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De meiskens uit de taveernen
De meiskens uit de taveernen,
Zij hebben een malsen schoot.
Zij zien er de jongens geerne.
Zij baren haar kindren dood.
Zij dragen van vurige zijde
een keursken dat spant en splijt.
We ontwaken aan haar zijde
met den houten mond van de spijt.
De ronde zee waar wij zwalken,
die eindeloos wenkt en geeuwt,
en ons doet van begeren balken,
en ons verre vrouwe verweêwt:
wij ankren in de taveernen
waar geniepig een rust ons smijt.
Daar wachten ons rood de deernen.
Daar raken wij ‘t leven kwijt.
Karel van de Woestijne
(1878 – 1929)
De meiskens uit de taveernen
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive W-X, Archive W-X, Woestijne, Karel van de
De schrijvers Jan Leyers, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer en Jolande Withuis zijn genomineerd voor de E. du Perronprijs 2018. De prijs wordt toegekend aan schrijvers, kunstenaars of instellingen die met een cultuuruiting in brede zin een bijdrage leveren aan een inclusieve samenleving. De uitreiking vindt plaats op dinsdagavond 16 april in de Glazen Zaal in de LocHal in Tilburg. Dan houdt Gloria Wekker de achtste E. du Perronlezing.
Jan Leyers ‒ Allah in Europa. Het reisverslag van een ongelovige (Uitgeverij Das Mag)
Leyers doet in dit boek verslag van een reis door Europa waarin hij op zoek gaat naar ‘een Europese versie van de islam’. Vier maanden lang wordt er gesproken met traditionele gelovigen en nieuwe bekeerlingen. Allah in Europa leest als een spannend verslag van gesprekken waarin verschillende denkbeelden tegen elkaar afgewogen worden. Knap is dat het boek nergens belerend of dwingend wordt, hoewel het overduidelijk een pleidooi is voor een open multicultureel Europa, dat de lezer aanzet tot nadenken.
Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer ‒ Grand Hotel Europa (Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers)
In deze roman neemt Pfeijffer ons mee naar een hotel ergens in Europa waarin zijn alter ego zich verschanst na een stukgelopen liefde. Het hotel is vergane glorie, oude geschiedenis en een metaforisch beeld voor het continent, waarvan de geschiedenis fenomenaal is, maar het heden op allerlei manier ontspoort: er is te veel consumentisme, geen engagement, er zijn geen nieuwe idealen. Pfeijffer verweeft verschillende verhaallijnen met elkaar, en is op zijn best in de essayistische passages waarin hij kritiek geeft op het hedendaagse Europa en vooral op het massatoerisme.
Jolande Withuis ‒ Raadselvader. Kind in de koude oorlog (Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij)
Withuis schreef een indringende biografie over haar vader Berry Withuis (1920-2009), die tegelijk een autobiografische reflectie biedt. De vader was communist en redacteur van de Waarheid. Haar communistische jeugd en de loyaliteit jegens haar ouders hebben Withuis geleerd dat er verschillende kanten zitten aan een historisch narratief. Noch het ontkennen van de slechte behandeling van communisten in Nederland tijdens de Koude Oorlog, noch het slachtofferisme van de zijde van communisten zelf, is de waarheid. Maar ook leert zij dat via het eigen verhaal de geschiedenis van anderen aanknopingspunten biedt en legt ze uit dat totalitaire overtuigingen mensen verleiden onmenselijke misdaden te begaan en het eigen ethische kompas uit te schakelen.
E. du Perronprijs
De E. du Perronprijs is een initiatief van de gemeente Tilburg, de Tilburg School of Humanities & Digital Sciences en Kunstloc Brabant. De prijs is bedoeld voor personen of instellingen die, net als schrijver Du Perron, grenzen signaleren en doorbreken die wederzijds begrip tussen verschillende bevolkingsgroepen in de weg staan. De prijs bestaat uit een geldbedrag van 2500 euro en een textielobject, ontworpen door studio ‘by aaaa’ (Moyra Besjes en Natasja Lauwers) en vervaardigd bij het TextielMuseum. In 2017 won Margot Vanderstraeten de prijs voor haar boek Mazzel tov. Andere laureaten waren onder meer Stefan Hertmans (2016), Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer (2015), Warna Oosterbaan & Theo Baart (2014), Mohammed Benzakour (2013), Koen Peeters (2012) en Ramsey Nasr (2011).
