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BOOKS. The final chapter?

«« Previous page · BOEKENWEEK 2022 van 9 t/m 18 april · Punks: New & Selected Poems by John Keene · Rachael Allen: Kingdomland (Poetry) · Jack Kerouac: Eenzame reiziger · ‘Useful Junk’ by: Erika Meitner · Ukrainian Studies: “Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine” · “Apricots of Donbas” new book of poetry by Ukrainian poet Lyuba Yakimchuk · Gregor Schneider by Raimund Stecker (Ed.) · Joris-Karl Huysmans. Een Parijse Hollander door Marc Smeets · The Guide to James Joyce’s Ulysses by Patrick Hastings · The Precipice: Neoliberalism, the Pandemic and the Urgent Need for Radical Change by Noam Chomsky and C. J. Polychroniou · Selected Poems by Ai Qing

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BOEKENWEEK 2022 van 9 t/m 18 april

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Punks: New & Selected Poems by John Keene

A landmark collection of poetry by acclaimed fiction writer, translator, and MacArthur Fellow John Keene, PUNKS: NEW & SELECTED POEMS is a generous treasury in seven sections that spans decades and includes previously unpublished and brand new work.

With depth and breadth, PUNKS weaves together historic narratives of loss, lust, and love. The many voices that emerge in these poems—from historic Black personalities, both familial and famous, to the poet’s friends and lovers in gay bars and bedrooms—form a cast of characters capable of addressing desire, oppression, AIDS, and grief through sorrowful songs that “we sing as hard as we live.”

At home in countless poetic forms, PUNKS reconfirms John Keene as one of the most important voices in contemporary poetry.

John Keene is a writer, translator, professor, and artist who was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2018. In 1989, Keene joined the Dark Room Writers Collective, and is a Graduate Fellow of the Cave Canem Writers Workshops. He is the author of Annotations, and Counternarratives, both published by New Directions, as well as several other works, including the poetry collection Seismosis, with artist Christopher Stackhouse, and a translation of Brazilian author Hilda Hilst’s novel Letters from a Seducer. Keene is the recipient of many awards and fellowships—including the Windham-Campbell Prize, the Whiting Foundation Prize, the Republic of Consciousness Prize, and the American Book Award. He teaches at Rutgers University-Newark.

# new poetry
Punks: New & Selected Poems
John Keene
Pub Date:12/1/2021
Publisher: The Song Cave
ISBN: 978-1-73727-752-1
Binding: Paperback
Price: $ 20.00

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Rachael Allen: Kingdomland (Poetry)

Kingdomland is the debut poetry collection of Rachael Allen – a writer of rare vision and flair.

The world she creates is suffused with surreal images and uncanny incidents. Unexplained violences and strange metamorphoses take shape in the ‘glowering dusk’. And yet, all too clearly, we recognise life here on earth, its everyday griefs, dysfunctions and injustices.

Where distinctions between murder and bloodletting, corruption and consumption are blurred. Where a pet tarantula or mimic octopus might find itself beside glands and processed meats. Landscapes shift and identities dissolve: ‘the red bricks of the day’ exist ‘in a woman’s chest’, a human presence is ’embedded in the walls’. All appears changed, but familiar.

Intercut with oblique verse fragments and a series of linked sequences, Allen blends elements of fiction and ekphrasis to create a haunting and unforgettable debut.

Rachael Allen was born in Cornwall and studied at Goldsmiths College. She is the co-author of Jolene, a book of poems and photographs with Guy Gormley, and Nights of Poor Sleep, a book of poems and paintings with Marie Jacotey. She has received a Northern Writers’ Award and an Eric Gregory Award, and was made a Faber New Poet in 2014. She is poetry editor at Granta and co-founder of the poetry press clinic and online journal tender.


( . . . )
The white ocean spreads itself
like the badly iced top of a cake
seen through the smeared Plexiglas
of a cheap hotel restaurant.
I grate flesh into garlanded toilet water,
rearrangements of a desiccated sky.
( . . . )


# new poetry
by Rachael Allen (Author)
80 pages
Publisher: ‎Faber & Faber
Main edition
17 Jan. 2019
Language ‏ : ‎ English
ISBN-10 ‏: ‎ 057134111X
ISBN-13 ‏: ‎ 978-0571341115
Dimensions: ‎ 12.7 x 0.76 x 19.3 cm
€ 18,99

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Jack Kerouac: Eenzame reiziger

Op 12 maart 2022 was het honderd jaar geleden dat Jack Kerouac werd geboren. Op die dag verscheen het nog niet eerder in het Nederlands vertaalde Eenzame reiziger, waarin Kerouac in ‘jazzy impressionistisch proza’ (The New Yorker) verslag doet van zijn omzwervingen door de VS, Mexico, Marokko, Londen en Parijs.

