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– Book News

«« Previous page · Peter Sloterdijk: The Aesthetic Imperative. Writings on Art · Todd Miller: Storming the Wall. Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security · David Lagercrantz: The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye · Benedetta Craveri: Les Derniers Libertins · Derde editie van de week van de Afrikaanse roman in Nederland en Vlaanderen · Richard Stern: Other Men’s Daughters · Peter Jordens: Hendrik Werkman en De Ploeg. The Next Call en het constructivisme · Frankfurter Buchmesse: 11 – 15 Oktober 2017 · Daniel Kane: “Do You Have a Band?”. Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City · Jhumpa Lahiri: In Other Words · Man Booker Prize announces 2017 shortlist · Noam Chomsky: Interviews with David Barsamian

»» there is more...

Peter Sloterdijk: The Aesthetic Imperative. Writings on Art

In this book, renowned philosopher and cultural theorist Peter Sloterdijk examines art in all its rich and varied forms: from music to architecture, light to movement, and design to typography.

Moving between the visible and the invisible, the audible and the inaudible, his analyses span the centuries, from ancient civilizations to contemporary Hollywood.

With great verve and insight he considers the key issues that have faced thinkers from Aristotle to Adorno, looking at art in its relation to ethics, metaphysics, society, politics, anthropology and the subject.

Sloterdijk explores a variety of topics, from the Greco-Roman invention of postcards to the rise of the capitalist art market, from the black boxes and white cubes of modernism to the growth of museums and memorial culture.

This sustained reflection, at once playful, serious and provocative, goes to the very heart of Sloterdijk’s enduring philosophical preoccupation with the aesthetic. It will be essential reading for students and scholars of philosophy and aesthetics and will appeal to anyone interested in culture and the arts more generally.

Peter Sloterdijk is Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Karlsruhe School of Design.

Peter Sloterdijk,
The Aesthetic Imperative:
Writings on Art
Translated by Karen Margolis
ISBN: 978-0-7456-9987-5
300 pages
April 2017

new books magazine

More in: - Book News, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, MONTAIGNE, Peter Sloterdijk

Todd Miller: Storming the Wall. Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security

As global warming accelerates, droughts last longer, floods rise higher, and super-storms become more frequent. With increasing numbers of people on the move as a result, the business of containing them––border fortification––is booming.

In Storming the Wall, Todd Miller travels around the world to connect the dots between climate-ravaged communities, the corporations cashing in on border militarization, and emerging movements for environmental justice and sustainability. Reporting from the flashpoints of climate clashes, and from likely sites of futures battles, Miller chronicles a growing system of militarized divisions between the rich and the poor, the environmentally secure and the environmentally exposed. Stories of crisis, greed and violence are juxtaposed with powerful examples of solidarity and hope in this urgent and timely message from the frontlines of the post-Paris Agreement era.

Todd Miller’s writings about the border have appeared in the New York Times, Tom Dispatch, and many other places.

“Scathing and deeply reported . . . quite possibly the right book at the right time”—Los Angeles Times

For the past fifteen years Todd Miller has researched, written about, and worked on immigration and border issues from both sides of the U.S. Mexico divide for organizations such as BorderLinks, Witness for Peace, and NACLA. He did the brunt of this work in Tucson, Arizona and Oaxaca, Mexico, with stints in New York City sprinkled in. Between Tucson and the Buffalo/Niagara Falls region of New York state where he grew up, he has spent the majority of his life close to the U.S. international boundary, south and north. He is the author of Border Patrol Nation (City Lights, 2014), his writings about the border have appeared in the New York Times, TomDispatch, Mother Jones, The Nation, Al Jazeera English, and Salon among other places.

“As Todd Miller shows in this important and harrowing book, climate-driven migration is set to become one of the defining issues of our time. We are at a political crossroads: continue hardening under the steadily creeping politics of xenophobia and the repressive militarization of border and immigration policy, or change course and plan for a just adaption to a hotter world. At stake is not only the well-being of immigrants but also the integrity and feasibility of democratic government itself. This is a must-read book.”––Christian Parenti, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, author of Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence

Title Storming the Wall
Subtitle Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security
Author Todd Miller
Collection City Lights Open Media
Publisher City Lights Publishers San Francisco USA
ISBN-10 0872867153
ISBN-13 9780872867154
Publ. 12 September 2017
Pages 272  –  $16.95

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David Lagercrantz: The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye

