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«« Previous page · Am I Pretty When I Fly?: An Album of Upside Down Drawings by Joan Baez · Aliyeh Ataei: La frontière des oubliés · The new poetry collection by Australian poet and novelist, Lisa Gorton · Wiel Kusters: Morgen wordt het voor iedereen maandag · Guilty of Journalism. The Political Case Against Julian Assange by Kevin Gosztola · Richard Meier: A Duration · Julie Gayet: Ensemble on est plus fortes · Annie Ernaux: Le jeune homme / De jongeman · BOEKENWEEK 2023: 11 t/m 19 maart · The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan · Tammy Nguyen: O · Maria Jastrzębska: The True Story of Cowboy Hat & Ingénue

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Am I Pretty When I Fly?: An Album of Upside Down Drawings by Joan Baez

Like a long, funny letter from an old friend, an album of drawings by the legendary singer and activist for social justice, Joan Baez.

Since retiring from active performing, Baez has focused her formidable talents on painting and drawing. This collection of drawings shows another side of Baez: lovingly loose and charming sketches on reoccurring themes such as politics, relationships, women, animals, and family.

Each section, organized thematically, includes an introductory piece by the artist. Baez approaches her line drawings as exercises in freedom: she begins drawing upside down—often using her non-dominant hand—without any preconceived notion of where the lines might lead her.

Beginning with her seminal debut album in 1960, Baez has been a musical force of nature of incalculable influence whose earliest recordings fed a host of traditional ballads into the rock vernacular.

In 1963, she introduced Bob Dylan to the world, beginning a tradition of mutual mentoring that continued across her many recordings.

As a lifetime advocate for non-violent social change, she marched on the front line of the civil rights movement with Martin Luther King Jr., shined a spotlight on the Free Speech Movement, took to the fields with Cesar Chavez, organized resistance to the Vietnam War, and inspired Vaclav Havel in his fight for a Czech Republic.

Joan Baez is a dynamic force of nature. Her commitment to music and social activism has earned global recognition, ranging from induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, to the Ambassador of Conscience Award, Amnesty International’s highest honor. Retired from active performing since 2019, she has devoted much of her time to the “Mischief Makers” series of paintings, portraits that immortalize risk-taking visionaries she has known, who have brought about social change through history, from Dr. Martin Luther King and Bob Dylan to the Dalai Lama and Patti Smith.

Am I Pretty When I Fly?:
An Album of Upside Down Drawings
by Joan Baez
Publisher: ‎David R. Godine
Published: 2023
Language: English
‎120 pages
ISBN-10: ‎567927548
ISBN-13: ‎978-1567927542

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Aliyeh Ataei: La frontière des oubliés

Neuf récits composent La frontière des oubliés et retracent le parcours de l’écrivaine, depuis sa fuite, enfant, de la frontière afghane pour se bâtir une vie à Téhéran.

Dans chacune de ces vignettes de vie qui se font écho, elle brosse le portrait de ses compatriotes exilés, des « frontaliers », souvent des femmes, qui portent tous des traces de la guerre, des plaies profondes marquées par des balles invisibles.

À chaque rencontre, elle s’interroge sur la violence, l’exil et l’identité. Et en s’imprégnant de son propre vécu, Aliyeh Ataei embrasse ici plus largement le sort de tous ceux qui ont hérité des « chromosomes-douleurs », se faisant l’écho de leurs voix si peu audibles.

La frontière des oubliés nous fait découvrir une nouvelle plume puissante venue d’Iran. De son style clair et tranchant, Aliyeh Ataei dévoile des vérités qui secouent, et bouleversent.

Aliyeh Ataei
La frontière des oubliés
Trad. du persan par Sabrina Nouri. Préface d’Atiq Rahimi
Collection Du monde entier, Gallimard
Parution : 13-04-2023
160 pages
140 x 205 mm
Achevé d’imprimer: 01-03-2023
ISBN: 9782073006745
Gencode: 9782073006745
Code distributeur: G07173
Livre imprimé € 18,00

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The new poetry collection by Australian poet and novelist, Lisa Gorton

The poems in Mirabilia test the relationship between art and politics.

They are ekphrastic poems complicated by historical narrative; or, they are political poems, inspired by artworks. The title poem is a tribute to the pangolin, the world’s most-trafficked mammal – implicated, some say, in the evolution of coronavirus.