Eenzame reiziger (voor het eerst gepubliceerd in 1960) is een tijdloos reisverslag en een jubelende viering van de menselijke ontdekkingsdrang. Terwijl hij door de VS, Mexico, Marokko, Parijs en Londen zwerft, legt Kerouac in poëtisch proza het leven onderweg vast.

Staande op de locomotief van een trein die langs velden met stekelige cactussen raast; zijn eerste stierengevecht in Mexico terwijl hij high is van opium; bijpraten met de jongeren van het beat-nachtleven in New York; zichzelf begraven in de met sneeuw bedekte bergen van Noordwest-Amerika; mediteren op een zonovergoten dak in Tanger; of verliefd worden op Montmartre en de prachtige basilique du Sacré-Cœur – Kerouac schrijft zowel over de eindeloze diversiteit van het menselijk leven als over zijn eigen levenslustige filosofie van zelfontplooiing.

Jack Kerouac (1922-1969), geboren in Massachusetts, studeerde aan de Columbia Universiteit in New York, waar hij een aantal van de schrijvers ontmoette die later deel zouden uitmaken van de Beat Generation, onder wie Allen Ginsberg en William Burroughs. In 1957 werd On The Road gepubliceerd. Ongelukkig door het succes en alle aandacht trok hij zich terug in zijn geboorteplaats, waar hij op zevenenveertigjarige leeftijd stierf aan de gevolgen van een leverbloeding.

Eenzame reiziger
Auteur: Jack Kerouac
Vertaald door Arie Storm
Taal: Nederlands
Verschijningsdatum maart 2022
Druk 1
Afmeting: 20,1 x 12,6 x 2,6 cm
Bindwijze Paperback
280 pagina’s
Illustraties: Nee
EAN 9789492068828
NUR 320
Uitgeverij Oevers

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‘Useful Junk’ by: Erika Meitner

A master of documentary poetry, Erika Meitner takes up the question of desire and intimacy in her latest collection of poems.

In her previous five collections of poetry, Erika Meitner has established herself as one of America’s most incisive observers, cherished for her remarkable ability to temper catastrophe with tenderness. In her newest collection Useful Junk, Meitner considers what it means to be a sexual being in a world that sees women as invisible—as mothers, customers, passengers, worshippers, wives.

These poems render our changing bodies as real and alive, shaped by the sense memories of long-lost lovers and the still thrilling touch of a spouse after years of parenthood, affirming that we are made of every intimate moment we have ever had.

Letter poems to a younger poet interspersed throughout the collection question desire itself and how new technologies—Uber, sexting, Instagram—are reframing self-image and shifting the ratios of risk and reward in erotic encounters.

With dauntless vulnerability, Meitner travels a world of strip malls, supermarkets, and subway platforms, remaining porous and open to the world, always returning to the intimacies rooted deep within the self as a shout against the dying earth.

Boldly affirming that pleasure is a vital form of knowledge, Useful Junk reminds us that our bodies are made real and beautiful by our embodied experiences and that our desire is what keeps us alive.

Erika Meitner is the author of five books of poems, including Ideal Cities (Harper Perennial, 2010), which was a 2009 National Poetry Series winner, Copia (BOA Editions, 2014), and Holy Moly Carry Me (BOA Editions, 2018). Her poems have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Tin House, The New Republic, Virginia Quarterly Review, Oxford American, Best American Poetry, Ploughshares, and elsewhere. In 2015, she was the US-UK Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Creative Writing at the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry at Queen’s University Belfast, and she has also received fellowships from The MacDowell Colony, the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, the Blue Mountain Center, and the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing. She is currently an associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, where she directs the MFA and undergraduate programs in Creative Writing.

# new poetry
Useful Junk
By: Erika Meitner
Regular price $ 17.00
Publisher: ‎ BOA Editions Ltd.
April 5, 2022
Language: ‎ English
Paperback: ‎ 104 pages
ISBN-10: ‎ 1950774538
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1950774531

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Ukrainian Studies: “Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine”

The armed conflict in the east of Ukraine in 2017 brought about an emergence of a distinctive trend in contemporary Ukrainian poetry: the poetry of war.

Directly and indirectly, the poems collected in this volume engage with the events and experiences of war, reflecting on the themes of alienation, loss, dislocation, and disability; as well as justice, heroism, courage, resilience, generosity, and forgiveness.