E. du Perronlezing
Professor dr. Gloria Wekker is emeritus hoogleraar Gender en Etniciteit aan de faculteit Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht. Ze houdt, op 16 april, na Antjie Krog, Paul Scheffer, Job Cohen, Sheila Sitalsing, Herman van Rompuy, Arnon Grunberg en Marja Pruis de achtste E. du Perronlezing.
Voor het bijwonen van de uitreiking kunnen belangstellenden en genodigden zich aanmelden via www.kunstlocbrabant.nl/eduperron
Meer informatie over de prijs vindt u op: www.tilburguniversity.edu/duperronprijs
# Literaire prijzen
E. du Perronprijs 2018
Jan Leyers
Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer
Jolande Withuis
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
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(naar Majakovski)
planten druipen
gordijnen vallen
gewoven in vislijn
zilveren ringen
zilveren haken
vissen mensen van het beton
vangen ze op uit het café à la kroeg
schrapen ze van de dansvloer af
hijsen ze langs de trappen op
mens! ga toch lezen
zoek een woord op
luister naar een lezing
door een oververhit brein
blaas een kubus van glas
kennis is zacht als hout
kennis is hard als staal
door je eigen glazen plafond
Carina van der Walt
Gedicht: LocHal (naar Majakovski)
# new poetry
Carina van der Walt is a South-African born
poet and writer. Since many years she
lives and works in Tilburg NL.
LocHal is a historical Locomotive Shelter in Tilburg
that has been rebuild into a public library.
photo: cvdw2019
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive W-X, Archive W-X, Art & Literature News, Carina van der Walt, Majakovsky, Vladimir, Photography, Walt, Carina van der
Songs can be incredibly prophetic, like subconscious warnings or messages to myself, but I often don’t know what I’m trying to say till years later.
Or a prediction comes true and I couldn’t do anything to stop it, so it seems like a kind of useless magic.
The first book from songwriter and Florence + the Machine frontwoman Florence Welch, Useless Magic brings together 288 pages of lyrics, never-before-seen poetry and sketches.
Taken from Welch’s own scrapbook-style journals, the book offers an extraordinary chance to see inside the creative alchemy behind some of Florence + The Machine’s chart-topping anthems.
It also offers unique personal insights into Welch’s own life from her experiences of suffering with an eating disorder to her thoughts on love and what it means to live your life in the glare of the spotlight. .
Useless Magic:
Lyrics and Poetry
by Florence Welch
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Imprint Fig Tree
London, 5 July 2018
Number of pages: 288
Language English
ISBN-10: 0241347939
ISBN-13: 978-0241347935
€ 28,95
# New books
Florence Welch
Lyrics and Poetry
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
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Willem Wilmink (1936-2003) is een van de meest geliefde dichters van Nederland.
Zijn eenvoudige maar treffende gedichten en liedjes, veelal geschreven voor legendarische tv-programma’s als De Stratemakeropzeeshow, J.J. de Bom en De film van Ome Willem, spreken iedereen aan. ‘De oude school’, ‘Deze vuist op deze vuist’ en ‘Ben Ali Libi’ behoren tot de canon van de Nederlandse literatuur. Hetzelfde geldt voor Wilminks hertalingen van Middeleeuwse klassiekers. Hij was een groot kenner van poëzie uit alle tijdvakken en in al haar verschijningsvormen.
Zijn werk is doortrokken van heimwee naar een veilige kinderwereld die nooit heeft bestaan. Naar eigen zeggen is Wilmink altijd elf jaar gebleven, wat aanvankelijk zijn loopbaan en privéleven ernstig frustreerde, maar tegelijkertijd zijn poëtische kapitaal bleek. Met humor en zelfspot maakte hij zijn lange tijd door miskenning en afwijzing getekende leven leefbaar.