Written in Fibonacci syllabics, it is also a reflection on Marianne Moore’s poem ‘The Pangolin’, with its sense of nature’s perpetuity – lost in the years since her poem was written. The final sequence ‘Great World Atlas’ tracks the destructive extent of nuclear testing across the world in the 1960s. It was written for Izabela Pluta’s artist’s book Figures of Slippage and Oscillation.

The sequence ‘Tongue’ reflects on da Vinci’s 1478 painting The Benois Madonna, including the circumstances of its creation in the Pazzi conspiracy and the life of Fioretta del Cittadino – perhaps the painting’s model – who gave birth to the child of the murdered man.

Her child was taken; she was written out of the record. In other poems too, Gorton reflects on the experience of the female muse, wife, or mother.

Shortlisted: NSW Premier’s Literary Awards – Poetry 2023

Lisa Gorton has a PhD on the poetry of John Donne from the University of Oxford. She is a poet and novelist, essayist and reviewer. Her first poetry collection Press Release won the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry; her second, Hotel Hyperion was awarded the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medal; and her third, Empirical, was shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s and NSW Premier’s Literary Awards for Poetry. Her novel The Life of Houses was the co-winner of the 2016 Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Fiction. She is the author of Cloudland, a novel for children.

by Lisa Gorton
Publisher: ‎Giramondo Publishing (1 August 2022)
Language: ‎English
Paperback: ‎ 96 pages
ISBN-10: ‎ 1922725307
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1922725301
Dimensions: ‎ 20 x 14 x 1.5 cm
Price: aus. $ 25.00

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Wiel Kusters: Morgen wordt het voor iedereen maandag

In mei 1940 is de dichter Gerrit Kouwenaar (1923-2014) zestien jaar en schrijft hij zijn eerste gedichten.

Zes jaar later en een wereldoorlog verder is hij, zonder dat nog te beseffen, op weg om een van de meest invloedrijke Vijftigers te worden.

De Tweede Wereldoorlog, die grote ontvormer van mens en moraal, heeft hem gemaakt tot de dichter die later liever ‘men’ dan ‘ik’ schreef en die, tot zijn dood in 2014, is uitgegroeid tot een van de grootste Nederlandse dichters van de twintigste eeuw.

In zijn dankwoord bij de uitreiking van de Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren in 1989 in Brussel sprak hij over de jaren 1940-1945 als een ‘leerschool die mij heeft bijgebracht dat woorden lege hulzen zijn als ze niet gevuld worden met je eigen leven en lichaam, je eigen sterfelijkheid.’

Morgen is het voor iedereen maandag belicht op uiterst boeiende wijze de periode van de bezetting en de eerste jaren na de oorlog, wanneer de dichter als kunstredacteur in dienst is van het communistische dagblad De Waarheid. Het verhaal is doorspekt met tal van niet eerder gepubliceerde gedichten, verhaal- en brieffragmenten.

Morgen wordt het voor iedereen maandag
De oorlog van Gerrit Kouwenaar
door Wiel Kusters
Taal: NL
Mei 2023
ISBN: 9789464520767
450 pagina’s
€ 39,99

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Guilty of Journalism. The Political Case Against Julian Assange by Kevin Gosztola

From acclaimed independent journalist Kevin Gosztola, this carefully-documented analysis of the government’s case against Julian Assange and its implications for press freedom acts as a crucial, compelling guidebook to Assange’s upcoming trial.

Guilty of Journalism is a joint production of The Censored Press and Seven Stories Press.

The legal action against Julian Assange is poised to culminate in a trial in the United States in 2023, and this book will help the public understand the proceedings. The establishment media’s coverage of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition case has focused on his deteriorating health and what CBS News called his “secret family,” but most of this coverage failed to detail the complex issues at stake against Assange.

Guilty of Journalism outlines how WikiLeaks exposed the reality of American wars, the United States government’s unprecedented indictment against Assange as a publisher, and the media’s role in persuading the public to “shoot the messenger.”

This new book by Kevin Gosztola, who has spent the last decade covering Assange, WikiLeaks, and the wider war on whistleblowers, tells the full story based on testimony from dozens of witnesses. It examines abuses of power by the CIA and the FBI, including a spying operation that targeted Assange’s family, lawyers, and doctors. Guilty of Journalism offers a balanced and comprehensive perspective on all the events leading up to what press freedom advocates have called the trial of the century.