From the author of the #1 international best seller The Girl in the Spider’s Web: the new book in the Millennium series, which began with Stieg Larsson’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Lisbeth Salander, the girl with the dragon tattoo, the brilliant hacker, the obstinate outsider, the volatile seeker of justice for herself and others—even she has never been able to uncover the most telling facts of her traumatic childhood, the secrets that might finally, fully explain her to herself. Now, when she sees a chance to uncover them once and for all, she enlists the help of Mikael Blomkvist, the editor of the muckraking, investigative journal Millennium. And she will let nothing stop her—not the Islamists she enrages by rescuing a young woman from their brutality; not the prison gang leader who passes a death sentence on her; not the deadly reach of her long-lost twin sister, Camilla; and not the people who will do anything to keep buried knowledge of a sinister pseudoscientific experiment known only as The Registry. Once again, Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, together, are the fierce heart of a thrilling full-tilt novel that takes on some of the most insidious problems facing the world at this very moment.

David Lagercrantz was born in 1962 and is an acclaimed author and journalist. He has written numerous biographies (including the internationally best-selling I Am Zlatan Ibrahimović, for which he was the ghostwriter) and four novels, including Fall of Man in Wilmslow, and the #1 best-selling The Girl in the Spider’s Web.

“Lagercrantz’s excellent second contribution to Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series [is a] complicated, fascinating mystery.” Publisher’s Weekly

The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye
A Lisbeth Salander novel,
continuing Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Series
By David Lagercrantz
Suspense & Thriller – Crime Mysteries

Sep 12, 2017
512 Pages

Sep 12, 2017
368 Pages

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Benedetta Craveri: Les Derniers Libertins

Ceci n’est pas un livre d’histoire, et pourtant tout y est avéré. C’est le roman vrai des derniers feux de la monarchie, la chronique d’une civilisation au raffinement inégalé, et que 1789 emportera à jamais.

Le roman vrai de sept destins, chacun emblématique et unique à la fois. Des aristocrates de haut lignage, dotés des vertus dont tout noble doit s’enorgueillir : fierté, courage, raffinement, culture, esprit, art de plaire.

Ils se connaissent, sont cousins ou rivaux, libertins dans une société où l’on veut aimer à sa guise, puisque le mariage y est de convenance. Maîtresses officielles ou secrètes, liaisons épistolaires et enflammées, dépit, faveur, puis disgrâce… Jamais l’art de conquérir ne fut porté à cette incandescence.

Chacun d’eux, en même temps, veut se forger un destin. Prétendant aux plus hautes fonctions au service du Roi, ils devront composer avec la cour où les alliances se font et se défont au gré d’intrigues savantes et souvent cruelles. On croisera Talleyrand, Laclos, Marie-Antoinette dans la légèreté de ses vingt ans, les chroniques savoureuses du prince de Ligne ou de la comtesse de Boigne, les billets, les poèmes que cette élite lettrée et cosmopolite s’échange à chaque heure du jour.

Ils sont aussi les enfants des Lumières, et accueillent avec d’autant plus d’intérêt les idées nouvelles qu’ils croient possible de les concilier avec leurs propres privilèges. Mais la Révolution balayera cet espoir. Certains prendront les armes, d’autres le chemin de l’exil ; ce sera la ruine, la guillotine pour deux d’entre eux. Pour tous, la fin d’un monde.

Avec une plume enjouée et complice qui rappelle les meilleurs mémorialistes, Benedetta Craveri a composé ici un magnifique hommage à cette génération perdue qui incarna, plus qu’aucune autre, une certaine douceur de vivre.

Benedetta Craveri
Les Derniers Libertins
Traduction (Italien): Dominique Vittoz
Editeur Flammarion
Collection ESSAIS
640 pages
155 x 240 cm
Couleur – Broché
EAN : 9782081249318
ISBN : 9782081249318

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Derde editie van de week van de Afrikaanse roman in Nederland en Vlaanderen

Van vrijdag 29 september t/m zondag 8 oktober 2017 wordt in Nederland en Vlaanderen de derde Week van de Afrikaanse roman gehouden, een leesbevorderingscampagne die brede aandacht wil vragen voor Afrikaanstalige literatuur in Nederlandse vertaling.


Willem Anker won als romanschrijver en dramaturg alle prijzen die er in Zuid-Afrika maar te winnen zijn. Over zijn onlangs in Nederlandse vertaling verschenen roman Buys schrijft de Volkskrant: “De historische roman Buys is een overrompelend portret van een onuitstaanbare ruziezoeker. De waarde van dit testosteronproza ligt in het oproepen van een verdwenen wereld.”

