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«« Previous page · Old Angel Midnight by Jack Kerouac · Biografie Lucebert door Wim Hazeu · Ysabelle Lacamp: Ombre parmi les ombres (Roman) · INSEL, the only novel by Mina Loy · Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur · Gouden Ganzenveerlaureaat 2018: Antjie Krog · Voyage of the Sable Venus and Other Poems by Robin Coste Lewis · ‘Riskante relaties’, nieuwe vertaling van Martin de Haan van Les Liaisons dangereuses van Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos · Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry · Ein fantastischer Blick auf die Welt: Der aspekte-Literaturpreis 2017 geht an Juliana Kálnay · David Lagercrantz: The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye · Daniel Kane: “Do You Have a Band?”. Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City

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Old Angel Midnight by Jack Kerouac

Old Angel Midnight is a treasure trove of Kerouac’s experiments with automatic writing, a method he practiced constantly to sharpen his imaginative reflexes.

Recorded in a series of notebooks between 1956-1959, what Kerouac called his “endless automatic writing piece” began while he shared a cabin with poet Gary Snyder.

Kerouac tried to emulate Snyder’s daily Buddhist meditation discipline, using the technique of “letting go” to free his mind for pure spontaneous writing, annotating the stream of words flowing through his consciousness in response to auditory stimuli and his own mental images.

Kerouac continued his exercise in spontaneous composition over the next three years, including a period spent with William Burroughs in Tangiers. He made no revisions to the automatic writing entries in his notebooks, which were collected and transcribed for publication as originally written.

Old Angel Midnight attests to the success of Kerouac’s experiment and bears witness to his commitment to his craft, and to the pleasure he takes in writing: “I like the bliss of mind.”

“Kerouac’s ambition to capture the living moment (crucially for him, recapitulating memory) developed poetic form in 1954 with his collection San Francisco Blues, and it reached greater fulfilment with the sixty-seven free-association passages of Old Angel Midnight. This new edition from City Light Books adds one more, found among Kerouac’s papers by John Sampas, concluding ‘Eyes of Ray Charles see Me here realize O Holy.’ Mostly written during April 1956 when Kerouac shared a shack with Gary Snyder in rural Mill Valley, outside San Francisco, Old Angel Midnight was likely facilitated by the ‘letting go’ technique he observed from Snyder’s Buddhist meditation.” – Jules Smith – The Times Literary Supplement

“Tried to warn all of you, essence of stuff wont do
— God why did you make the world?
Answer: –Because I gwt pokla renamash ta va in
ming the atss are you forever with it?
I like the bliss of mind.
Awright I’ll call up all the fuckin Gods, right now!
Parya! Arrive! Ya damn hogfuckin lick lip twillerin
fishmonger! Kiss my purple royal ass baboon! Poota!
Whore! You and yr retinues of chariots & fucks! Devadatta!
Angel of Mercy! Prick! Lover! Mush! Run on
ya dog eared kiss willying nilly Dexter Michigan ass—
warlerin ratpole! The rat in my cellar’s an old canuck who
wasnt fooled by rebirth but b God gotta admit I was born for
the same reason I bring this glass to my lip — ?
Rut! Old God whore, the key to ecstasy is forevermore
furthermore blind! Potanyaka! God of Mercy!”
Excerpt from ‘Old Angel Midnight’ by Jack Kerouac

Old Angel Midnight
Jack Kerouac
Preface by Ann Charters, Michael McClure
Collection City Lights/Grey Fox
Publisher City Lights Publishers
Paperback, $13.95
Pages 94
Publication 2016
ISBN-10 087286703X
ISBN-13 9780872867031 magazine

More in: - Book Lovers, - Book Stories, Archive K-L, Art & Literature News, Automatic writing, Kerouac, Jack, Opium-Eaters

Biografie Lucebert door Wim Hazeu

Lucebert verscheen als een komeet, zo schreef Gerrit Kouwenaar, en maakte zich binnen vijf jaar als dichter en later als schilder waar. Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt hij gezien als een van de grootste dichters in ons taalgebied.

Kouwenaar schreef ook: ‘Wij zijn allemaal van de oorlog, het leed en hoge tonen.’ Wat dat voor Lucebert (1924-1994) betekende, beschrijft Wim Hazeu in deze meeslepende biografie, die voor een deel gebaseerd is op eerder ontoegankelijke of onbekende bronnen. Lucebert is het levensverhaal van een gepassioneerde dichter en beeldend kunstenaar.

Deze meeslepende en onthullende biografie is ook het schokkende verhaal van een allesbepalende oorlog die daaraan voorafging. Het is het verhaal van worsteling en succes. Het is het verhaal van het naoorlogse artistieke leven, waarin Lucebert verzet aantekent tegen autoriteiten die politiek en kunst bij het oude willen laten.

