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«« Previous page · Simultaneities and Lyric Chemisms by Ardengo Soffici · Siblings by Brigitte Reimann · Samenval / Gabungan een nieuwe bundel van Albert Hagenaars en Edith Bons · Laura Vazquez: Vous êtes de moins en moins réels: Anthologie 2014-2021 (Poèmes) · Hotel Oblivion by Cynthia Cruz · An Eye For An Eye For An Eye by Ellen Renton (Poetry) · Vintage Readers (short stories) by Sandra Cisneros · Pit Lullabies by Jessica Traynor (Poems) · Maud Joiret: Jerk (Poésie) · Bright Fear by Mary Jean Chan (Poems) · Women Who Change the World: Stories from the Fight for Social Justice by Lynn Lewis (Editor) · Beautiful in the Mouth by Keetje Kuipers

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Simultaneities and Lyric Chemisms by Ardengo Soffici

A vital reconstruction of Italian Futurist poet Ardengo Soffici’s visual poetics, presented for the first time in English in Olivia E. Sears’s exacting translations. With a foreword by Marjorie Perloff.

With unexpected lyricism, buzzing between the entropic and the erotic, Soffici’s unrelenting poems manifest his milieu’s fascination with the metropolis. Guillaume Apollinaire called it “very important work, rich in fresh beauties.” This facsimile-style edition—with a foreword by Marjorie Perloff, helpful annotations, and an informative afterword by the translator—offers a glimpse into the vibrant early avant-garde, when modernity held tremendous promise.

Ardengo Soffici (1879-1964) was an Italian painter, poet, and art critic associated with Florentine Futurism. Years spent in Parisian artistic circles spurred Soffici to champion an artistic renewal in Italy, introducing French impressionism and cubism and a vibrant magazine culture.

Olivia E. Sears is a translator of Italian poetry and prose, specializing in avant-garde women writers. She founded the Center for the Art of Translation and the journal Two Lines, where she served as editor for twelve years.

Simultaneities and Lyric Chemisms
Ardengo Soffici
Olivia E. Sears (Translator)
Pub Date: 09/15/2022
Publisher: World Poetry Books
Product Number:9781954218055
SKU #: I17G
Binding: Paperback
Italian Studies.
Price: 23,99 euro

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Siblings by Brigitte Reimann

A story of sibling love ruptured by the Iron Curtain, by one of the most significant East German writers.


“I will never forgive you,” Uli says to his sister Elisabeth.

Disillusioned by life in the East, Uli also dreams of escape, while Elisabeth still holds out hope for the political project of the GDR. With physical checkpoints and ideological tensions between them, the siblings must navigate emotional rifts as they enter into a drama fueled by love in this unflinching portrayal of life in the early years of the German Democratic Republic.

One of the most significant East German writers, Brigitte Reimann (1933–1973) wrote irreverent, autobiographical works that addressed issues and sensibilities otherwise repressed in the GDR. Outspoken and idealistic, she wrote in her diaries that she would rather “live 30 wild years instead of 70 well-behaved ones.”
Considered a master of socialist realism, she heeded the state’s call for artists to engage with the people, teaching writing classes for industrial plant workers. Of her generation’s suffering, she wrote to her brother, “We marched forth carrying such a heavy baggage of ideals.”

After her death from cancer in 1973, at age 39, Reimann garnered cult-like attention. This is her first work of fiction to appear in English.

by Brigitte Reimann
translated by Lucy Jones
Publisher: Penguin Classics
1st edition 2 Feb. 2023
Language: ‎English
‎144 pages
ISBN-10: ‎0241555833
ISBN-13: ‎978-0241555835

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Samenval / Gabungan een nieuwe bundel van Albert Hagenaars en Edith Bons

Een dezer dagen verschijnt Samenval / Gabungan, een boek met afbeeldingen van schilderijen en sculpturen van Edith Bons en daarbij geschreven gedichten van Albert Hagenaars. Alle tekst is in het Nederlands en Indonesisch.

Een voorpublicatie verschijnt in Fleurs du Mal Magazine.