Andries Bezuidenhout is een ware creatieve duizendpoot. Hij maakte furore als voorman van een van de eerste grote rockbands in het Afrikaans, Brixton Moord en Roof Orkes. De laatste jaren presenteert hij zich als singer songwriter in de traditie van Koos du Plessis en Koos Kombuis. Andries Bezuidenhout is in Zuid-Afrika ook bekend als schilder, dichter en rubriekskrywer (columnist). En dit allemaal naast zijn baan als universitair hoofddocent in de Arbeidssociologie aan de Universiteit van Pretoria.

Amy Jephta is dramaturg. In haar toneelstuk Kristalvlakte, dat ook in boekvorm is verschenen, verplaatst ze het verhaal van Bertolt Brechts Mutter Curage naar de door armoede, drugs en bendegeweld geteisterde wereld van de Kaapse Vlakte. Amy Jephta kent het leven op die flatse van binnenuit en schrijft haar dialogen in rauw en onvervalst Kaapse Afrikaans.

Suzie Matlhola is de drijvende kracht achter het Afrikaans-in-Soweto-project. Suzie en haar team van vrijwilligers geven na schooltijd en in het weekend bijles Afrikaans aan de kinderen van Soweto, de grote township aan de rand van Johannesburg. Dankzij dit extra onderwijs halen de kinderen niet alleen hogere cijfers; ze vergroten ook hun kansen op een betere vervolgopleiding en een goede baan. Een prachtig voorbeeld van wat ze in het Afrikaans bemagtiging noemen. Suzie treedt tijdens de Week op samen met Karien Brits, een deskundige op het gebied van meertaligheid, die zelf naast Afrikaans en Engels onder meer ook Pools, Spaans, Venda en Tswana spreekt.

Rudie van Rensburg is een van de belangrijkste Afrikaanstalige thrillerschrijvers van dit moment. Zijn politieromans over de stuntelige, maar briljante kapitein Kassie Kasselman worden gekenmerkt door een mix van crime, actualiteit, kleurrijke personages, intrige en humor tegen het decor van het adembenemende landschap van Zuid-Afrika. Een nieuwe stem, voor de liefhebbers van Deon Meyer!

Ingrid Winterbach is waarschijnlijk de meest bekroonde schrijver in de hedendaagse Afrikaanstalige literatuur. Haar romans zijn eigenzinnig, poëtisch, associatief, humoristisch, kritisch en raadselachtig. Haar boeken geven hun geheim niet makkelijk prijs. En juist dat maakt ze voor haar trouwe lezers zo intrigerend en onweerstaanbaar. Twee van Ingrid Winterbachs romans, Niggie en Het boek van toeval en toeverlaat, zijn in het Nederlands vertaald.

Donderdag 28 september 2017
Amy Jephta neemt deel aan openingsavond AfroVibes, Amsterdam.

Vrijdag 29 september 2017
Alle schrijvers: openingsavond Week van de Afrikaanse roman i.s.m. B-Unlimited, Den Haag

Zaterdag 30 september 2017
Suzie Matlhola en Karien Brits nemen deel aan Drongo Talenfestival, Utrecht.
Willem Anker, Andries Bezuidenhout, Rudie van Rensburg en Ingrid Winterbach: Andries & vrienden bij Andries Eten & Drinken, Culemborg
Amy Jephta neemt deel aan AfroVibes, Amsterdam.

Zondag 1 oktober 2017
Amy Jephta neemt deel aan AfroVibes, Amsterdam.

Maandag 2 oktober 2107
Diverse gastcolleges en workshops, HKU en Universiteit Utrecht
Vertalerswerkswinkel met Rudie van Rensburg en Rob van der Veer, Amsterdam (vol)
Leeskring: Vlakwater van Ingrid Winterbach, Zuid-Afrikahuis, Amsterdam

Dinsdag 3 oktober 2017
Rudie van Rensburg, Ingrid Winterbach, Margriet van der Waal en mystery guest: Avond over misdaadfictie, Zuid-Afrikahuis, Amsterdam
Willem Anker: leeskring bibliotheek Schiermonnikoog
Amy Jephta neemt deel aan Afrovibes, Amsterdam.

