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«« Previous page · “Art says things that history cannot”: Beatriz González in De Pont Museum · Georg Trakl: Nähe des Todes · W.B. Yeats: Song of the Old Mother · Bert Bevers: Großstadtstraße · Lesbia Harford: I was sad · I Shall not Care by Sara Teasdale · Bert Bevers: Bahnhofshalle · Guillaume Apollinaire: Aubade chantée à Laetare l’an passé · Oscar Wilde: Symphony In Yellow · That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America by Amanda Jones · When You Are Old and grey by William Butler Yeats · Katy Hessel: The Story of Art without Men

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“Art says things that history cannot”: Beatriz González in De Pont Museum

Maak dit najaar kennis met de iconische Colombiaanse kunstenaar Beatriz González (1932).

Vanaf 5 oktober 2024 presenteert De Pont haar eerste solotentoonstelling in Nederland. González is de grande dame van de hedendaagse Latijns-Amerikaanse kunst en ze wordt vaak de schilder van het Colombiaanse geheugen genoemd. Ze staat bekend als de meest toonaangevende schilder van de afgelopen vijftig jaar in deze regio en heeft generaties kunstenaars beïnvloed. Met haar krachtige, kleurrijke en poëtische schilderkunst is ze een scherpzinnige chroniqueur van de veelal gewelddadige Colombiaanse geschiedenis.

Tegelijkertijd wordt haar werk gekenmerkt door een sterke universele zeggingskracht. War and Peace: A Poetics of Gesture geeft een overzicht van González’ indrukwekkende, decennia omspannende oeuvre waarin thema’s als verdriet, verlies en de ‘condition humaine’ een grote rol spelen. Daarnaast biedt de tentoonstelling een nieuw perspectief op González’ benadering van lichamen en gebaren als dragers van emotie.

González houdt herinneringen levend aan gebeurtenissen die de officiële geschiedschrijving verzwijgt. Met haar schilderijen die zich vastzetten in je verbeelding brengt ze ervaringen over van generaties Colombianen die gedurende hun leven in de greep zijn gehouden door oorlog. Vanaf het begin van haar carrière zijn González’ werken verweven met de realiteit van Colombia, een land dat wordt gekenmerkt door instabiliteit, corruptie en geweld. Voortdurende gewapende conflicten, waaronder de tien jaar durende burgeroorlog La Violencia (1948 – 1958), de strijd tussen de Colombiaanse staat en guerrillabeweging FARC (1964 – 2016) en het narcogeweld hebben een blijvende impact gehad op haar perceptie van de Colombiaanse samenleving.

Sinds 1962 eigent González zich bestaande beelden uit de westerse schilderkunst, populaire cultuur en fotojournalistiek toe. Ze is hierdoor vaak geduid als het Latijns-Amerikaanse antwoord op popart, een positie waar ze zichzelf altijd tegen heeft verzet. Liever stelt González zich, met de nodige zelfspot en humor, op als een ‘een schilder uit de provincie’. Ze werkt met een levendig palet dat aan de kleuren van haar land verwant is. Naast het canvas onderzoekt ze verschillende dragers voor haar schilderijen, zoals voor de massa geproduceerde meubels, gordijnen en behang.

“Art says things that history cannot”


in De Pont Museum Tilburg

War and Peace:
A Poetics of Gesture

5 oktober 2024 – 9 maart 2025

Museum De Pont
Wilhelminapark 1
5041 EA Tilburg
013 – 543 8300


• magazine

* Photo: Beatriz González in 2015
* Beatriz González una decada 1980 – 1990

More in: Archive G-H, Art & Literature News, Art Criticism, Beatriz González, Exhibition Archive, FDM Art Gallery, Pop Art

Georg Trakl: Nähe des Todes

Nähe des Todes

O der Abend, der in die finsteren Dörfer
der Kindheit geht.
Der Weiher unter den Weiden
Füllt sich mit den verpesteten Seufzern
der Schwermut.

O der Wald, der leise
die braunen Augen senkt,
Da aus des Einsamen knöchernen Händen
Der Purpur seiner verzückten Tage hinsinkt.