De eerste stap in het proces dat tot het project Samenval /Gabungan zou leiden werd gezet in Indonesisch-Nederlands Cultureel Centrum Karta Pustaka in Yogyakarta, hoofdstad van de Javaanse cultuur. Al in 1986 mocht Edith Bons daar een expositie inrichten. Het was haar eerste activiteit in Indonesië, waar zij werd geboren en een deel van haar jeugd doorbracht.

Jaren later volgde Siti Wahyuningsih uit het nabije Pundong met het oog op haar huwelijk met Albert Hagenaars en verhuizing naar Europa een cursus Nederlands in hetzelfde centrum. Tijdens een bezoek daar kwamen beiden in contact met theaterman en dichter Landung Simatupang, die Alberts poëziebundel Tropendrift in Bahasa Indonesia zou vertalen. Deze oorspronkelijk in het Nederlands geschreven gedichten waren eerder in een vertaling van John Irons in het Engels verschenen.

In 2007 ontving Edith Bons de uitnodiging om een installatie met rijst in Karta Pustaka in te richten. Tijdens een plechtigheid in het centrum stelde Landung Simatupang Albert en Siti voor aan de dichter Winarko Boesrie en diens vrouw Edith.

Dit contact kon zich zowel in Nederland als op Java verdiepen, wat tot verschillende vormen van samenwerking leidde.

Zo maakte Edith speciaal voor de drietalige bundel Palawija / De derde oogst / The third harvest (2010) van Albert Hagenaars het werk Javanese girl.

In december 2010 organiseerden 38 CC (Delft) en Galerie Ariana (Den Haag) ter gelegenheid van haar 25-jarig kunstjubileum een retrospectieve tentoonstelling in Bacinol 2 in Delft, het gebouw waar zij al jarenlang een atelier heeft. Zowel Winarko als Albert las tijdens de opening uit eigen werk voor. Laatstgenoemde ging daarbij in op de overeenkomsten tussen zijn werk en dat van Edith, wees op het belang van thema’s als de doorwerking van het verleden, vervreemding, vruchtbaarheid en samenleving. Ook gebruiken ze soortgelijke contrasten: west-oost in het algemeen en Indonesië-Nederland in het bijzonder, man-vrouw, jong-oud, traditie-vernieuwing, en alle twee zetten ze veelvuldig het motief rijst in.

Albert publiceerde in 2011 de beschouwing Edith Bons – 25 jaar kunstenaar en in juli 2012 schreef hij een recensie over de tweetalige gedichtenbundel Beelddicht van Winarko.

Ook nog in 2012 droeg hij zijn poëzievideo Palawija aan Edith Bons op.

Ondertussen correspondeerden ze volop en bezochten ze elkaars tentoonstellingen en boekpresentaties.

Albert kreeg zodoende steeds meer affiniteit met het werk van Edith. In 2018 stelde hij daarom voor om gedichten bij haar werk te maken. Aanvankelijk dacht hij aan enkele verzen voor een catalogus maar gaandeweg groeide het plan uit tot het boek Samenval / Gabungan, met veertig schilderijen en sculpturen en evenzoveel daarbij geschreven gedichten.

Barney Agerbeek schreef de inleiding van het boek. Deze romancier, dichter en kunstkenner, geboren in Surabaya en wonend in Nederland, werkte lange tijd als bankier in Indonesië. Hij gebruikte zijn ervaringen daar en in andere landen in diverse boeken.

Samenval / Gabungan is aldus het resultaat van een langdurige samenwerking van kunstenaars die in vriendschap verbonden zijn door eenzelfde passie: nieuwsgierigheid naar interculturele interactie, liefde voor Indonesië en het versterken van begrip over en weer.

