Or see the index
In this unconventional and witty history, award-winning writer and broadcaster Alice Loxton delves into Britain’s past, exploring the country through eighteen notable figures at that most formative age – eighteen.
From a young Elizabeth Tudor facing deadly intrigue at court, to Empress Matilda already changing the fate of nations, Eighteen invites readers to join an eclectic cast of young Britons across the nation and throughout its history.
Filled with fascinating stories of royalty, explorers, writers and entertainers, Eighteen asks what lessons we can learn for modern Britain.
Alice Loxton is one of Britain’s most exciting young historians. She has been a pioneer in bringing history to new audiences through social media, and has a total following of over 2 million across Instagram, TikTok and Twitter. She is an experienced writer and presenter, regularly presenting documentaries on History Hit, Channel 4 and the BBC. She is the author of the acclaimed book UPROAR: Scandal, Satire and Printmakers in Georgian London, nominated for Blackwell’s Book of the Year.
Alice Loxton:
Eighteen. A History of Britain in 18 Young Lives
Publisher: Macmillan; Main Market edition
15 Aug. 2024
Language: English
Hardcover: 336 pages
ISBN-10: 1035031280
ISBN-13: 978-1035031283
Reading age: 18 years and up
Dimensions: 15.56 x 3.05 x 23.5 cm
Price: 19,99 euro
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Biography Archives, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive K-L, FDM in London, History of Britain, Tales for Fellow Citizens
Schatten und Katzen
Grüne Augen
Viele Augen
Millionenfache Augen
Das Weib
Nervöses zerflatterndes Begehren
Aufflackerndes Leben
Schwälende Lampe
Tanzender Schatten
Kleiner Schatten
Großer Schatten
Der Schatten
Oh – der Sprung über den Schatten
Er quält dieser Schatten
Er martert dieser Schatten
Er frißt mich dieser Schatten
Was will dieser Schatten
Viele Schmerzen
Und die Augen
Die Tiere
Die Mäuse
Das Licht
Dieser Schatten
Dieser schrecklich große schwarze Schatten.
Anita Berber
Anita Berber (1899 – 1928) was a German dancer, actress, and poet. She lived during the time of the Weimar Republic in Berlin.
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, Anita Berber, Anita Berber, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Berber, Anita, DANCE & PERFORMANCE, FDM in Berlin, Opium-Eaters
Sur la côte du Texas
Entre Mobile et Galveston il y a
Un grand jardin tout plein de roses
Il contient aussi une villa
Qui est une grande rose
Une femme se promène souvent
Dans le jardin toute seule
Et quand je passe sur la route bordée de tilleuls
Nous nous regardons
Comme cette femme est mennonite
Ses rosiers et ses vêtements n’ont pas de boutons
Il en manque deux à mon veston
La dame et moi suivons presque le même rite
Guillaume Apollinaire
(1880 – 1918)
Poéme: Annie
Recueil: Alcools (1913)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, DADA, Dada, Dadaïsme, Guillaume Apollinaire
La dame avait une robe
En ottoman violine
Et sa tunique brodée d’or
Était composée de deux panneaux
S’attachant sur l’épaule
Les yeux dansants comme des anges
Elle riait elle riait
Elle avait un visage aux couleurs de France
Les yeux bleus les dents blanches et les lèvres très rouges
Elle avait un visage aux couleurs de France
Elle était décolletée en rond
Et coiffée à la Récamier
Avec de beaux bras nus
N’entendra-t-on jamais sonner minuit
La dame en robe d’ottoman violine
Et en tunique brodée d’or
Décolletée en rond
Promenait ses boucles
Son bandeau d’or
Et traînait ses petits souliers à boucles
Elle était si belle
Que tu n’aurais pas osé l’aimer
J’aimais les femmes atroces dans les quartiers énormes
Où naissaient chaque jour quelques êtres nouveaux
Le fer était leur sang la flamme leur cerveau
J’aimais j’aimais le peuple habile des machines
Le luxe et la beauté ne sont que son écume
Cette femme était si belle
Qu’elle me faisait peur
Guillaume Apollinaire
(1880 – 1918)
Poéme: 1909
Recueil: Alcools (1913)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Apollinaire, Guillaume, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Dadaïsme, Guillaume Apollinaire, Histoire de France
Founded in 2013, Nahmad Contemporary is dedicated to the presentation of innovative, historically focused exhibitions. The gallery specializes in leading Contemporary artists who rose to prominence during the 1980s, and a selection of Modern masters from the 20th century. The scope of Nahmad Contemporary’s program includes exhibitions that historicize Contemporary artists by illuminating a distinct series, medium, or focus within their oeuvre. Additionally, the gallery features Modern masters to inspire contemporary perspectives on particular works from their canon.
