to be discovered.

This groundbreaking collection gives readers a glimpse of Trump’s innermost thoughts and feelings on everything from the nature of truth, to what he hates about Lord Sugar. And it will reveal a hitherto hidden Donald, who may surprise and delight both students and critics alike.

Now with seventeen all-new poems! As we lurch deeper into the Trump presidency, this timely publication also includes Sears’ scholarly footnotes and introduction, in which he excavates new critical angles and insights into the President’s poetry which the casual reader might initially overlook.

“I’m very highly educated.
I know words,
I know the best words”

– Donald Trump,
Campaign Rally, 30 Dec 2015

Rob Sears is a creative director at McCann Erickson advertising agency, has written comedy and fiction for McSweeney’s and (with his brother) wrote a sitcom for Audible starring Kevin Eldon, Felicity Montagu and Mitch Benn. He lives in Finsbury Park with his wife.

The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump
by Robert Sears (Author)
Subtitel: Newly Updated Edition
Including 12 Recently Discovered Poems
Hardcover: 144 pages
Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd; Main edition
August 31, 2017
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781786892270
ISBN-13: 978-1786892270
ASIN: 1786892278
Product Dimensions: 14.4 x 1.8 x 22 cm
NUR code 754

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The Beautiful Poetry
of Donald Trump

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Jean-Louis Cabanès et Pierre Dufief biographie: Les Frères Goncourt

Les Goncourt furent à la fois acteurs et mordants spectateurs d’un demi-siècle de vie littéraire et artistique. Écrivains, critiques, collectionneurs, ils marquèrent profondément leur temps. Cette biographie, rédigée par les deux plus grands spécialistes des Goncourt et appelée à faire date, renoue les fils de cette intense vie à deux.

Le nom de Goncourt connaît la célébrité grâce au plus fameux des prix littéraires, mais il mérite aussi de survivre car il fut porté par deux frères, hommes de lettres novateurs, irremplaçables témoins de leur temps.

Leur double biographie ressuscite un demi-siècle de vie littéraire et artistique, où l’on croise Gautier et Flaubert, où l’on côtoie Renan, Taine, Berthelot, Daudet, Zola. Collectionneurs impénitents, esthètes dolents et élitistes, Jules et Edmond de Goncourt ont transformé leur vie et celle de leurs proches en pages d’écriture. Leur Journal, leurs romans, qui ont initié le naturalisme et la littérature fin de siècle, la création de l’académie des Goncourt, tout témoigne de leur aspiration à la survie littéraire. Leurs engagements avant-gardistes s’associent paradoxalement à un conservatisme politique qui n’exclut ni la misogynie ni l’antisémitisme.

Fondée sur des archives familiales, sur des correspondances largement inédites et sur le dépouillement de la presse de la seconde moitié du xixe siècle, cette biographie magistrale s’attache à l’œuvre littéraire et historique aujourd’hui méconnue, elle renoue les fils d’une intense vie à deux, en pénétrant dans l’intimité affective d’une gémellité fusionnelle.

Jean-Louis Cabanès, professeur émérite à l’université de Paris-Nanterre, spécialiste du roman au xixe siècle et des rapports qu’entretiennent écrits littéraires et textes médicaux, est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages. Il dirige un collectif chargé d’établir une édition critique du Journal des Goncourt.

Pierre Dufief, professeur émérite à l’université de Paris-Nanterre, a travaillé sur le roman (1850-1914) ainsi que sur les écritures personnelles (Les Écritures de l’intime, Bréal, 2001). Président de la Société des amis des frères Goncourt, il édite la correspondance des deux frères.

Les Frères Goncourt
Jean-Louis Cabanès et Pierre Dufief
Parution: 11/03/2020
Pages: 800
Format: 155 x 235 mm
Collection: Histoire Fayard
EAN: 9782213685960
Prix: € 35.00

Les Frères Goncourt de Jean-Louis Cabanès et Pierre Dufief a reçu la Mention spéciale du Prix Goncourt de la biographie.

