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Mort d’une surdose d’opium en 1919 à l’âge de vingt-trois ans, alors qu’il est encore sous l’uniforme, Jacques Vaché est reconnu comme celui par qui le surréalisme est arrivé.
Du premier Manifeste à ses derniers Entretiens, André Breton aura toujours célébré celui qu’il appelait «l’homme que j’ai le plus aimé au monde».
Et quinze Lettres de guerre, envoyées depuis le front à son ami poète ainsi qu’à Théodore Fraenkel et Louis Aragon, auront suffi pour que Vaché devienne l’arme secrète de plusieurs générations.
Breton révélait en 1919 son «Umour» sans H, surgi au milieu des combats, l’expression poétique la plus pure de l’humour noir et de la «désertion intérieure».
Présenter pour la première fois l’intégralité des lettres écrites par Jacques Vaché à sa famille et à ses amis pendant la guerre (158 dont 23 totalement inédites) permet de marquer le point de départ d’une aventure moderne et de mettre en lumière le soldat en action, la vocation prometteuse du dessinateur et la singularité du «dandy des tranchées».
Jacques Vaché:
Lettres de guerre (1914-1918)
Édition de Patrice Allain et Thomas Guillemin.
Préface de Patrice Allain
Collection Blanche, Gallimard
Parution: 08-11-2018
480 pages,
140 x 205 mm
Achevé d’imprimer: 01-10-2018
Genre : Correspondances
Prix: 24,00 €
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Jacques Vaché:
Lettres de guerre (1914-1918)
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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An indispensable anthology of brilliant hard-to-find writings by Poe on poetry, the imagination, humor, and the sublime which adds a new dimension to his stature as a speculative thinker and philosopher. Essays (in translation) by Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Valéry, & André Breton shed light on Poe’s relevance within European literary tradition.
These are the arcana of Edgar Allan Poe: writings on wit, humor, dreams, drunkenness, genius, madness, and apocalypse. Here is the mind of Poe at its most colorful, its most incisive, and its most exceptional.
Edgar Allan Poe’s dark, melodic poems and tales of terror and detection are known to readers everywhere, but few are familiar with his cogent literary criticism, or his speculative thinking in science, psychology or philosophy. This book is an attempt to present his lesser known, out of print, or hard to find writings in a single volume, with emphasis on the theoretical and esoteric. The second part, “The Friend View,” includes seminal essays by Poe’s famous admirers in France, clarifying his international literary importance.
America has never seen such a personage as Edgar Allan Poe. He is a figure who appears once an epoch, before passing into myth. American critics from Henry James to T. S. Eliot have disparaged and attempted to explain away his influence to no end, save to perpetuate his fame. Even the disdainful Eliot once conceded, “and yet one cannot be sure that one’s own writing has not been influence by Poe.”
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), born in Boston, Massachusetts, was an American poet, writer, editor, and literary critic. He is well known for his haunting poetry and mysterious short stories. Regarded as being a central figure of Romanticism, he is also considered the inventor of detective fiction and the growing science fiction genre. Some of his most famous works include poems such as The Raven, Annabel Lee, and A Dream Within a Dream; tales such as The Cask of Amontillado, The Masque of Red Death, and The Tell-Tale Heart.
Title: The Unknown Poe
Subtitle: An Anthology of Fugitive Writings
Author: Edgar Allan Poe
Edited by Raymond Foye
Publisher: City Lights Publishers
Format: Paperback
124 pages
ISBN-10 0872861104
ISBN-13 9780872861107
List Price $11.95
# American writers
Edgar Allan Poe
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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Die Vielfalt von Rainer Maria Rilkes (1875 bis 1926) Lebensstationen spiegelt sich im Werk des “letzten Dichters” wider.
In dieser kompakten Darstellung folgt Rüdiger Görner Rilkes Spuren, verwehrt sich aber den gängigen Einordnungen und Periodisierungen. Es geht ihm vielmehr um den Prozess des Schaffens und um die Geschlossenheit des Werkes.
Görner zeigt Rilke in seiner Zeit und analysiert die wichtigsten Einflüsse. Auf behutsame Weise werden Leben und Werk miteinander verwoben, und Görner veranschaulicht die Wirkung der Musik, der bildenden Kunst und der Politik.