Yours Truly
Curated by Eleanor Cayre
July 10-September 14, 2024
Rita Ackermann, Chino Amobi, Hope Atherton, Ed Atkins, Darren Bader, Jonathan Lyndon Chase, Kye Christensen-Knowles, Louis Eisner, Hamishi Farah, Isa Genzken, Sasha Gordon, Mark Grotjahn, Wade Guyton, Abul Hisham, Tishan Hsu, Arthur Jafa, G. Peter Jemison, Cheyenne Julien, Ali Kazim, John Kelsey, Eli Keszler, Zak Kitnick, Carolyn Lazard, Maggie Lee, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Nate Lowman, Mathieu Malouf, Irene Mamiye, Danny McDonald, Danielle Mckinney, Joel Mesler, Stuart Middleton, Jeanette Mundt, Gladys Nilsson, EVA HELENE PADE, Walter Price, Enzo Shalom, Heji Shin, Marianna Simnett, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Tobias Spichtig, Frances Stark, Emily Sundblad, Jamie Sutton, Martine Syms, Henry Taylor, Wolfgang Tillmans, Salman Toor, Michelle Uckotter, Evelyn Taocheng Wang, Jordan Wolfson, Issy Wood, Jonas Wood, and Arisa Yoshioka.
‘Yours Truly’ in Nahmad Contemporary New York
980 Madison Avenue, Third Floor
New York, NY 10075
Monday – Friday 10AM – 6PM
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive O-P, Art & Literature News, Exhibition Archive, FDM in New York
07.07 – 06.10.2024
hout in hedendaagse sculptuur
Park De Oude Warande Tilburg
14de editie Lustwarande over het gebruik van hout in de hedendaagse sculptuur. Hoe is het gesteld met hout in de hedendaagse sculptuur?
Er is sprake van een opmars van kunstenaars die hout toepassen in hun werk. Naast traditionele methodes, onderzoeken sommige kunstenaars computergestuurde wijzen van houtbewerking.
Deelnemende kunstenaars: Gerbrand Burger (NL) – Gesine Grundmann (DE) – Roman Gysin (CH) – Abul Hisham (IN) – Milda Lembertaitė (LT) – Bart Lunenburg (NL) – Henrique Oliveira (BR) – Maria Roosen (NL) – Elmo Vermijs (NL) – Tatiana Wolska (PL)
Lustwarande – Platform for Contemporary Sculpture
park De Oude Warande
Bredaseweg 441
T +31 (0)13 545 7573
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Art & Literature News, Exhibition Archive, FDM Art Gallery, Fundament - Lustwarande, Natural history, Sculpture
Watou Arts Festival 2024
makes room for imagination
The city of Poperinge, inspirator Koen Vanmechelen and curators James Putnam and Michaël Vandebril present the 2024 edition of Watou Arts Festival. ‘Landscape of the Imagination’ will take place from July 6 to September 1. Artists and poets will showcase the power of the imagination, in dialogue with each other and with several unique locations in and around the village and castle De Lovie.
Imagination as an engine of change
The new edition of the Watou Arts Festival focuses on the power of the imagination. After two successful editions, Koen Vanmechelen and Michaël Vandebril assume their role, for the third consecutive time, as respectively inspirer and curator of poetry. James Putnam, who has previously (in 2022) assumed the role of visual arts curator, completes the three-member curatorial team.
Many of the artists developed their works in dialogue with Watou’s locality. In the spring of 2023, a record number of 200 artists registered for the open call ‘Patchwwwork’. An international jury – chaired by Koen Vanmechelen and consisting of Dirk Draulans, Jo Coucke, Marjan Doom, James Putnam, Edith Doove, Michaël Vandebril, Sabiha Keyif and Loes Vandromme – selected the participants for the summer camp. Their ideas ‘flow’ from the landscape, which resulted in some twenty new realizations. As a result, theartworks are sometimes playful, but at the same time thought-provoking.