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Les Frères Goncourt
Jean-Louis Cabanès & Pierre Dufief

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More in: #Biography Archives, - Book News, Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Awards & Prizes, Émile Zola, Histoire de France, Jules et Edmond de Goncourt, Libraries in Literature

Patricia Bouchenot-Déchin: Charles Perrault

Dans un bel essai biographique, Patricia Bouchenot-Déchin redonne vie à l’auteur de Peau d’âne et du Conte de ma mère l’Oye, en replaçant l’homme au coeur d’un milieu et d’un environnement de relations personnelles.

Il était une fois cinq frères liés comme les doigts d’une main… Le benjamin, Charles, les mène sur le chemin de la gloire. Et pourtant, après avoir été la cheville ouvrière de l’ambitieuse politique artistique de Louis XIV pendant vingt ans, il est brutalement évincé du pouvoir. L’académicien et écrivain polémiste, blessé, néanmoins toujours joueur, riposte et oppose des rêves fastueux à la réalité. Champion des Modernes contre les Anciens, il laisse paraître, au terme d’une vie bien remplie, ses contes – toujours aussi célèbres aujourd’hui – mais étrangement sous le seul nom de son fils.

Dans une biographie pleine d’allant et riche en inédits, Patricia Bouchenot-Déchin révèle un homme complexe et fantasque. Son destin héroïque et tragique, façonné dans le miroir ardent de ses métamorphoses, s’apparente à celui d’un Petit Poucet devenu tour à tour Chat botté, prince charmant et Barbe bleue.

Patricia Bouchenot-Déchin a publié biographies, essais et romans. Ses travaux sur André Le Nôtre et sa biographie parue chez Fayard ont reçu de nombreux prix en Europe et aux États-Unis parmi lesquels, en France, le prix Hugues Capet 2013 et en 2014 le prix d’Académie de l’Académie française.

Charles Perrault
par Patricia Bouchenot-Déchin
Pages: 360
Format: 135 x 215 mm
Collection: Histoire
EAN: 9782213705644
€ 21.90

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Charles Perrault
par Patricia Bouchenot-Déchin

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Hera Lindsay Bird: Pamper Me to Hell and Back (Poetry)

Selected by Carol Ann Duffy for Laureate’s Choice Love, death, Bruce Willis, public urination, being a woman, love, The Nanny, love. This pamphlet of poetry by Hera Lindsay Bird is a startling departure from her bestselling debut Hera Lindsay Bird by defying convention and remaining exactly the same, only worse.

This collection, which focusing on love, childish behaviours, 90’s celebrity references and being a woman is sure to confirm all your worst suspicions and prejudices. In a recent comments section on the Guardian, her work has been described as “This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs,” and “This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.”

“Keats is dead so fuck me from behind
Slowly and with carnal purpose
Some black midwinter afternoon
While all the children are walking home from school
Peel my stockings down with your teeth
Coleridge is dead and Auden too”

Hera Lindsay Bird has a MA in poetry from Victoria University of Wellington, where she won the 2011 Adam Prize. Her work has been published by The Toast, The Hairpin, Sport, Hue & Cry, The Spinoff, The New Zealand Listener and Best New Zealand Poems. In 2017, she won the Jessie Mackay Best First Book Award for Poetry and the Sarah Broom Poetry Prize. She is currently living in Wellington.

Hera Lindsay Bird
Pamper Me to Hell and Back
English Poetry
Publisher: Smith/Doorstop Books/
Penguin Books Ltd
112 pages
ISBN-10: 1910367842
ISBN-13: 978-1910367841
NUR code 306

# new poetry
Hera Lindsay Bird
Pamper Me to Hell and Back

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Zaina Alsous, winner of the Norma Farber First Book Award

Announcing the 2020 Norma Farber Award winner, Zaina Alsous with A Theory of Birds (Poems)

Aina Alsous is the 2020 recipient of the Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber Book Award for her book A Theory of Birds (University of Arkansas Press). The Norma Farber Book Award honors a first book of original poetry written by a living author.

