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· Umberto Eco: Hoe herken ik een fascist · Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito · D. H. Lawrence: New Year’s Eve · Prix Goncourt du premier roman (2023) pour “L’Âge de détruire” van Pauline Peyrade · Anne Provoost: Decem. Ongelegenheidsgedichten voor asielverstrekkers · Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers in The National Gallery London · CROSSING BORDER – International Literature & Music Festival The Hague · Expositie Adya en Otto van Rees in het Stedelijk Museum Schiedam · That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America by Amanda Jones · Katy Hessel: The Story of Art without Men · Alice Loxton: Eighteen. A History of Britain in 18 Young Lives · The Song of the Wreck by Charles Dickens

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Umberto Eco: Hoe herken ik een fascist

Umberto Eco

was een Europeaan

in hart en nieren.

De oorlog in Oekraïne en het steeds verder naar een totalitaire staat afglijdende Rusland zou hij met pijn in het hart hebben aanschouwd.

Maar hij zou waarschijnlijk ook op alle mogelijke manieren van zich hebben laten horen en zich volop hebben ingezet voor vrede.

In Hoe herken ik een fascist, een selectie van drie belangrijke essays, weerklinkt Eco’s immer kritische stem.

Het is een stem waarnaar we moeten luisteren, want sluipend fascisme (‘Het eeuwige fascisme’) en zelfopgelegde censuur (‘Censuur en stilte’) vormen een steeds grotere bedreiging voor de Europese vrede.

Zijn oproep om tot nieuwe Europese afspraken te komen (‘Een nieuw verdrag van Nijmegen’) is dan ook bijna profetisch te noemen.

Umberto Eco (1932-2016) was een van de grootste en succesvolste schrijvers van Europa. Hij werd beroemd met zijn historische roman De naam van de roos, waarna romans volgden als De slinger van Foucault, Het eiland van de vorige dag, De begraafplaats van Praag en Het nulnummer. Ook geldt hij als een van de invloedrijkste essayisten van zijn tijd.

Umberto Eco
Hoe herken ik een fascist
Taal: nl
80 pagina’s
Uitgeverij Prometheus
EAN 9789044656794
12,50 EURO

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More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive E-F, Fascism, Umberto Eco

Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito

Under a Future Sky is a gathering of generations, a performance with ghosts anchored in Brynn Saito’s journey with her father to the desert prison where, over 80 years ago, her grandparents met and made a life.

Born of a personal ache, an unquenchable desire to animate the shadow archive, Saito’s journey unfolds in lyric correspondences and epistolary poems that sing with rage, confusion, and, ultimately, love. In these works, descendants of wartime incarceration exchange dreams, mothers become water goddesses, and a modern daughter haunts future ruins. To enter this book is to enter the slipstream of nonlinear time, where mystical inclinations, yellow cedars, and sisterhood make a balm for trauma’s scars. Altogether, the work enacts a dialogue between the past and the present; the radical ancestor and the future child; and the desert prison and the family garden, where Saito’s father diligently gathers stones.

Brynn Saito is the author of Power Made Us Swoon (2016) and The Palace of Contemplating Departure (2013), winner of the Benjamin Saltman Poetry Award from Red Hen Press and a finalist for the Northern California Book Award. She has received grant support from Densho, Hedgebrook, and the Santa Fe Arts Institute. Her poems have appeared in the New York Times and American Review among other journals and anthologies. She was a finalist for the Paterson Poetry Prize and the Milt Kessler Poetry Book Award. Brynn lives in Fresno, CA, where she is an Assistant Professor at California State University, Fresno and co-director of Yonsei Memory Project.
Brynn teaches in the MFA program at California State University, Fresno. She’s co-editing with Brandon Shimoda an anthology of poetry written by descendants of the Japanese American / Nikkei incarceration, forthcoming in 2025 from Haymarket Books.

Under a Future Sky
by Brynn Saito
112 pages
August 15, 2023
ISBN-13 978-1636281070
Publisher: Red Hen Press

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, *War Poetry Archive, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Racism

D. H. Lawrence: New Year’s Eve


New Year’s Eve

There are only two things now,
The great black night scooped out
And this fire-glow.