Voor In de man zit nog een jongen sprak neerlandicus en journalist Elsbeth Etty met tientallen tijdgenoten en intimi van Wilmink. Het resultaat is een intiem en niets verhullend portret.
Elsbeth Etty (1951) is literair criticus, columnist en voormalig bijzonder hoogleraar literaire kritiek. Ze publiceerde o.a. verschillende essay- en columnbundels. Voor Liefde is heel het leven niet, haar biografie van Henriette Roland Holst, werd ze genomineerd voor de AKO Literatuurprijs en bekroond met de Gouden Uil en de Busken Huetprijs.
In de man zit nog een jongen
Willem Wilmink – De biografie
Auteur: Elsbeth Etty
Uitgeverij: Nijgh & van Ditmar
NUR: 321
Taal Nederlands
Bladzijden 552 pp.
Bindwijze Hardcover
ISBN: 9789038806112
Publicatiedatum: 22-01-2019
Prijs: € 34,99
# New books
Willem Wilmink – De biografie
Auteur: Elsbeth Etty
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Biography Archives, - Book News, - Book Stories, - Bookstores, Archive E-F, Archive W-X, Archive W-X, Art & Literature News, Willem Wilmink
“And I? May I say nothing, my lord?” With these words, Oscar Wilde’s courtroom trials came to a close. The lord in question, High Court justice Sir Alfred Wills, sent Wilde to the cells, sentenced to two years in prison with hard labor for the crime of “gross indecency” with other men.
As cries of “shame” emanated from the gallery, the convicted aesthete was roundly silenced.
But he did not remain so. Behind bars and in the period immediately after his release, Wilde wrote two of his most powerful works—the long autobiographical letter De Profundis and an expansive best-selling poem, The Ballad of Reading Gaol.
In The Annotated Prison Writings of Oscar Wilde, Nicholas Frankel collects these and other prison writings, accompanied by historical illustrations and his rich facing-page annotations. As Frankel shows, Wilde experienced prison conditions designed to break even the toughest spirit, and yet his writings from this period display an imaginative and verbal brilliance left largely intact.
Wilde also remained politically steadfast, determined that his writings should inspire improvements to Victorian England’s grotesque regimes of punishment. But while his reformist impulse spoke to his moment, Wilde also wrote for eternity.
At once a savage indictment of the society that jailed him and a moving testimony to private sufferings, Wilde’s prison writings—illuminated by Frankel’s extensive notes—reveal a very different man from the famous dandy and aesthete who shocked and amused the English-speaking world.
Nicholas Frankel is Professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University.
“Frankel provides a valuable service in comprehensively editing these works for a fresh generation of readers.” — Joseph Bristow, University of California, Los Angeles
The Annotated Prison Writings of Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Edited by Nicholas Frankel
Harvard University Press
408 pages
Publication: May 2018
ISBN 9780674984387
# more books
The Annotated Prison Writings of Oscar Wilde
-Clemency Petition to the Home Secretary, 2 July 1896
-De Profundis
-Letter to the Daily Chronicle, 27 May 1897
-The Ballad of Reading Gaol
-Letter to the Daily Chronicle, 23 March 1898
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
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What does it mean to fight for a ‘mother country’ that refuses to accept you as one of its own?
Britain’s First World War poets changed the way we view military conflict and had a deep impact on the national psyche. Yet the stories of the 15,600 volunteers who signed up to the British West Indian Regiment remain largely unknown. Sadly, these citizens of empire were not embraced as compatriots on an equal footing. Instead they faced prejudice, injustice and discrimination while being confined to menial and auxiliary work, regardless of rank or status.
As a collaborative project, co-commissioned by 14-18 NOW, BBC Contains Strong Language and the British Council, Unwritten Poems invited contemporary Caribbean and Caribbean diaspora poets to write into that vexed space, and explore the nature of war and humanity – as it exists now, and at a time when Britain’s colonial ambitions were still at a peak. Unwritten: Caribbean Poems After the First World War is a result of that provocation and also includes new material written for broadcast and live performance.
