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Le dimanche qui suivit, différents signes annoncèrent que quelque chose allait se produire.
Ce fut déjà et cela dès l’aube une chaleur oppressante, sans brise aucune. L’air semblait s’être solidifié autour de l’île, dans une transparence compacte et gélatineuse qui déformait ça et là l’horizon quand il ne l’effaçait pas : l’île flottait au milieu de nulle part. Le Brau luisait de reflets de meringue.
Les laves noires à nu en haut des vignes et des vergers frémissaient comme si soudain elles redevenaient liquides. Les maisons très vite se trouvèrent gorgées d’une haleine éreintante qui épuisa les corps comme les esprits.
On ne pouvait y jouir d’aucune fraîcheur.
Puis il y eut une odeur, presque imperceptible au début, à propos de laquelle on aurait pu se dire qu’on l’avait rêvée, ou qu’elle émanait des êtres, de leur peau, de leur bouche, de leurs vêtements ou de leurs intérieurs. Mais d’heure en heure l’odeur s’affirma. Elle s’installa d’une façon discrète, pour tout dire clandestine. »
Écrivain traduit dans le monde entier, Philippe Claudel est aussi cinéaste et dramaturge. Il a notamment publié aux éditions Stock Les Âmes grises, La Petite Fille de Monsieur Linh, Le Rapport de Brodeck et L’Arbre du pays Toraja. Membre de l’académie Goncourt, il réside en Lorraine où il est né en 1962.
Philippe Claudel
L’Archipel du Chien
Auteur Philippe Claudel
Editeur Stock
Date de parution 14/03/2018
Collection Bleue
Format 13cm x 21cm
EAN 978-2234085954
ISBN 2234085950
Nombre de pages 288
Format 14 x 22
Prix: 19.50€
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Eine fundamentale Abrechnung mit dem Internet von einem der einflussreichsten Blogger der Republik
Ausgerechnet Schlecky Silberstein, Kultakteur in der Netzgemeinde, propagiert diesen Leitspruch: »Das Internet muss weg.« Der Blogger und Online Comedian kennt das Netz wie seine Westentasche. Und gerade deshalb warnt er davor. Dank Fake News, Filterblasen und Social Bots erlangen Konzerne, politische Entscheidungsträger und Kriminelle zunehmend Kontrolle über weite Teile der Menschheit. Schlecky Silberstein analysiert den »Daten-Kasino-Kapitalismus«, in dem unsere Daten als Handelsware gezielt eingesetzt werden, um unser Verhalten vorherzusagen und zu beeinflussen. Nicht nur Donald Trump wusste ihn auf seinem Weg zur Macht zu nutzen, auch unsere eigene Gesellschaft droht von programmierbaren Propaganda-Maschinen gelenkt zu werden. Können wir einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit dem Internet lernen oder hilft nur noch die sofortige Abschaltung?
Schlecky Silberstein, geboren 1981, ist einer der wichtigsten Blogger Deutschlands. Sein gleichnamiger Blog hat über 600.000 regelmäßige Leser, rund 130.000 folgen ihm auf Facebook. Die von ihm produzierte Comedy Show »Bohemian Browser Ballett« ist fester Bestandteil von »funk«, dem jungen Online-Medienangebot von ARD und ZDF. Schlecky Silberstein lebt in Berlin.
Schlecky Silberstein
Das Internet muss weg
Eine Abrechnung
272 Seiten,
13,5 x 21,5 cm,
16 s/w Abbildungen
ISBN: 978-3-8135-0794-2
€ 16,00
Verlag: Knaus
Erscheinungstermin: 5. März 2018
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Glam Jail is a Franco-Brazilian tale by photographer Pol Kurucz about 11 eccentric inmates transforming a prison visitor’s booth into a colorful fashion haven.
Through visual allegories and pop aesthetics the photographer challenges social and racial norms symbolized by the carceral universe. The shootings took place in the Offen Studio in Sao Paulo in August 2017. The series features local models, celebrities and dresses exclusively from local fashion brands.
Pol Kurucz was born with two different names to a French mother in a Hungarian hospital. His childhood hyperactivity was treated with theater, and theater was later treated with finance. By 27 he was a CEO by day and a stage director by night.
