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A reading of Ufarassus the Gothic translation of the poem “Overvloed” by Bert Bevers.
Translation by HroÞiland Bairteins, Tom De Herdt and J.G. Quak and recorded by Eric Kingsepp.
# Link to Audio-file of a reading of Ufarassus (Overvloed) by Bert Bevers
Tien vertalingen van één gedicht
Art Brut Digital Editions
Series Fantom Ebooks
Fantom Ebook 2017
ISBN: 978-90-76326-09-2
NUR 306
1ste PDF-uitgave FANTOM, Augustus 2017
audio-file poem by Bert Bevers
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: #Archive A-Z Sound Poetry, - Audiobooks, Archive A-B, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Overvloed
De Uitmarkt vindt evenals vorig jaar plaats rond het Oosterdok en het Marineterrein Amsterdam. Traditiegetrouw in het laatste weekend van augustus, dit jaar van vrijdag 24 tot en met zondag 26 augustus. Gedurende deze drie dagen zijn er op zo’n 25 podia circa 300 optredens te bewonderen, met op zondagavond de populaire Musical Sing a Long als afsluiter.
De Uitmarkt vormt de start van het culturele seizoen. Het laat bezoekers proeven van het diverse culturele aanbod dat Nederland te bieden heeft. Door het succes van de afgelopen editie heeft Stichting Uitmarkt ervoor gekozen om de Uitmarkt 2018 wederom op en rond het Oosterdok te laten plaatsvinden. Met toegang tot onder andere het Scheepvaartmuseum, NEMO Science Museum en het Marineterrein Amsterdam heeft deze locatie de bezoeker veel variatie te bieden.
Meer nog dan vorig jaar, door de uitbreiding met een extra stuk terrein. Het Scheepvaartmuseum vormt opnieuw het prachtige decor van het hoofdpodium.
‘Bezoekers hebben vorig jaar enthousiast gereageerd op de nieuwe locatie. Dit in combinatie met de goede infrastructurele voorzieningen, was voor ons reden genoeg om dit gebied opnieuw in te richten voor de 41 ste editie van de Uitmarkt’, zegt Jan de Rooij, voorzitter Stichting Uitmarkt.
Bezoekers van de Uitmarkt krijgen een gratis voorproefje van wat er in het seizoen 2018-2019 in de theaters, musea en concertzalen te beleven is. Artiesten vanuit het hele land en van verschillende genres zijn aanwezig. Naast de gevestigde orde is er ook volop ruimte voor nieuwkomers. Bijvoorbeeld in de Remix Area waar urban talent uit de verschillende Amsterdamse stadsdelen zich presenteren of de jonge theatermakers op het Fringe podium.
# Meer informatie over het programma op website www.uitmarkt.nl
41ste editie van de Uitmarkt – hét startsein van het Nederlandse culturele seizoen – vindt plaats rond het Oosterdok en op het Marineterrein Amsterdam van 24 tot 26 augustus 2018.
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Godard and the Essay Film offers a history and analysis of the essay film, one of the most significant forms of intellectual filmmaking since the end of World War II. Warner incisively reconsiders the defining traits and legacies of this still-evolving genre through a groundbreaking examination of the vast and formidable oeuvre of Jean-Luc Godard.
The essay film has often been understood by scholars as an eccentric development within documentary, but Warner shows how an essayistic process of thinking can materialize just as potently within narrative fiction films, through self-critical investigations into the aesthetic, political, and philosophical resources of the medium.
Studying examples by Godard and other directors, such as Orson Welles, Chris Marker, Agnès Varda, and Harun Farocki, Warner elaborates a fresh account of essayistic reflection that turns on the imaginative, constructive role of the viewer.
Through fine-grained analyses, this book contributes the most nuanced description yet of the relational interface between viewer and screen in the context of the essay film. Shedding new light on Godard’s work, from the 1960s to the 2010s, in film, television, video, and digital stereoscopy, Warner distills an understanding of essayistic cinema as a shared exercise of critical rumination and perceptual discovery.