A selection of participating artists*:
Pato Bosich (CL) – Cecile Broekaert (BE) – Monique Broekman (NL) – Linde Carrijn & Dijf Sanders (BE) – Mat Collishaw (GB) – Matthijs De Block (BE) – Lieze De Middeleir (BE) – Werner de Valk (NL) – Joost Elschot (NL) – Karolina Halatek (PL) – Mariko Hori (JP) – John Isaacs (GB) – Lafleur & Bogaert (HT & BE) – Ilya Kabakov (RU) – Carel Lanters & Lee Eun Young (NL & KR) – Mashid Mohadjerin & Jan De Vroede (IR & BE) – Daan Navarrete-van der Pluijm (NL) – Alice Obee (BE) – Mikes Poppe (BE) – Roundhouse Platform (US) – Marina Resende Santos (BR) – Anila Rubiku (AL) – Sanne van Balen (NL) – Lieke van der Meer (NL) – Lie van der Werff (NL) – Laura Vandewynckel (BE) – Koen Vanmechelen (BE) *more to be announced
A selection of participating poets*:
Benno Barnard (NL) – Moya De Feyter (BE) – Dominique De Groen (BE) – Paul Demets (BE) – Al Galidi (NL) – Ingmar Heytze (NL) – Doina Ioanid (RO) – Frank Keizer (NL) – collectief Letterzetter (Imane Karroumi – Loeke Vanhoutteghem – Veronica Schmalz – Alice Boudry – Maite Vanthournout) (BE) –Jens Meijen (BE) – Carl Norac (BE) – Maria van Daalen (NL) – Marjolijn van Heemstra (NL) – Anke Verschueren (BE) – Billie Vos (BE) – Daniëlle Zawadi (NL) – Emma Zuiderveen (NL) *more to be announced
06/07 TM 01/09/2024
More on website:
& https://www.poperinge.be/
fleursdumal.nl Magazine for Art & Literature
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magazine for art & literature
More in: # Music Archive, #Modern Poetry Archive, #More Poetry Archives, Historia Belgica, Literary Events, Watou Kunstenfestival
On the morning of August 12, 2022, Salman Rushdie was standing onstage at the Chautauqua Institution, preparing to give a lecture on the importance of keeping writers safe from harm, when a man in black—black clothes, black mask—rushed down the aisle toward him, wielding a knife. His first thought: So it’s you. Here you are.
What followed was a horrific act of violence that shook the literary world and beyond. Now, for the first time, and in unforgettable detail, Rushdie relives the traumatic events of that day and its aftermath, as well as his journey toward physical recovery and the healing that was made possible by the love and support of his wife, Eliza, his family, his army of doctors and physical therapists, and his community of readers worldwide.
Knife is Rushdie at the peak of his powers, writing with urgency, with gravity, with unflinching honesty. It is also a deeply moving reminder of literature’s capacity to make sense of the unthinkable, an intimate and life-affirming meditation on life, loss, love, art—and finding the strength to stand up again.
#1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER • From Booker Prize winner Salman Rushdie, a searing, deeply personal account of enduring—and surviving—an attempt on his life thirty years after the fatwa that was ordered against him.
Salman Rushdie is the author of fifteen novels—Luka and the Fire of Life; Grimus; Midnight’s Children (for which he won the Booker Prize and the Best of the Booker); Shame; The Satanic Verses; Haroun and the Sea of Stories; The Moor’s Last Sigh; The Ground Beneath Her Feet; Fury; Shalimar the Clown; The Enchantress of Florence; Two Years, Eight Months, and Twenty-Eight Nights; The Golden House; Quichotte (which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize); and Victory City—and one collection of short stories: East, West. He has also published five works of nonfiction—The Jaguar Smile; Imaginary Homelands; Step Across This Line; Joseph Anton; and Languages of Truth—and coedited two anthologies, Mirrorwork and Best American Short Stories 2008. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and a Distinguished Writer in Residence at New York University. A former president of PEN American Center, Rushdie was knighted in 2007 for services to literature.
Meditations After an Attempted Murder
Author: Salman Rushdie
Publisher: Random House
April 16, 2024
Language: English
Hardcover: 224 pages
Price: $28.00
ISBN-10: 0593730240
ISBN-13: 978-0593730249
Dimensions: 5.73 x 0.91 x 8.53 inches
#1 in Censorship & Politics
#4 in Author Biographies
#60 in Memoirs (Books)
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Biography Archives, Archive Q-R, Archive Q-R, Awards & Prizes, FDM in New York, Salman Rushdie
En écho au mouvement « Femme, Vie, Liberté », 16 femmes iraniennes livrent ici leurs témoignages.