This fire-glow, the core,
And we the two ripe pips
That are held in store.

Listen, the darkness rings
As it circulates round our fire.
Take off your things.

Your shoulders, your bruised throat!
Your breasts, your nakedness!
This fiery coat!

As the darkness flickers and dips,
As the fireflight falls and leaps
From your feet to your lips!

D. H. Lawrence
(1885 – 1930)
New Year’s Eve

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December 31, 2024

More in: 4SEASONS#Winter, Archive K-L, Archive K-L, D.H. Lawrence, Lawrence, D.H.

Prix Goncourt du premier roman (2023) pour “L’Âge de détruire” van Pauline Peyrade

Pauline Peyrade: “L’Âge de détruire”, une tragédie en prose


Pauline Peyrade est née en 1986. Elle est l’auteure de sept pièces de théâtre aux Solitaires intempestifs – jouées et traduites en sept langues. Elle a reçu le prix Bernard-Marie Koltès pour Poings en 2019 et le Grand Prix de Littérature dramatique Artcena pour À la carabine en 2021. L’Âge de détruire est son premier roman pour lequel elle obtient le Goncourt du premier roman en 2023.



Bibliographie (extrait) :
* Ctrl-X suivi de Bois impériaux, théâtre (Les Solitaires intempestifs, 2016).
* Poings, théâtre (Les Solitaires intempestifs, 2017).
* Portrait d’une sirène suivi de Princesse de pierre – Rouge dents – Carosse (Les Solitaires intempestifs, 2019).
* A la carabine suivi de Cheveux d’été, théâtre (Les Solitaires intempestifs, 2020).
* L’Age de détruire, roman (Minuit, 2023).



Pauline Peyrade
L’Âge de détruire
160 pages
ISBN: 9782707348197
Editions de Minuit
€ 16.00

Pauline Peyrade
The age of destroying
Vertaling: Kiki Coumans
120 pagina’s
ISBN: 978 94 93186 90 3
Uitgeverij Vleugels
€ 24,50

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More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive O-P, Awards & Prizes

Anne Provoost: Decem. Ongelegenheidsgedichten voor asielverstrekkers

Een jongeman meent zich alles nog te herinneren: hij stapte in een bootje op zoek naar een land met een tandarts, zijn vrouw bleef in het water achter en werd door vissers begraven, en er was ook nog ergens een kind.

Door de shock verliest hij het zicht op de gebeurtenissen, maar zijn verblijfsvergunning hangt af van hoe geloofwaardig zijn rouw klinkt.

In een reeks ongelegenheidsgedichten veegt hij zijn ondervragers met cynische precisie de mantel uit.


Ongelegenheidsgedichten voor asielverstrekkers
Auteur: Anne Provoost
Bindwijze: Paperback
80 pagina’s
Druk 1e
Taal: Nederlands
Uitgeverij: Querido
NUR: 306
ISBN: 9789025317836
Publicatiedatum: 26-09-2024
Prijs: € 20,00

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More in: #Modern Poetry Archive, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive O-P, Archive O-P

Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers in The National Gallery London

Be blown away by Van Gogh’s most spectacular paintings in a once-in-a-century exhibition.

Walk with a pair of lovers beneath a starry night. Look up at swirling clouds and cypress trees swaying in the wind. Stay a little while in Van Gogh’s favourite park, the ‘Poet’s Garden’, or under a shady tree in Saint-Rémy.

The National Gallery is bringing together the most loved of Van Gogh’s paintings from across the globe, some of which are rarely seen in public. They will be paired together with his extraordinary drawings.

Over just two years in the south of France, Vincent van Gogh revolutionised his style in a symphony of poetic colour and texture. He was inspired by poets, writers and artists. We look at this time in Arles and Saint-Rémy as a decisive period in his career. His desire to tell stories produced a landscape of poetic imagination and romantic love on an ambitious scale.

See up-close his ‘Starry Night over the Rhône’ (1888, Musée d’Orsay) and ‘The Yellow House’ (1888, Van Gogh Museum), as well as our own ‘Sunflowers’ (1888) and ‘Van Gogh’s Chair’ (1889), among many others and celebrate the 200th birthday of Van Gogh’s ‘Poets and Lovers’.

Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers

14 September 2024 – 19 January 2025

The National Gallery London

The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square

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More in: Archive G-H, Exhibition Archive, FDM in London, Vincent van Gogh, Vincent van Gogh

CROSSING BORDER – International Literature & Music Festival The Hague

Van 30 oktober tot en met 3 november 2024 komen schrijvers en muzikanten uit binnen- en buitenland naar Den Haag voor de 32ste editie van het internationale literatuur- en muziekfestival Crossing Border.

Alexander Moto Amina Elmi Andrej Koerkov Anna de Bruyckere Anneleen van Offel Arad Dabiri Ariana Harwicz Asaf Luzon Ashley Ho Beatrice Alemagna Benjamin De Roover Bernardo Zannoni Carolina Trujillo Cherry Duyns Daria Serenko David Mitchell David Weel Django Duyns Don Duyns Edward van de Vendel Eva Montanari FaceSoul George Adegite Gery Mendes Ghayath Almadhoun Gianumberto Accinelli Hamraaz Hanneke van der Paardt Harmen van Liemt Hasan Gök (moderator) Hisham Matar Iris Penning Jean-Baptiste Andrea Jonas Eika Julia Schoch June McDoom Karl Marlantes Karol Lesman Kaveh Akbar LA LOM Leila Boukarim Lieke Maier Lilo Local Natives Loeke Vanhoutteghem Lotte Lentes Lucky Fonz III M. Seppola Simonsen Mahat Arab Malachy Tallack Marc Majewski Marilena van der Pol Marthe van Bronkhorst Mina Etemad (moderator) Mohana van den Kroonenberg Moon Unit Zappa Moor Mother MRCY Munganyende Naaz Nathan Thrall Nicole Kaandorp Nikki Dekker Noah de Campos Neto Noha Saré Oana Maria Brumă Okkervil River Olga Tokarczuk Paul Lynch Peter Alexander Jobson Rachel Rumai Diaz (moderator) Reg Desard and Vale Richtje Reinsma Rinske Bouwman Robin Lindqwister Viker Rui-Jun Luong Safae El Khannoussi Sai Rodrigeus Sana Valiulina Sheherazaad Sjaan Flikweert Slobodan Šnajder Sofie Verdoodt Solvej Balle Sophia Blyden Soukaïna Bennani Stefan Hertmans Steff Geelen Stuart Murdoch (Belle & Sebastian) The Antlers Thomas Heerma van Voss Twan Vet Vanessa Kisuule Vera Morina Vlinder Verouden


International Literature & Music Festival The Hague

30 OCT – 3 NOV 2024

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Expositie Adya en Otto van Rees in het Stedelijk Museum Schiedam

Stedelijk Museum Schiedam presenteert dit najaar Adya en Otto. Pioniers binnen de avant-garde, een tentoonstelling over het bijzondere leven en werk van het kunstenaarsechtpaar Otto van Rees (1884-1957) en Adya van Rees-Dutilh (1876-1959).

Ze zijn in hun vroege jaren, als pril gezin, omringd door bekende kunstenaars als Arp, Mondriaan en Picasso. In deze tijd leveren zij een unieke bijdrage aan beeldbepalende stromingen zoals dada en kubisme en het ontstaan van abstracte kunst. Adya en Otto waren al tijdens hun leven bekend in toonaangevende kringen van kenners en kunstenaars. Toch is hun werk nog relatief onbekend bij het grote publiek.

Als wegbereiders van de 20ste-eeuwse moderne kunst krijgen deze kunstenaars in Stedelijk Museum Schiedam alsnog een eerbetoon. Met ruim zeventig werken uit hun pionierende jaren is voor het eerst sinds bijna vijftig jaar een groot overzicht van Adya en Otto samen in een tentoonstelling te zien. Met speciale aandacht voor Adya, die als vrouwelijke kunstenaar in de door mannen gedomineerde kunstgeschiedenis van de twintigste eeuw niet de waardering heeft gekregen die ze verdient.