Rick Warner is an assistant professor of film in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Godard and the Essay Film
A Form That Thinks
Rick Warner
Publication Date: July 2018
Categories: Film
Page Count: 288 pages
Size 6 x 9
Northwestern University Press
Cloth Text – $99.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3738-7
Paper Text – $34.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3737-0
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David Lynch – co-creator of Twin Peaks and writer and director of groundbreaking films such as Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive – opens up about a lifetime of extraordinary creativity, the friendships he has made along the way and the struggles he has faced – sometimes successful, sometimes not – to bring his projects to fruition.
Part-memoir, part-biography, Room to Dream interweaves Lynch’s own reflections on his life with the story of those times, as told by Kristine McKenna, drawing from extensive and explosive interviews with ninety of Lynch’s friends, family members, actors, agents, musicians and collaborators. Lynch responds to each recollection and reveals the inner story of the life behind the art.
David Lynch advanced to the front ranks of international cinema in 1977 with the release of his first film, the startlingly original Eraserhead. Since then, Lynch has been nominated for three Best Director Academy Awards for The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive, was awarded the Palme d’Or for Wild at Heart and has established himself as an artist of tremendous range and wit. In 1990, Twin Peaks mania swept the world when his groundbreaking television series premiered on ABC. A new season of Twin Peaks aired in May 2017 to widespread acclaim.
Kristine McKenna is a widely published critic and journalist who wrote for the Los Angeles Times from 1977 to 1998. Her profiles and criticism have appeared in Artforum, The New York Times, Artnews, Vanity Fair, The Washington Post and Rolling Stone Magazine.
“Everybody has theories about what the show is about, which is great, and it wouldn’t matter if I explained my theory. Things have harmonics, and if you’re true to an idea as much as you can be, then the harmonics will be there and they’ll be truthful even though they may be abstract” David Lynch in the New York Times on his new book, Room to Dream.
Room to Dream
David Lynch & Kristine McKenna
592 pages
Publisher: Canongate Books;
Main edition (19 Jun. 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1782118381
ISBN-13: 978-1782118381
Product Dimensions: 16.2 x 4.8 x 24 cm
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The Theodora Niemeijer prize 2018 is awarded to Josefin Arnell. This was announced last Saturday during a ceremony in the auditorium of the Van Abbemuseum. Arnell will develop the project THE TICK in Het Oog (The Eye) in the Van Abbemuseum for half a year, starting end of September 2018, and in addition receives prize money of €10.000.
The jury felt inspired by the ambiguous world Josefin tries to create. What first appears as a sugar coated dreamy cartoonlike world in which millennial girls like to dwell, can suddenly turn into a horror scenario and back.
The second place is for Joy Mariama Smith, the third place for Isabelle Andriessen; they will receive €2.500 and €1.500 respectively. During this fourth edition of the Theodora Niemeijer prize, the jury had to select from nearly 100 project proposals.
The Theodora Niemeijer prize was introduced in 2012 by the Stichting Niemeijer Fonds and the Van Abbemuseum because women are still a minority in exhibitions and museum collections.
The prize is awarded once every two years to an artist living and working in the Netherlands who graduated at most five years ago. It is the only Dutch prize for visual arts dedicated specifically to women artists. Previous winners were Sissel Marie Tonn in 2016, Sachi Myachi in 2014 and Sarah van Sonsbeeck in 2012.
This years jury: Andrea Davina, board member Stichting Niemeijer Fonds; Diana Franssen, curator and head of research Van Abbemuseum; Juliette Jongma, director Galerie Juliette Jongma; Iris Kensmil, artist; Gabriëlle Schleijpen, artistic director Dutch Art Institute.
Josefin Arnell winner Theodora Niemeijer prize 2018
THE TICK presented in the Van Abbemuseum starting end of september 2018
THE TICK is a proposal by Josefin Arnell in which she would like to develop a sculpture in the shape of a monstrous giant tick that you can climb on. The sculpture will work as a playground in Het Oog for the viewer to discover in a playful way a mutated scary tick. Arnell would like to develop a sensor that sends signals when climbing or sitting on the sculpture, which fills the air with sound.
# more information on website Van Abbemuseum
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Festival de la BnF 2018 Paris
Les textes de La Bibliothèque parlante dans les collections de la BnF (samedi 26 et dimanche 27 mai 2018 – François-Mitterrand – BnF Paris)
# Website La Bibliothèque parlante
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Four frames from “Diagonal-Symphonie”
Film still of “Diagonal Symphonie”
by Viking Eggeling (1880-1925)
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The Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) holds its 2018 Conference and Festival, hosted by the Université du Québec à Montréal from 13 to 17 August 2018.