Kevin Gosztola has spent the last decade reporting on Assange, WikiLeaks, and the wider war on whistleblowers. He is cofounder and managing editor of Shadowproof, an independent news outlet focused on systemic abuses of power in business and government, and the curator of The Dissenter newsletter. Gosztola also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, “Unauthorized Disclosure.” His work has appeared in outlets such as The Nation, Salon, Common Dreams, and Truthout, and he has been a featured guest on Democracy Now!, The Real News Network, CounterSpin, and Al Jazeera English. He is coauthor of Truth and Consequences: The US vs. Bradley Manning (Sinclair Books, 2012; with Greg Mitchell).

Guilty of Journalism
The Political Case Against Julian Assange
by Kevin Gosztola
Foreword by Abby Martin
Seven Stories Press
Publish Date: 07-03-2023
ISBN: 9781644212721
Pages: 256

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Richard Meier: A Duration

In the poem-essays that comprise A Duration, writing is a physical act where writing and lived experience support one another in bodies—animal, plant, mineral, and word bodies—that are injured and heal, that die and continue in new forms, playing new roles.

Here, in his fifth book, Richard Meier transmutes years of daily practices of attention—be it to a line spoken by Lear’s Fool, a train to Kingston, or “red inside green stem below eight white petals in a spiral with space between them attached to the yellow center”—into mesmerizing trajectories through an always unfolding present.

In the collapse of the border between writing and the body, A Duration, “play[s] both hearts with a heartbeat and kinship of place, time, mundanity in the continuous onrushing imagined joy.”

Richard Meier’s second book of poetry, Shelley Gave Jane a Guitar, was published by Wave Books in 2006. His first book, Terrain Vague, was selected by Tomaž Šalamun for the Verse Prize and published by Verse Press in 2001. His book In the Pure Block of the Whole Imaginary was published by Omnidawn in 2012. He is writer-in-residence at Carthage College and lives in Chicago, IL and Madison, WI.

Richard Meier
A Duration
Publication: 6 June 2023
Publisher: ‎Wave Books
Language: ‎Engish
Paperback: ‎120 pages
Regular price $18.00

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Julie Gayet: Ensemble on est plus fortes

On ne nait pas féministe, on le devient.

Pour cette raison, peut-être, je me suis demandé : Et si c’était moi la femme bafouée, la femme battue, la gamine prostituée, jetée à la rue, la patiente qui souffre d’endométriose, ou la militante harcelée sur les réseaux ?

Si c’était moi celle qu’on humilie, si c’était moi celle qu’on viole ou celle qu’on tue? Je n’ai rien subi de tout ça. Quel droit, alors, ai-je de parler? Et bien leurs droits à elles, justement.

Des droits qui continuent à être, tous les jours, foulés aux pieds.

Et parce qu’il faut encore le dire, le marteler, le hurler, et que je peux (veux) faire entendre ma voix, voici : un peu de moi, pour énormément d’elles”.

J. G. Depuis une dizaine d’années, ses aventures d’actrice et de productrice ont mené Julie Gayet sur les chemins du féminisme, bien avant la vague Metoo. Un féminisme fort, sincère et concret, loin de la posture. Un féminisme qui trouve ses racines au plus profond de sa propre histoire, avec cette certitude chevillée au corps : ensemble, on est plus fortes. A travers les portraits de celles qu’elle admire pour leurs engagements auprès des femmes, elle se livre elle-même ici, en creux, comme rarement. Un ouvrage pudique, tendre, violent, drôle parfois. Absolument nécessaire.

Julie Gayet est comédienne, réalisatrice et productrice. Elle participe à de nombreux films et courts métrages et fonde en 2007 sa propre maison de production, Rouge International. Elle est membre du collectif 50/50 qui vise la parité au cinéma. À titre personnel, Julie Gayet est engagée pour les droits des femmes et la lutte contre les violences dont elles sont victimes. En 2015, elle fonde l’association Info-Endométriose avec le Dr Chrysoula Zacharopoulou. Engagée aux côtés de la Fondation des Femmes depuis le lancement du mouvement #metoo en 2017, Julie Gayet organise chaque année le Gala de la Fondation des Femmes ainsi que le Prix Gisèle Halimi, un concours d’éloquence qui dénonce le sexisme par le verbe ou encore la campagne #RegardeMoiBien.

