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Kate/Kae Tempest

· Kae (Kate) Tempest: Announcing On Connection · Kate Tempest nieuwe CD: Book of Traps and Lessons · Kate Tempest: Running Upon The Wires (new poetry) · Lecture & rencontre: Kate Tempest à Paris – Écoute la ville tomber · KATE TEMPEST: Nederlandse vertaling van haar roman ‘the bricks that built the houses’ · KATE TEMPEST: Grootste slam poetry talent sinds jaren, treedt vanavond (10 november) op in de Melkweg Amsterdam · KATE TEMPEST IN: PERFORMANCE LIVE (BBC 2 – OCT. 1) · SHAKESPEARE AND COMPANY, PARIS: A HISTORY OF THE RAG & BONE SHOP OF THE HEART · KATE TEMPEST: GROOTSTE SLAM POETRY TALENT SINDS JAREN, OP 10 NOVEMBER 2016 IN DE MELKWEG · FIRST NOVEL BY POET KATE TEMPEST: THE BRICKS THAT BUILT THE HOUSES · KATE TEMPEST TREEDT OP TIJDENS MOTEL MOZAÏQUE ROTTERDAM · AIM Awards 2014: Poet Kate Tempest for Independent Album

»» there is more...

Kae (Kate) Tempest: Announcing On Connection

This is a meditation on the power of creative connection. Drawing on twenty years’ experience as a writer and performer, Kae Tempest explores how and why creativity – however we choose to practise it – can cultivate greater self-awareness and help us establish a deeper relationship between ourselves and the world. Honest, tender and written with piercing clarity, On Connection is a call to arms that speaks to a universal yet intimate truth.

On Connection will be the first work published under their new name and pronouns. Kate to Kae. She/Her to They/Them. Pronounced like the letter ‘K’. For more information visit

Kae Tempest is an award-winning, Sunday Times-bestselling author, poet and recording artist. Tempest won the 2013 Ted Hughes Award, was nominated for a Costa Book Award and a BRIT Award, has been shortlisted for the Mercury Prize twice and was nominated for two Ivor Novello Awards. They were also named a Next Generation Poet by the Poetry Book Society, a decennial accolade. They released their fourth studio album, The Book of Traps and Lessons, in 2019, produced by Rick Rubin. Tempest grew up in South-East London, where they still live. @kaetempest

Letter from Kae/Kate Tempest to the readers:
I’ve been struggling to accept myself as I am for a long time. I have tried to be what I thought others wanted me to be so as not to risk rejection. This hiding from myself has led to all kinds of difficulties in my life. And this is a first step towards knowing and respecting myself better. I’ve loved Kate. But I am beginning a process and I hope you’ll come with me … [Kae is] an old English word that means jay bird. Jays are associated with communication, curiosity, adaptation to new situations and COURAGE which is the name of the game at the moment. It can also mean jackdaw which is the bird that symbolises death and rebirth. Ovid said the jackdaw brought the rain. Which I love. It has its roots in the Latin word for rejoice, be glad and take pleasure. And I hope to live more that way each day … This is a time of great reckoning. Privately, locally, globally. For me, the question is no longer ‘when will this change’ but ‘how far am I willing to go to meet the changes and bring them about in myself.’ I want to live with integrity. And this is a step towards that. Sending LOVE always.
Instagram 06-08-2020

On Connection
by Kae Tempest (Author)
144 pages
ISBN-10 : 0571354025
ISBN-13 : 978-0571354023
Product Dimensions : 11.1 x 1 x 17.8 cm
Publisher : Faber & Faber
Language: : English
Main Edition (2020)
Price £9.99

• magazine

More in: #Archive A-Z Sound Poetry, Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Kate/Kae Tempest, Tempest, Kate/Kae

Kate Tempest nieuwe CD: Book of Traps and Lessons

Kate Tempest is een Londense rapper, dichter en toneelschrijfster.  Ze bracht al twee soloalbums uit, namelijk ‘Everybody Down’ in 2014 en ‘Let Them Eat Chaos’ in 2016, beiden werden genomineerd voor een Mercury Prize.

