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Conceptual writing

· Wout Waanders wint met bundel ‘Parkplan’ de 34e C. Buddingh’-prijs 2021 · Das 19. internationale literaturfestival berlin · Gerald Janecek: Everything Has Already Been Written. Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance · William S. Burroughs: “The Revised Boy Scout Manual”. An Electronic Revolution · Everything Has Already Been Written: Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance by Gerald Janecek · Museum of Lost Concepts: Disclosure 21-25 · Museum of Lost Concepts: Disclosure 16-20 · Museum of Lost Concepts: Disclosure 11-15 · Museum of Lost Concepts: Disclosure 6-10 · Museum of lost concepts: Disclosure 1-5 · De onvolkomenheden der volmaakte poëzie · Unter

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Wout Waanders wint met bundel ‘Parkplan’ de 34e C. Buddingh’-prijs 2021

Poetry International heeft 11 juni tijdens het Poetry International Festival de C. Buddingh’-prijs 2021 toegekend aan de Nederlandse dichter Wout Waanders, voor zijn poëziedebuut Parkplan, een uitgave van De Harmonie. In toegankelijke verzen komt het leven van alledag aan bod: soms grappig, dan weer keihard.

Per gedicht weet je niet wat je kan verwachten: of het start absurd, en dan gaat het over iets wezenlijks zoals ziek zijn en verdwijnen, of het begint heel serieus over hoe een relatie in de slop zit en wordt uiteindelijk weer licht.

Dit jaar vond de ontknoping van de C. Buddingh’-prijs zowel in de zaal in LantarenVenster in Rotterdam als online plaats.

Ook de dichters Schiavone, René Smeets en Dorien de Wit maakten met hun debuut kans op de prijs.

De jury bestond uit Ellen Deckwitz (voorzitter), Mylo Freeman en Ilke Froyen.

De jury: “Parkplan is een zeer consistente bundel die handelt over de worsteling die het bestaan is, en hoe we daar met onze dagelijkse kleine onderhandelingen toch een kloppend geheel van proberen te maken.” Wout Waanders draait de realiteit een kwartslag, maar net genoeg om er helemaal in mee te gaan. Je stapt naar binnen en alles lijkt volkomen vanzelfsprekend:

Op een onbewaakt ogenblik
was er een meisje in mijn
rabarberlimonade gesprongen.

34e C. Buddingh’-prijs 2021
Voor de 34ste editie van de C. Buddingh’-prijs werden 25 poëziedebuten ingezonden. De jury prees het gemiddeld hoge niveau van de poëzie-eerstelingen. “Er werd intelligent geënjambeerd, de slimme intertekstualiteiten vlogen je om de ogen en aan ieder detail, van titel tot vormgeving, van pagina-opmaak tot kleurstelling, was aandacht besteed”, aldus de jury. “Er was een aantal waaruit niet alleen technisch, maar ook empathisch vernuft sprak. De bereidwilligheid om alleen te willen plezieren, maar ook om een statement in te nemen van wat poëzie vermag. Deze overtuigden door de eigen stem, doordat ze het risico durfden te nemen de lezer voor het hoofd te stoten, buiten de gebaande paden van de dichtkunst te willen gaan.”

Met de jaarlijkse uitreiking van de C. Buddingh’-prijs beoogt Poetry International sinds 1988 meer aandacht te genereren voor de meest talentvolle nieuwe stemmen in de Nederlandstalige poëzie. Voor menig dichter van naam was de C. Buddingh’-prijs de eerste belangrijke trofee die in de wacht werd gesleept. Joke van Leeuwen, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer en Anna Enquist, of recenter Lieke Marsman, Ellen Deckwitz, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld en Radna Fabias en Roberta Petzoldt wonnen de prijs. In 2020 ging de prijs naar de Vlaamse dichter Jens Meijen.