He then went on consecutive journeys to Bahrain and Brazil, to corporate islands and favelas. He has sailed on the shores of the adult industry and of militant feminism and launched a mainstream moneymaking restaurant loss making in its absurdity.
Pol was reborn in 2015 and merged his two names and his contradictory lives into one where absurdity makes sense. Today he works on eccentric fashion and fine art projects from his Sao Paulo studio.
His photos have been featured in over a hundred publications including: Vogue, ELLE, Glamour, The Guardian (Arts), Adobe Create, Hunger TV, Sleek and Nylon.
Photography and Art Direction: Pol Kurucz
Styling: Carolyna Mello
Set design: Nina Simao
Lighting and Tech.: Guilherme Griebler
Assistants: Lara Ferro, Mary Cruz, Claus Pinheiros, Monica Rodrigues
# Look for more photos & information on website pol kurucz
Glam Jail: a Franco-Brazilian tale by Pol Kurucz
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From the best-selling author of Gratitude, On the Move, and Musicophilia, a collection of essays that displays Oliver Sacks’s passionate engagement with the most compelling and seminal ideas of human endeavor: evolution, creativity, memory, time, consciousness, and experience.
Oliver Sacks, a scientist and a storyteller, is beloved by readers for the extraordinary neurological case histories (Awakenings, An Anthropologist on Mars) in which he introduced and explored many now familiar disorders–autism, Tourette’s syndrome, face blindness, savant syndrome.
He was also a memoirist who wrote with honesty and humor about the remarkable and strange encounters and experiences that shaped him (Uncle Tungsten, On the Move, Gratitude).
Sacks, an Oxford-educated polymath, had a deep familiarity not only with literature and medicine but with botany, animal anatomy, chemistry, the history of science, philosophy, and psychology.
The River of Consciousness is one of two books Sacks was working on up to his death, and it reveals his ability to make unexpected connections, his sheer joy in knowledge, and his unceasing, timeless project to understand what makes us human.
Oliver Sacks was born in 1933 in London and was educated at Queen’s College, Oxford. He completed his medical training at San Francisco’s Mount Zion Hospital and at UCLA before moving to New York.
Familiar to the readers of The New Yorker and The New York Review of Books, Dr. Sacks spent more than fifty years working as a neurologist and wrote many books, including The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, Musicophilia, and Hallucinations, about the strange neurological predicaments and conditions of his patients.
The New York Times referred to him as “the poet laureate of medicine,” and over the years he received many awards, including honors from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the American Academy of Arts and Letters, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Royal College of Physicians. His memoir On the Move was published shortly before his death in August 2015.
The River of Consciousness
By Oliver Sacks
Oct 24, 2017
256 Pages
Published by Knopf
5-1/2 x 8-3/8
ISBN 9780385352567
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“Romy Schneider est bien plus qu’une star de cinéma. Elle est une véritable icône, un symbole fort pour une génération entière.
Femme libre, artiste accomplie, elle continue de fasciner encore aujourd’hui. Elle incarne la femme moderne, elle est l’image même de ces femmes qui, dans les années 1970, ont cherché à gagner leur liberté et la maîtrise de leur destin.
Elle est “l’image de toutes les femmes” comme le disait si justement Claude Sautet. On aime Romy car dès son plus jeune âge, elle rue dans les brancards et s’élève contre sa famille et une mère étouffante.
On aime Romy car elle aime aimer les hommes, sans entraves et sans barrières. Mais on l’aime aussi parce qu’elle est une mère attentive et chaleureuse, parce qu’elle a choisi de prendre sa vie à bras-le-corps, plutôt deux fois qu’une, avec passion toujours : “Dans la vie, comme au cinéma, j’applique la devise Tout ou rien. La témérité est quelque chose qui m’a toujours aidée à avancer.”
Tels sont les mots de Romy. Elle est une Antigone des temps modernes qui, comme l’héroïne grecque, affirme haut et fort “Je veux tout!”” Isabelle Giordano.
Isabelle Giordano
Romy Schneider, film par film
Albums hors série, Gallimard Loisirs
Parution : 05-10-2017
256 pages, ill.,
sous couverture illustrée,
245 x 285 mm, cartonné
ISBN : 9782742450350
Gencode : 9782742450350
Prix € 39,90
Gallimard Loisirs
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Reflections on life and art from the legendary filmmaker-novelist-poet-genius.