The Judge was Matthew Shenoda. Matthew Shenoda’s Citation: In Zaina Alsous’ A Theory of Birds we are ushered into a re-calibration of the world, one intent on the eradication of that which has been oppressive and divisive. In these poems history unravels us in fragments, causing us to fold ourselves into a new definition of “self” and an unabashed rejection of our positions as “subjects.” The poems found here are an honest and open exploration of how we come into a sense of our own understanding in a postcolonial world. Alsous’ poems are driven by the asking, often posing sentient questions like “who translated kings and not birds?”; questions that cause us to think of redefinition. And while her poems are searing in their critiques of political, racial, and gendered domination, like all good artists she is poignant in her ability to implicate herself at every turn and help us break through the binaries we often use to define ourselves. Hers is an aesthetic of fragmentation as a collective piecing together. A Theory of Birds teaches us that the interior narratives, the often quiet things that make each of us whole, are the most essential.

Zaina Alsous is a prison abolitionist, a daughter of the Palestinian diaspora, and a movement worker in South Florida. Her poetry, reviews, and essays have been published in POETRY Magazine, The Kenyon Review, the New Inquiry, Adroit, and elsewhere. She edits for Scalawag Magazine, a publication dedicated to unsettling dominant narratives of the U.S. South. Her chapbook Lemon Effigies won the Rick Campbell Chapbook Prize and was published by Anhinga Press. Her first full-length collection A Theory of Birds won the Etel Adnan Poetry Prize, and was published by the University of Arkansas Press in the fall of 2019.

Every year the University of Arkansas Press, together with the Radius of Arab American Writers, awards the Etel Adnan Poetry Prize for a first or second book of poetry in English by a writer of Arab heritage. The series is edited by Hayan Charara and Fady Joudah and supported by the King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Arkansas.

A Theory of Birds
Poems by Zaina Alsous
978-1-68226-104-0 (paper)
70 pages
September 2019
University of Arkansas Press


“Inside the dodo bird is a forest, Inside the forest

a peach analog, Inside the peach analog a woman, Inside

the woman a lake of funerals”


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The Passion according to Renée Vivien by Maria-Mercè Marçal

First complete translation into English by Kathleen McNerney and Helena Buffery ⊕ Contains the most beautiful prose I’ve ever read in Catalan – Anna Murià, novelist and translator

In this often poetic and lyrical novel by the revered Catalan poet Maria-Mercè Marçal, we are taken on a journey through the multiple, mobile and contradictory life, letters and loves of the fin-de-siècle Anglo-French writer, Pauline Tarn-Renée Vivien, as researched and reimagined by two principal narrators – a 1980s Catalan documentary film-maker Sara T. and a 1920s French archaeology scholar and museologist Salomon Reinach – alongside the voices of the various friends, relations, lovers, companions and servants who made her acquaintance at different moments in her life.

In the process, we are presented with a compelling reconstruction of the Belle Époque and interwar years in Paris, alongside other key sites in this transformational literary geography – Nice, Bayreuth, Switzerland, Istanbul, and the island of Lesbos – that include often dazzling evocations of other cultural figures and influencers of the age, from Zola to Pierre Louÿs and Remy de Gourmont, Liane de Pougy to Mathilde de Morny and Colette, not forgetting the central figure of Natalie Clifford-Barney, the ‘Amazone’.

Maria-Mercè Marçal:
The Passion according to Renée Vivien
Translation into English by Kathleen McNerney and Helena Buffery
Francis Boutle publishers
ISBN 9781916490659
Language: English
Format: paperback
Number of pages 354

»» website Francis Boutle publishers

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Maria-Mercè Marçal:
The Passion according to Renée Vivien

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Leïla Slimani: Het land van de anderen – Mathilde roman

1946. De jonge Franse Mathilde valt als een blok voor Amine, een Marokkaanse officier in dienst van het Franse leger.

Ze trouwen en vertrekken naar zijn familieboerderij in een klein dorpje, uren rijden van Rabat.