Ook bracht ze meerdere dichtbundels en een roman uit en schreef ze drie toneelstukken, maar nu is het tijd voor haar derde album.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tempest-lessons12-1.jpegNet als haar vorige twee albums zal ‘The Book Of Traps And Lessons’ een narratief karakter kennen en bestaan uit meerdere nummers die bedoeld zijn om in één zitting te beluisteren.

Tempest werkte de afgelopen vijf jaar aan dit album.

Nadat producer Rick Rubin contact met haar zocht, maakte ze enkele demo’s, maar die sloten niet aan bij wat de twee samen wilden maken.

Daarom werd het maken van ‘The Books Of Traps And Lessons’ even op pauze gezet en verscheen ‘Let Them Eat Chaos’ eerder (in 2016).

Ondertussen werd er langzaam doorgewerkt aan het album, samen met Rubin trad Tempest in detail en ging op zoek naar de kern van haar werk, de tekst die los kwam te staan van de beat.

Het is dan ook niet gek dat we op dit album minder begeleidende muziek horen dan op haar eerdere twee albums.

Kate Tempest hoopt dat mensen zich met het album zullen vereenzelvigen en als gevolg beter met zichzelf en met anderen gaan verbinden.

1. Thirsty
2. Keep Moving Don’t Move
3. Brown Eyed Man
4. Three Sided Coin
5. I Trap You
6. All Humans Too Late
7. Hold Your Own
8. Lessons
9. Firesmoke
10. Holy Elixir
11. People’s Faces

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tempest-lessons11.jpeg

Artiest: Kate Tempest
Releasedatum: 14 juni 2019
Label: Universal Music
EAN 0602577583872
Standard Edition
1 disk
Speelduur 45:00
Taal: Engels
Alternative Hip hop

# more on website kate tempest

# New CD
Kate Tempest
Book of Traps and Lessons

• magazine

More in: # Music Archive, #Archive A-Z Sound Poetry, Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Kate/Kae Tempest, Poetry Slam, Street Poetry, STREET POETRY, Tempest, Kate/Kae

Kate Tempest: Running Upon The Wires (new poetry)

Running Upon The Wires is Kate Tempest’s first book of free-standing poetry since the acclaimed Hold Your Own.

In a beautifully varied series of formal poems, spoken songs, fragments, vignettes and ballads, Tempest charts the heartbreak at the end of one relationship and the joy at the beginning of a new love; but also tells us what happens in between, when the heart is pulled both ways at once.

Running Upon The Wires is, in a sense, a departure from her previous work, and unashamedly personal and intimate in its address – but will also confirm Tempest’s role as one of our most important poetic truth–tellers: it will be no surprise to readers to discover that she’s no less a direct and unflinching observer of matters of the heart than she is of social and political change. Running Upon The Wires is a heartbreaking, moving and joyous book about love, in its endings and in its beginnings.

Kate Tempest:
Running Upon The Wires
publisher: Picador
6 September 2018
ISBN 9781509830022
64 pages

Kate Tempest was born in London in 1985. She works across the shrinking gaps of a steadily converging media industry. Equally at home within the genres of theatre, performance, poetry and music, her name now appears on album covers, poetry books, and billboard hoardings. It is fitting then, that her individual works blend elements of oral, sonic, visual and written culture.

Her 2016 work, Let Them Eat Chaos, was published by Picador, composed for live performance and released as an album of the same name.

Kate Tempest was nominated for the Mercury Music Prize for her debut album, Everybody Down, and received the Ted Hughes Award and a Herald Angel Award for Brand New Ancients. Kate was also named a Next Generation poet in 2014.

Books by Kate Tempest
2016 Let Them Eat Chaos
2016 The Bricks that Built the Houses
2015 Hopelessly Devoted
2014 Hold Your Own
2014 Everybody Down
2013 Wasted
2012 Everything Speaks in its Own Way

2016 Costa Book Award for Best Poetry Collection (shortlist)
2014 Next Generation Poet
2013 Ted Hughes Award

new poetry
by Kate Tempest magazine

More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Kate/Kae Tempest, Tempest, Kate/Kae

Lecture & rencontre: Kate Tempest à Paris – Écoute la ville tomber


Mercr. 17/01-2018 – 20h
Lecture & rencontre

Kate Tempest
Écoute la ville tomber

Rencontre animée par Clémentine Goldszal
Interprète : Marguerite Capelle
tarif : 5 € / adhérent : 0 € RÉSERVER