The Conference, the Festival and Exhibits will be held August 13th to 17th in downtown Montréal, Québec, Canada. Mind the Gap! will be bilingual, with both English and French tracks, showcasing Montreal’s important and dynamic local Québécois e-lit/digital arts community and extending a special welcome to e-lit’s global francophonie.
The aim of this conference is to think about e-lit in a digital culture. What is its relationship to current cultural practices and trends?
Two directions are proposed: explorations and interventions. The first direction features e-lit’s exploratory nature, its formal aspects, its use of technology, its renewal of narrative conventions, and at the same time its impact on literary theories and methodologies to renew themselves.
The second direction considers e-lit’s place in the public sphere, its relationship to digital and urban culture, to forms of conservation and presentation, and also to performance.
# more information on website ELO 2018 Mind The Gap!
ELO 2018 Mind The Gap!
13 – 17 August 2018
The Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) announces its 2018 Conference and Festival, hosted by the Université du Québec à Montréal.
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In de tentoonstelling EN ROUTE brengt beeldend kunstenaar Ellen Rijk een aantal recente grotere werken samen rond de thematiek van de ‘reis’, het onderweg zijn, waar ga je naar toe en waar ben je thuis. Met titels als Schuilboot of Troostvloot en Horizon nodigt zij de kijker uit tot bezinning, los van de waan van de dag, maar niet los van een wereld die volop in beweging is en vol verschillende identiteiten.
Zij toont haar schepen om te reizen, om te vluchten, gedwongen of gewoon meegevoerd in een tocht als over de Styx of om in te schuilen als in een kleine kapel of een kerk. Kaarten, foto’s en getijden om een reis of een thuis vast te leggen.
In de volksmond heet zij de Vredeskerk: O.L. Vrouw Koningin van de Vrede aan de Ringbaan West.De kerk, gebouwd in 1953, geopend in 1954, geldt als een van de hoogtepunten van de Tilburgse wederopbouwarchitectuur en is ontworpen door N.H. Pontzen, architect te Tilburg.
Sinds 2015 is zij buiten gebruik. Het gebouw is in het kader van de ontwijding ‘gestript’. Door de versobering komen de superieure verhoudingen sterk tot hun recht en nodigt de ruimte nog meer uit tot contemplatie, tot stilte en bezinning. Het lijkt de ideale entourage voor EN ROUTE ELLEN RIJK.
Ellen Rijk (Ossendrecht 1955) volgde na de Academie voor Beeldende Vorming in Tilburg de Academie voor Kunst en Vormgeving te Den Bosch, afdeling keramiek. Haar werk was recentelijk te zien in o.a.: Tilburg, Luycks Gallery, Fort de Vaux; Den Bosch, Boschparade, Tilburg, Beyond Borders; Diessen, Landart Diessen; Bedburg-Hau (Duitsland), Artoll Kunstlabor; Akhalkalaki, Kaspi, (Georgië) Art Villa Garikula; Tilburg, voormalige Franciscanessenkapel; Schijndel, KEG; Parijs (Frankrijk) Theatre de Vanves; Bourges (Frankrijk), Biennale d’Art Contemporaine; Zagreb (Kroatie), Galerija Klovecevi dvori, Kiev (Oekraïne), SpringWindFestival; Maastricht, Festival Cement; Maagdenburg (Duitsland), IVde International Kunstfestival
Kunstfestival Vredeskerk
OL Vrouw Koningin van de Vrede
Ringbaan West 94
03 mei t/m 21 mei 2018
Donderdag t/m zondag + 21 mei van 14.00 – 19.00 uur en op afspraak
Beeldende kunst: Ellen Rijk i.s.m. Ad Roefs en Sergei Sabakar
Ondersteuning: Jacki Dodementova, Pietjan Dusee, Mahbooba Yousuf, Mostafa Betaree / Spotlight
Het project wordt ondersteund door Makersfonds gemeente Tilburg – RK Parochie Peerke Donders
EXTRA programma in het kader van EN ROUTE ELLEN RIJK, een tentoonstelling over onderweg: Donderdag 3 mei 19.00 uur FEESTELIJKE OPENING van de tentoonstelling door Isidoor Wens, beeldend kunstenaar, coördinator Artots (Den Bosch) en Art Center Botopasi (Suriname) met bijdragen van performer Adriaan van Iersel, theatermaker Boy Jonkergouw en schrijver Pietjan Dusee.