In addressing these themes, the poems also raise questions about art, politics, citizenship, and moral responsibility. The anthology brings together some of the most compelling poetic voices from different regions of Ukraine. Young and old, female and male, somber and ironic, tragic and playful, filled with extraordinary terror and ordinary human delights, the voices recreate the human sounds of war in its tragic complexity.

Oksana Maksymchuk is an author of two award-winning books of poetry in the Ukrainian language, and a recipient of Richmond Lattimore and Joseph Brodsky-Stephen Spender translation prizes. She works on problems of cognition and motivation in Plato’s moral psychology. Maksymchuk teaches philosophy at the University of Arkansas.

Max Rosochinsky is a poet and translator from Simferopol, Crimea. His poems had been nominated for the PEN International New Voices Award in 2015. With Maksymchuk, he won first place in the 2014 Brodsky-Spender competition. His academic work focuses on twentieth century Russian poetry, especially Osip Mandelshtam and Marina Tsvetaeva.

Published by Academic Studies Press (Boston, MA) and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (Cambridge, MA), Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine is available in hardback, paperback, and digital ebook formats.

New Poems from Ukraine by:
Anastasia Afanasieva
Vasyl Holoborodko
Borys Humenyuk
Yuri Izdryk
Aleksandr Kabanov
Kateryna Kalytko
Lyudmyla Khersonska
Boris Khersonsky
Marianna Kiyanovska
Halyna Kruk
Oksana Lutsyshyna
Vasyl Makhno
Marjana Savka
Ostap Slyvynsky
Lyuba Yakimchuk
Serhiy Zhadan

# new poetry
Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine
Edited by Oksana Maksymchuk & Max Rosochinsky
with an introduction by Ilya Kaminsky and an afterword by Polina Barskova
Publisher: Academic Studies Press
Series: Ukrainian Studies
Pages: 242 pp.
16 illus. (color)
Publication Date: December 2017
ISBN: 9781618116666 (cloth) 32,99 euro
ISBN: 9781618118615 (paper) 24,99 euro

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“Apricots of Donbas” new book of poetry by Ukrainian poet Lyuba Yakimchuk

we will walk back, even with bare feet
if we don’t find our home in the place where we left it
we will build another one in an apricot tree
out of luscious clouds, out of azure ether


Apricots of Donbas­—by award-winning contemporary Ukrainian poet Lyuba Yakimchuk—is the 7th book in the Lost Horse Press Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry Series. As are previous volumes in the Series, it has been released in a dual-language edition.

Born and raised in a small coal-mining town in Ukraine’s industrial east, Yakimchuk lost her family home in 2014, when the region was occupied by Russian-backed militants, and her parents and sister were forced to flee as refugees.

Reflecting the complex emotional experiences of a civilian witnessing a gradual disintegration of her familiar surroundings, Yakimchuk’s poetry is versatile, ranging from sumptuous verses about the urgency of erotic desire in a war-torn city to imitations of child-like babbling about the tools and toys of military combat.

Playfulness in the face of catastrophe is a distinctive feature of Yakimchuk’s voice, evoking the legacy of the Ukrainian Futurists of the 1920s. The poems’ artfulness goes hand in hand with their authenticity, offering intimate glimpses into the story of a woman affected by a life-altering situation beyond her control.


my friends are hostages
and I can’t reach them, I can’t do netsk
to pull them out of the basements
from under the rubble

yet here you are, writing poems
ideally slick poems
high-minded gilded poems
beautiful as embroidery

there’s no poetry about war
just decomposition
only letters remain
and they all make a single sound — rrr


Lyuba Yakimchuk from Decomposition,
translated from the Ukrainian by Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky


Lyuba Yakimchuk
is a poet, playwright, and screenwriter. Her two collections of poetry, Moda (2009) and Abrykosy Donbasu (2015) won prestigious awards, including the International Slavic Poetic Award (Ukraine) and the International Poetic Award of the Kovalev Foundation (USA). Since 2019, her play The Wall has been running at the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theater, the largest in Ukraine. She also authored the script for the film The Slovo House: An Unfinished Novel, reflecting on the literary life in the 1930’s Kharkiv. Born and raised in a small town near Luhansk, Yakimchuk now lives in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Born and raised in a small coal-mining town in Ukraine’s industrial east, Yakimchuk lost her family home in 2014 when the region was occupied by Russian-backed militants and her parents and sister were forced to flee as refugees. Reflecting her complex emotional experiences, Yakimchuk’s poetry is versatile, ranging from sumptuous verses about the urgency of erotic desire in a war-torn city to imitations of childlike babbling about the tools and toys of military combat. Playfulness in the face of catastrophe is a distinctive feature of Yakimchuk’s voice, evoking the legacy of the Ukrainian Futurists of the 1920s. The poems’ artfulness go hand in hand with their authenticity, offering intimate glimpses into the story of a woman affected by a life-altering situation beyond her control.