Auteurs tekst en beeld: Albert Hagenaars & Edith Bons
Voorwoord: Cultureel attaché Indonesische ambassade
Inleiding: Barney Agerbeek (auteur en kunstkenner)
Ontwerp omslag: Edith Bons
Foto achterzijde en vertaling: Siti Wahyuningsih
Opmaak: HostWriters (België)
Uitgeverij: Amazon
ISBN: 9798397846103
112 pag.
Prijs: € 20,00
Verschijningsdatum: September 2023

De fotograaf van dienst was Siti Wahyuningsih,
die de opname zonder condities beschikbaar stelt.

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Laura Vazquez: Vous êtes de moins en moins réels: Anthologie 2014-2021 (Poèmes)

Je réfléchis depuis longtemps
À la forme maximale de cruauté
Mais je n’ai rien trouvé d’autre qu’une journée
et une nuit et une autre journée et une autre nuit

Laura Vazquez
propose à travers cette anthologie une sélection de poèmes, dont certains inédits, publiés entre 2014 et 2021.

À travers une écriture alerte et dépouillée, ses poèmes évoquent des thématiques essentielles telles que le corps, le langage ou les êtres humains.

Les images qui tissent sa poésie construisent un univers animiste qui hypnotise et bouscule notre vision du monde et de sa réalité, donnant à entendre l’une des voix les plus singulières et percutantes de la création poétique contemporaine.

Née en 1986, Laura Vazquez est poète et a signé un premier roman, La Semaine perpétuelle (Mention spéciale du prix Wepler 2021). Ses poèmes ont été traduits dans de nombreuses langues, et elle donne régulièrement des lectures publiques en France ou à l’étranger. Elle co-dirige la revue littéraire Muscle.

Auteur: Laura Vazquez
Anthologie 2014 – 2021
Vous êtes de moins en moins réels
Poésie (Poche)
Langue Française
Editeur Points
Collection Points Poésie
Date de parution: 04/03/2022
EAN: 9782757895566
ISBN: 2757895567
SKU: 5050461
Format: 10cm x 17cm
Nombre de pages: 336
€ 8,90

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Hotel Oblivion by Cynthia Cruz

A specter, haunting the edges of society: because neoliberalism insists there are no social classes, thus, there is no working class, the main subject of Hotel Oblivion, a working class subject, does not exist.

With no access to a past, she has no home, no history, no memory. And yet, despite all this, she will not assimilate. Instead, this book chronicles the subject’s repeated attempts at locating an exit from capitalist society via acts of negative freedom and through engagement with the death drive, whose aim is complete destruction in order to begin all over again.

In the end, of course, the only true exit and only possibility for emancipation for the working class subject is through a return to one’s self. In Hotel Oblivion, through a series of fragments and interrelated poems, Cruz resists invisibilizing forces, undergoing numerous attempts at transfiguration in a concerted effort to escape her fate.

Cynthia Cruz is the author of six collections of poems: Guidebooks for the Dead (Four Way Books, 2020), Dregs (Four Way Books, 2018), How the End Begins (Four Way Books, 2016), Wunderkammer (Four Way Books, 2014), The Glimmering Room (Four Way Books, 2012) and Ruin (Alice James Books, 2006). Disquieting: Essays on Silence, a collection of critical essays exploring the concept of silence as a form of resistance, was published by Book*hug in the spring of 2019. The Melancholia of Class, an exploration of melancholia and the working class, was published by Repeater Books in July of 2021.

Cruz earned an MA in German Language and Literature from Rutgers University and is currently pursuing a PhD at the European Graduate School where her area of research is psychoanalysis and philosophy. Cruz teaches in the Graduate Writing Program at Columbia University and is a visiting writer in the MFA Writing Program at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is also a mentor in the Low Residency MFA Writing Program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. Cruz co-edits the multi- disciplinary online journal, Schlag Magazine.

Hotel Oblivion
Author Cynthia Cruz
Publisher: Four Way Books
Publication Date 2022-02
Section Poetry
Language: English
ISBN: 9781954245112
ISBN-10: 1954245114
Format Paperback
Pages: 120
List Price $16.95

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An Eye For An Eye For An Eye by Ellen Renton (Poetry)

A poetic evaluation of what it means to grow up a girl, and how this intersects with disability/visual impairment.