Woensdag 4 oktober 2017
Alle schrijvers, Jannie du Toit: Literair evenement, Vlaams-Nederlands Cultuurhuis deBuren, Brussel

Donderdag 5 oktober 2017
Suzie Matlhola, Rudie van Rensburg: gastcolleges Universiteit Antwerpen
Willem Anker: Boekhandel De Kleine Johannes, Leuven

Vrijdag 6 oktober 2017
Amy Jephta: workshop Creative Writing, Universiteit Gent
Alle schrijvers: letterkundig symposium i.s.m. de Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, Universiteit Gent
Willem Anker, Andries Bezuidenhout, Rudie van Rensburg en Ingrid Winterbach: Slotfeest, Theater de Tinnen Pot, Gent

Zaterdag 7 oktober 2017
Andries Bezuidenhout en Ingrid Winterbach: Huiskamerconcert, Leuven

Zondag 8 oktober 2017
Amy Jephta neemt deel aan Afrovibes, Rotterdam.

Het logo van de Week van de Afrikaanse roman is ontworpen door de Zuid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar en schrijver Nathan Trantraal.

Van 29 september t/m 8 oktober 2017 derde editie van de Week van de Afrikaanse roman met Amy Jephta, Andries Bezuidenhout, Ingrid Winterbach, Rudie van Rensburg, Suzie Matlhola en Willem Anker

Meer informatie kunt u vinden op website: en via Facebook en Twitter

week van de afrikaanse roman 2017 magazine

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Richard Stern: Other Men’s Daughters

“Until the day of Merriwether’s departure from the house—a month after his divorce—the Merriwether family looked like an ideally tranquil one” we read on the first page of Other Men’s Daughters.

It is the late 1960s, and the streets of Cambridge, Massachusetts, are full of long-haired hippies decked out in colorful garb, but Dr. Robert Merriwether, who teaches at Harvard and has been married for a good long time, hardly takes note. Learned, curious, thoughtful, and a creature of habit, Merriwether is anything but an impulsive man, and yet over the summer, while Sarah, his wife, is away on vacation, he meets a summer student, Cynthia Ryder, and before long the two have fallen into bed and in love. Richard Stern’s novel is an elegant and unnerving examination of just how cold and destructive a thing love, “the origin of so much story and disorder,” can be.

“As if Chekhov had written Lolita. . . . I would contend that in its own felicitous small-scale way, Other Men’s Daughters is to . . . the sixties what The Great Gatsby was to the twenties, The Grapes of Wrath to the thirties, and Rabbit Is Rich to the seventies: a microscope exactly focused on a definitive specimen of what was once the present American moment.” —Philip Roth, from the Introduction

Other Men’s Daughters
By Richard Stern
Introduction by Philip Roth
Afterword by Wendy Doniger
Category: Literary Fiction
Paperback $15.95
Publisher Penguin Random House
NYRB Classics
Aug 29, 2017
272 Pages
ISBN 9781681371511

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Peter Jordens: Hendrik Werkman en De Ploeg. The Next Call en het constructivisme

Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman (1882-1945) wordt in 1919 lid van de ‘Groninger Kunstkring De Ploeg’.

Men waardeert hem vooral als drukker. In 1922, wanneer hij zakelijk een stap terug moet doen, maakt Werkman kennis met het gebruik van typografisch zetmateriaal als vorm van drukkunst. Hij begint de mogelijkheden ervan te onderzoeken.

De eerste proeve van zijn kunnen is de uitgave van The Next Call, een serie van negen achtbladige cahiers bestaande uit teksten en abstracte composities die hij tussen 1923 en 1926 aan vrienden en andere mogelijk geïnteresseerden toestuurt. Talrijk zijn de aanwijzingen dat Werkman zich daarbij heeft laten inspireren door het dadaïstische en constructivistische idioom van de internationale avant-garde. Een modernistisch tijdschrift als een van de vele andere is The Next Call niet. Teksten en druksels laten zien dat het gaat over Werkman zelf, over wat hem in deze cruciale periode van zijn leven wezenlijk beroert

Peter Jordens:
Hendrik Werkman en De Ploeg.
The Next Call en het constructivisme
Dit boek verschijnt in oktober 2017
€ 22,50
ISBN 9789462582286
Formaat: 20 x 26,5 cm
Aantal pagina’s 176
In samenwerking met Museum Belvédère
Circa 150 afbeeldingen in kleur
Jaar 2017
Uitvoering: Gebonden
Uitg.: wbooks

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Frankfurter Buchmesse: 11 – 15 Oktober 2017

Die Buchmesse ist wichtigster internationaler Handelsplatz für Inhalte, das Zentrum der internationalen Medienwelt und kulturelles Großereignis.