O die Nähe des Todes. Laß uns beten.
Jn dieser Nacht lösen auf lauen Kissen
Vergilbt von Weihrauch sich der Liebenden
schmächtige Glieder.

Georg Trakl
(1887 – 1914)
Nähe des Todes

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More in: Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Expressionisme, Trakl, Georg, Trakl, Georg

W.B. Yeats: Song of the Old Mother


Song of the Old Mother

I rise in the dawn, and I kneel and blow
Till the seed of the fire flicker and glow;
And then I must scrub and bake and sweep
Till stars are beginning to blink and peep;
And the young lie long and dream in their bed
Of the matching of ribbons for bosom and head,
And their day goes over in idleness,
And they sigh if the wind but lift a tress:
While I must work because I am old,
And the seed of the fire gets feeble and cold.

W.B. Yeats
Song of the Old Mother

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More in: Archive Y-Z, Archive Y-Z, Yeats, William Butler

Bert Bevers: Großstadtstraße


Bij het gelijknamige schilderij uit 1931 van Hans Baluschek

Ze weten niets van morgen, en bewegen als om
ongemerkt tussen decorstukken te verdwijnen.

Maar je ziet aan hen dat ze er aan gewend zijn
om te leven. De avond begint zachtjes te trillen.

Ze lachen alleen wanneer het hun beleefd wordt
gevraagd. Hun harten blijven daarbij incognito.

Bert Bevers

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert, FDM in Berlin

Lesbia Harford: I was sad

I was sad

I was sad
Having signed up in a rebel band,
Having signed up to rid the land
Of a plague it had.
For I knew
That I would suffer, I would be lost,
Be bitter and foolish and tempest tost
And a failure too.
I was sad;
Though far in the future our light would shine
For the present the dark was ours, was mine,
I couldn’t be glad.

Lesbia Harford
I was sad

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More in: Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Feminism, Harford, Lesbia, Workers of the World

I Shall not Care by Sara Teasdale

I Shall not Care

When I am dead and over me bright April
Shakes out her rain-drenched hair,
Tho’ you should lean above me broken-hearted,
I shall not care.

I shall have peace, as leafy trees are peaceful
When rain bends down the bough,
And I shall be more silent and cold-hearted
Than you are now.

Sara Teasdale
I Shall not Care

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Archive S-T, Archive S-T, Teasdale, Sara

Bert Bevers: Bahnhofshalle


Bij het gelijknamige schilderij uit 1929 van Hans Baluschek

Ze meende dat ze bij elkaar hoorden maar in
het voorbijgaan vangt ze op hoe zij nog aan hem

vraagt van waar hij komt. “Een ’oekske”, zegt hij.
“Een donker ’oekske.” Zwijgend vreest hij dan

weer voor eeuwig de pantomime van krijgers
die alleen in tientallen rekenen, tellend doden.

Bert Bevers

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert, FDM in Berlin

Guillaume Apollinaire: Aubade chantée à Laetare l’an passé

Aubade chantée à Laetare l’an passé

C’est le printemps viens-t’en Pâquette
Te promener au bois joli
Les poules dans la cour caquètent
L’aube au ciel fait de roses plis
L’amour chemine à ta conquête

Mars et Vénus sont revenus
Ils s’embrassent à bouches folles
Devant des sites ingénus
Où sous les roses qui feuillolent
De beaux dieux roses dansent nus

Viens ma tendresse est la régente
De la floraison qui paraît
La nature est belle et touchante
Pan sifflote dans la forêt
Les grenouilles humides chantent

Guillaume Apollinaire
(1880 – 1918)
Poéme: Aubade chantée à Laetare l’an passé
Recueil: Alcools (1913)

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More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry A-E, Apollinaire, Guillaume, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Dada, DADA, Dadaïsme, Guillaume Apollinaire

Oscar Wilde: Symphony In Yellow


Symphony In Yellow

An omnibus across the bridge
Crawls like a yellow butterfly,
And, here and there a passer-by
Shows like a little restless midge.

Big barges full of yellow hay
Are moored against the shadowy wharf,
And, like a yellow silken scarf,
The thick fog hangs along the quay.

The yellow leaves begin to fade
And flutter from the temple elms,
And at my feet the pale green Thames
Lies like a rod of rippled jade.