Maison de la Poésie
Passage Molière
157 rue Saint-Martin
75003 Paris

Becky, Harry, Leon, Pete. Quatre jeunes gens dans le Londres d’aujourd’hui. Ils ont des rêves, des aspirations, que la ville nourrit puis feint d’encourager pour mieux les broyer. Écoute la ville tomber est le roman d’une génération abîmée par le cynisme mais qui refuse d’abandonner l’utopie. Kate Tempest attrape le lecteur à chaque phrase, avec la furieuse envie de montrer le monde tel qu’il est. Sorti en 2016 en Angleterre, le roman est resté plusieurs semaines dans la liste des best-sellers du Sunday Times, atteignant les 100 000 exemplaires.

Poétesse, musicienne et performeuse mêlant rap, slam, rock & spoken word, Kate Tempest est, à 30 ans à peine, une artiste majeure du temps présent. Comparée à Zadie Smith ou à Virginie Despentes, cette jeune prodige surprend et impressionne, elle cristallise toutes les révoltes qui animent nos temps troubles.

À lire – Kate Tempest, Écoute la ville tomber, traduit de l’anglais par Madeleine Nasalik, Rivages, 2018. Les Nouveaux anciens, trad. de l’anglais par D’ de Kabal et Louise Bartlett, L’Arche, 2017.

À écouter – Kate Tempest, Let Them Eat Chaos, Fiction Records, 2016.

Les nouveaux anciens
Kate Tempest 
Paru le 18 octobre 2017
Poésie, broché
Editeur Arche
Nombre de pages 72
Traduit de l’anglais par D’ de Kabal et Louise Bartlett
ISBN : 978-2-85181-928-4 – €12

Dans ce poème épique urbain, Kate Tempest revisite par les mythes nos vies modernes désenchantées. Selon elle, les dieux de l’Antiquité resurgissent dans le monde contemporain à travers nos actes quotidiens de violence, de bravoure, de sacrifice ou d’amour. Nous sommes toujours mythiques, nous sommes toujours divins. Elle dépeint ainsi une traversée des âges, de la naissance à la mort de l’être humain, sans occulter ses failles, ses erreurs ni ses regrets. Célébrant l’humain trop humain des supermarchés, des rues, des bars et des open-space, elle s’inscrit dans la tradition d’un hip hop old-school, entre poésie, rap et poésie parlée. Une écriture dramatique puissamment cadencée, avec une rythmique très musicale et un « flow » à couper le souffle.

Ecoute la ville tomber
Kate Tempest
Madeleine Nasalik (Traducteur)
Traduit de l’anglais
Collection: Littérature étrangère Rivages
ISBN: 978-2-7436-4199-3
EAN: 9782743641993
Parution: janvier, 2018
400 pages
Format : 14.0 x 20.5
Prix: €22,50

Becky, Harry, Leon. Ils sont jeunes, hésitent entre le cynisme et le besoin éperdu d’utopie. Chacun a des rêves, des aspirations, que la ville nourrit et feint d’encourager pour mieux les broyer. Ce roman résonne des bruits et du rythme de notre époque, dans la prose incandescente de Kate Tempest, star du hip-hop, poétesse et artiste déjà légendaire à 30 ans à peine, admirée par Virginie Despentes, Lola Lafon ou Don DeLillo. Best-seller international, ce livre impose la jeune Anglaise comme une voix majeure de la scène littéraire d’aujourd’hui.

Kate Tempest
Lecture & rencontre
Mercr. 17/01-2018 – 20h
Maison de la Poésie
75003 Paris magazine

More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Kate/Kae Tempest, Literary Events, Maison de la Poésie, Tempest, Kate/Kae, TRANSLATION ARCHIVE

KATE TEMPEST: Nederlandse vertaling van haar roman ‘the bricks that built the houses’

katetempest-nov16-01De stenen die de huizen bouwen
Kate Tempest
De debuutroman van bekroonde dichter en succesvolle rapper Kate Tempest