An Eye For An Eye For An Eye explores what it means to grow up a girl, and how this experience intersects with disability and visual impairment.

These poems concern themselves with looking: looking back over a childhood, looking again at what’s in front of us, and looking forward to possible futures. They visit girlhood and myth, blindness and friendship. They celebrate the freedom, shame, and awkwardness of coming to terms with our own bodies, and they ask what it means to look different and see differently.

Ellen Renton is a poet, performer, and theatre maker from Edinburgh whose writing has been published in a number of literary magazines. She she has performed at venues and festivals around the UK, is a co-founder of In The Works spoken word theatre company, and is the creator of the one woman poetry show Within Sight.

(…) They say, you are so brave and persistent.
You say thank you and ask for help.
They say, what do you think of this cosy lining?
You ask for help.
They say, I admire you, so brave and so persistent.
(fragment poem Ellen Renton)

An Eye For An Eye For An Eye
by Ellen Renton
Pamphlet For Stewed Rhubarb Press,

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Vintage Readers (short stories) by Sandra Cisneros

Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers: The celebrated bestselling author of The House on Mango Street “knows both that the heart can be broken and that it can rise and soar like a bird.

Whatever story she chooses to tell, we should be listening for a long time to come” (The Washington Post Book World).

A winner of the PEN/Nabokov Award for Achievement in International Literature and the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, Sandra Cisneros evokes working-class Latino experience with an irresistible mix of realism and lyrical exuberance.

Vintage Cisneros features an excerpt from her bestselling novel The House on Mango Street, which has become a favorite in school classrooms across the country.

Also included are a chapter from her novel, Caramelo; a generous selection of poems from My Wicked Wicked Ways and Loose Woman; and seven stories from her award-winning collection Woman Hollering Creek.

SANDRA CISNEROS is a poet, short story writer, novelist and essayist whose work explores the lives of the working-class. Her numerous awards include NEA fellowships in both poetry and fiction, the Texas Medal of the Arts, a MacArthur Fellowship, several honorary doctorates and national and international book awards, including Chicago’s Fifth Star Award, the PEN Center USA Literary Award, and the National Medal of the Arts awarded to her by President Obama in 2016. Most recently, she received the Ford Foundation’s Art of Change Fellowship, was recognized among The Frederick Douglass 200, and was awarded the PEN/Nabokov Award for Achievement in International Literature.

Her classic, coming-of-age novel, The House on Mango Street, has sold over six million copies, has been translated into over twenty languages, and is required reading in elementary, high school, and universities across the nation.

In addition to her writing, Cisneros has fostered the careers of many aspiring and emerging writers through two non-profits she founded: the Macondo Foundation and the Alfredo Cisneros del Moral Foundation. She is also the organizer of Los MacArturos, Latino MacArthur fellows who are community activists. Her literary papers are preserved in Texas at the Wittliff Collections at Texas State University.

Sandra Cisneros is a dual citizen of the United States and Mexico and earns her living by her pen. She currently lives in San Miguel de Allende.

Vintage Readers
By Sandra Cisneros
Publisher: Vintage
Series: Vintage Readers
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781400034055
ISBN-10: 1400034051

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Pit Lullabies by Jessica Traynor (Poems)

Pit Lullabies is Jessica Traynor’s third collection, following Liffey Swim (2014) and The Quick (2019).

These intimate, visceral and often wickedly funny poems journey through the darker days of new parenthood, teasing out the anxieties which plague us when night falls. Violence against women, the destruction of our environment, the poisons and pitfalls of 21st-century living are explored here in poems by turns lyrical and earthy, yearning and angry. They mine gold from the darkness and seek luminescence in the deepest oceans.

Jessica Traynor was born in Dublin in 1984 and is a poet, essayist and librettist. Her debut collection, Liffey Swim (Dedalus Press, 2014), was shortlisted for the Strong/Shine Award and in 2016 was named one of the best poetry debuts of the past five years on Her second collection, The Quick, was a 2019 Irish Times poetry choice. A Place of Pointed Stones, a pamphlet commissioned by Offaly County Council,was published by The Salvage Press in 2021. Her third collection, Pit Lullabies, was published by Bloodaxe Books in March 2022. It was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation and was an Irish Times poetry books of the year choice for 2022. Pit Lullabies was shortlisted for the inaugural Yeats Society Sligo’s Poetry Prize in 2023.