Vrijdag 4 mei 17.00 – 18.45 uur SPEECHES SPECIAL + PLUS THEATER VOOR DE DAM
Normaal niet meer weg te denken in de programmering van De NWE Vorst maar deze keer een speciale editie van speeches in de Vredeskerk. Zes genodigden betreden de kansel om een korte speech te geven. Met toesprekers uit allerlei gelederen, soms ervaren podiumbeesten, soms verlegen binnenvetters. Zij delen hun persoonlijke verhaal met u en prikkelen uw geest, treffen doel, geven een grimas, laten u niet onberoerd. Volgens traditie te beginnen met een filmpje van Leonard Bedaux Cinema.
Na een korte pauze speelt actrice Monique Hendriks haar korte poëtische monoloog “We kunnen er toch ook allemaal niks aan doen”, die de menselijke kant van de vluchtelingenproblematiek blootlegt en vertonen we het documentaire meesterwerk ‘Planet Sarajevo’ van de Bosnische cineast Sahin Sisic. Een groots kleinood over het leven van alledag in een stad in oorlog.
Zondag 6 mei 15.00 – 18.00 uur EN ROUTE MEETING THE WORLD I
Een reeks artistieke interventies
Zondag 13 mei 15.00 – 18.00 uur EN ROUTE MEETING THE WORLD II
Een reeks artistieke interventies
Zondag 20 mei 15.00 – 18.00 uur EN ROUTE MEETING THE WORLD III
Een reeks artistieke interventies
Aan EN ROUTE MEETING THE WORLD werken o.a. mee: Mahmamod Al Asady – Taim Alhajali – Tia Alhajali – Jol Alholo – Bakr Al_jaber – Hasan Alkhatib – Mohammad Karim Amin – – Mohamed Almaslawe – Mohammed Alsamna – Hanadi Alsharqawi – Andit & Friends – Mohamad B – Ferran Bach – Ana Barreto – Amjad Bitari -Frido van der Blij – Sjon Brands – Huda Diban – Doré van Dijck – Ulrike Doszmann – MoveToMeet Katja Grässli – Shaza Hayek – Adriaan van Iersel – Mohammad Khan – Vincent Koevoets – Razan Lababidy – Batoul Lakmoush – Dorith van der Lee – Huner Mirani – Ali Mosleh – Sarah Prescimone – Eleni Ploumi – Diana Qadd – Mohammad Saleh – Mamoda Sh – Eyad Shawi – Paul Speckens – Jens Wierckx
EN ROUTE MEETING wordt georganiseerd door SPOTLIGHT / Mostafa Betaree
# meer informatie op website: www.ellenrijk.nl
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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been imprisoned in Iran for nearly two years on bogus charges. She hasn’t committed any crime.
Nazanin has been told that she could be charged again and face another trial imminently, which may result in an even longer prison sentence.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is a 39-year-old British-Iranian woman, who ordinarily lives with her husband and young daughter in London. She works for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, a UK-based media charity. This has been used against her as evidence of ‘membership of an illegal group’, the charge that Nazanin was found guilty of at an unfair trial which saw her sentenced to five years in prison
She was arrested on 3 April 2016 at a Tehran airport, when she was about to board a plane home to the UK with her then one-year-old daughter, Gabriella. They had been on holiday in Iran visiting Nazanin’s parents – a trip Nazanin had made many times before, without incident.
At the airport, they were stopped by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Nazanin was taken into custody, without being told why, and Gabriella was given to her grandparents, who had accompanied them to the airport. Gabriella’s UK passport was confiscated at the airport (she does not have an Iranian passport), though it has since been returned.
When Nazanin was first detained, she wasn’t told why. She was put in solitary confinement. She was held in solitary for 45 days, and could not speak to her family or a lawyer. Her family were not told the reasons for her imprisonment.