De jonge Londenaren Becky, Harry en Leon verlaten de stad in een vierdehands Ford Cortina met een koffer vol gestolen geld. Pete, Becky’s vriendje, laten ze ook achter, op de avond van zijn surpriseparty. In De stenen die de huizen bouwen laat Kate Tempest je het hedendaagse leven in rauw Londen verkennen, bekeken door een haarscherpe morele microscoop. Ze neemt je mee naar de huizen en harten van gewone mensen en hun families en laat je op die manier momenten van schoonheid, teleurstelling, ambitie en mislukking zien. En ze laat zien: goede bedoelingen leiden niet altijd tot goede beslissingen.
Scherp maar nooit cynisch, en gedreven door empathie en ethiek roept De stenen die de huizen bouwen de vraag op hoe we met elkaar kunnen leven en van elkaar kunnen houden

“Het trekt in je botten. Je beseft het pas als je erdoorheen rijdt en kijkt naar alle vertrouwde dingen die je achter je laat. Ze passeren de straten, de winkels, de hoeken waar ze zich hebben opgewerkt. Overal starende schimmen. Slechte huid en holle ogen, waanzinnig naar hen grijnzend vanuit het verleden.
Het zit in hun botten. Brood en drank en beton. De schoonheid ervan. Al die kleine momenten op hun netvlies gebrand. Predikanten, ouders, arbeiders. Dof kijkende dromers zonder bestemming. Straatlantaarns en verkeer, lichamen te begraven en baby’s te baren. Een baan. Gewoon een baan.
Mensen moorden opnieuw uit naam van goden. Geld vermoordt ons allemaal. Ze leven in een allesoverheersende eenzaamheid waaruit vanzelf vriendschappen ontstaan. Hun dagen brengen ze starend naar dingen door. Ze bestaan binnen de massa en voelen zich deel van het geheel. Ze vertrouwen alleen op trends. Hoogstens hopend op een avondje hard gaan, naar de kloten door drank en drugs die de volgende ochtend hun vijand zijn.”



De stenen die de huizen bouwen
Kate Tempest
Uitgave: Paperback met flappen
Vertaling: Roos van de Wardt, Astrid Huisman
Publicatiedatum: sept. 2016
Pagina’s: 384
Prijs: € 19,99
Uitg. Meulenhoff
ISBN: 9789029091329


Over De stenen die de huizen bouwen

‘Een van de meest briljante Britse talenten.’ The Guardian
‘Ik wilde hier een kritiekloze ode houden aan Kate Tempest. De 29-jarige rapper, dichter, toneelschrijver uit Londen is “aanstormend” – ze won poëzieprijzen en treedt op in uitverkochte concertzalen – maar in Nederland is ze nog onbekend bij het grote publiek.’ Simone van Saarloos, NRC Handelsblad
“Een indrukwekkende roman.” Theo Hakkert, magazine

More in: - Book News, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Kate/Kae Tempest, Tempest, Kate/Kae

KATE TEMPEST: Grootste slam poetry talent sinds jaren, treedt vanavond (10 november) op in de Melkweg Amsterdam

katetempest-nov16-02Kate Tempest vecht met twee wapens; haar pen en haar stem. Als artiest won ze meerdere poetry slams en bracht in 2014 als rapper haar tweede album ‘Everybody Down’ uit. Daarnaast publiceerde ze als schrijfster een dichtbundel en een roman en schreef tussendoor nog een toneelstuk. Op het podium brengt Kate Tempest verhalen tot leven met haar unieke mix van indie-hiphop vol rauwe, poëtische raps over het grauwe stadsleven in Londen. Tekstueel één van de meest interessante en urgente lyricisten van dit moment.
donderdag 10 november 2016 – 19:30 uur
The Max
Lijnbaansgracht 234a
1017 PH Amsterdam
Telefoon: 020-5318181
# Meer info op website Melkweg Amsterdam magazine

More in: #More Poetry Archives, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Kate/Kae Tempest, Performing arts, Tempest, Kate/Kae, THEATRE


   BBC2 – Saturday October 1, 2016 – 23.00 CET


Award-winning artist Kate Tempest hosts a night of poetry that includes her epic new story Let Them Eat Chaos and performances from three of her friends, recorded live at the Rivoli Ballroom in south London.