She has received commissions for poems from BBC Radio 4, The Arts Council of Ireland, The Model Gallery Sligo, The Salvage Press, VISUAL Carlow, Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council and The Poetry Programme (RTÉ), and awards including the Hennessy New Writer of the Year, the Ireland Chair of Poetry Bursary, and the Listowel Poetry Prize. In 2016, she was named one of the ‘Rising Generation’ of poets by Poetry Ireland. She is the recipient of the Lawrence O’Shaughnessy Award for Poetry 2023.

She reviews poetry for The Irish Times, RTÉ Radio 1’s Arena, and for Poetry Ireland Review. She is an inaugural Creative Fellow of UCD, where she completed her MA in Creative Writing in 2008, and has held residencies including the Yeats Society, Sligo, and Carlow College. She was Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Writer in Residence for 2021-22 and is University of Galway Writer in Residence for 2023. She is poetry editor at Banshee.

Pit Lullabies
by Jessica Traynor
Publisher: ‎Bloodaxe Books
Language: English
ISBN-10: ‎1780376065
ISBN-13: ‎978-1780376066
‎96 pages
Shortlisted for the Yeats Society Sligo’s Poetry Prize 2023

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Maud Joiret: Jerk (Poésie)

Maud Joiret est née en 1986 à Bruxelles. Chroniqueuse notamment pour Le Carnet et les Instants, elle est programmatrice littéraire. Cobalt est son premier recueil de poésie. Quelques textes ont paru aussi pour la revue Boustro (numéro VII), Passa Porta,, Bela. Lauréate d’une bourse de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Bourse de découverte 2020


Maud Joiret: Jerk
Arbre de Diane,
coll. « Les deux sœurs »,
ISBN: 978-2-930822-21-1
89 pages

Jerk (2022)
Cobalt (2019)
Marées vaches


Tu deviendrais muet sans même le savoir

Tu garderais secrètes tes plaintes et tes larmes

Tu écrirais des poèmes

que personne ne lirait

Les jours impairs, tu te cuisinerais des pâtes

pourvu qu’elles soient cuites à point

juste comme elle les aime.”


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Bright Fear by Mary Jean Chan (Poems)

This keenly anticipated new collection from the Costa Poetry Award-winner speaks ‘out of fear and grief into splendour and joy’.

Following their award-winning debut, ​Flèche (2019), comes Mary Jean Chan’s gleaming second collection: ​Bright Fear. Through poems which engage fearlessly with intertwined themes of identity, multilingualism and postcolonial legacy, Chan’s latest work explores a family’s evolving dynamics, as well as microaggressions stemming from queerphobia and anti-Asian racism that accompanied the Covid pandemic.

Yet ​Bright Fear remains deeply attuned to moments of beauty, tenderness and grace. It asks how we might find a home within our own bodies, in places both distant and near, and in the ‘constructed space’ of the poem. The contemplative central sequence, ​Ars Poetica, traces the radically healing and transformative role of poetry during the poet’s teenage and adult years, culminating in a polyphonic reconciliation of tongues. Throughout, Chan offers us new and galvanising ways to ‘withstand the quotidian tug- / of-war between terror and love’.

Mary Jean Chan is the author of Flèche (Faber, 2019), which won the Costa Book Award for Poetry and was shortlisted for the International Dylan Thomas Prize, the John Pollard Foundation International Poetry Prize, the Jhalak Prize, the Seamus Heaney Centre First Collection Poetry Prize and a Lambda Literary Award. Chan won the 2018 Geoffrey Dearmer Prize and was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best Single Poem in 2017 and 2019, receiving an Eric Gregory Award in 2019. Chan co-edited the anthology 100 Queer Poems (Vintage, 2022) with Andrew McMillan, and is a judge for the 2023 Booker Prize. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Chan serves as Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing (Poetry) at Oxford Brookes University and lives in Oxford.