By the time he published The Difficulty of Being in 1947, Jean Cocteau had produced some of the most respected films and literature of the twentieth century, and had worked with the foremost artists of his time, including Proust, Gide, Picasso and Stravinsky.
This memoir tells the inside account of those achievements and of his glittering social circle. Cocteau writes about his childhood, about his development as an artist, and the peculiarity of the artist’s life, about his dreams, friendships, pain, and laughter. He probes his motivations and explains his philosophies, giving intimate details in soaring prose. And sprinkled throughout are anecdotes about the elite and historic people he associated with.
Beyond illuminating a truly remarkable life, The Difficulty of Being is an inspiring homage to the belief that art matters.
Jean Cocteau (1889-1963) was a novelist, poet, filmmaker, artist and playwright. Born in a village just outside of Paris, he left home at fifteen and published his first volume of poetry, Aladdin’s Lamp, at nineteen. He circulated in the highest ranks of bohemian Paris, and counted Picasso and Proust among his close friends. His most famous works include the novel Les Enfants terribles and the films Beauty and the Beast and Orpheus. He was openly gay and at one time an opium addict. He died of a heart attack after being informed of the death of his friend, the singer Edith Piaf.
The Neversink Library champions books from around the world that have been overlooked, under appreciated, looked askance at, or foolishly ignored.
The Difficulty of Being
BY Jean Cocteau
Introduction by Geoffrey O’Brien
Translated by Elizabeth Sprigge
Publisher: Melville House
Reflections on life and art from the legendary filmmaker-novelist-poet-genius.
Part of The Neversink Library
“One of the master craftsmen.” – Tennessee Williams
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Bob Dylan Compleet is een reis van het absolute begin naar het meest recente einde, onderweg stoppend bij albums en outtakes, films en concerten – alles gebaseerd op interviews met de songwriter zelf en de muzikanten, producers en bekenden om hem heen.
Daarbij is het boek rijk geïllustreerd met zowel iconische als onbekendere foto’s van de beste fotografen uit de rockscene. Dit is een bijbel voor alle fans die het waard is om keer op keer uit de kast getrokken te worden bij het beluisteren van de klassieke liedjes.
Het is een uitgebreid en onmisbaar overzicht van een muzikale carrière die dit jaar werd en wordt gevierd met de 75ste verjaardag van Bob Dylan, een nieuw album en een optreden op Coachella (een van de grootste muziekfestivals in Amerika). Daarbij heeft Dylan de Nobelprijs voor de Literatuur in 2016 gewonnen.
704 pagina’s, 492 nummers. Bob Dylan Compleet vertelt chronologisch en zonder een detail over te slaan het verhaal van een songwriter en muzikant die niet alleen in de muziek- maar ook in de wereldgeschiedenis een bijzondere plaats in neemt.
Philippe Margotin en Jean-Michel Guesdon schreven eerder de internationale hit The Beatles Compleet.
Jean-Michel Guesdon, Philippe Margotin
Bob Dylan compleet I
Het verhaal van de 492 songs – 2e druk
ISBN 9789462581548
Jaar 2016
2e Druk 2017
€ 59,95
704 pagina’s
Taal Nederlands
Formaat 20,5 x 27 cm
Uitgeverij WBOOKS B.V.
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Beckett’s relationship with British theatre is complex and underexplored, yet his impact has been immense. Uniquely placing performance history at the centre of its analysis, this volume examines Samuel Beckett’s drama as it has been staged in Great Britain, bringing to light a wide range of untold histories and in turn illuminating six decades of drama in Britain.
Staging Samuel Beckett in Great Britain by Trish McTighe and David Tucker
Ranging from studies of the first English tour of Waiting for Godot in 1955 to Talawa’s 2012 all-black co-production of the same play, Staging Samuel Beckett in Great Britain excavates a host of archival resources in order to historicize how Beckett’s drama has interacted with specific theatres, directors and theatre cultures in the UK. It traces production histories of plays such as Krapp’s Last Tape; presents Beckett’s working relationships with the Royal Court, Riverside and West Yorkshire Playhouse, as well as with directors such as Peter Hall; looks at the history of Beckett’s drama in Scotland and how the plays have been staged in London’s West End. Production analyses are mapped onto political, economic and cultural contexts of Great Britain so that Beckett’s drama resonates in new ways, through theatre practice, against the complex contexts of Great Britain’s regions.