An keinem Ort der Welt zeigt sich die Publishing- und Medienbranche vielfältiger, innovativer und internationaler als an diesen fünf Tagen im Oktober. Auf der Buchmesse können Sie neue Bücher und die innovativsten Produkte des “digital publishing” für sich entdecken.

Hier kommen Sie mit Ihren Idolen aus der Literaturwelt in direkten Kontakt – bei unzähligen Autorenlesungen, Diskussionen oder an der Showküche der “Gourmet Gallery”. Lernen Sie die Verlagsbranche von ihrer lebendigsten Seite kennen.

69. Frankfurter Buchmesse
11. – 15. Oktober 2017
über 7.150 Aussteller
aus 106 Ländern
140.000 Fachbesucher
mehr als 1.000 Autoren
rund 278.000 Besucher

# website Frankfurter Buchmesse magazine

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Daniel Kane: “Do You Have a Band?”. Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City

During the late 1960s, throughout the 1970s, and into the 1980s, New York City poets and musicians played together, published each other, and inspired one another to create groundbreaking art.

In “Do You Have a Band?”, Daniel Kane reads deeply across poetry and punk music to capture this compelling exchange and its challenge to the status of the visionary artist, the cultural capital of poetry, and the lines dividing sung lyric from page-bound poem.

Kane reveals how the new sounds of proto-punk and punk music found their way into the poetry of the 1960s and 1970s downtown scene, enabling writers to develop fresh ideas for their own poetics and performance styles. Likewise, groups like The Fugs and the Velvet Underground drew on writers as varied as William Blake and Delmore Schwartz for their lyrics. Drawing on a range of archival materials and oral interviews, Kane also shows how and why punk musicians drew on and resisted French Symbolist writing, the vatic resonance of the Beat chant, and, most surprisingly and complexly, the New York Schools of poetry. In bringing together the music and writing of Richard Hell, Patti Smith, and Jim Carroll with readings of poetry by Anne Waldman, Eileen Myles, Ted Berrigan, John Giorno, and Dennis Cooper, Kane provides a fascinating history of this crucial period in postwar American culture and the cultural life of New York City.

Daniel Kane is reader in English and American literature at the University of Sussex in Brighton. His books include We Saw the Light: Conversations Between the New American Cinema and Poetry (2009) and All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s (2003).

Title Do You Have a Band?
Subtitle Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City
Author Daniel Kane
Publisher Columbia University Press
Title First Published 25 July 2017
Format Paperback
ISBN-10 0231162979
ISBN-13 9780231162975
Publication Date 25 July 2017
Main content page count 296
Weight 16 oz.
Paperback – $30.00
296 Pages

Daniel Kane: Do You Have a Band?”: Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City
from Columbia University Press

new books magazine

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Jhumpa Lahiri: In Other Words

In Other Words is a revelation. It is at heart a love story of a long and sometimes difficult courtship, and a passion that verges on obsession: that of a writer for another language.

For Jhumpa Lahiri, that love was for Italian, which first captivated and capsized her during a trip to Florence after college. Although Lahiri studied Italian for many years afterwards, true mastery had always eluded her.

Seeking full immersion, she decided to move to Rome with her family, for ‘a trial by fire, a sort of baptism’ into a new language and world. There, she began to read and to write – initially in her journal – solely in Italian. In Other Words, an autobiographical work written in Italian, investigates the process of learning to express oneself in another language, and describes the journey of a writer seeking a new voice.

Presented in a dual-language format, this is a wholly original book about exile, linguistic and otherwise, written with an intensity and clarity not seen since Vladimir Nabokov: a startling act of self-reflection and a provocative exploration of belonging and reinvention.

“A writer of formidable powers and great depth of feeling” – Observer

Jhumpa Lahiri was born in London and raised in Rhode Island. Her debut collection of stories, Interpreter of Maladies, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the PEN/Hemingway Award,The New Yorker Debut of the Year, and an Addison M. Metcalf Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. It was an international bestseller, translated into more than thirty languages. Her first novel, The Namesake, was a New York Times Notable Book, a Los Angeles TimesBook Prize finalist, and selected as one of the best books of the year by USA Today and Entertainment Weekly, among other publications. Her second collection, Unaccustomed Earth, was a New York Times Book Review,Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time, and People Magazine Best Book of the Year, a finalist for the Story Prize, and winner of the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award. Her most recent book is her second novel,The Lowland (published September 2013).
A recipient of Guggenheim and National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships, she was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2012. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband and two children.