Nazanin did not have a fair trial. She was only allowed access to a lawyer three days before her trial. In September 2016, Nazanin was sentenced to five years in prison for ‘membership of an illegal group’.
Nazanin’s physical and mental health is suffering. She suffers from severe arm, neck and back pain as a result of her prison conditions, and her hair is falling out. Nazanin’s husband has most recently said that she is worried about lumps on her breast.
Her family say that Nazanin has been extremely distressed and depressed during her imprisonment and separation from Gabriella. Last November, Nazanin wrote a suicidal letter to her family. A year has passed and her mental health has continued to decline.
The Iranian authorities have a track record of not allowing prisoners the healthcare they need – especially for people imprisoned on political charges – and this is sadly the case for Nazanin too.
◊ Amnesty International UK asks to take action. We (FDM mag.) support their work.
◊ Help get Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe home.
◊ Call on Iran to free Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.
# More information on website Amnesty International UK
free prisoner of conscience: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
fleursdumal.nl magazine
Out now:
Kerouac on Record ◊ A Literary Soundtrack
Edited by Simon Warner and Jim Sampas
Co-edited by Jack Kerouac’s nephew, including pieces written by Kerouac himself as well as interviews from major literary and musical figures including Allen Ginsberg, Lee Konitz and David Amram, Kerouac on Record gives a unique insight into how Kerouac brought his passion for jazz to his full creative output.
Kerouac on Record is the touchstone for the music of Kerouac – Kerouac’s love for music, the depth of its influence on his work, and the influence that his work continues to extend to waves of contemporary musicians, from David Bowie and Janis Joplin to Sonic Youth. It is a book rife with the work of cultural icons, essential for any fan of the Beat Generation and popular music alike.
About Kerouac on Record
He was the leading light of the Beat Generation writers and the most dynamic author of his time, but Jack Kerouac also had a lifelong passion for music, particularly the mid-century jazz of New York City, the development of which he witnessed first-hand during the 1940s with Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie and Thelonious Monk to the fore.
The novelist, most famous for his 1957 book On the Road, admired the sounds of bebop and attempted to bring something of their original energy to his own writing, a torrent of semi-autobiographical stories he published between 1950 and his early death in 1969.
Yet he was also drawn to American popular music of all kinds – from the blues to Broadway ballads – and when he came to record albums under his own name, he married his unique spoken word style with some of the most talented musicians on the scene.
Kerouac’s musical legacy goes well beyond the studio recordings he made himself: his influence infused generations of music makers who followed in his work – from singer-songwriters to rock bands.
Some of the greatest transatlantic names – Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead, Van Morrison and David Bowie, Janis Joplin and Tom Waits, Sonic Youth and Death Cab for Cutie, and many more – credited Kerouac’s impact on their output.
In Kerouac on Record, we consider how the writer brought his passion for jazz to his prose and poetry, his own record releases, the ways his legacy has been sustained by numerous more recent talents, those rock tributes that have kept his memory alive and some of the scores that have featured in Hollywood adaptations of the adventures he brought to the printed page.