Fusing hip-hop, poetry and theatre, Let Them Eat Chaos is set in the early hours of one morning and traces the lives of seven people living on a south London street, who all find themselves awake at 4:18am. Kate will be joined by performance poets Deanna Rodger, David J Pugilist and Isaiah Hull, who will offer their own reflections on life in contemporary Britain.


Produced by Battersea Arts Centre, this is the first episode of an ambitious new series, Performance Live. Over the next two years, Performance Live will bring some of the most innovative live theatre, dance, comedy and spoken word to BBC television, in a collaboration between BBC Arts, Arts Council England and Battersea Arts Centre.

Director – Liz Clare
Producer – Andrew Fettis
Executive Producer – Emma Cahusac
Executive Producer – David Jubb
Production Company – Battersea Arts Centre

BBC2 tv – Saturday October 1, 2016 – 23.00 CET
Performance Live: Kate Tempest magazine

More in: #Archive A-Z Sound Poetry, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Kate/Kae Tempest, MUSIC, Performing arts, Tempest, Kate/Kae, THEATRE


shakespeare&comp111A Biography of a Bookstore – Shakespeare and Company, Paris: A History of the Rag & Bone Shop of the Heartby Krista Halverson (Editor) – Sylvia Whitman (Afterword) – Jeannette Winterson (Foreword)

A copiously illustrated account of the famed Paris bookstore on its 65th anniversary.

For almost 70 years, Shakespeare and Company has been a home-away-from-home for celebrated writers—including James Baldwin, Jorge Luis Borges, A. M. Homes, and Dave Eggers—as well as for young, aspiring authors and poets. Visitors are invited to read in the library, share a pot of tea, and sometimes even live in the shop itself, sleeping in beds tucked among the towering shelves of books. Since 1951, more than 30,000 have slept at the “rag and bone shop of the heart.”

shakespeare&comp115This first-ever history of the legendary bohemian bookstore in Paris interweaves essays and poetry from dozens of writers associated with the shop–Allen Ginsberg, Anaïs Nin, Ethan Hawke, Robert Stone and Jeanette Winterson, among others–with hundreds of never-before-seen archival pieces, including photographs of James Baldwin, William Burroughs and Langston Hughes, plus a foreword by the celebrated British novelist Jeanette Winterson and an epilogue by Sylvia Whitman, the daughter of the store’s founder, George Whitman. The book has been edited by Krista Halverson, director of the newly founded Shakespeare and Company publishing house.

shakespeare&comp113George Whitman opened his bookstore in a tumbledown 16th-century building just across the Seine from Notre-Dame in 1951, a decade after the original Shakespeare and Company had closed. Run by Sylvia Beach, it had been the meeting place for the Lost Generation and the first publisher of James Joyce’s Ulysses. (This book includes an illustrated adaptation of Beach’s memoir.) Since Whitman picked up the mantle, Shakespeare and Company has served as a home-away-from-home for many celebrated writers, from Jorge Luis Borges to Ray Bradbury, A.M. Homes to Dave Eggers, as well as for young authors and poets. Visitors are invited not only to read the books in the library and to share a pot of tea, but sometimes also to live in the bookstore itself–all for free.

More than 30,000 people have stayed at Shakespeare and Company, fulfilling Whitman’s vision of a “socialist utopia masquerading as a bookstore.” Through the prism of the shop’s history, the book traces the lives of literary expats in Paris from 1951 to the present, touching on the Beat Generation, civil rights, May ’68 and the feminist movement–all while pondering that perennial literary question, “What is it about writers and Paris?”

shakespeare&comp112In this first-ever history of the bookstore, photographs and ephemera are woven together with personal essays, diary entries, and poems from writers including Allen Ginsberg, Anaïs Nin, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Sylvia Beach, Nathan Englander, Dervla Murphy, Jeet Thayil, David Rakoff, Ian Rankin, Kate Tempest, and Ethan Hawke.

With hundreds of images, it features Tumbleweed autobiographies, precious historical documents, and beautiful photographs, including ones of such renowned guests as William Burroughs, Henry Miller, Langston Hughes, Alberto Moravia, Zadie Smith, Jimmy Page, and Marilynne Robinson.

