
  1. The Apology by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. J.H. Leopold: Gij deed van alle mensen
  3. Umberto Eco: Hoe herken ik een fascist
  4. Ode To Beauty by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  5. Lie-a-bed by Lesbia Harford
  6. Under a Future Sky poetry by Brynn Saito
  7. Bert Bevers: Regen
  8. The Snow-Storm by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. Eliza Cook: Song for the New Year
  10. D. H. Lawrence: New Year’s Eve
  11. Bert Bevers: Arbeiterstadt
  12. O. Henry (William Sydney Porter): The Gift of the Magi. A Christmas story
  13. Emily Pauline Johnson: A Cry from an Indian Wife
  14. Bluebird by Lesbia Harford
  15. Prix Goncourt du premier roman (2023) pour “L’Âge de détruire” van Pauline Peyrade
  16. W.B. Yeats: ‘Easter 1916’
  17. Paul Bezembinder: Nostalgie
  18. Anne Provoost: Decem. Ongelegenheidsgedichten voor asielverstrekkers
  19. J.H. Leopold: O, als ik dood zal zijn
  20. Paul Bezembinder: Na de dag
  21. ‘Il y a’ poème par Guillaume Apollinaire
  22. Eugene Field: At the Door
  23. J.H. Leopold: Ik ben een zwerver overal
  24. My window pane is broken by Lesbia Harford
  25. Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers in The National Gallery London
  26. Eugene Field: The Advertiser
  27. CROSSING BORDER – International Literature & Music Festival The Hague
  28. Expositie Adya en Otto van Rees in het Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
  29. Machinist’s Song by Lesbia Harford
  30. “Art says things that history cannot”: Beatriz González in De Pont Museum
  31. Georg Trakl: Nähe des Todes
  32. W.B. Yeats: Song of the Old Mother
  33. Bert Bevers: Großstadtstraße
  34. Lesbia Harford: I was sad
  35. I Shall not Care by Sara Teasdale


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Gladys Cromwell: Love



Hush, hush, O wind!
Between the leaves jou creep.
You grope like something blind.
The tree tops as they sleep,
The standing spears of grass,
You’ll touch them when you pass.

Still, still, O love!
My need awaits your dower,
My foolish heart your power;
Though sorrow dawn anew
I may not strive with you.

Cromwell, Gladys

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More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Cromwell, Gladys, Gladys Cromwell

Helen Leah Reed: Cassandra


Of all the luckless women ever born,
Or ever to be born here on our earth,
Most pitied be Cassandra, from her birth
Condemned to woes unearned by her. Forlorn,
She early read great Ilium’s doom, and tried,
Clear-eyed, clear-voiced, her countrymen to warn.
But–she Apollo’s passion in high scorn
Had once repelled, and of his injured pride
The God for her had bred this punishment,–
That good, or bad, all things she prophesied
Though true as truth, should ever be decried
And flouted by the people. As she went
Far from old Priam’s gates among the crowd,
To save her country was her heart intent.
Pure, fearless, on an holy errand bent,
They called her “mad,” who was a Princess proud.
“Alas, the City falls! Beware the horse!
Woe, woe, the Greeks!” Ah! why was she endowed
With this sad gift? Able to pierce the cloud
That veils the future,–in its wasting course
She could not stop the storm. Bitter the pain
When those she loved and trusted–weak resource–
Her prophecies believed not; when the force
Of all her pleading spent itself in vain.
Poor Maid! She knew no greater agony
When dragged a slave in Agamemnon’s train.
And though she fell–by Clytemnestra slain–
She smiled on Death who eased her misery.
For oh–what grief to one of faithful heart
It is–to know the evils that must be.
Helpless their doom to make the imperilled see,
Unskilled to shield them from the fatal dart!

Helen Leah Reed

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More in: #More Poetry Archives, Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R

Gladys Cromwell: The Lion

The Lion

I feel the lines of yellow sunli^t bum
My body, alternating with each bar
Of shadow. Captive in my cage, I yearn
For the large river where somnambular
I drank at twilight, listening lest some star
Betray me quenching the salt blood. But far
Is the cool river! Golden sun-streaks bum
Athwart my body, in between each bar
Of shadow. Now I range in circular
Pursuit of my own power, now taciturn,
I lie. My refluent sinews fetters are ;
And with reverberant fires, I lash, I spurn
This body which the yellow sun-streaks burn:
My passion mocks these lines of cinnabar.