• Wout Waanders wint 34e C. Buddingh’-prijs 2021
• Parkplan beste poëziedebuut van het jaar
• 25 ingezonden debuutbundels

• magazine

More in: #Modern Poetry Archive, - Book News, Archive A-B, Archive W-X, Awards & Prizes, Buddingh', Cees, Conceptual writing, Marsman, Lieke, Poetry International, Rijneveld, Marieke Lucas

Das 19. internationale literaturfestival berlin

Das 19. internationale literaturfestival berlin findet vom 11. bis 21. September 2019 statt. Es ist eines der renommiertesten Literaturfestivals weltweit.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is BERLIN-LITFEST19.pngRund 150 Autor*innen aus über 50 Ländern in den Genres Prosa, Lyrik, Nonfiction, Graphic Novel und Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sind auf dem 19.ilb zu Gast.

Drei Themenschwerpunkte prägen das Programm in diesem Jahr: »Decolonizing Worlds II«, »About:Sex« und »Automatic Writing 2.0« im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsjahres »Künstliche Intelligenz«.

Literatures of the World
Aciman, André [Egypt/ USA]
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi [Nigeria/ USA]
Adnan, Etel [Lebanon/ France] in absence
Agualusa, José Eduardo [Angola, Mozambique]
Akbar, Kaveh [Iran/ USA]
Al-Jarrah, Nouri [Syria/ UK]
Almadhoun, Ghayath [Syria/ Sweden]
Al Shahmani, Usama [Iraq/ Switzerland]
Aw, Tash [Malaysia/ UK]
Benyamin [India]
Biller, Maxim [D]
Bin Hamza, Hussein [Syria/ D]
Bossong, Nora [D]
Choi, Don Mee [Republic of Korea/ USA]
Diop, David [Senegal/ France]
Drakulić, Slavenka [Croatia/ Sweden]
Edugyan, Esi [Canada]
Énard, Mathias [France]
Esinencu, Nicoleta [Moldova]
Espedal,Tomas [Norway]
Faber, Michel [Netherlands/ UK]
Fatah, Sherko [D]
Gappah, Petina [Zimbabwe]
Gospodinov, Georgi [Bulgaria]
Illies, Florian [D]
Jónás, Tamás [Hungary]
Kames, Maren [D]
Kandasamy, Meena [India/ UK]
Khalifa, Mustafa [Syria/ France]
Kwon, R. O. [South Korea/ USA]
Mabanckou, Alain [Congo/ USA]
Macfarlane, Robert [UK]
Mathieu, Nicolas [France]
Mattes, Eva [D] reads Elena Ferrante [Italy]
Menasse, Eva [Austria/ D]
Myles, Eileen [USA]
Nguyen Phan, Que Mai [Vietnam/ Indonesia]
Nielsen, Madame [Denmark/D]
Nikolic, Jovan [Serbia/ D]
Onjerika, Makena [Kenya]
Onuzo, Chibundu [Nigeria/UK]
Orange, Tommy [USA]
Osang, Alexander [D]
Pauls, Alan [Argentina]
Pavlova, Vera [Russia/USA]
Piñeiro, Claudia [Argentina]
Pron, Patricio [Argentina/ Spain]
Ramírez, Sergio [Nicaragua/ Spain]
Rey Rosa, Rodrigo [Guatemala]
Rijneveld, Marieke Lucas [Netherlands]
Ruffato, Luiz [Brazil]
Ruschkowski, Klaudia [D]
Rushdie, Salman [India, USA]
Sainz Borgo, Karina [Venezuela/ Spain]
Sartorius, Joachim [D]
Schrott, Raoul [Austria]
Schweikert, Ruth [Switzerland]
Sievers, Frank [D]
Solstad, Dag [Norway]
Tharoor, Shashi [India/ USA]
Vilas, Manuel [Spain]
Vuong, Ocean [Vietnam/ USA]
Wegner, Frank [D]
Wray, John [USA]

