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«« Previous page · Maria Janitschek: Ein modernes Weib (Gedicht) · Yahya Hassan: Gedichten 2 · Negrophobia. An Urban Parable by Darius James · James Joyce: Bahnhofstrasse · Arcana. A Stephen Jonas Reader · James Joyce: A Flower Given to My Daughter · Gerald Janecek: Everything Has Already Been Written. Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance · David Bowie. The Oral History by Dylan Jones · The Circus. A Visual History by Pascal Jacob · James Joyce: Be Not Sad · James Joyce: The Twilight Turns · Everything Has Already Been Written: Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance by Gerald Janecek

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Maria Janitschek: Ein modernes Weib (Gedicht)

Ein modernes Weib

Ein Mann beleidigte ein Weib. Es war
Von jenen schnöden Thaten eine, die
Kein Weib vergessen und vergeben kann.
Geraume Zeit verstrich. Da eines Abends
Ward an die Thür des Frevlers laut gepocht.
Er rief: “Herein”, und sah voll tiefen Staunens,
In Trauerkleidern eine Frau vor sich.

Sie schlug den Schleier bald zurück. Er blickte
In ihre großen stolzerstarrten Augen,
In diese großen schmerzversengten Augen …
Er lächelte verlegen, denn ein Schauer
Erfaßte ihn … Er bot ihr höflich Platz,
Sie aber dankte, und mit ruhiger Stimme
Sprach sie zu ihm: “Du hast mich schwer beleidigt,
Es war nur Gott dabei … vor diesem Gott,
Vor dir, und mir allein, will ich den Flecken
Den Makel meiner Ehre, zugefügt
Von deiner Hand, verlöschen.
Höre nun!

Um dies zu thun, bleibt mir ein Mittel nur:
Ich kann nicht gehn, um einem fremden Menschen
Das was ich selbst mir kaum zu sagen wage,
Zu offenbaren. Für mich herrscht kein Richter,
Er wär′ denn blind und taub und stumm, deshalb
(Ein Schildern des Vergangenen glich′ aufs Haar
Der neuen That, hieß′ selber mich entehren),
Deshalb gibt′s eins nur: hier sind Waffen, wähle!”
Sie stellte auf den Tisch ein Kästchen hin
Und öffnete den Deckel. – –
Lange standen

Die beiden Menschen stumm. Er sah sie an,
Sie hielt das glänzend große Aug′ gerichtet
Fest auf die Waffen.
Plötzlich brach er aus
In lautes Lachen. Da durchglühte feurig
Ein tiefes Rot die farbenlosen Wangen
Der jungen Frau. Wie, wenn die ganze Antwort
Dies Lachen wär′? Sie hätte schreien mögen

Vor Wut und Elend. Aber sie bezwang sich,
Und sagte mild: “Wenn dir ein Unvorsichtiger
Zufällig auf den Fuß getreten wäre,
Du würdest ohne lange Ueberlegung
Ihm deine Karte in das Antlitz schleudern,
Nichts Lächerliches fändest du dabei.
Nun denk′: nicht auf den Fuß trat mir ein Mensch,
Mein Herz trat er in Stücke, meine Ehre!
Verlang′ ich mehr, als du verlangen würdest
Für einen unvorsichtigen Schritt, sag′ selbst,
Ist das nicht billig?”

Lächelnd sah er ih
Ins zornerglühte Antlitz. “Liebes Kind,
Du scheinst es zu vergessen, daß ein Weib
Sich nimmer schlagen kann mit einem Manne.
Entweder geh zum Richter, liebes Kind,
Gesteh ihm alles, gerne unterwerfe
Ich seinem Urteil mich. Nicht? Nun dann bleibt
Dir nur das eine noch: vergesse, was du
Beleidigung und Schmach nennst. Siehst du, Liebe,
Das Weib ist da zum Dulden und Vergeben …”
Jetzt lachte sie.

“Entweder Selbstentehrung
Wenn nicht, ein ruhiges Tragen seiner Schmach,
Und das, das ist die Antwort, die ein Mann
In unserer hellen Zeit zu geben wagt
Der Frau, die er beleidigt.”
“Eine andere
Wär′ gegen den Brauch.”
“So wisse, daß das Weib
Gewachsen ist im neunzehnten Jahrhundert,”
Sprach sie mit großem Aug′, und schoß ihn nieder.