Cromwell, Gladys
The Lion

• magazine

More in: Archive C-D, Archive C-D, Cromwell, Gladys, Gladys Cromwell

Roger Robinson: A Portable Paradise (Poetry)

Winner of the T.S. Eliot Prize 2020 and the RSL Ondaatje Prize!

These are finely crafted poems that reveal Roger Robinson’s capacity to tell involving stories and capture the essence of a character in a few words, to move the emotions with the force of verbal expression, and engage our thoughts, as in the sequence of poems that reflect on just what paradise might be. A Portable Paradise is a feast to be carried by lovers of poetry wherever they go.

Roger Robinson’s range is wide: the joys and pains of family life; the ubiquitous presence of racism, both subtle and unsubtle; observations on the threatening edge of violence below the surface energies of Black British territories in London; emblematic poems on the beauty and often bizarre strangeness of the world of animals; quizzical responses to the strange, the heartening, and the appalling in incidents or accounts of incidents encountered in daily life; reflections on the purposes and costs of making art, as in fine poems on a George Stubbs’ painting, John Coltrane’s Ascension and cocaine. Not least, in the sequence of poems that reflect on the meanings of the Grenfell Tower fire, Roger Robinson finds ways to move beyond a just indignation to uncover the undertones of experience that bring us nearer to the human reality of that event.

The collection’s title points to the underlying philosophy expressed in these poems: that earthly joy is, or ought to be, just within, but is often just beyond our reach, denied by racism, misogyny, physical cruelty and those with the class power to deny others their share of worldly goods and pleasures. A Portable Paradise is not the emptiness of material accumulation, but joy in an openness to people, places, the sensual pleasures of food and the rewards to be had from the arts of word, sound and visual enticement – in short an “insatiable hunger” for life. The poems express a fierce anger against injustice, but also convey the irrepressible sense that Roger Robinson cannot help but love people for their humour, oddity and generosity of spirit.

These are finely crafted poems, that reveal Roger Robinson’s capacity to tell involving stories and capture the essence of a character in a few words, to move the emotions with the force of verbal expression, and engage our thoughts, as in the sequence of poems that reflect on just what paradise might be. A Portable Paradise is a feast to be carried by lovers of poetry wherever they go.

• Roger Robinson is a writer and performer who lives between London and Trinidad. His first full poetry collection, The Butterfly Hotel, was shortlisted for The OCM Bocas Poetry Prize. He has toured extensively with the British Council and is a co-founder of both Spoke Lab and the international writing collective Malika’s Kitchen.

• Review by Bernardine Evaristo for the New Statesman on Wednesday, November 13, 2019: “A Portable Paradise (Peepal Tree Press) is the fourth poetry collection by Trinidadian-British poet Roger Robinson. It’s also his finest, ranging from the most breath-taking poems about the Grenfell Tower fire to the most exquisitely moving poems about the premature birth of his son, who had to fight for his life in an incubator. His poems are deep, mature, moving and inventive.”

A Portable Paradise
Roger Robinson (author)
Publisher: Peepal Tree Press Ltd
ISBN: 9781845234331
Number of pages: 144
Dimensions: 206 x 135 mm
Published: 08/07/2019

# new poetry
Roger Robinson:
A Portable Paradise

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R, Art & Literature News, Awards & Prizes, Black Lives Matter

Guillaume Apollinaire: Con Large Comme Un Estuaire


Con Large Comme Un Estuaire

Con large comme un estuaire
Où meurt mon amoureux reflux
Tu as la saveur poissonnière
l’odeur de la bite et du cul
La fraîche odeur trouduculière
Femme ô vagin inépuisable
Dont le souvenir fait bander
Tes nichons distribuent la manne
Tes cuisses quelle volupté
même tes menstrues sanglantes
Sont une liqueur violente
La rose-thé de ton prépuce
Auprès de moi s’épanouit
On dirait d’un vieux boyard russe
Le chibre sanguin et bouffi
Lorsqu’au plus fort de la partouse
Ma bouche à ton noeud fait ventouse.

Guillaume Apollinaire
(1880 – 1918)
Con Large Comme Un Estuaire

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More in: Apollinaire, Guillaume, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Guillaume Apollinaire

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