Het is het verhaal over de dichters en kunstenaars die Lucebert omringden: Bertus Aafjes, Armando, Hans Andreus, Karel Appel en talloze anderen. En het is een verhaal over liefde en geliefden, over avonturen in Amsterdam, Bergen, Berlijn, Frankrijk, Italië en Spanje. Het leven van Lucebert was complex, en dit stelde Wim Hazeu voor vraagstukken die hij als biograaf nog niet eerder had hoeven oplossen.

Wim Hazeu (1940) was na zijn studie Nederlands werkzaam als journalist, radio- en televisieprogrammamaker en uitgever.

Publiceerde naast verschillende romans en dichtbundels omvangrijke biografieën van Achterberg, Slauerhoff (bekroond met de biografieprijs van de Dordtse Academie), M.C. Escher en S. Vestdijk (op deze biografie is hij aan de Groningse Universiteit gepromoveerd).

Ook bezorgde hij de briefwisseling tussen S. Vestdijk en Henriëtte van Eyk, Wij zijn van elkaar (2007). In 2012 verscheen zijn biografie over Marten Toonder waarvoor hij toegang kreeg tot de nalatenschap van Marten en Jan Gerhard Toonder en Toonders vrouw Phiny Dick.

Auteur: Wim Hazeu
Titel: Biografie Lucebert
Aantal pagina’s: 976
Uitvoering: Gebonden
ISBN10 9403104708
ISBN13 9789403104706
Taal: Nederlands
Onderwerp: Literaire non-fictie
Uitgever: Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij b.v.
Druk: 1
Verwacht: 7 februari 2018
Prijs: €39,99

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Ysabelle Lacamp: Ombre parmi les ombres (Roman)

L’histoire : Mai 45, libération du camp de Terezin. Un air de jazz siffloté par un petit tchèque aux oreilles en choux-fleurs bouleverse l’un des rescapés des camps qui vient d’échouer ici, au terme d’une longue marche de la mort.

L’enfant s’appelle Leo Radek. Il est le dernier enfant survivant de Terezin, antichambre de la mort pour des milliers de juifs, où les nazis parquèrent des artistes pour servir de vitrine en une sordide mascarade. Lui aussi est bouleversé par la rencontre qu’il vient de faire : cet homme décharné, fiévreux, au regard bienveillant et si transparent, parle ce français qu’il aime, et c’est un poète.

Il s’appelle Robert Desnos. Comme un grand frère protecteur, le poète qui se meurt, trouve encore une fois les mots. Une rencontre inoubliable où la poésie triomphe sur la barbarie, et où l’humour est plus fort que la mort.

Quand Ysabelle Lacamp écrit, c’est une vibration tellurique qui la parcourt, la transcende et la brûle. Lorsque cette fièvre s’empare d’elle, elle fait la fête au verbe, rêve puissamment ses personnages, et nous emporte avec eux. Voilà pourquoi sa rencontre avec Robert Desnos, le poète volcanique qui fit danser les mots et les morts jusqu’à son dernier souffle, est une évidence de la vie. Dans ce camp de Terezin où elle nous entraîne, l’émotion est toujours à fleur de rire. Elle est l’auteure de nombreux romans, dont L’Homme sans fusil (Seuil, 2002), Le Jongleur de nuages (Flammarion, 2008) et, plus récemment, Marie Durand, Non à l’intolérance religieuse (Actes Sud junior, 2012). Son roman Ombre parmi les ombres est paru aux Éditions Bruno Doucey en 2018.

Ysabelle Lacamp:
Ombre parmi les ombres
Pages: 192
Prix: €16
ISBN : 978-2-36229-165-4
Format : Broché
Dimensions : 14cm X 18cm
Date de parution : 04/01/2018
ISBN : 978-2-36229-165-4
EAN : 9782362291654
Doucey éditions

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INSEL, the only novel by Mina Loy

Insel, the only novel by the surrealist master Mina Loy, is a book like no other—about an impossible friendship amid the glamorous artistic bohemia of 1930s Paris.

German painter Insel is a perpetual sponger and outsider—prone to writing elegant notes with messages like “Am starving to death except for a miracle—three o’clock Tuesday afternoon will be the end”—but somehow writer and art dealer Mrs. Jones likes him.

Together, they sit in cafés, hatch grand plans, and share their artistic aspirations and disappointments. And they become friends. But as they grow ever closer, Mrs. Jones begins to realize just how powerful Insel’s hold over her is.