Oscar Wilde
(1854 – 1900)
Symphony In Yellow

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More in: Archive W-X, Archive W-X, Wilde, Oscar, Wilde, Oscar

That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America by Amanda Jones

Part memoir, part manifesto, the inspiring story of a Louisiana librarian advocating for inclusivity on the front lines of our vicious culture wars.

One of the things small town librarian Amanda Jones values most about books is how they can affirm a young person’s sense of self. So in 2022, when she caught wind of a local public hearing that would discuss “book content,” she knew what was at stake.

Schools and libraries nationwide have been bombarded by demands for books with LGTBQ+ references, discussions of racism, and more to be purged from the shelves. Amanda would be damned if her community were to ban stories representing minority groups. She spoke out that night at the meeting. Days later, she woke up to a nightmare that is still ongoing.

Amanda Jones has been called a groomer, a pedo, and a porn-pusher; she has faced death threats and attacks from strangers and friends alike. Her decision to support a collection of books with diverse perspectives made her a target for extremists using book banning campaigns-funded by dark money organizations and advanced by hard right politicians-in a crusade to make America more white, straight, and “Christian.” But Amanda Jones wouldn’t give up without a fight: she sued her harassers for defamation and urged others to join her in the resistance.

Mapping the book banning crisis occurring all across the nation, That Librarian draws the battle lines in the war against equity and inclusion, calling book lovers everywhere to rise in defense of our readers.

Amanda Jones has been an educator for 23 years, at the same middle school she attended as a child. She has served as President of the Louisiana Association of School Librarians and won numerous awards for her work in school libraries, including School Library Journal Librarian of the Year. A sought-after keynote speaker, Amanda is a frequent volunteer for state and national library associations, as well as a co-founder of the Livingston Parish Library Alliance and founding member of Louisiana Citizens Against Censorship. She lives in Livingston Parish, Louisiana.

That Librarian:
The Fight Against Book Banning in America
by Amanda Jones
ISBN: 9781639733538
ISBN-10: 1639733531
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Publication Date: August 27th, 2024
Pages: 288
Language: English

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More in: - Audiobooks, - Book Lovers, - Book News, - Book Stories, - Bookstores, - Guerilla Libraries, Archive I-J

When You Are Old and grey by William Butler Yeats


When you are old and grey

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

W.B. Yeats
When you are old and grey

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More in: Archive Y-Z, Archive Y-Z, Yeats, William Butler

Katy Hessel: The Story of Art without Men

The story of art as it’s never been told before, from the Renaissance to the present day, with more than 300 works of art.

How many women artists do you know? Who makes art history? Did women even work as artists before the twentieth century? And what is the Baroque anyway?

Guided by Katy Hessel, art historian and founder of @thegreatwomenartists, discover the glittering paintings by Sofonisba Anguissola of the Renaissance, the radical work of Harriet Powers in the nineteenth-century United States and the artist who really invented the “readymade.”

Explore the Dutch Golden Age, the astonishing work of postwar artists in Latin America, and the women defining art in the 2020s.

Have your sense of art history overturned and your eyes opened to many artforms often ignored or dismissed. From the Cornish coast to Manhattan, Nigeria to Japan, this is the history of art as it’s never been told before.

Katy Hessel is an art historian, broadcaster and curator dedicated to celebrating women artists from all over the world. She runs @thegreatwomenartists Instagram and The Great Women Artists Podcast, where she has interviewed the likes of Tracey Emin, Marina Abramovic and authors Ali Smith and Deborah Levy. Katy has lectured at Tate and National Gallery, presented films for the BBC, and is a Visiting Fellow at Cambridge University. She is a columnist for the Guardian, and the author of The Story of Art without Men – a Sunday Times Bestseller and winner of Waterstones Book of the Year 2022.

Katy Hessel:
The Story of Art without Men
Publisher: ‎W. W. Norton & Company
May 2, 2023
Language: ‎English
Hardcover: 512 pages
ISBN-10: ‎0393881865
ISBN-13: ‎978-0393881868
26,28 euro – hardcover

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More in: #Non-fiction: Archive, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive G-H, Art & Literature News, FDM Art Gallery, Feminism, The Ideal Woman

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