Maria Janitschek
(1859 – 1927)
Ein modernes Weib

• magazine

More in: Archive I-J, Archive I-J, CLASSIC POETRY, The Ideal Woman

Yahya Hassan: Gedichten 2

In 59 gedichten vertelt Yahya Hassan in Gedichten 2 zijn hoogstpersoonlijke verhaal.

Hij dicht over het leven vanaf zijn achttiende, zijn debuut als auteur, zijn leven als ‘trofee-paki’ die niet meer zonder politiebegeleiding over straat kan, over achtervolgingen en vechtpartijen.

Totdat hij opgesloten wordt en vervolgens opgenomen en gediagnosticeerd als ‘psycho-paki’.

Het zijn gedichten over twijfel, woede, eenzaamheid en geweld, over de gekte in de wereld en de gekte in jezelf, over de zoektocht naar liefde en vriendschap en de onmogelijkheid die vast te houden. Het is een bundel die alleen door Yahya Hassan geschreven had kunnen worden.

Yahya Hassan (Aarhus, 1995-2020) was de zoon van Palestijnse ouders die in de jaren tachtig vanuit een vluchtelingenkamp naar Denemarken emigreerden. Hassan groeide op in een achterstandswijk en kwam op dertienjarige leeftijd in een internaat voor probleemjongeren terecht. Daar ontwikkelde hij een grote belangstelling voor literatuur en hij begon gedichten te schrijven. Zijn debuutbundel werd lovend en als literair vernieuwend ontvangen door de Deense pers en maakte veel discussie los over de immigratieproblematiek. Er werden in Denemarken meer dan 100.000 exemplaren van verkocht en het werd met diverse literaire prijzen bekroond, waaronder de prestigieuze Deense debutantenprijs. Hassan overleed op 29 april 2020 op 24-jarige leeftijd.

Yahya Hassan
Gedichten 2
Vertaler Lammie Post-Oostenbrink
160 pagina’s
ISBN 9789403199702
Uitgever: De Bezige Bij
Taal Nederlands
Druk 1
September 2020
Euro 21,99

# new poetry
Yahya Hassan
Gedichten 2

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More in: #Short Stories Archive, Archive G-H, Archive I-J, Yahya Hassan

Negrophobia. An Urban Parable by Darius James

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is negrophobia.jpegA screenplay for the mind, a performance on the page, a work of poetry, a mad mix of genres and styles, a novel in the tradition of William S. Burroughs and Ishmael Reed that is like no other novel, Negrophobia begins with the blonde bombshell Bubbles Brazil succumbing to a voodoo spell and entering the inner darkness of her own shiny being.

Here crackheads parade in the guise of Muppets, Muslims beat conga drums, Negroes have numbers for names, and H. Rap Remus demands the total and instantaneous extermination of the white race through spontaneous combustion. By the end of it all, after going on a weird trip for the ages, Bubbles herself is strangely transformed.

Title Negrophobia
Subtitle An Urban Parable
Author Darius James
Publisher New York Review Books
Series: NYRB Classics
Published 19 February 2019
Format Paperback
ISBN-10 1681373297
ISBN-13 9781681373294
Pages: 208

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Darius James

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James Joyce: Bahnhofstrasse



The eyes that mock me sign the way
Whereto I pass at eve of day.

Grey way whose violet signals are
The trysting and the twining star.

Ah star of evil! star of pain!
Highhearted youth comes not again

Nor old heart’s wisdom yet to know
The signs that mock me as I go.

James Joyce
Bahnhofstrasse magazine

More in: Archive I-J, Archive I-J, Joyce, James, Joyce, James

Arcana. A Stephen Jonas Reader

Arcana: A Stephen Jonas Reader is the first selection of his work to appear in 25 years.

With a biographical introduction and a postscript delving into recent discoveries concerning the poet’s birthplace and background, Arcana is a crucial corrective to our understanding of post-war American poetry, restoring Jonas to his rightful place among the period’s vanguard.

Featuring previously uncollected and unpublished work, a section of never-before-seen facsimiles from notebooks, and a generous selection from his innovative serial poem Exercises for Ear (1968), Arcana is a much-needed retrieval of an overlooked American poet, as well as a valuable contribution to African American and Queer literature.

Beginning in the 1950s until his untimely death at age 49, Stephen Jonas (1921-1970) was an influential if underground figure of the New American Poetry. A gay, African-American poet of self-obscured origins, heavily influenced by Ezra Pound and Charles Olson, the Boston-based Jonas was a pioneer of the serial poem and an erudite mentor to such acknowledged masters as Jack Spicer and John Wieners, even as he lived a shadowy existence among drug addicts, thieves, and hustlers.