With contributions from experts in the fields of both Beckett studies and UK drama, including S.E. Gontarski, David Pattie, Mark Taylor-Batty and Sos Eltis, the volume offers an exceptional and unique understanding of Beckett’s reception on the UK stage and the impact of his drama within UK theatre practices. Together with its sister volume, Staging Samuel Beckett in Ireland and Northern Ireland it will prove a terrific resource for students, scholars and theatre practitioners.
Staging Beckett in Ireland and Northern Ireland by Trish McTighe and David Tucker
This is the first full-length study to focus on Samuel Beckett’s drama as it has been staged in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
While Beckett’s relationship with his native land was a complex one, the importance of his drama as a creative force both historically and in contemporary practice in those regions cannot be underestimated. The volume brings to light unexamined and little-known productions, for example Beckett’s drama in the Irish language, Druid Theatre Company’s productions, and Beckett at Dublin’s Focus Theatre, as well as previously unpublished archival materials. Leading scholars, such as Anna McMullan and Anthony Roche, and renowned dramatic interpreters of Beckett’s work, such as Barry McGovern, explore Beckett’s drama within the context of Irish creative theatrical practice and heritage, and point towards the theatrical and performance legacies that follow in its wake.
Production analyses are mapped on to the political, economic and cultural contexts of Ireland and the North so that readers are invited to experience Beckett’s drama as resonating in new ways, through theatre practice, against the complex and connected histories of these lands.
David Tucker is a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Sussex and currently teaches at the University of Oxford, UK. He is the editor of British Social Realism in the Arts since 1940 (Palgrave, 2011).
Trish McTighe is Lecturer in Theatre at the University of Birmingham. Previously, she lectured at Queen’s University, Belfast and was an AHRC post-doctoral researcher on the Staging Beckett Project at the University of Reading (2012-2015).
Staging Beckett in Great Britain
Editors: David Tucker, Trish McTighe
Published: 19-10-2017
Format: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Extent: 288
ISBN: 9781474240161
Imprint: Methuen Drama
Bloomsbury Publishing
Staging Beckett in Ireland and Northern Ireland
Volume editor: Trish McTighe, David Tucker
Published: 19-10-2017
Format: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Extent: 288
ISBN: 9781474240543
Imprint: Methuen Drama
Bloomsbury Publishing
More titles on Beckett to be published soon:
∗ The Making of Samuel Beckett’s ‘Malone Dies’/’Malone meurt’ by: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst
∗ Beckett’s Creatures. Art of Failure after the Holocaust by: Joseph Anderton
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Queer Shakespeare: Desire and Sexuality draws together 13 essays, which offer a major reassessment of the criticism of desire, body and sexuality in Shakespeare’s drama and poetry.
Bringing together some of the most prominent critics working at the intersection of Shakespeare criticism and queer theory, this collection demonstrates the vibrancy of queer Shakespeare studies.
Taken together, these essays explore embodiment, desire, sexuality and gender as key objects of analyses, producing concepts and ideas that draw critical energy from focused studies of time, language and nature.
The Afterword extends these inquiries by linking the Anthropocene and queer ecology with Shakespeare criticism.
Works from Shakespeare’s entire canon feature in essays which explore topics like glass, love, antitheatrical homophobia, size, narrative, sound, female same-sex desire and Petrarchism, weather, usury and sodomy, male femininity and male-to-female crossdressing, contagion, and antisocial procreation.
Queer Shakespeare
Desire and Sexuality
Editor(s): Goran Stanivukovic
Published: 13-07-2017
Format: Hardback
Edition: 1st
Extent: 424 pp
ISBN: 9781474295246
Imprint: The Arden Shakespeare
Dimensions: 198 x 129 mm
Bloomsbury Publishing
Queer Shakespeare. Desire and Sexuality
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# Rasheed Araeen, Paki Bastard (Portrait of an Artist as a Black Person), 1977, courtesy the artist
The Van Abbemuseum will stage Rasheed Araeen: A Retrospective, the first comprehensive survey of the artist. The exhibition, spanning 60 years of work, presents a body of work that has had a profound influence on generations of artists, writers and thinkers.