Caribbean Poems After the First World War
by Karen McCarthy Woolf (Author, Editor)
With contributions from Jay Bernard, Malika Booker, Kat Francois, Jay T. John, Anthony Joseph, Ishion Hutchinson, Charnell Lucien, Vladimir Lucien, Rachel Manley, Tanya Shirley and Karen McCarthy Woolf.
Publisher: Nine Arches Press
4 Oct. 2018
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1911027298
ISBN-13: 978-1911027294
Product Dimensions: 16.3 x 1 x 23 cm
160 pages
Price: £14.99
# new book
Caribbean Poems After the First World War
• fleursdumal.nl magazine
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The true story of twin sisters, Dorothea and Gladys Cromwell, born into New York’s Gilded Age, living lives of wealth and privilege, as told by Dennis Whitehead.
Amid the fervor of America’s entry into the First World War, the sisters volunteered for service with the American Red Cross in France, a country they knew and loved. To French soldiers seeking refreshment and solace in the Red Cross canteen, the identical twins were known as anges jumeaux, the twin angels.
Witnessing the non-stop horrors in the worst fighting in the war, the sisters were utterly exhaustion, both mentally and physically, when they boarded the SS La Lorraine for the return journey home. They had wished to continue their service to the people of France after the fighting stopped but were convinced to return to New York by their brother.
What happened on that ship, on that frigid January 1919 evening, almost one-hundred years ago, is one of the great untold stories of World War I, and the impact that modern warfare had upon not just the men in the trenches, but upon its women and other non-combatants, as well as civilians, that remained unrecognized until the Vietnam War.
Dennis Whitehead: A native of Cincinnati and a graduate of Ohio University, Dennis Whitehead is a writer, photographer, and media producer in Arlington, Virginia.
Shell Shock: Twin Sisters Born Into New York’s Gilded Age Struck Down by the Horrors of War
by Dennis Whitehead
Kindle Edition
Available for download
Language: English
File Size: 27502 KB
Print Length: 52 pages
Publisher: MMImedia LLC (July 18, 2018)
Publication Date: July 18, 2018
Amazon Digital
# More information and link with Amazon Kindle Edition
Shell Shock is the story of the twin Cromwell sisters who served with the American Red Cross in World War I France. Witnessing the unrelenting horrors of war, the Cromwell sisters illustrate the unrecognized trauma wrought upon non-combatants in the First World War. Gladys Cromwell (1885-1919) was a very talented poet.
# Digital biography
American writers
Gladys Cromwell
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More in: #Biography Archives, *War Poetry Archive, - Book Stories, Archive C-D, Archive W-X, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Gladys Cromwell, Photography, WAR & PEACE
H. G. Wells was born Herbert George in Bromley, Kent, England, on September 21, 1866. His father was a professional cricketer and sometimes shopkeeper, his mother a former lady’s maid.
Although “Bertie” left school at fourteen to become a draper’s apprentice (a life he detested), he later won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science in London, where he studied with the famous Thomas Henry Huxley. He began to sell articles and short stories regularly in 1893.
In 1895, his immediately successful novel rescued him from a life of penury on a schoolteacher’s salary. His other “scientific romances”—The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897), The War of the Worlds (1898), The First Men in the Moon (1901), and The War in the Air (1908)—won him the distinction as the father of science fiction.
Henry James saw in Wells the most gifted writer of the age, but Wells, having coined the phrase “the war that will end war” to describe World War I, became increasingly disillusioned and focused his attention on educating mankind with his bestselling Outline of History (1920) and his later utopian works. Living until 1946, Wells witnessed a world more terrible than any of his imaginative visions, and he bitterly observed: “Reality has taken a leaf from my book and set itself to supercede me.”
The War of the Worlds (1898) conjures a terrifying, tentacled race of Martians who devastate the Earth and feed on their human victims while their voracious vegetation, the red weed, spreads over the ruined planet. After the novel’s hero finds himself trapped in what is left of London, despairing at the destruction of human civilization, he discovers that life on Earth is more resilient than he had imagined. Adapted by Orson Welles for his notorious 1938 radio drama and subsequently by many filmmakers, H. G. Wells’s timeless story shows no sign of losing its grip on readers’ imaginations.