Tracing more than 100 years in the French capital, the book touches on the Lost Generation and the Beats, the Cold War, May ’68, and the feminist movement—all while reflecting on the timeless allure of bohemian life in Paris.

shakespeare&comp116Krista Halverson is the director of Shakespeare and Company bookstore’s publishing venture. Previously, she was the managing editor of Zoetrope: All-Story, the art and literary quarterly published by Francis Ford Coppola, which has won several National Magazine Awards for Fiction and numerous design prizes. She was responsible for the magazine’s art direction, working with guest designers including Lou Reed, Kara Walker, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Zaha Hadid, Wim Wenders and Tom Waits, among others.

Jeanette Winterson‘s first novel, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, was published in 1985. In 1992 she was one of Granta’s Best of Young British Novelists. She has won numerous awards and is published around the world. Her memoir, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?, was an international bestseller. Her latest novel, The Gap of Time, is a “cover version” of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale.

Sylvia Whitman is the owner of Shakespeare and Company bookstore, which her father opened in 1951. She took on management of the shop in 2004, when she was 23, and now co-manages the bookstore with her partner, David Delannet. Together they have opened an adjoining cafe, as well as launched a literary festival, a contest for unpublished novellas, and a publishing arm.

“I created this bookstore like a man would write a novel, building each room like a chapter, and I like people to open the door the way they open a book, a book that leads into a magic world in their imaginations.” —George Whitman, founder

shakespeare&comp114Drawing on a century’s worth of never-before-seen archives, this first history of the bookstore features more than 300 images and 70 editorial contributions from shop visitors such as Allen Ginsberg, Anaïs Nin, Kate Tempest, and Ethan Hawke. With a foreword by Jeanette Winterson and an epilogue by Sylvia Whitman, the 400-page book is fully illustrated with color throughout.

Shakespeare and Company, Paris: A History of the Rag & Bone Shop of the Heart by Krista Halverson
Foreword by: Jeanette Winterson
Epilogue by: Sylvia Whitman
Contributions by:
Allen Ginsberg
Anaïs Nin
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Sylvia Beach
Nathan Englander
Dervla Murphy
Ian Rankin
Kate Tempest
Ethan Hawke
David Rakoff

Publisher: Shakespeare and Company Paris
Publication date: August 2016
Hardback – ISBN: 979-1-09610-100-9
€ 35.00
Publication country:France
Weight: 1501.000g.

# More information on website Shakespeare & Company

Photos: Shakespeare & Comp,  Jef van Kempen FDM magazine

More in: - Book Lovers, - Book News, - Book Stories, - Bookstores, Art & Literature News, BEAT GENERATION, Borges J.L., Burroughs, William S., Ernest Hemingway, Ginsberg, Allen, J.A. Woolf, James Baldwin, Kate/Kae Tempest, Samuel Beckett, Shakespeare, William, Tempest, Kate/Kae



Kate Tempest vecht met twee wapens; haar pen en haar stem. Als artiest won ze meerdere poetry slams en bracht in 2014 als rapper haar tweede album ‘Everybody Down’ uit. Daarnaast publiceerde ze als schrijfster een dichtbundel en een roman en schreef tussendoor nog een toneelstuk. Op het podium brengt Kate Tempest verhalen tot leven met haar unieke mix van indie-hiphop vol rauwe, poëtische raps over het grauwe stadsleven in Londen. Tekstueel één van de meest interessante en urgente lyricisten van dit moment.


donderdag 10 november 2016 – 19:30 uur
The Max
Lijnbaansgracht 234a
1017 PH Amsterdam
Telefoon: 020-5318181
Verkoop start vrijdag 19 aug

# Meer info op website Melkweg Amsterdam magazine

More in: #Archive A-Z Sound Poetry, #More Poetry Archives, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Kate/Kae Tempest, Poetry Slam, STREET POETRY, Tempest, Kate/Kae, THEATRE


TEMPESTKATE_RECORDThe Bricks that Built the Houses by Kate Tempest:
Award-winning poet and rapper Kate Tempest’s electrifying debut novel takes us into the beating heart of the capital in this multi-generational tale of drugs, desire and belonging.
It gets into your bones. You don’t even realise it, until you’re driving through it, watching all the things you’ve always known and leaving them behind.