Rüdiger Görner, geboren 1957 in Rottweil, ist Professor für Neuere Deutsche und vergleichende Literatur an der Queen Mary University of London. Gründer des Ingeborg Bachmann Centre for Austrian Literature und Gründungsdirektor des Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations. Träger des Deutschen Sprachpreises, des Reimar Lüstpreises der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung und des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bei Zsolnay erschienen Rainer Maria Rilke. Im Herzwerk der Sprache (2004), Georg Trakl. Dichter im Jahrzehnt der Extreme (2014) und Oskar Kokoschka. Jahrhundertkünstler (2018).
Rüdiger Görner
Rainer Maria Rilke.
Im Herzwerk der Sprache
Buch – Fester Einband
344 Seiten
Deutscher Sprache
Zsolnay / Deuticke
Carl Hanser Verlag, München
ISBN 978-3-552-05302-1
# new books
Rainer Maria Rilke
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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A series of disruptive, unnerving sounds haunts the fictional writings of Franz Kafka.
These include the painful squeak in Gregor Samsa’s voice, the indeterminate whistling of Josefine the singer, the relentless noise in “The Burrow,” and telephonic disturbances in The Castle.
In Kafka and Noise, Kata Gellen applies concepts and vocabulary from film theory to Kafka’s works in order to account for these unsettling sounds. Rather than try to decode these noises, Gellen explores the complex role they play in Kafka’s larger project.
Kafka and Noise offers a method for pursuing intermedial research in the humanities—namely, via the productive “misapplication” of theoretical tools, which exposes the contours, conditions, and expressive possibilities of the media in question. This book will be of interest to scholars of modernism, literature, cinema, and sound, as well as to anyone wishing to explore how artistic and technological media shape our experience of the world and the possibilities for representing it.
Kata Gellen is an assistant professor in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literature at Duke University.
Kata Gellen (Author)
Kafka and Noise.
The Discovery of Cinematic Sound in Literary Modernism
272 pages
Northwestern University Press
Literary Criticism
Cloth Text – $99.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3894-0
Paper Text – $34.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3893-3
Publication Date: January 2019
# new books
The Discovery of Cinematic Sound in Literary Modernism
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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Before the era of fake news and anti-fascists, William S. Burroughs wrote about preparing for revolution and confronting institutionalized power.
In this work, Burroughs’ parody becomes a set of rationales and instructions for destabilizing the state and overthrowing an oppressive and corrupt government. As with much of Burroughs’ work, it is hard to say if it is serious or purely satire. The work is funny, horrifying, and eerily prescient, especially concerning the use of language and social media to undermine institutions.
The Revised Boy Scout Manual was a work Burroughs revisited many times, but which has never before been published in its complete form.
Based primarily on recordings of a performance of the complete piece found in the archives at the OSU libraries, as well as various incomplete versions of the typescript found at Arizona State University and the New York Public Library archives, this lost masterpiece of satiric subversion is finally available in its entirety.
“He’s up there with the pope . . . you can’t revere him enough . . . he’s the greatest mind of our times.” — Patti Smith
“Well, he’s a writer.” —Samuel Beckett
“The Revised Boy Scout Manual offers easy-to-read proof that the uncensored human imagination allowed to freely extrapolate about future social change can offer outrageous scenarios and fresh language capable of inspiring readers decades into the future.” —V. Vale, founder and publisher of RE/Search
The Revised Boy Scout Manual
An Electronic Revolution
by William S. Burroughs
Edited by John M. Bennett, Geoffrey D. Smith
Publisher Ohio State University Press
Language: English
Format Paperback
Nb of pages: 144
ISBN-10 0814254896
ISBN-13 9780814254899
Publication 01 September 2018
# new books
William S. Burroughs
The Revised Boy Scout Manual
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Beat Generation Archives, - Book News, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Burroughs, William S., Conceptual writing, Samuel Beckett, Smith, Patti
For the last 2,500 years literature has been attacked, booed, and condemned, often for the wrong reasons and occasionally for very good ones. The Hatred of Literature examines the evolving idea of literature as seen through the eyes of its adversaries: philosophers, theologians, scientists, pedagogues, and even leaders of modern liberal democracies.