De liefde wordt constant op de proef gesteld maar houdt stand en ze krijgen een dochter, Aïcha, en een zoon, Selim.

Mathilde vecht tegen de armoede en het heersende patriarchaat, soms met succes. Zo ontwikkelt ze zich tot dokter voor de plattelandsbevolking. Dit kleurrijke familieverhaal speelt zich af tegen de achtergrond van een steeds grimmiger wordende onafhankelijkheidsstrijd van protectoraat Marokko tegen Frankrijk, waarin Mathilde en Amine geen partij willen kiezen. Maar dan komt de dag dat de strijd ook hun afgelegen streek bereikt.

Mathilde is het eerste deel van de trilogie Het land van de anderen. Het verhaal is gebaseerd op Slimani’s eigen familiegeschiedenis, met een oma uit de Elzas, een opa uit Marokko, en een moeder die opgroeide op het arme boerenbedrijf van haar ouders maar toch de eerste vrouwelijke gynaecoloog van Marokko werd.

Leïla Slimani (Marokko, 1981) studeerde politicologie en handelswetenschappen in Frankrijk. Voor De perfecte oppas (eerder: Een zachte hand) won ze de Prix Goncourt. Het boek werd verfilmd onder de titel Chanson douce. Ook haar debuut In de tuin van het beest werd een wereldwijde bestseller. Seks en leugens, een bundel met openhartige interviews over de hypocriete seksuele moraal in Marokko, werd genomineerd voor de Prix Renaudot. In Marokko deed ze afstand van haar auteursrechten hierop om het boek betaalbaar te maken voor Marokkaanse vrouwen. Slimani wil een bijdrage leveren aan de ontwikkeling van een vrije samenleving met gelijke rechten voor vrouwen en mannen. Sinds 2017 is ze daarnaast persoonlijk vertegenwoordiger voor President Macron voor de Francofonie. Mathilde is het eerste deel van de trilogie Het land van de anderen. Het verhaal is gebaseerd op haar familiegeschiedenis en kwam in Frankrijk op één binnen in de bestsellerlijst.

Het land van de anderen – Mathilde roman
Auteur: Leïla Slimani
Serie: Het Land Van De Anderen
Taal: Nederlands
Bindwijze: Hardcover
22,99 euro
Druk 1
Verschijningsdatum: juni 2020
Afmetingen 21,6 x 14,4 x 3 cm
Aantal pagina’s: 356 pagina’s
Uitgever: Nieuw Amsterdam
Vertaald door Gertrud Maes Gertrud Maes
EAN 9789046827000
NUR code 302
Subtitel: roman
Categorieën: Literatuur & Romans/ Familieromans/ Literaire romans

# new books
Leïla Slimani
Mathilde roman

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The Silent Woman by Janet Malcolm

The Silent Woman is a brilliant, elegantly reasoned meditation on the nature of biography.

Janet Malcolm (author of Reading Chekhov, The Journalist and the Murderer, In the Freud Archives) examines the biographies of Sylvia Plath, with particular focus on Anne Stevenson’s controversial Bitter Fruit, to discover how Plath became the enigma of literary history, and how the legend continues to exert such a hold on our imaginations.

Janet Malcolm‘s books include Reading Chekhov, In the Freud Archives, The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes and Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession. Born in Prague, she grew up in New York, where she now lives.

“One of the deepest, loveliest, and most problematic things Janet Malcolm has written. It is so subtle, so patiently analytical, and so true that it is difficu’lt to envisage anyone writing again about Plath and Hughes.” Guardian

The Silent Woman
by Janet Malcolm
Published: 02/04/2020
ISBN: 9781783786237
Granta Books
224 pages

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