Young Londoners Becky, Harry and Leon are leaving town in a fourth-hand Ford Cortina with a suitcase full of money. They are running from jealous boyfriends, dead-end jobs, violent maniacs and disgruntled drug dealers, in the hope of escaping the restless tedium of life in south-east London – the place they have always called home.
As the story moves back in time, to before they had to leave, we see them torn between confidence and self-loathing, between loneliness and desire, between desperate ambition and the terrifying prospect of getting nothing done.
In The Bricks that Built The Houses Kate Tempest explores contemporary city life with a powerful moral microscope, giving us irresistible stories of hidden lives, and showing us how the best intentions don’t always lead to the right decisions.

“It’s hard not to be blown away by Kate Tempest … A stirring, post-Dickensian lens trained on London’s lonely underbelly” – Evening Standard

“This book is almost everything I hoped it would be. That is praise indeed, as I had high hopes … As lyrical as it is gritty, and as devoted to (south-east) London as it is to humanity, with all its foibles” – New Statesman

“Explosive … Tempest’s carefully wrought metaphors work best when they are illuminating cityscapes, giving the reader fresh and vivid visions of a familiar world … It recalls two other great, recent, experimental novels about being young: Jon McGregor’s If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things and Eimear McBride’s A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing. There’s the same sense of daring and linguistic inventiveness, the same feeling of language pushed to its limits … It fairly flies off the page” – Observer

A novel of discontentment, rage and good intentions . . . Tempest sharpens her tongue to good effect” – The Times

“A story of accidental adventure and loss in what feels like London’s boiling crucible of race, class and sexuality … This novel requires giving oneself over to its linguistic world … It seems not just to describe a contemporary world but chart the migratory and class movements that has led it to its current state” – Andrew McMillan, Independent

A novel about youth and drugs and desire and dancers … It’s also about the changing face of the capital city. About gentrification and its costs” – Herald

“Both as writer and performer, Ms. Tempest stitches together words with such animate grace that language acquires an almost tactile quality, and the drama she unfolds — of betrayal, disappointment and violence among a handful of not especially special London dwellers — soars to operatic dimensions.” – Charles Isherwood – New York Times –

TEMPESTKATE_BRICKBiography: Kate Tempest was born in London in 1985. She has published two plays, Wasted and Hopelessly Devoted, and two collections of poetry, Everything Speaks in its Own Way and the acclaimed Hold Your Own. Her epic poem, Brand New Ancients, won the 2012 Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry. Her album Everybody Down was nominated for the 2014 Mercury Music Prize. She is a Next Generation Poet. The Bricks that Built the Houses, which involves the same characters as Everybody Down, is her first novel

Kate Tempest:
The Bricks that Built the Houses
Taal: Engels
Hardback Edition:
ISBN: 9781408857304
Imprint: Bloomsbury Circus 2016
Dimensions: 216 x 135 mm
Euro 19,49

# More information on website Bloomsbury Circus magazine

More in: - Book News, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Kate/Kae Tempest, Tempest, Kate/Kae


De Stichting Motel Mozaïque organiseert jaarlijks een aantal bijzondere culturele programma’s, waarvan het gelijknamige festival ondertussen is uitgegroeid tot een nationaal en internationaal gewaardeerd evenement. In 2004 is Motel Mozaïque tot ‘Beste Festival’ uitgeroepen door de Vereniging Nederlandse Poppodia & Festivals. Motel Mozaïque is ontstaan én gevestigd in Rotterdam.


Het kunstenfestival Motel Mozaïque is de meest in het oog springende en bekendste activiteit van de stichting. Motel Mozaïque biedt een organische mix van muziek, theater, beeldende kunst, film en de mogelijkheid daadwerkelijk te overnachten in kunstwerken. Daarnaast (ver)leiden de Gidsen van Motel Mozaïque de bezoekers langs bijzondere plekken in de stad en in het festival.
Gastvrijheid is de rode draad in het programma en tevens de inspiratiebron voor de makers van Motel Mozaïque. Tijdens het festival zijn bekende en onbekende muzikanten, dj’s, beeldend kunstenaars en theatergezelschappen afwisselend of gezamenlijk te gast in het motel. De festivaleditie Motel Mozaïque is een zeer nauwe samenwerking van Motel Mozaïque met de Rotterdamse kunstinstellingen de Rotterdamse Schouwburg, CBK Rotterdam en Rotown.