From Plato to C. P. Snow to Nicolas Sarkozy, literature’s haters have questioned the value of literature—its truthfulness, virtue, and usefulness—and have attempted to demonstrate its harmfulness.
Literature does not start with Homer or Gilgamesh, William Marx says, but with Plato driving the poets out of the city, like God casting Adam and Eve out of Paradise. That is its genesis. From Plato the poets learned for the first time that they served not truth but merely the Muses. It is no mere coincidence that the love of wisdom (philosophia) coincided with the hatred of poetry. Literature was born of scandal, and scandal has defined it ever since.
In the long rhetorical war against literature, Marx identifies four indictments—in the name of authority, truth, morality, and society. This typology allows him to move in an associative way through the centuries. In describing the misplaced ambitions, corruptible powers, and abysmal failures of literature, anti-literary discourses make explicit what a given society came to expect from literature. In this way, anti-literature paradoxically asserts the validity of what it wishes to deny. The only threat to literature’s continued existence, Marx writes, is not hatred but indifference.
William Marx is Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Paris Nanterre.
The Hatred of Literature
William Marx
Translated by Nicholas Elliott
Belknap Press
Harvard University Press
ISBN 9780674976122
Publ.: January 2018
240 pages
# new books
William Marx – The Hatred of Literature
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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Delphine Lecompte (1978) debuteerde in 2004 in het Engels met de roman Kittens in the Boiler, daarna schakelde ze over naar gedichten in haar moedertaal.
Voor haar debuutbundel De dieren in mij kreeg ze de C. Buddingh’-prijs 2010 en de Prijs Letterkunde 2011 van de Provincie West-Vlaanderen. Haar vorige bundel Dichter, bokser, koningsdochter werd genomineerd voor de VSB Poëzieprijs.
Het oeuvre van Delphine Lecompte vormt een ontembaar en onvoorspelbaar universum. In inmiddels zeven bundels bevraagt ze volstrekt genadeloos en vol branie zichzelf, de wereld en de poëzie.
Nu is het tijd voor een Best Of, waarin alle incestueuze imkers, gekwelde touwslagers, pedofiele tuinmannen, norse walvisjagers, morose windhondenfokkers, verwaarloosde hoefdieren, onbereikbare moeders en de geliefde oude kruisboogschutter een nieuw verband met elkaar aangaan. Ze bevolken een wereld die vol is van woede en gekte, maar ook van bezinning, verliefdheid en troost.
Best of Delphine Lecompte
Auteur: Delphine Lecompte
Taal: Nederlands
Uitgever: De Bezige Bij
Druk 1e druk
Omslagontwerp Moker Ontwerp
Foto auteur Koen Broos
Vormgeving binnenwerk Aard Bakker
Druk Bariet Ten Brink, Meppel
isbn 978 94 031 3720 9
nur 306
Afmetingen 24 x 17 x 1,2 cm
128 pagina’s
November 2018
€ 19,99
# new books
Best of Delphine Lecompte
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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“Über Nacht war ich Winnetou!” ist für alle Filmfans ein wahrer Schatz: Drei Jahre nach dem Tod ihres Mannes Pierre Brice zeigt seine Frau Hella das über 50 Jahre lang behütete und zum Großteil unveröffentlichte private Fotomaterial des Winnetou-Schauspielers, entstanden am Rande der Dreharbeiten zu den Winnetou-Filmen.
Ergänzt werden diese Aufnahmen neben zahlreichen weiteren Fotos aus den Winnetou-Filmen unter anderem durch persönliche Briefe, Postkarten, Verträge und Vereinbarungen.
Persönliche Dokumente Pierre Brice’ runden diese einzigartige Sammlung von Memorabilia über einen der beliebtesten und populärsten Schauspieler der letzten 55 Jahre ab.
Pierre-Brice-Edition “Über Nacht war ich Winnetou!”
von Hella Brice
1960er Jahre – Dreharbeiten der Karl-May-Filme. ‘Pierre Brice-Edition’.