Major publications include Love, the Poem, the Sea & Other Pieces Examined by Me (1957), Exerces for Ear (1968), and Selected Poems (1994).

“A true poet of modern classic culture in mid-twentieth century U.S.A.”—Allen Ginsberg

Title: Arcana
Subtitle: A Stephen Jonas Reader
Author: Stephen Jonas
Edited by Garrett Caples, Derek Fenner, David Rich, Joseph Torra
Introduction by Joseph Torra
Afterword by David Rich
Publisher: City Lights Publishers
African American poetry
Format Paperback
ISBN-10 0872867919
ISBN-13 9780872867918
Publication Date: 16 April 2019
Main content page count 264
List Price $21.95

# new books
A Stephen Jonas Reader

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More in: - Book News, Archive I-J, Archive I-J, Art & Literature News

James Joyce: A Flower Given to My Daughter


A Flower
Given to My Daughter

Frail the white rose and frail are
Her hands that gave
Whose soul is sere and paler
Than time’s wan wave.

Rosefrail and fair — yet frailest
A wonder wild
In gentle eyes thou veilest,
My blueveined child.

James Joyce
A Flower Given to My Daughter

• magazine

More in: Archive I-J, Archive I-J, Joyce, James, Joyce, James

Gerald Janecek: Everything Has Already Been Written. Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance

In this book, Gerald Janecek provides a comprehensive account of Moscow Conceptualist poetry and performance, arguably the most important development in the arts of the late Soviet period and yet one underappreciated in the West.

Such innovative poets as Vsevolod Nekrasov, Lev Rubinstein, and Dmitry Prigov are among the most prominent literary figures of Russia in the 1980s and 1990s, yet they are virtually unknown outside Russia. The same is true of the numerous active Russian performance art groups, especially the pioneering Collective Actions group, led by the brilliantly inventive Andrey Monastyrsky.

Everything Has Already Been Written strives to make Moscow Conceptualism more accessible, to break the language barrier and to foster understanding among an international readership by thoroughly discussing a broad range of specific works and theories.

Janecek’s study is the first comprehensive analysis of Moscow Conceptualist poetry and theory, vital for an understanding of Russian culture in the post-Conceptualist era.

Gerald Janecek: is a professor emeritus of Russian at the University of Kentucky. He is the author of The Look of Russian Literature: Avant-Garde Visual Experiments, 1900–1930; ZAUM: The Transrational Poetry of Russian Futurism; and Sight and Sound Entwined: Studies of the New Russian Poetry; and the editor of Staging the Image: Dmitry Prigov as Artist and Writer.

Everything Has Already Been Written.
Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance
Gerald Janecek (Author)
Publication Date: December 2018
Studies in Russian Literature and Theory
312 pages
Northwestern University Press
-Paper Text – $39.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3901-5
-Cloth Text – $120.00
ISBN 978-0-8101-3902-2

# new books
Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance
Gerald Janecek magazine

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David Bowie. The Oral History by Dylan Jones

Dylan Jones’s engrossing, magisterial biography of David Bowie is unlike any Bowie story ever written.

Drawn from over 180 interviews with friends, rivals, lovers, and collaborators, some of whom have never before spoken about their relationship with Bowie, this oral history weaves a hypnotic spell as it unfolds the story of a remarkable rise to stardom and an unparalleled artistic path.

Tracing Bowie’s life from the English suburbs to London to New York to Los Angeles, Berlin, and beyond, its collective voices describe a man profoundly shaped by his relationship with his schizophrenic half-brother Terry; an intuitive artist who could absorb influences through intense relationships and yet drop people cold when they were no longer of use; and a social creature equally comfortable partying with John Lennon and dining with Frank Sinatra.

By turns insightful and deliciously gossipy, David Bowie is as intimate a portrait as may ever be drawn. It sparks with admiration and grievances, lust and envy, as the speakers bring you into studios and bedrooms they shared with Bowie, and onto stages and film sets, opening corners of his mind and experience that transform our understanding of both artist and art.

Including illuminating, never-before-seen material from Bowie himself, drawn from a series of Jones’s interviews with him across two decades, David Bowie is an epic, unforgettable cocktail-party conversation about a man whose enigmatic shapeshifting and irrepressible creativity produced one of the most sprawling, fascinating lives of our time.

Dylan Jones is the multi-award winning editor of GQ magazine. He has been an editor at i-D magazine, The Face, Arena, the Observer and the Sunday Times. He writes for the Mail on Sunday, is a Vice President of the Hay Festival and a board member of the Norman Mailer Foundation. He has written ten books and is currently working with U2 on a book celebrating their record-breaking 360° tour.