Motel Mozaïque is ontstaan tijdens Rotterdam 2001, Culturele Hoofdstad van Europa. Initiatiefnemer van dit kunstenfestival is Harry Hamelink. Het redactieteam scout en nodigt artiesten en performers uit die in hun werk laten zien, naast warmte en kwaliteit, een ‘open mind’ te hebben. Daarnaast creëren kunstenaars slaapplaatsen op uiteenlopende plekken in de stad en worden de bezoekers door gidsen meegenomen naar de programma-onderdelen die zij zelf nog niet ontdekt hebben.

Naast Kate Tempest zijn onder meer te gast: Temples, Asgeir, Jungle, George Ezra, Kurt Vile, Wild Beasts, Larry Gus, Aufgang, Hauschka, Angel Olsen, Ivo Dimchev, Florentijn Hofman, Jaga Jazzist & Rotterdam Sinfonia, AlunaGeorge, Laura Mvula, The Veils, Jose James, Soap&Skin, Patrick Watson, Django Django, Balthazar, Blaudzun, Fink, The Maccabees, Jose Gonzalez, Belle & Sebastian, James Blake, Lykke Li, Mumford & Sons, Ben Howard, James Vincent McMorrow, Band Of Horses, Angus & Julia Stone, The Gaslamp Killer, Mulatu Astatke, Fuck Buttons, Midlake, The Whitest Boy Alive, Fever Ray, Nico Muhly, dEUS, Trentemoller, Goldfrapp, Efterklang, CocoRosie, LCD Soundsystem, Scissor Sisters, Antony & The Johnsons, Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy, Nancy Sinatra, Arthur Lee, The Kills, Feist, The Libertines, Peaches, Carina Molier, Benji Reid, Zita Swoon, Abattoir Fermé, !!!, A Silver Mt. Zion, Kung Fu, PONI, Schie 2.0, Observatorium, Bliss, Miriam Reeders, Madeleine Berkhemer, Michael Spencer Jones, Gotan Project, Múm, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Emiliana Torrini, Atelier van Lieshout, Dré Wapenaar, Mogwai, Claudy Jongstra, Villanella / Hanneke Paauwe, The Veils, Amon Tobin en 2ManyDJ’s waren al te gast tijdens Motel Mozaïque.


Gisteren was Kate Tempest op TV te zien in DWDD met een veel te kort optreden, vandaag (vrijdag 10 april) treedt het Engelse super-dicht-talent op in Rotterdam. Het optreden van vandaag maakt deel uit van haar Europese tour. Na Rotterdam staan deze maand de volgende shows nog op het programma: 11 April: Trix, Antwerp – 13 April: VEGA, Copenhagen – 14 April: Debaser, Stockholm – 16 April: Fri-Son, Fribourg – 17 April: Biko, Milan – 18 April: Teatro Quirinetta, Rome – 20 April: Gebaude 9, Cologne – 21 April: Berghain, Berlin

Voor meer info over dichter Kate Tempest, zie deze website ( en natuurlijk haar eigen website: magazine

More in: Archive S-T, Kate/Kae Tempest, MUSIC, Tempest, Kate/Kae, THEATRE

AIM Awards 2014: Poet Kate Tempest for Independent Album


AIM Awards 2014:

Poet Kate Tempest

for Independent Album

One of the nominations for this year’s AIM Awards is the wonderful Kate Tempest, who recently released her debut solo album Everybody Down on Big Dada. The album was produced by Dan Carey, and is in the running for Independent Album Of The Year.

The full list of nominees
Actress – Ghettoville
Arctic Monkeys – AMMixRadio
East India Youth – Total Strife Forever
Fred V & Graffix – Recognise
Gruff Rhys – American Interior
Kate Tempest – Everybody Down
London Grammar – If You Wait
Mogwai – Rave Tapes
Tune-Yards – Nikki Nack
Within Temptation – Hydra

The fourth annual AIM Independent Music Awards

takes place at London’s The Brewery

on 2nd September 2014.

# More on Everybody Down from Kate Tempest

on website BIGDADA magazine

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