Rasheed Araeen: A Retrospective is structured across five chapters: from his early experiments in painting in Karachi in the 1950s and early 60s, his pioneering minimalist sculptures carried out after his arrival in London in 1964, key pieces from the 70s and 80s following Araeen’s political awakening, his nine panel cruciform works from the 80s and 90s and a selection of his new geometric paintings and wall structures. Alongside this, material relating to Araeen’s writing, editorial and curatorial projects will be presented as part of an expanded artistic practice that in its scope and ambition continues to challenge the formal, ideological and political assumptions of Eurocentric modernism.
Publication:A monograph, edited by Nick Aikens and published by JRP Ringier in collaboration with Van Abbemuseum, MAMCO, BALTIC and Garage includes new essays by Aikens, Kate Fowle, Courtney Martin, Michael Newman, Gene Ray, Dominic Rhatz, John Roberts, Marcus du Sautoy, Zoe Sutherland and Kaelen Wilson-Goldie and an extensive conversation between Aikens and Araeen.
# Rasheed Araeen, The Reading Room, 2017, steel and glass tables, wooden stools, and copies of Third Text journal, courtesy the artist
Following the Van Abbemuseum Rasheed Araeen: A Retrospective will travel to MAMCO, Geneva, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead and Garage Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow.
The exhibition is supported by Mondriaan Fund and Stichting Promotors van het Van Abbemuseum. The publication is generously supported by Aicon Gallery, New York, Grosvenor Gallery, London and Rossi Rossi, Hong Kong
Rasheed Araeen
A Retrospective
02/12/2017 – 25/03/2018
spanning 60 years’ work
Curators: Nick Aikens
van abbemuseum eindhoven
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Litz Pisk was widely regarded as the finest and most influential teacher of modern theatre movement.
She was a director of movement at the Old Vic, National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company, English National Opera, and in television and films, including directing the movement for Vanessa Redgrave’s film role in Isadora. She was director of Vienna’s School of Art and Movement and a teacher at the Old Vic School, Bath Academy of Art, RADA and the Central School of Speech and Drama. The Actor and His Body, her seminal work, was first published in 1975.
‘Once you start working with someone like Litz you don’t ever want to stop if you can help it’ – Vanessa Redgrave
Pisk’s quest was to find expression for the inner impulse that motivated actors to move. Her teachings, as outlined in this book, offer insight on the specific craft of the actor, and the relationship between movement, imagination and the ‘need’ to move.
The Actor and His Body is also a practical manual for keeping the actor’s body physically and expressively responsive. In addition, there are a range of movement exercises, illuminated by her exquisite line drawings, and complete weekly programme which concentrates on movement practice within different timescales.
This fourth edition features the original foreword by Michael Elliot as well as a new introduction by Ayse Tashkiran, contemporary movement director and Senior Lecturer at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, which contextualises Pisk’s work.
The Actor and His Body
By: Litz Pisk
Introduction: Ayse Tashkiran
Published: 30-11-2017
Format: Paperback
Edition: 4th
ISBN: 9781474269742
Imprint: Methuen Drama
Series: Theatre Makers
Dimensions: 234 x 156 mm
RRP: $36.99
Bloomsbury Publishing
Litz Pisk: The Actor and His Body
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Festival littéraire de la ville de Paris, Paris En Toutes Lettres est fondé sur les hybridations entre les genres littéraires et les formes artistiques, ainsi que sur les résonances entre la géographie parisienne et sa vie littéraire. À partir de la Maison de la Poésie-Scène littéraire, il se déploie dans une quinzaine de lieux alentours.
Revisitant l’actualité littéraire, le festival fait aussi la part belle aux créations mettant en regard littérature et musique. Parmi plus de cinquante lectures, rencontres ou concerts littéraires, on trouve également d’insolites conférences et de curieuses performances. À travers ce foisonnement de lieux et de propositions, c’est à un Paris vivant et traversé de littérature que le festival donne voix.
Paris En Toutes Lettres 2017
Du 9 au 20 novembre 2017
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