1. Jack Kerouac’s Jazz Scene Jim Burns – 2. 2nd Chorus: Blues: Jack Kerouac Larry Beckett – 3. Duet for Saxophone and Pen: Lee Konitz and the Direct Influence of Jazz on the Development of Jack Kerouac’s ‘Spontaneous Prose’ Style Marian Jago Interview 1: Lee Konitz Marian Jago – 4. Jack Kerouac Goes Vinyl: A Sonic Journey into Kerouac’s Three LPs: Poetry for the Beat Generation; Blues and Haikus; and Readings by Jack Kerouac on the Beat Generation Jonah Raskin – 5. Art Music: Listening to Kerouac’s ‘Mexico City Blues’ A. Robert Lee Interview 2: David Amram Pat Thomas – 6. Beat Refrains: Music, Milieu and Identity in Jack Kerouac’s The Subterraneans, the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Film Adaptation Michael Prince – 7. Bob Dylan’s Beat Visions (Sonic Poetry) Michael Goldberg – 8. Carrying a Torch for Ti Jean Paul Marion Interview 3: Richard Meltzer Michael Goldberg – 9. The Grateful Dead: Jack Manifested as Music Brian Hassett – 10. Driver Mark Bliesener – 11. Jim Morrison/Angel of Fire Jay Jeff Jones – 12. Light is Faster than Sound: Texans, the Beats and the San Francisco Counterculture Holly George-Warren – 13. Hit the Road, Jack: Van Morrison and On the Road Peter Mills – 14. Detecting Jack Kerouac and Joni Mitchell: A Literary/Legal (Not Musicological) Investigation into the Search for Influence Nancy Grace – 15. Kerouac and Country Music Matt Theado – 16. ‘Straight from the Mind to the Voice’: Spectral Persistence in Jack Kerouac and Tom Waits Douglas Field Interview 4: Barney Hoskyns Simon Warner – 17. From Beat Bop Prosody to Punk Rock Poetry: Patti Smith and Jack Kerouac; Literature, Lineage, Legacy Ronna Johnson Poems: Marc Zegans Interview 6: Allen Ginsberg Pat Thomas – 18. Tramps Like Them: Jack and Bruce and the Myth of the American Road Simon Morrison Interview 5: Graham Parker Pat Thomas – 19. Punk and New Wave James Sullivan – Interview 7: Jim DeRogatis on Lester Bangs James Sullivan – 20. The Tribute Recordings Jim Sampas and Simon Warner – Jack Kerouac Biography – Jack Kerouac Discography Dave Moore – Tribute Discography – Kerouac/Cassady Song List Dave Moore/Horst Spandler
Simon Warner
is a journalist, lecturer and broadcaster who teaches Popular Music Studies at the University of Leeds in the UK. He has, over a number of years, written live reviews and counterculture obituaries for The Guardian and The Independent, and has a particular interest in the relationship between the Beat Generation writers–Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs and others–and rock culture. His previous books include Rockspeak: The Language of Rock and Pop (1996) and Howl for Now: A Celebration of Allen Ginsberg’s epic protest poem (2005). – Writes: Popular Music, North American Literature – Author of : Kerouac on Record, Text and Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll
Jim Sampas
is a music and film producer. His musical works often focuses on major cultural figures such Jack Kerouac (who is his Uncle), The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, The Smiths, Bob Dylan, and The Rolling Stones. He has persuaded a galaxy of stars to partake of a unique aesthetic marriage, as vintage works are resurrected in contemporary arrangements in projects covered by such major news outlets as People Magazine, NPR, The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone, and many others. – Writes: Popular Music, North American Literature – Author of: Kerouac on Record
Following Text and Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Beats and Rock Culture (2013), Simon Warner partners with Literary Executor of the Estate of Jack Kerouac, Jim Sampas, to go deeper into his exploration of the connections between the great figures of the Beat generation and the music of the so-called ‘rock era.’ Interspersed with exclusive interviews of the likes of Lee Konitz, Graham Parker, Lester Bangs, and Allen Ginsberg, the twenty chapters are signed by an impressive array of journalists, music industry professionals, rock critics, writers, film makers and academics from all over the world. Addressing such issues as the influence of jazz on Kerouac’s ‘spontaneous prose’ style, the lineage between his ‘Beat bop prosody’ and Patti Smith‘s ‘punk rock poetry,’ or his inspiring ‘the myth of the American road’ in Bruce Springsteen’s lyrics, they shed light on what appears to be a two-way relationship between popular music and the work of the author of On the Road. As Warner puts it: ‘if, for Kerouac, it was jazz that would have the principal impact, then it was rock on which the writer would have the main effect.’” – Olivier Julien, Lecturer in the History and Musicology of Popular Music, Paris-Sorbonne University, France
Kerouac on Record
A Literary Soundtrack
By: Simon Warner, Jim Sampas
Published: 08-03-2018
Format: Hardback
Edition: 1st
Extent: 480
ISBN: 9781501323348
Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Dimensions: 229 x 152 mm
RRP: £28.00
Kerouac on Record
A Literary Soundtrack
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: # Music Archive, #Beat Generation Archives, - Book Stories, Archive G-H, Archive G-H, Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Bob Dylan, Dylan, Bob, Ginsberg, Allen, Jim Morrison, Joni Mitchell, Kerouac, Jack, Patti Smith
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