Fans von Pierre Brice, Karl May oder Filmen allgemein
Buch (gebunden)
223 Seiten
ISBN: 3780231018
EAN: 9783780231017
21, 4 cm / 30, 2 cm / 2, 0 cm ( B/H/T ).
12. Oktober 2018
€ 39,00
# new books
Pierre Brice-Edition
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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A writer who defies categorization, Daniil Kharms has come to be regarded as an essential artist of the modernist avant-garde.
His writing, which partakes of performance, narrative, poetry, and visual elements, was largely suppressed during his lifetime, which ended in a psychiatric ward where he starved to death during the siege of Leningrad.
His work, which survived mostly in notebooks, can now be seen as one of the pillars of absurdist literature, most explicitly manifested in the 1920s and ’30s Soviet Union by the OBERIU group, which inherited the mantle of Russian futurism from such poets as Vladimir Mayakovsky and Velimir Khlebnikov.
This selection of prose and poetry provides the most comprehensive portrait of the writer in English translation to date, revealing the arc of his career and including a particularly generous selection of his later work.
DANIIL KHARMS (1905–1942) was a major figure in twentieth-century Russian and Soviet literature. An enigmatic and genre-bending artist, he was among the most significant voices in what came to be known as the literature of Russian absurdism.
ALEX CIGALE was awarded an NEA Literary Translation Fellowship in 2015. His translations from Russian and his original poetry in English have appeared in such journals as the New England Review, PEN America, TriQuarterly, and World Literature Today.
“…lively and funny… a profound and subtle testament to Kharms.” —Times Literary Supplement
Daniil Kharms:
Russian Absurd.
Selected Writings
Translated from the Russian by Alex Cigale
Northwestern World Classics
February 2017
ISBN 978-0-8101-3457-7
280 pages
Trade Paper
# new books
Russian Absurd
Selected Writings
Daniil Kharms;
Translated from the Russian by Alex Cigale
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Biography Archives, - Book News, Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Art & Literature News, Constructivism, Futurisme, Kharms (Charms), Daniil
“The staggering thing about a life’s work is it takes a lifetime to complete,” Craig Morgan Teicher writes in these luminous essays.
We Begin in Gladness considers how poets start out, how they learn to hear themselves, and how some offer us that rare, glittering thing: lasting work. Teicher traces the poetic development of the works of Sylvia Plath, John Ashbery, Louise Glück, and Francine J. Harris, among others, to illuminate the paths they forged—by dramatic breakthroughs or by slow increments, and always by perseverance.
We Begin in Gladness is indispensable for readers curious about the artistic life and for writers wondering how they might light out—or even scale the peak of the mountain.
Though it seems, at first, like an art of speaking, poetry is an art of listening. The poet trains to hear clearly and, as much as possible, without interruption, the voice of the mind, the voice that gathers, packs with meaning, and unpacks the language the poet knows.
It can take a long time to learn to let this voice speak without getting in its way. This slow learning, the growth of this habit of inner attentiveness, is poetic development, and it is the substance of the poet’s art. Of course, this growth is rarely steady, never linear, and is sometimes not actually growth but diminishment—that’s all part of the compelling story of a poet’s way forward. —from the Introduction
Craig Morgan Teicher is an acclaimed poet and critic. He is the author of We Begin in Gladness: How Poets Progress, and three books of poetry, including The Trembling Answers, winner of the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize, and he regularly writes reviews for Los Angeles Times, NPR, and the New York Times Book Review. He lives in New Jersey.
We Begin in Gladness.
How Poets Progress
by Craig Morgan Teicher
Publication Date 11/6/18
Format: Paperback
ISBN 978-1-55597-821-1
Subject: Literary Criticism
Pages 176
Graywolf Press
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more info: http://craigmorganteicher.com/
How Poets Progress
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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For the bicentennial of its first publication, Mary Shelley’s original 1818 text, introduced by National Book Critics Circle award-winner Charlotte Gordon. Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read.