Most mornings, you see the face
of a boy in the mirror. You
expect to fall in love with him,
someday. Meanwhile, your fingers
brush the wrist of another girl as
you jostle into the assembly hall,
and you understand that sin was
never meant to be easy, only
sweet. What might light up the
pond you sat beside in dreams,
eyeing skin and so much depth it
would be years before you dared?
What curvature of tongue might
you taste, as if another’s breath
were blessing? One night, you find
yourself back there. You dream.
A voice says: Hell is not other
people. You sink, stripped of the
glowing dress you wore for
thousands of days.

(fragment poem)


Bright Fear
by Mary Jean Chan
Publisher: ‎Faber & Faber;
Main edition
3 August 2023
Language: ‎English
ISBN-10:‎ 0571378900
ISBN-13: 978-0571378906
Dimensions: ‎15.8 x 0.6 x 20.5 cm
72 pages

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Women Who Change the World: Stories from the Fight for Social Justice by Lynn Lewis (Editor)

Inspiring oral histories of women fighting for justice and radical social change at community, state, and national levels.

Award-winning oral historian Lynn Lewis brings together the stories of nine exceptional women, from their earliest formative experiences to their current strategies as movement leaders, organizers, and cultural workers.

Each chapter is dedicated to one activist—Malkia Devich-Cyril, Priscilla Gonzalez, Terese Howard, Hilary Moore, Vanessa Nosie, Roz Pelles, Loretta Ross, Yomara Velez, and Betty Yu.

Reflecting upon the path their lives have taken, they talk about their struggles and aspirations, insights and victories, and what keeps them in the fight for a better world.

The life stories of these inspiring women reveal the many ways the experience of injustice can catalyze resistance and a commitment to making change. They demonstrate how the relationships and bonds of collective struggle for the common good not only win justice, but create hope, love, and joy.

Lynn Lewis (editor) is an oral historian, educator, and community organizer. She is the author of Love and Collective Resistance: Lessons from the Picture the Homeless Oral History Project and is the former executive director and past civil rights organizer at Picture the Homeless. Lewis is the recipient of many honors and awards, including a 2022/2023 National Endowment for the Humanities Oral History Fellowship. She lives in New York City.

Women Who Change the World:
Stories from the Fight for Social Justice
by Lynn Lewis (Editor)
ISBN-13: 9780872868748
Publisher: City Lights Books
Series: City Lights Open Media
Publication date: 08/29/2023
Pages: 280

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Beautiful in the Mouth by Keetje Kuipers

Beautiful in the Mouth was selected by Thomas Lux as winner of BOA’s A. Poulin, Jr., Poetry Prize and it debuted in the top ten on the Poetry Foundation bestseller list. 

In it, Kuipers combines frank sensuality with sincere emotion, yielding poems that travel from New York City to the American West on a exploration of love and loss.

Set against both literal and figurative geography—the empty bedroom of a dead child, a clear-cut hillside outside a logging town—these poems examine how loss transforms our most unwilling landscapes.

Thomas Lux selected this debut collection as winner of BOA’s A. Poulin, Jr., Poetry Prize.

In his foreword he writes, “I was immediately struck by the boldness of imagination, the strange cadences, and wild music of these poems.

We should be glad that young poets like Keetje Kuipers are making their voices heard not by tearing up the old language but by making the old language new.”

Keetje Kuipers, a native of the Northwest, earned her BA at Swarthmore College and MFA at the University of Oregon. A Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, she divides her time between Stanford and Missoula, Montana.

Beautiful in the Mouth
(A. Poulin, Jr. New Poets of America)
by Keetje Kuipers (Author),
Thomas Lux (Foreword)
Publisher: ‎BOA Editions Ltd.; First Edition (April 1, 2010)
Language: ‎English
Paperback: ‎96 pages
ISBN-10: ‎1934414336
ISBN-13: ‎978-1934414330

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