Ensemble on est plus fortes
Auteur: Julie Gayet
Mathieu Busson (Contributeur)
Éditions Stock, 2023
Collection Essais Documents
Date de parution: 08/03/2023
252 pages
Dimensions: 13,5 cm × 21,5 cm × 2,1 cm
ISBN: 978-2-234-09233-4
EAN: 9782234092334
Prix: € 19.00

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Annie Ernaux: Le jeune homme / De jongeman

Annie Ernaux: Le jeune homme

En quelques pages, à la première personne, Annie Ernaux raconte une relation vécue avec un homme de trente ans de moins qu’elle. Une expérience qui la fit redevenir, l’espace de plusieurs mois, la « fille scandaleuse » de sa jeunesse.

Un voyage dans le temps qui lui permit de franchir une étape décisive dans son écriture.

Ce texte est une clé pour lire l’œuvre d’Annie Ernaux — son rapport au temps et à l’écriture.

Annie Ernaux née en 1940 est l’autrice de dix-huit livres aux Éditions Gallimard parmi lesquels La place, Passion simple, L’événement, Les années, Mémoire de fille, et dernièrement, Le jeune homme. Elle a reçu le prix Nobel de Littérature en 2022.
Prix littéraire de la fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco (2021)
Prix Nobel de Littérature (2022)

Annie Ernaux
Le jeune homme
Langue francais
Collection Blanche, Gallimard
Parution: 05-05-2022
48 pages
118 x 185 mm
ISBN: 9782072980084
Gencode: 9782072980084
Code distributeur: G06376
Prix: € 8,00

Annie Ernaux: De jongeman

In De jongeman vertelt Annie Ernaux summier (en in de eerste persoon enkelvoud) over een voorbije liefdesrelatie met een dertig jaar jongere man. Zijzelf is dan al bijna zestig.

In compacte, intense, uiterst efficiënte zinnen zoekt ze naar een antwoord op de vraag wat er in die relatie op het spel stond. Voor haarzelf was dat herleven: zich opnieuw jong voelen, maar ook ingewijd worden in haar eigen verleden.

De jongeman is een sleutel tot het lezen van Ernaux’ werk.

Al haar thema’s komen in deze miniatuur samen: tijd, herinnering, liefde, maatschappij, en hoe haar leven steevast in het teken staat van het nog te schrijven boek.

Annie Ernaux (1940) is een van de belangrijkste hedendaagse Franse schrijvers. Tot haar bekendste boeken behoren De jaren , De schaamte, Het voorval (zeer succesvol verfilmd als L’événement) en Meisjesherinneringen. In 2022 werd ze bekroond met de Nobelprijs voor de Literatuur

De jongeman
Auteur: Annie Ernaux
Vertaler: Rokus Hofstede
Uitgeverij: De Arbeiderspers
Publicatiedatum: 31-01-2023
NUR: 302
48 pagina’s
ISBN: 9789029549776
Prijs: € 10,00

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BOEKENWEEK 2023: 11 t/m 19 maart

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The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan

The Philosophy of Modern Song is Bob Dylan’s first book of new writing since 2004’s Chronicles: Volume One—and since winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016.

Dylan, who began working on the book in 2010, offers his extraordinary insight into the nature of popular music.

He writes over sixty essays focusing on songs by other artists, spanning from Stephen Foster to Elvis Costello, and in between ranging from Hank Williams to Nina Simone.

He analyzes what he calls the trap of easy rhymes, breaks down how the addition of a single syllable can diminish a song, and even explains how bluegrass relates to heavy metal.

These essays are written in Dylan’s unique prose. They are mysterious and mercurial, poignant and profound, and often laugh-out-loud funny. And while they are ostensibly about music, they are really meditations and reflections on the human condition.

Running throughout the book are nearly 150 carefully curated photos as well as a series of dream-like riffs that, taken together, resemble an epic poem and add to the work’s transcendence.

In 2020, with the release of his outstanding album Rough and Rowdy Ways, Dylan became the first artist to have an album hit the Billboard Top 40 in each decade since the 1960s.

The Philosophy of Modern Song contains much of what he has learned about his craft in all those years, and like everything that Dylan does, it is a momentous artistic achievement.

Bob Dylan has released thirty-nine studio albums, which collectively have sold over 125 million copies around the world. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature and has been awarded the French Legion of Honor, a Pulitzer Prize Special Citation, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian honor. His memoir, Chronicles: Volume One, spent a year on the New York Times bestseller list.

The Philosophy of Modern Song
by Bob Dylan
Publisher: ‎Simon & Schuster
November 1, 2022
Language: English
352 pages
ISBN-10: 1451648707
ISBN-13: 978-1451648706

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Tammy Nguyen: O

In O, artist and writer Tammy Nguyen returns to Vietnam to visit the caves of the Phong Nha Karst.