2018 marks the bicentennial of Mary Shelley’s seminal novel. For the first time, Penguin Classics will publish the original 1818 text, which preserves the hard-hitting and politically-charged aspects of Shelley’s original writing, as well as her unflinching wit and strong female voice. This edition also emphasizes Shelley’s relationship with her mother—trailblazing feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, who penned A Vindication of the Rights of Woman—and demonstrates her commitment to carrying forward her mother’s ideals, placing her in the context of a feminist legacy rather than the sole female in the company of male poets, including Percy Shelley and Lord Byron.
This edition includes a new introduction and suggestions for further reading by National Book Critics Circle award-winner and Shelley expert Charlotte Gordon, literary excerpts and reviews selected by Gordon, and a chronology and essay by preeminent Shelley scholar Charles E. Robinson.
Mary Shelley: The daughter of Mary Wollestonecraft, the ardent feminist and author of A Vindication on the Right of Women, and William Godwin, the radical-anarchist philosopher and author of Lives of the Necromancers, Mary Goodwin was born into a freethinking, revolutionary household in London on August 30,1797. Educated mainly by her intellectual surroundings, she had little formal schooling and at 16 eloped with the young poet Percy Bysshe Shelley; they eventually married in 1816. Mary Shelley’s life had many tragic elements. Her mother died giving birth to Mary; her half-sister committed suicide; Harriet Shelley (Percy’s wife) drowned herself and her unborn child after he ran off with Mary. William Godwin disowned Mary and Shelley after their elopement, but—heavily in debt—recanted and came to them for money; Mary’s first child died soon after its birth; and in 1822 Percy Shelley drowned in the Gulf of La Spezia—when Mary was not quite 25. Mary Shelley recalled that her husband was “forever inciting” her to “obtain literary reputation.” But she did not begin to write seriously until the summer of 1816, when she and Shelley were in Switzerland, neighbor to Lord Byron. One night following a contest to compose ghost stories, Mary conceived her masterpiece, Frankenstein. After Shelley’s death she continued to write Valperga (1823), The Last Man (1826), Ladore (1835), and Faulkner (1837), in addition to editing her husband’s works. In 1838 she began to work on his biography, but owing to poor health she completed only a fragment. Although she received marriage proposals from Trelawney, John Howard Payne, and perhaps Washington Irving, Mary Shelley never remarried. “I want to be Mary Shelley on my tombstone,” she is reported to have said. She died on February 1, 1851, survived by her son, Percy Florence.
For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,800 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.
Frankenstein: The 1818 Text
By Mary Shelley
Introduction by Charlotte Gordon
Contribution by Charlotte Gordon
Fiction Classics
Penguin Random House
Published by Penguin Classics
Jan 16, 2018
288 Pages
ISBN 9780143131847
# new books
Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: - Book Lovers, - Book News, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Mary Shelley, Shelley, Mary, Tales of Mystery & Imagination
Literary and music group Feest der Poëzie brings a theatrical lecture on the life and work of Oscar Wilde and one of his favorite beverages – absinthe. This Saturday at the Pianola Museum, 8.30 PM.
Immerse yourself in the story of one of the best-loved writers in the English language with prose, poetry, songs and drama by Oscar Wilde and his contemporaries, on a journey through his rise and fall.
Poet and absintheur David Kwa will demonstrate the absinthe ritual and read manifold roles, such as that of the dreaded Marquess of Queensberry.
Daan van de Velde (piano) and Susanne Winkler (soprano) will perform Irish and English art songs, as performing poet Simon Mulder takes on the roles of narrator and Oscar Wilde (indeed, wearing a contemporary pair of silk breeches) in the fascinating story of his life.
Also, Van de Velde and Mulder will bring the very special performance of a long lost work for piano and voice on Wilde’s ‘Ballad of Reading Gaol’ by early 20th century composer Henri Zagwijn.
The Poetry Bar will bring you carefully prepared absinthe, along with a decadent sonnet.
Saturday the 24th of November 2018
venue open: 8 PM
start: 8.30PM
(English spoken)
Pianola Museum
Westerstraat 116
Tickets: € 15/12.50
trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V6yx3X8rwg
Music, stories, absinthe and more during ‘The Green Hour’ with Oscar Wilde
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: # Music Archive, Archive M-N, Archive W-X, Art & Literature News, Literary Events, THEATRE, Wilde, Oscar, Wilde, Oscar
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