# new poetry
poems by Lyuba Yakimchuk
Translated by Oksana Maksymchuk,
Max Rosochinsky & Svetlana Lavochkina
Oktober 2021
166 pp
ISBN 978-1-7364323-1-0
Lost Horse Press

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Gregor Schneider by Raimund Stecker (Ed.)

Since 1985, Gregor Schneider has occupied an abandoned house next to one of the largest chasms in the world—the lignite-rich surface mine near Rheydt-Mönchengladbach known as the Garzweiler—which is also next to where his parents ran their business.

In the building, which he named Haus u r, he proceeded to build rooms within rooms.

These eerie spaces are constructed from materials salvaged from the houses that were to be crushed by juggernaut-sized bucket-wheel excavators to expand the mine.

With this publication, art historian Raimund Stecker reconnects with his first visit to Haus u r. Schneider and Stecker have known each other since the artist’s student years at the Münster Academy of Art in the late 1980s.

In 1992, Stecker curated one of Schneider’s first exhibitions, and has closely followed his career ever since.

This book is published on the occasion of Konschthal Esch’s inaugural exhibition, curated by Christian Mosar.

# new books
Gregor Schneider
by Raimund Stecker (Ed.)
January 2022,
13.4×20.3 cm
112 pages
18 b/w ill.
ISBN 978-3-95679-635-7
Sternberg Press
Design: Cropmark
Copublisher: Konschthal Esch

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Joris-Karl Huysmans. Een Parijse Hollander door Marc Smeets

Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907) wordt door velen tot de fine fleur van de Franse letteren gerekend. Zelf omschreef hij zich vaak als een ‘Parijse Hollander’.

Met het hoofd in Frankrijk, met het hart in Nederland en met de pen in een spagaat werkte deze auteur aan een uitzonderlijk oeuvre, doorspekt met verwijzingen naar – en reflecties op – de Nederlandse cultuur, volksaard, schilderkunst en religie.

Dit boek brengt deze Hollandse kant van Huysmans in kaart. Aan de hand van zijn biografie (Huysmans en Nederland), zijn kritische onthaal in de literaire journalistiek (Huysmans in Nederland) en zijn thematiek (Nederland in Huysmans), wordt een rijk en verrassend beeld gevormd van deze sleutelfiguur uit het Franse fin-de-siècle.

Huysmans omschreef zichzelf graag als een ‘Parijse Hollander’. Met zijn ene been in het artistieke leven van de Franse hoofdstad en met zijn andere in de Brabantse klei, werkte deze auteur aan een uitzonderlijk oeuvre doorspekt met verwijzingen naar – en reflecties op – de Nederlandse cultuur, volksaard, schilderkunst en religie. Dit boek brengt deze Hollandse kant van Huysmans in kaart. Aan de hand van zijn biografie, zijn kritische onthaal in de literaire journalistiek en zijn thematiek, wordt een rijk en verrassend beeld gevormd van deze sleutelfiguur uit het fin-de-siècle. Charles-Georges Huijsmans. Joris-Karl Huysmans. Met het hoofd in Frankrijk, met het hart in Nederland, met de pen in een spagaat.

# new books
Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907)
Een Parijse Hollander
Auteur: Marc Smeets
Taal: Nederlands
ISBN: 9789087049256
NUR codes: 654 , 647
Jaar van uitgave: 2021
Druk 1
Uitgeverij Verloren
Bindwijze: paperback
Aantal bladzijdes: 226
Met illustraties

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The Guide to James Joyce’s Ulysses by Patrick Hastings

From the creator of, this essential guide to James Joyce’s masterpiece weaves together plot summaries, interpretive analyses, scholarly perspectives, and historical and biographical context to create an easy-to-read, entertaining, and thorough review of Ulysses.

In The Guide to James Joyce’s Ulysses, Patrick Hastings provides comprehensive support to readers of Joyce’s magnum opus by illuminating crucial details and reveling in the mischievous genius of this unparalleled novel.

Written in a voice that offers encouragement and good humor, this guidebook maintains a closeness to the original text and supports the first-time reader of Ulysses with the information needed to successfully finish and appreciate the novel.