Al-Rasheed, Madawi [Frankreich/ UK]
Anderson, Perry [UK]
Basil, Priya [UK/ D]
Benyamin [India]
Bianconi, Vanni [Switzerland]
Brovot, Thomas [D]
Buch, Hans Christoph [D]
Cardoso, Rafael [Brazil/ D]
Eribon, Didier [France]
Fischer, Joschka [D]
Forgách, András [Hungary]
Gauß, Karl-Markus [Austria]
Guerriero, Leila [Argentina]
Guggenberger, Linus [D]
Habeck, Robert [D]
Hansen, Christian [D]
Hoegen, Saskia von [D]
Holtz, Jürgen [D]
Ihrig, Wilfried [D]
Iyer, Pico [UK/ USA/ Japan]
Janetzki, Ulrich [D]
Kamala Kaufmann, Sina [D]
Kleeberg, Michael [D]
Koelbl, Susanne [D]
Kubin, Wolfgang [D/China]
Lagasnerie, Geoffroy de [France]
Lai, Mo Yan-chi [China]
Louis, Édouard [France]
Maalouf, Amin [Lebanon/ France]
Magid, Magid [Somalia, UK]
Magris, Claudio [Italy]
Martin, Marko [D]
Martínez, Oscar [El Salvador]
Murgia, Michela [Italy]
Nobil Ahmad, Ali[Pakistan/D]
Oberender, Thomas [D]
Pauls, Alan [Argentina]
Pilar, Ulrike von [D]
Piñeiro, Claudia [Argentina]
Ramírez, Sergio [Nicaragua/ Spain]
Reinhardt, Dotschy [D]
Ribeiro, Djamila [Brazil]
Ruffato, Luiz [Brazil]
Sainz Borgo, Karina [Venezuela/ Spain]
Scheller, Bente [D]
Schmid, Thomas [D]
Steinberg, Guido [D]
Strauß, Simon [D]
Tiburi, Marcia [Brazil]
Tonus, Leonardo [Brazil, France]
Weidner, Stefan [D]
Wong, Ben King-fai [China]
Wong, Mary Shuk-han [China]
Yuen, Chi-him

Mapping Berlin/Damaskus
AlBitar Kalaji, Dima [Syria/ D]
Barakeh, Khaled [Syria/ D]
Gröschner, Annett [D]
Leiber, Svenja [D]
Nabi, Widad [Syria/D]
Namer, Guevara [Syria/ D]
Reich, Annika [D]

International Children ́s and Young Adult Literature
Acevedo, Elizabeth [USA]
Aciman, André [Egypt, USA]
Beauvais, Clémentine [France/ UK]
Entrada Kelly, Erin [USA]
Gappah, Pettina [Simbabwe]
Habeck, Robert [D]
Jonsberg, Barry [Australia]
Koens, Enne [The Netherlands]
Lai, Thanhha [Vietnam, USA]
Koens, Enne [The Netherlands]
Louis, Édouard [France]
Lagercrantz, Rose [Sweden]
Lawrence, Iain [Canada]
Liu, Xun [China]
Meschenmoser, Sebastian [D]
Ruffato, Luiz [Brazil]
Sandén, Mårten [Sweden]
Schrott, Raoul [Austria]
Steinfeld, Tobias [D]
Wheatle, Alex [D]
Yockteng, Rafael [Peru/ Colombia]

Spotlight Norway
Dahle, Gro [Norway]
Hagerup, Linde [Norway]
Horndal, Sissel [Norway]
Lian, Torun [Norway]
Moursund, Gry [Norway]
Nyhus, Svein [Norway]

Hataki, Shahzamir [Afghanistan/ D]
Möller, Henriette [D]
Spieler, Lotti [D]
Young Euro Classics
Iraki, Batul [D]
Münster, Lukas [D]
Zimmermann, Henny [D]
Science and the Humanities
Al Haj Saleh, Yassin [Syria/D]
Eilenberger, Wolfram [D]
Felsch, Philipp [D]
Khalifa, Mustafa [Syria/ France]
Kluge, Ulrike [D]
Ridder, Michael de [D]
Wagner, David [D]