Adya Dutilh (1876 – 1959) en Otto van Rees (1884 – 1957) ontmoeten elkaar rond 1902 in Blaricum waar Otto’s vader een landbouwkolonie heeft gesticht. Adya is acht jaar ouder dan Otto en heeft gedegen teken- en schilderlessen gevolgd in Brussel. Otto maakt zijn HBS-opleiding niet af, maar krijgt wel schilderlessen. Op aanraden van kunstenaar Jan Toorop vertrekt Otto in 1904 naar Parijs, al snel gevolgd door Adya. Daar wonen ze, te midden van internationale avant-garde kunstenaars, in het ateliergebouw Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre en later op diverse adressen in kunstenaarswijk Montparnasse.

Publicatie Otto & Adya. Pioniers binnen de avant-garde: Bij de tentoonstelling verschijnt de publicatie Otto & Adya van Rees. Pioniers binnen de avant-garde, van de auteur Irène Lesparre op initiatief van de Van Rees Stichting in samenwerking met Waanders Uitgevers. Het boek is gericht op de periode waarin het werk van zowel Otto als Adya een dynamische ontwikkeling naar abstractie doormaakt, voortkomend uit cloisonnisme, kubisme en dada. De aandacht die onder andere besteed wordt aan de reacties op hun werk door recensenten, publiek en kunstbroeders schept een duidelijk beeld van hun pionierspositie. Prijs €24,95.

Adya en Otto
Pioniers binnen de avant-garde
Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
28 september 2024 t/m 2 maart 2025

Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
Hoogstraat 112
3111 HL Schiedam
+31 (0)10 246 3666

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More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Adya & Otto van Rees, Archive Q-R, Art & Literature News, Dada, Dadaïsme, Exhibition Archive, Expressionism, Expressionisme, Kubisme, Modernisme

That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America by Amanda Jones

Part memoir, part manifesto, the inspiring story of a Louisiana librarian advocating for inclusivity on the front lines of our vicious culture wars.

One of the things small town librarian Amanda Jones values most about books is how they can affirm a young person’s sense of self. So in 2022, when she caught wind of a local public hearing that would discuss “book content,” she knew what was at stake.

Schools and libraries nationwide have been bombarded by demands for books with LGTBQ+ references, discussions of racism, and more to be purged from the shelves. Amanda would be damned if her community were to ban stories representing minority groups. She spoke out that night at the meeting. Days later, she woke up to a nightmare that is still ongoing.

Amanda Jones has been called a groomer, a pedo, and a porn-pusher; she has faced death threats and attacks from strangers and friends alike. Her decision to support a collection of books with diverse perspectives made her a target for extremists using book banning campaigns-funded by dark money organizations and advanced by hard right politicians-in a crusade to make America more white, straight, and “Christian.” But Amanda Jones wouldn’t give up without a fight: she sued her harassers for defamation and urged others to join her in the resistance.

Mapping the book banning crisis occurring all across the nation, That Librarian draws the battle lines in the war against equity and inclusion, calling book lovers everywhere to rise in defense of our readers.

Amanda Jones has been an educator for 23 years, at the same middle school she attended as a child. She has served as President of the Louisiana Association of School Librarians and won numerous awards for her work in school libraries, including School Library Journal Librarian of the Year. A sought-after keynote speaker, Amanda is a frequent volunteer for state and national library associations, as well as a co-founder of the Livingston Parish Library Alliance and founding member of Louisiana Citizens Against Censorship. She lives in Livingston Parish, Louisiana.

That Librarian:
The Fight Against Book Banning in America
by Amanda Jones
ISBN: 9781639733538
ISBN-10: 1639733531
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Publication Date: August 27th, 2024
Pages: 288
Language: English

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More in: - Audiobooks, - Book Lovers, - Book News, - Book Stories, - Bookstores, - Guerilla Libraries, Archive I-J

Katy Hessel: The Story of Art without Men

The story of art as it’s never been told before, from the Renaissance to the present day, with more than 300 works of art.

How many women artists do you know? Who makes art history? Did women even work as artists before the twentieth century? And what is the Baroque anyway?

Guided by Katy Hessel, art historian and founder of @thegreatwomenartists, discover the glittering paintings by Sofonisba Anguissola of the Renaissance, the radical work of Harriet Powers in the nineteenth-century United States and the artist who really invented the “readymade.”