This journey into the Karst’s “wind-carved teeth” resounds with the traditional songs of Nguyen’s guides, whose melodies produce the O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O that echoes through narratives woven together around it as a visual and sonic spine: the story of Nguyen’s Uncle Van, an opportunistic businessman who traded in Vietnamese porcelain vessels; her coming-of-age as a child with missing teeth, and the material and mineral histories of the veneers that eventually completed her “American Smile”; the plastic paradise of the man-made island of Forest City, a simulacrum of natural beauty kept uncannily bright and lush by the flow of global investment capital; and, behind it all, a retelling of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave that supplies what the original parable lacked: an understanding of fantasy’s role in the construction of a sublime.

In O’s anti-allegory, the personal and geopolitical sit uncomfortably alongside one another. The shape of a bowl becomes the mouth of a cave. The uncanny naturalism of Nguyen’s zirconium veneers reflect Forest City’s manicured paradise.

What emerges is a kaleidoscopic meditation on the play of language across scales: how it rebounds between our stories of self and the semantic regimes of global capital alike.

Tammy Nguyen is a multimedia artist and writer whose work spans painting, drawing, printmaking, and publishing. Intersecting geopolitical realities with fiction, her practice addresses lesser-known histories through a blend of myth and visual narrative. She is the founder of Passenger Pigeon Press, an independent press that joins the work of scientists, journalists, creative writers, and artists to create politically nuanced and cross-disciplinary projects. In 2008, she received a Fulbright scholarship to study lacquer painting in Vietnam, where she remained and worked with a ceramics company for three years thereafter. Nguyen received an MFA from Yale in 2013 and was awarded the Van Lier Fellowship at Wave Hill in 2014 and a NYFA Fellowship in painting in 2021. She was included in Greater New York 2021 at MOMA PS1 and has also exhibited at Nichido Contemporary Art in Japan, Smack Mellon, Rubin Museum, The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre in Vietnam, and the Bronx Museum, among others. Her work is included in the collections of Yale University, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, MIT Library, the Seattle Art Museum, the Walker Art Center Library, and the Museum of Modern Art Library. She is Assistant Professor of Art at Wesleyan University.

by Tammy Nguyen
Publisher: Ugly Duckling Presse
Product Number:9781946433916
ISBN: 978-1-946433-91-6
Price: $ 30.00

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Maria Jastrzębska: The True Story of Cowboy Hat & Ingénue

In a landscape scarred by conflict, two women begin a quest for a lost child and a lost world of peace.

Bound together by love and acceptance, their story and path interweave with fellow outcasts — people like the ever-suave Dame Blanche, Sister Asunta, martial artist and magician, Master Wu Wu, and the lost soul, Tulip — but whether peace is simply the end of war or something deeper is something they must discover for themselves.

A haunting tale, told in a series of visionary prose poems, The True Story of Cowboy Hat & Ingénue interweaves memory and yearning to ask questions that reflect on our past and, disturbingly, on our futures.

Maria Jastrzębska is a Polish-born poet, editor and translator. Her most recent collection was At The Library of Memories (Waterloo Press 2013) and her selected poems, The Cedars of Walpole Park, have been translated into Polish by Anna Błasiak, Paweł Gawroński and Wioletta Grzegorzewska and published bilingually (Stowarzyszenie ŻŻwych Poetów 2015). Old Knives is a selection of her work translated into Romanian by Lidia Vianu and published bilingually by Integral Contemporary Literature Press (2017). She was co-editor with Anthony Luvera of Queer in Brighton (New Writing South 2014). She co-translated Iztok Osojnik’s selected poems Elsewhere with Ana Jelnikar and her translations of Justyna Bargielska’s selected poems The Great Plan B are published by Smokestack Press (2017). Her work features in the British Library poetry and translation project Poetry Between Two Worlds. Dementia Diaries, her literary drama, toured nationally with Lewes Live Lit in 2011. Her poems have been much anthologized from The Virago Book of Wicked Verse (1992) to This Line Is Not For Turning — An Anthology of Contemporary British Prose Poetry (Cinnamon Press 2011) and Hallelujah for 50ft Women (Bloodaxe 2015). Maria lives in Brighton and you can discover more about her work on her website. (

The True Story of Cowboy Hat & Ingénue
Maria Jastrzębska
Language: ‎English
Publisher: Cinnamon Press
70 pages
ISBN-10: 1911540033
ISBN-13:‎ 978-1911540038
Price: 14,27 euro

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