Automatic Writing 2.0
Alanoca, Sacha [France/ Chile]
Awret, Uziel [Israel/ USA]
Beckett, Bernard [New Zealand]
Blanco, Noelia [Argentina/ France]
Burchardt, Aljoscha [D]
Cotten, Ann [USA/ D]
Danaher, John [Ireland]
Dotse, Jonathan [Ghana]
Dufour, Catherine [France]
Du Sautoy, Marcus [UK]
Haider, Thomas [D]
Ings, Simon [UK]
Krämer, Sybille [D]
Landgraf, Tim [D]
Lipski, Roman [Poland/D]
Lord, Karen [Barbados]
Mondal, Mimi [India/ USA]
Monett, Dagmar [D]Müggenburg, Jan [D]
Neuvel, Sylvain [Canada]
O’Connell, Mark [Ireland]
Oh, Temi [Nigeria/UK]
Older, Malka [USA/France]
Oslberg, Karl [D]
Passig, Kathrin [D]
Ritter, Petra [D]
Schönthaler, Philipp [D]
Tidbeck, Karin [Sweden]
Wilk, Elvia [USA/ D]

Special: About Sex
Aciman, André [Egypt/ USA]
Becker, Theodora [D]
Beier, Klaus M. [D]
Bruns, Claudia [D]
Danaher, John [Ireland]
Eribon, Didier [France]
Gien, Anna [D]
Govrin, Jule [D]
Kandasamy, Meena [India/ UK]
Katsch, Matthias [D]
Myles, Eilen [USA]
Neft, Anselm [D]
Pappel, Paulita [Spanien/ D]
Rosales, Caroline [D]
Şahin, Reyhan aka Dr. Bitch Ray [D]
Stark, Marlene [D]
Vogel, Saskia [USA/ D]
Vogl, Joseph [D]
Wennerscheid, Sophie [D]

Special: Decolonizing Worlds II
Agualusa, José Eduardo [Angola/Mozambique]
Appadurai, Arjun [India]
Aw, Tash [Malaysia/ UK]
Chakrabarty, Dipesh [India/ USA]
Diop, David [Senegal, France]
Edugyan, Esi [Canada]
Gappah, Petina [Simbabwe]
Gryseels, Guido [Belgium]
Hicks, Dan [UK]
Kaleck, Wolfgang [D]
Kilomba, Grada [Portugal/D]
Koch, Lars Christian [D]
Kübler, Heike [D]
Lord, Karen [Barbados]
Olinde, Wilbert Jr [USA/D]
Ribbat, Christoph [D]
Ruffato, Luiz [Brazil]
Snoep, Nanette [Netherlands/ D]
Strausfeld, Michi [D]
Tharoor, Shashi [India/ USA]
Touré, Abdoulayé [Senegal]
Vinke, Kira [D]

Special: New German Voices
Kühmel, Miku Sophie [D]
Maeß, Emanuel [D]

Special: Graphic Novel Day
Bacilieri, Paolo [Italy]
Evens, Brecht [Belgium/ France]Goblet, Dominique [Belgium]
Itagaki, Lina [Lithuania]
Janečić, Helena [Croatia]
Krančan, David [Slovenia]
Novák, Jan [Czech Republic/ USA]
Peidro, Jordi [Spain]
Pfeiffer, Kai [ D]
Suess, Franz [Austria]
Vilé, Jurga [Lithuania]

Special: Third Culture Kid Day
Akbar, Kaveh [Iran/ USA]
Faber, Michel [Netherlands/ UK]
Lai, Thanhha [Vietnam/USA]
Onuzo, Chibundu [Nigeria/ UK]

Speak, Memory
Mandelkow, Miriam [Netherlands, D], Tesfu Temye [D] and Deniz Utlu [D] on James Baldwin
Al-Jarrah, Nouri [Syria/ UK] and Hussein Bin Hamza [Syria/ D] on Nizar Qabbani
Hegemann, Helene [D], Charis Goer [D] and Matthias Penzel [D] on Jörg Fauser
Guggolz, Sebastian [D] and Olga Radetzkaja on Boris Poplawski
Rey Rosa, Rodrigo [Guatemala] and Michael Kleeberg [D] on Paul Bowles
Dalos, György [Hungary/D], Timea Tankó [Hungary/D] and Sebastian Guggolz [D] on Andor
Endre Gelléri
Sofri, Adriano [Italy] and Hans-Gerd Koch [D] on Franz Kafka

Beldi, Christian [Romania/ D]

# website internationale literaturfestival berlin

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Gerald Janecek: Everything Has Already Been Written. Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance

In this book, Gerald Janecek provides a comprehensive account of Moscow Conceptualist poetry and performance, arguably the most important development in the arts of the late Soviet period and yet one underappreciated in the West.