Jhumpa Lahiri writes: Essays & Journalism, Biography & Memoir, General Fiction, Short Stories

She is author of : In Other Words, The Clothing of Books, The Lowland, Only Goodness, Unaccustomed Earth

In Other Words
By Jhumpa Lahiri
Translator: Ann Goldstein
Publ.: 09-02-2017
Edition: 1st
256 pag.
ISBN: 9781408866139
Imprint: Bloomsbury Paperbacks
Dim.: 198 x 129 mm

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Man Booker Prize announces 2017 shortlist

Paul Auster, Emily Fridlund, Mohsin Hamid, Fiona Mozley, George Saunders and Ali Smith are announced as the six shortlisted authors for the 2017 Man Booker Prize for Fiction.

Their names were announced by 2017 Chair of judges, Lola, Baroness Young, at a press conference at the offices of Man Group, the prize sponsor.

The judges remarked that the novels, each in its own way, challenge and subtly shift our preconceptions — about the nature of love, about the experience of time, about questions of identity and even death.

Two novels from independent publishers, Faber & Faber and Bloomsbury, are shortlisted, alongside two from Penguin Random House imprint Hamish Hamilton and two from Hachette imprints, Weidenfeld & Nicolson and JM Originals.

The 2017 shortlist of six novels is:
4321 by Paul Auster (US) (Faber & Faber)
History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund (US) (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (UK-Pakistan) (Hamish Hamilton)
Elmet by Fiona Mozley (UK) (JM Originals)
Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders (US) (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Autumn by Ali Smith (UK) (Hamish Hamilton)

The judging panel, chaired by Lola, Baroness Young, consists of: the literary critic, Lila Azam Zanganeh; the Man Booker Prize shortlisted novelist, Sarah Hall; the artist, Tom Phillips CBE RA; and the travel writer and novelist, Colin Thubron CBE.

The 2017 winner will be announced on Tuesday 17 October in London’s Guildhall, at a dinner that brings together the shortlisted authors and many well-known figures from the literary world. The ceremony will be broadcasted by the BBC.

The shortlisted authors will each receive £2,500 and a specially bound edition of their book. The winner will receive a further £50,000 and can expect international recognition.

The Man Booker Prize 2017 shortlist:
4 3 2 1 by Paul Auster (US) (Faber & Faber)
History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund (US) (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (Pakistan-UK) (Hamish Hamilton)
Elmet by Fiona Mozley (UK) (JM Originals)
Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders (US) (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Autumn by Ali Smith (UK) (Hamish Hamilton)

The Man Booker Prize 2017 magazine

More in: - Book Lovers, - Book News, Archive A-B, Archive S-T, Art & Literature News, Awards & Prizes, Literary Events, Paul Auster

Noam Chomsky: Interviews with David Barsamian

Global Discontents is a compelling set of interviews with Noam Chomsky, who identifies the “dry kindling” of discontent around the world that could soon catch fire.

In wide-ranging interviews with David Barsamian, his longtime interlocutor, Noam Chomsky asks us to consider “the world we are leaving to our grandchildren”: one imperiled by the escalation of climate change and the growing potential for nuclear war. If the current system is incapable of dealing with these threats, he argues, it’s up to us to radically change it.

These ten interviews, conducted from 2013 to 2016, examine the latest developments around the globe: the devastation of Syria, the reach of state surveillance, growing anger over economic inequality, the place of religion in American political culture, and the bitterly contested 2016 U.S. presidential election. In accompanying personal reflections on his Philadelphia childhood and his eighty-seventh birthday, Chomsky also describes his own intellectual journey and the development of his uncompromising stance as America’s premier dissident intellectual.

Noam Chomsky is the author of numerous bestselling political works, including Hegemony or Survival and Failed States. A professor emeritus of linguistics and philosophy at MIT, he is widely credited with having revolutionized modern linguistics. He lives outside Boston, Massachusetts.

David Barsamian, director of the award-winning and widely syndicated Alternative Radio, is a winner of the Lannan Foundation’s Cultural Freedom Fellowship and the ACLU’s Upton Sinclair Award for independent journalism. He lives in Boulder, Colorado.

Global Discontents
Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy
Noam Chomsky: Interviews with David Barsamian
Trade Paperback
Metropolitan Books
Henry Holt and Co.
ISBN: 9781250146182
240 Pages

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