David Bowie
The Oral History
By Dylan Jones
Category: Arts & Entertainment – Biographies & Memoirs – Music
Sep 11, 2018
576 Pages
Publisher Three Rivers Press
ISBN 9780451497840

# new books
biography david bowie magazine

More in: #Biography Archives, - Book News, - Book Stories, Archive I-J, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, David Bowie, Norman Mailer

The Circus. A Visual History by Pascal Jacob

This beautiful book charts the development of the circus as an art form around the world, from antiquity to the present day.

Using over 200 circus related artworks from the French National Library’s private collections, celebrated cultural historian Pascal Jacob tells the story of travelling entertainers and their art and trade. From nomadic animal tamers of the Dark Ages to European jugglers and acrobats of the 1800s, from the use of the circus as Soviet propaganda to the 20th-century Chinese performance art renaissance, this is an exhaustive history with a uniquely international scope.

Jacob draws on both rare and famous artworks, including prints dating from the 13th century, and paintings by Picasso and Doré. In doing so he demonstrates the circus to be a visual and physical masterpiece, constantly moving and evolving, and just as exciting an experience for audiences now as it was 1,000 years ago.

Pascal Jacob is a prominent circus arts historian who lectures at the Sorbonne, France. He wrote on Cultural History, History and Theory of Art, Theatre History and Criticism.

The Circus
A Visual History
By: Pascal Jacob
Foreword by Marius Kwint
Published: 09-08-2018
Format: Hardback
Edition: 1st
Extent: 240 p.
ISBN: 9781350043107
Imprint: Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Illustrations: 160 colour and 40 bw illus
Price: £30.00

new books magazine

More in: # Music Archive, - Book Lovers, - Book Stories, Archive I-J, Art & Literature News, Futurism, The talk of the town, THEATRE

James Joyce: Be Not Sad


Be Not Sad

Be not sad because all men
Prefer a lying clamour before you:
Sweetheart, be at peace again — –
Can they dishonour you?

They are sadder than all tears;
Their lives ascend as a continual sigh.
Proudly answer to their tears:
As they deny, deny.

James Joyce
Be Not Sad magazine

More in: Archive I-J, Archive I-J, Joyce, James, Joyce, James

James Joyce: The Twilight Turns


The Twilight Turns

The twilight turns from amethyst
To deep and deeper blue,
The lamp fills with a pale green glow
The trees of the avenue.

The old piano plays an air,
Sedate and slow and gay;
She bends upon the yellow keys,
Her head inclines this way.

Shy thought and grave wide eyes and hands
That wander as they list — –
The twilight turns to darker blue
With lights of amethyst.

James Joyce
The Twilight Turns magazine

More in: Archive I-J, Archive I-J, Joyce, James, Joyce, James

Everything Has Already Been Written: Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance by Gerald Janecek

In this book, Gerald Janecek provides a comprehensive account of Moscow Conceptualist poetry and performance, arguably the most important development in the arts of the late Soviet period and yet one underappreciated in the West.

Such innovative poets as Vsevolod Nekrasov, Lev Rubinstein, and Dmitry Prigov are among the most prominent literary figures of Russia in the 1980s and 1990s, yet they are virtually unknown outside Russia. The same is true of the numerous active Russian performance art groups, especially the pioneering Collective Actions group, led by the brilliantly inventive Andrey Monastyrsky.

Everything Has Already Been Written strives to make Moscow Conceptualism more accessible, to break the language barrier and to foster understanding among an international readership by thoroughly discussing a broad range of specific works and theories. Janecek’s study is the first comprehensive analysis of Moscow Conceptualist poetry and theory, vital for an understanding of Russian culture in the post-Conceptualist era.

Gerald Janecek is professor emeritus of Russian and Eastern Studies at the University of Kentucky. He is the author of The Look of Russian Literature: Avant-Garde Visual Experiments, 1900-1930; ZAUM: The Transrational Poetry of Russian Futurism; and Sight and Sound Entwined: Studies of the New Russian Poetry.

Gerald Janecek (Author)
Everything Has Already Been Written
Moscow Conceptualist Poetry and Performance
Paper Text – $39.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3901-5
Cloth Text – $120.00
ISBN 978-0-8101-3902-2
Publication Date: December 2018
Series: Studies in Russian Literature and Theory
Literature & Criticism
Russia Drama & Performance Studies
Page Count 312 pages
Northwestern University Press

new books magazine

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