Such innovative poets as Vsevolod Nekrasov, Lev Rubinstein, and Dmitry Prigov are among the most prominent literary figures of Russia in the 1980s and 1990s, yet they are virtually unknown outside Russia. The same is true of the numerous active Russian performance art groups, especially the pioneering Collective Actions group, led by the brilliantly inventive Andrey Monastyrsky.

Everything Has Already Been Written strives to make Moscow Conceptualism more accessible, to break the language barrier and to foster understanding among an international readership by thoroughly discussing a broad range of specific works and theories.

Janecek’s study is the first comprehensive analysis of Moscow Conceptualist poetry and theory, vital for an understanding of Russian culture in the post-Conceptualist era.

Gerald Janecek: is a professor emeritus of Russian at the University of Kentucky. He is the author of The Look of Russian Literature: Avant-Garde Visual Experiments, 1900–1930; ZAUM: The Transrational Poetry of Russian Futurism; and Sight and Sound Entwined: Studies of the New Russian Poetry; and the editor of Staging the Image: Dmitry Prigov as Artist and Writer.

Everything Has Already Been Written.
Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance
Gerald Janecek (Author)
Publication Date: December 2018
Studies in Russian Literature and Theory
312 pages
Northwestern University Press
-Paper Text – $39.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3901-5
-Cloth Text – $120.00
ISBN 978-0-8101-3902-2

# new books
Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance
Gerald Janecek magazine

More in: #Archive A-Z Sound Poetry, #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, Archive I-J, Art & Literature News, Chlebnikov, Velimir, Conceptual writing, FDM Art Gallery, FLUXUS LEGACY, Kharms (Charms), Daniil, Majakovsky, Vladimir, Performing arts, REPRESSION OF WRITERS, JOURNALISTS & ARTISTS, Visual & Concrete Poetry

William S. Burroughs: “The Revised Boy Scout Manual”. An Electronic Revolution

Before the era of fake news and anti-fascists, William S. Burroughs wrote about preparing for revolution and confronting institutionalized power.

In this work, Burroughs’ parody becomes a set of rationales and instructions for destabilizing the state and overthrowing an oppressive and corrupt government. As with much of Burroughs’ work, it is hard to say if it is serious or purely satire. The work is funny, horrifying, and eerily prescient, especially concerning the use of language and social media to undermine institutions.

The Revised Boy Scout Manual was a work Burroughs revisited many times, but which has never before been published in its complete form.

Based primarily on recordings of a performance of the complete piece found in the archives at the OSU libraries, as well as various incomplete versions of the typescript found at Arizona State University and the New York Public Library archives, this lost masterpiece of satiric subversion is finally available in its entirety.

He’s up there with the pope . . . you can’t revere him enough . . . he’s the greatest mind of our times.Patti Smith

“Well, he’s a writer.” Samuel Beckett

“The Revised Boy Scout Manual offers easy-to-read proof that the uncensored human imagination allowed to freely extrapolate about future social change can offer outrageous scenarios and fresh language capable of inspiring readers decades into the future.” V. Vale, founder and publisher of RE/Search

The Revised Boy Scout Manual
An Electronic Revolution
by William S. Burroughs
Edited by John M. Bennett, Geoffrey D. Smith
Publisher Ohio State University Press
Language: English
Format Paperback
Nb of pages: 144
ISBN-10 0814254896
ISBN-13 9780814254899
Publication 01 September 2018

# new books
William S. Burroughs
The Revised Boy Scout Manual magazine

More in: #Beat Generation Archives, - Book News, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Burroughs, William S., Conceptual writing, Samuel Beckett, Smith, Patti

Everything Has Already Been Written: Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance by Gerald Janecek

In this book, Gerald Janecek provides a comprehensive account of Moscow Conceptualist poetry and performance, arguably the most important development in the arts of the late Soviet period and yet one underappreciated in the West.