Patrick Hastings is the English Department Chair at Gilman School in Baltimore, Maryland, where he teaches sophomores and seniors and coaches the JV soccer team. He began creating in the summer of 2016, and that project evolved into The Guide to James Joyce’s Ulysses. His interest in Joyce began during the summer of 2003, when he lived and worked at Shakespeare & Company Bookstore in Paris. He has been published in James Joyce Quarterly and has presented at conferences on topics ranging from classroom use of digital humanities to hip hop and postmodernism. He grew up in Atlanta, Georgia.

# new books
The Guide to James Joyce’s Ulysses
by Patrick Hastings
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press
Publication date: 1 Feb 2022
328 pages
Language ‏ : ‎ English
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 142144349X
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1421443492
Reading age: ‎18 years and up
€ 26.00

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The Precipice: Neoliberalism, the Pandemic and the Urgent Need for Radical Change by Noam Chomsky and C. J. Polychroniou

In this powerful collection of interviews, Noam Chomsky exposes the problems of our world today, as we stand in this period of monumental change, preparing for a more hopeful tomorrow.

‘For the left, elections are a brief interlude in a life of real politics, a moment to ask whether it’s worth taking time off to vote . . . Then back to work. The work will be to move forward to construct the better world that is within reach.’

He sheds light into the phenomenon of right-wing populism, and exposes the catastrophic nature and impact of authoritarian policies on people, the environment and the planet as a whole. He captures the dynamics of the brutal class warfare launched by the masters of capital to maintain and even enhance the features of a dog-eat-dog society. And he celebrates the recent unprecedented mobilizations of millions of people internationally against neoliberal capitalism, racism and police violence.

We stand at a precipice and we must fight to pull the world back from it.

Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. A member of the American Academy of Science, he has published widely in both linguistics and current affairs. His books include At War with Asia, Towards a New Cold War, Fateful Triangle: The U. S., Israel and the Palestinians, Necessary Illusions, Hegemony or Survival, Deterring Democracy, Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy and Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.

C. J. Polychroniou is a regular contributor to Truthout as well as a member of Truthout’s Public Intellectual Project. He has published several books and his articles have appeared in a variety of journals, magazines, newspapers, and popular news websites.

# new books
The Precipice: Neoliberalism, the Pandemic
and the Urgent Need for Radical Change
by Noam Chomsky
and C. J. Polychroniou
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Penguin Books Ltd
June 24, 2021
Language ‏ : ‎ English
ISBN-10: ‎ 0241993938
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0241993934
368 pages
€ 7,99

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Selected Poems by Ai Qing

A timeless, visionary collection of poems from one of China’s most acclaimed poets-now available in English for the first time in a generation and featuring a foreword by his son, contemporary artist and activist Ai Weiwei

One of the most influential poets in Chinese history, Ai Qing is mostly unknown to Western readers, but his work has shaped the nature of poetry in China for decades. Born between the fall of imperial Manchurian rule and the establishment of the Communist People’s Republic, Ai Qing was at one time an intimate of Mao Zedong.

He would eventually fall out with the leader and be sentenced to hard labor during the Cultural Revolution, when he was exiled to the remote part of the country known as “Little Siberia” with his family, including his son, Ai Weiwei.

In his work, Ai Qing tells the story of a China convulsing in change, leaving behind a legacy of feudalism and imperialism but uncertain what the future will hold. Breaking with traditional forms of Chinese poetry, Ai Qing innovatively adapted free verse, writing with a simple sincerity in clear lines that could be understood by everyday readers.

Selected Poems of Ai Qing is an extraordinary collection that traces the powerful inner life of this influential poet who crafted poems of protest, who longed for a newer, happier age, and who wrote with a profound lyricism that reaches deep into the heart of the reader.

Selected Poems by Ai Qing (Author),
Ai Weiwei (Introduction), Robert Dorsett (Translator)

Ai Qing is regarded as one of the finest modern Chinese poets, whose free verse was influential in the development of new poetry in China.

Ai Weiwei is one of the world’s most important living artists. Born in 1957, he lives in Cambridge, UK.

Allan H. Barr is the author of a study in Chinese of a literary inquisition in the early Qing dynasty, Jiangnan yijie: Qing ren bixia de Zhuangshi shi’an, and the translator of several books by contemporary Chinese authors, including Yu Hua’s China in Ten Words and Han Han’s This Generation. He teaches Chinese at Pomona College in California.

# new poetry
Selected Poems by Ai Qing (Author),
Ai Weiwei (Introduction),
Robert Dorsett (Translator)
Publisher: ‎ Vintage Classics
2 Nov. 2021
Language: ‎ English
128 pages
ISBN-10: ‎ 1784877662
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1784877668

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