Explore the Dutch Golden Age, the astonishing work of postwar artists in Latin America, and the women defining art in the 2020s.

Have your sense of art history overturned and your eyes opened to many artforms often ignored or dismissed. From the Cornish coast to Manhattan, Nigeria to Japan, this is the history of art as it’s never been told before.

Katy Hessel is an art historian, broadcaster and curator dedicated to celebrating women artists from all over the world. She runs @thegreatwomenartists Instagram and The Great Women Artists Podcast, where she has interviewed the likes of Tracey Emin, Marina Abramovic and authors Ali Smith and Deborah Levy. Katy has lectured at Tate and National Gallery, presented films for the BBC, and is a Visiting Fellow at Cambridge University. She is a columnist for the Guardian, and the author of The Story of Art without Men – a Sunday Times Bestseller and winner of Waterstones Book of the Year 2022.

Katy Hessel:
The Story of Art without Men
Publisher: ‎W. W. Norton & Company
May 2, 2023
Language: ‎English
Hardcover: 512 pages
ISBN-10: ‎0393881865
ISBN-13: ‎978-0393881868
26,28 euro – hardcover

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More in: #Non-fiction: Archive, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive G-H, Art & Literature News, FDM Art Gallery, Feminism, The Ideal Woman

Alice Loxton: Eighteen. A History of Britain in 18 Young Lives

In this unconventional and witty history, award-winning writer and broadcaster Alice Loxton delves into Britain’s past, exploring the country through eighteen notable figures at that most formative age – eighteen.

From a young Elizabeth Tudor facing deadly intrigue at court, to Empress Matilda already changing the fate of nations, Eighteen invites readers to join an eclectic cast of young Britons across the nation and throughout its history.

Filled with fascinating stories of royalty, explorers, writers and entertainers, Eighteen asks what lessons we can learn for modern Britain.

Alice Loxton is one of Britain’s most exciting young historians. She has been a pioneer in bringing history to new audiences through social media, and has a total following of over 2 million across Instagram, TikTok and Twitter. She is an experienced writer and presenter, regularly presenting documentaries on History Hit, Channel 4 and the BBC. She is the author of the acclaimed book UPROAR: Scandal, Satire and Printmakers in Georgian London, nominated for Blackwell’s Book of the Year.

Alice Loxton:
Eighteen. A History of Britain in 18 Young Lives
Publisher: ‎Macmillan; Main Market edition
15 Aug. 2024
Language: English
Hardcover: ‎336 pages
ISBN-10: ‎1035031280
ISBN-13: ‎978-1035031283
Reading age: 18 years and up
Dimensions: ‎15.56 x 3.05 x 23.5 cm
Price: 19,99 euro

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More in: #Biography Archives, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive K-L, FDM in London, History of Britain, Tales for Fellow Citizens

The Song of the Wreck by Charles Dickens

The Song of the Wreck

The wind blew high, the waters raved,
A ship drove on the land,
A hundred human creatures saved
Kneel’d down upon the sand.
Three-score were drown’d, three-score were thrown
Upon the black rocks wild,
And thus among them, left alone,
They found one helpless child.

A seaman rough, to shipwreck bred,
Stood out from all the rest,
And gently laid the lonely head
Upon his honest breast.
And travelling o’er the desert wide
It was a solemn joy,
To see them, ever side by side,
The sailor and the boy.

In famine, sickness, hunger, thirst,
The two were still but one,
Until the strong man droop’d the first
And felt his labours done.
Then to a trusty friend he spake,
“Across the desert wide,
O take this poor boy for my sake!”
And kiss’d the child and died.

Toiling along in weary plight
Through heavy jungle, mire,
These two came later every night
To warm them at the fire.
Until the captain said one day,
“O seaman good and kind,
To save thyself now come away,
And leave the boy behind!”

The child was slumbering near the blaze:
“O captain, let him rest
Until it sinks, when God’s own ways
Shall teach us what is best!”
They watch’d the whiten’d ashy heap,
They touch’d the child in vain;
They did not leave him there asleep,
He never woke again.

Charles Dickens
The Song of the Wreck

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More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Charles Dickens, Dickens, Charles

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