The War of the Worlds
By H.G. Wells
Category: Science Fiction
Nov 06, 2018
192 Pages
Published by Vintage
ISBN 9780525564164
# Books That Everyone Should Read
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Proceeding from Hélène Cixous’s charge to “kill the false woman who is preventing the live one from breathing,” The Fix forges that woman’s reckoning with her violent past, with her sexuality, and with a future unmoored from the trappings of domestic life.
These poems of lyric beauty and unflinching candor negotiate the terrain of contradictory desire—often to darkly comedic effect.
In encounters with strangers in dive bars and on highway shoulders, and through ekphrastic engagement with visionaries like William Blake, José Clemente Orozco, and the Talking Heads, this book seeks the real beneath the dissembling surface.
Here, nothing is fixed, but grace arrives by diving into the complicated past in order to find a way to live, now.
Often I am permitted to return to this kitchen
tipsy, pinned to the fridge, to the precise
instant the kiss smashed in.
When the jaws of night are grinding
and the double bed is half asleep
the snore beside me syncs
to the traffic light, pulsing red, ragged up
in the linen curtain.
(From “Woman Seated with Thighs Apart”)
Lisa Wells is a poet and nonfiction writer who lives in Tucson, Arizona. Her work has appeared in Best New Poets, the Believer, Denver Quarterly, Rumpus, Third Coast, and the Iowa Review.
Lisa Wells (Author)
The Fix
Publisher: University Of Iowa Press
1 edition (April 15, 2018)
Series: Iowa Poetry Prize
Language: English
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.3 x 8 inches
ISBN-10: 1609385470
ISBN-13: 978-1609385477
70 pages
new poetry
lisa wells: the fix
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive W-X, Archive W-X
To Mary
If I had thought thou couldst have died,
I might not weep for thee;
But I forgot, when by thy side,
That thou couldst mortal be:
It never through my mind had past
The time would e’er be o’er,
And I on thee should look my last,
And thou shouldst smile no more!
And still upon that face I look,
And think ’twill smile again;
And still the thought I will not brook,
That I must look in vain.
But when I speak–thou dost not say
What thou ne’er left’st unsaid;
And now I feel, as well I may,
Sweet Mary, thou art dead!
If thou wouldst stay, e’en as thou art,
All cold and all serene–
I still might press thy silent heart,
And where thy smiles have been.
While e’en thy chill, bleak corse I have,
Thou seemest still mine own;
But there–I lay thee in thy grave,
And I am now alone!
I do not think, where’er thou art,
Thou hast forgotten me;
And I, perhaps, may soothe this heart
In thinking too of thee:
Yet there was round thee such a dawn
Of light ne’er seen before,
As fancy never could have drawn,
And never can restore!
Charles Wolfe
To Mary
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Archive W-X, Archive W-X, CLASSIC POETRY
Liu Xia, China, is a poet, artist, and founding member of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre. Xia has been held under unofficial house arrest in her Beijing apartment since her late husband, the poet Liu Xiaobo, was named the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in October 2010.
For seven years, Liu Xia (1961) was held in her apartment without access to phones, internet, doctors of her choice, or visitors. Following the death of her husband in July 2017 and the expression of concern for her wellbeing, Xia appeared in a video in which she asked to be left alone to mourn – it is thought that she may have done this at the behest of the authorities.
The Independent PEN Centre (ICPC) report that the restrictions applied against Liu Xia have relaxed somewhat; she has access to a telephone and is allowed to leave her home, but is under constant surveillance. Colleagues at ICPC report that Liu Xia has been removed from Beijing for the duration of the National People’s Congress; it is expected that she will be returned to her Beijing home after this date.
There are reports that Liu Xia’s mental and physical health continue to suffer due to her detention.
PEN International believes that the ongoing, extra-judicial house arrest of Liu Xia is a form of punishment for the human rights work carried out by her husband, Liu Xiaobo, and is extremely concerned for her physical and psychological integrity.
Please take action for Liu Xia.
# More information and how to act, see website PEN UK
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