Ces voix s’élèvent parfois depuis l’exil, parfois depuis des cellules de prison. Elles parlent d’une vie sans droits contrôlée par la police des mœurs, d’humiliations, de mise sous tutelle et de détresse économique.
Mais aussi d’une nouvelle génération, d’une révolution que plus rien ne pourra arrêter, de libertés qui se gagnent pas à pas et de l’incroyable résilience du peuple iranien. Leurs textes sont bouleversants, remplis de larmes et porteurs d’espoir. Leur bravoure est une leçon d’humanité.
Avec les témoignages de : Golshifteh Farahani, Ghazal Abdollahi, Parastou Forouhar, Shohreh Bayat, Shila Behjat, Ani, Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg, Fariba Balouch, Rita Jahanforuz, Jasmin Shakeri, Shirin Ebadi, Masih Alinejad, Narges Mohammadi, Nazanin Boniadi, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Leily.
Traduit de l’allemand par Mathilde Ramadier, sauf pour le témoignage de Golshifteh Farahani, recueilli par Sophie Caillat.
Nous n’avons pas peur
Le courage des femmes iraniennes
Natalie Amiri & Düzen Tekkal
Avec le témoignage de Golshifteh Farahani
Traduction : Mathilde Ramadier
Editions du Faubourg
ISBN : 9782493594686
Publié le 1 mars 2024
208 pages
140 x 190 mm
Acheter le livre en librairie au prix de € 18,-
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, - Book Stories, - Bookstores, Archive A-B, Archive S-T, Banned Books, Feminism, Persian Art, REPRESSION OF WRITERS, JOURNALISTS & ARTISTS
Ein Traum
Wir liegen in einem tiefem See
Und wissen nichts von Leid und Weh.
Wir halten uns umfangen
Und Wasserrosen rings um uns her.
Wir streben und wünschen und wollen nichts mehr.
Wir haben kein Verlangen.
Geliebter, etwas fehlt mir doch,
Einen Wunsch, den hab ich noch:
Die Sehnsucht nach der Sehnsucht.
Emmy Hennings
(1885 – 1948)
Ein Traum
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Emmy Hennings, Hennings, Emmy, Performing arts
Het grootste overzicht ooit in Nederland van de legendarische kunstenaar Marina Abramović!
Ruim 60 belangrijke werken tonen de ontwikkeling van het indrukwekkende oeuvre van de pionier van de performancekunst in de afgelopen vijftig jaar: van haar vroege werk, dat ze maakte in het voormalige Joegoslavië en in Amsterdam, tot de baanbrekende performances met haar partner Ulay en het solowerk waarmee ze nog steeds actief is.
Te zien zijn foto’s, video’s, sculpturen en live heruitvoeringen van vier iconische performances die voor het eerst worden uitgevoerd in Nederland: Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful (1975), Imponderabilia (werk met Ulay) (1977), Luminosity (1997) en The House with the Ocean View (2002). Als bezoeker kun je zelf ook deelnemen aan twee werken: Work Relation (werk met Ulay) (1978) en Counting the Rice van de Abramović Methode.
There are so many different forms of art, performance is one of the most difficult, the most immaterial, and the most real.
— Marina Abramović
Marina Abramović is sinds de jaren 70 een prominente figuur in de performance- en body art en wordt beschouwd als een van de belangrijkste grondleggers van deze kunstvorm.
Ze bracht de performancekunst van het experimentele begin naar de mainstream. Ze gebruikt haar eigen lichaam en test de grenzen van haar fysieke en mentale uithoudingsvermogen.
Samen met haar geliefde Ulay, die ze in 1975 in Amsterdam ontmoet, wordt ze wereldwijd beroemd met langdurende performances waarin zij hun grenzen tot het uiterste op de proef stellen.
In haar latere solowerk richt zij zich meer op het verkennen van spiritualiteit en het creëren van een wisselwerking, waarin het publiek actief onderdeel wordt van haar werk en een gedeelde energie.
Marina Abramović
Tentoonstelling — 16 mrt t/m 14 jul 2024
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, Art Criticism, Exhibition Archive, Marina Abramović, Performing arts, Photography, Sculpture
wortels door
koude zee
huilt grijs
rauwe hemel
freda kamphuis
# https://fredaxblog.blogspot.com
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Freda Kamphuis, Kamphuis, Freda
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