Such innovative poets as Vsevolod Nekrasov, Lev Rubinstein, and Dmitry Prigov are among the most prominent literary figures of Russia in the 1980s and 1990s, yet they are virtually unknown outside Russia. The same is true of the numerous active Russian performance art groups, especially the pioneering Collective Actions group, led by the brilliantly inventive Andrey Monastyrsky.

Everything Has Already Been Written strives to make Moscow Conceptualism more accessible, to break the language barrier and to foster understanding among an international readership by thoroughly discussing a broad range of specific works and theories. Janecek’s study is the first comprehensive analysis of Moscow Conceptualist poetry and theory, vital for an understanding of Russian culture in the post-Conceptualist era.

Gerald Janecek is professor emeritus of Russian and Eastern Studies at the University of Kentucky. He is the author of The Look of Russian Literature: Avant-Garde Visual Experiments, 1900-1930; ZAUM: The Transrational Poetry of Russian Futurism; and Sight and Sound Entwined: Studies of the New Russian Poetry.

Gerald Janecek (Author)
Everything Has Already Been Written
Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance
Paper Text – $39.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3901-5
Cloth Text – $120.00
ISBN 978-0-8101-3902-2
Publication Date: December 2018
Series: Studies in Russian Literature and Theory
Literature & Criticism
Russia Drama & Performance Studies
Page Count 312 pages
Northwestern University Press

new books magazine

More in: #More Poetry Archives, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive I-J, Art & Literature News, Conceptual writing, EXPERIMENTAL POETRY, FLUXUS LEGACY, Performing arts, Visual & Concrete Poetry

Museum of Lost Concepts: Disclosure 21-25

Museum of Lost Concepts

Disclosure 21-25  (1968-2008)

 © Monica Richter

kemp=mag poetry magazine

More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Conceptual writing, FLUXUS LEGACY, Monica Richter, Richter, Monica, Visual & Concrete Poetry

Museum of Lost Concepts: Disclosure 16-20

Museum of Lost Concepts

Disclosure 16-20


jef van kempen © magazine

More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry K-O, Conceptual writing, FLUXUS LEGACY, Kempen, Jef van, Visual & Concrete Poetry, ZERO art

Museum of Lost Concepts: Disclosure 11-15

Museum of Lost Concepts

Disclosure 11-15


jef van kempen © kemp=mag poetry magazine



More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry K-O, Conceptual writing, FLUXUS LEGACY, Kempen, Jef van, Visual & Concrete Poetry

Museum of Lost Concepts: Disclosure 6-10

Museum of Lost Concepts

Disclosure 6-10


jef van kempen © kemp=mag poetry magazine 2008


More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry K-O, Conceptual writing, FLUXUS LEGACY, Kempen, Jef van, Visual & Concrete Poetry, ZERO art

Museum of lost concepts: Disclosure 1-5

Museum of lost concepts




 Disclosure 1 – 5

 visual & concrete poetry 1968-2008

 jef van kempen© magazine

More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry K-O, Conceptual writing, FLUXUS LEGACY, Kempen, Jef van, Visual & Concrete Poetry, ZERO art

De onvolkomenheden der volmaakte poëzie

de onvolkomenheden

der volmaakte

p o ë z i e


from: the book of invisible poetry by jef van kempen


More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry K-O, Conceptual writing, FLUXUS LEGACY, Kempen, Jef van, Visual & Concrete Poetry





 c  o n c e p t u a l   w r i t i n g

monica richter 1988

visual & concrete poetry

 kemp=mag – kempis poetry magazine

More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry P-T, Conceptual writing, FLUXUS LEGACY, Monica Richter, Richter, Monica, Visual & Concrete Poetry

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