Unpublished during Loy’s lifetime, Insel—which is loosely based on her friendship with the painter Richard Oelze—is a supremely surrealist, deliberately excessive creation: baroque in style, yet full of deft comedy and sympathy. Now, with an alternate ending only recently unearthed in the Loy archives, Insel is finally back in print, and Loy’s extraordinary achievement can be appreciated by a new generation of readers.

Mina Loy was born in London in 1882 and began her artistic career as painter; she was influenced by Impressionism and achieved success in the Parisian art world before turning to poetry and other forms of visual art, including lampshades and “junk collages.” She was at the heart of the modernist movement (as well as Dada, Futurism, and Surrealism) and had close friendships with Djuna Barnes and Gertrude Stein, among many others. Her frank and rigorously experimental writing earned her both praise and censure, as did her unconventional life: she spent many years living in Greenwich Village and on the Bowery, befriending bums, drunks, and other down-and-outs. Her work has recently been collected inThe Lost Lunar Baedeker (FSG) and Stories and Essays of Mina Loy (Dalkey Archive). She died in 1966 in Aspen, Colorado.

Elizabeth Arnold, a scholar and poet, is the author of Effacement and two other collections.

Sarah Hayden is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cork, where her focus is on Mina Loy and avant-garde artistic movements.

Mina Loy
Edited by Elizabeth Arnold,
with an Introduction by Sarah Hayden
Trade Paperback
Novel, 2014
180 pages
ISBN 9781612193533
Publisher Melville House
Part of The Neversink Library

“Is there anyone in America except you, Bill [William Carlos Williams,] and Mina Loy who can write anything of interest in verse?” — Ezra Pound, letter to Marianne Moore magazine

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Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

#1 New York Times bestseller Milk and Honey is a collection of poetry and prose about survival. About the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity.

The book is divided into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. Milk and Honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.

rupi kaur is a bestselling author and illustrator of two collections of poetry. her artistic expression began at the age of 5 when her mother handed her a paintbrush and said—draw your heart out. while studying at the university of waterloo rupi self-published her first collection milk and honey in 2014.

milk and honey became an international phenomenon that’s been translated into over 30 languages and sold over 2.5 million copies. rupi’s long-awaited second collection the sun and her flowers was published in 2017 and immediately debuted as a #1 global bestseller. through her poetry rupi explores a variety of themes ranging from love. loss. trauma. healing. femininity. migration. revolution.

rupi is a storyteller and chronicler. there’s a simplicity and nuance to her work that has found a home in the hearts of millions. this magic is best captured in her stage performances which are magnetic musical interactions of poetry art and theatre. in the years to come rupi hopes to continue her artistic exploration through art and poetry—searching for ways to understand and articulate the world around her.

Milk and Honey
by Rupi Kaur
Publisher Andrews McMeel Publishing
Publication date 10/2015
US Edition
Binding Trade Paperback
208 pages
Price € 13.50
ISBN 9781449474256

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Gouden Ganzenveerlaureaat 2018: Antjie Krog

De Academie De Gouden Ganzenveer kent de Gouden Ganzenveer 2018 toe aan de Zuid-Afrikaanse dichteres Antjie Krog.

Gerdi Verbeet, Academievoorzitter De Gouden Ganzenveer maakte afgelopen zaterdag de laureaat bekend in het radioprogramma De Taalstaat. De Academie De Gouden Ganzenveer eert Krog als een bijzondere en veelzijdige dichteres, als een uitzonderlijk integer schrijfster en journaliste, en als een begenadigd performer van haar eigen werk.

De prijsuitreiking vindt plaats op donderdag 19 april a.s. in Amsterdam. Een weerslag van deze bijeenkomst wordt vastgelegd in een speciale uitgave, die in de loop van het jaar zal verschijnen.

De Academie, een initiatief van het bestuur van stichting De Gouden Ganzenveer, kent jaarlijks deze culturele prijs toe. De leden zijn afkomstig uit de wereld van cultuur, wetenschap, politiek en het bedrijfsleven. Met deze onderscheiding wil de Academie het geschreven en gedrukte woord in het Nederlands taalgebied onder de aandacht brengen.

Voorgaande laureaten zijn Arnon Grunberg, Xandra Schutte, Geert Mak, David Van Reybrouck, Ramsey Nasr, Annejet van der Zijl, Remco Campert, Joke van Leeuwen, Adriaan van Dis, Joost Zwagerman, Tom Lanoye, Peter van Straaten, Maria Goos, Kees van Kooten, Jan Blokker en Michaël Zeeman.

Uitgebreide informatie is te vinden op

De Zuid-Afrikaanse Antjie Krog (1952) is een gelauwerd dichter, schrijver en academicus. Krog debuteerde in 1970 op achttienjarige leeftijd met de dichtbundel Dogter van Jefta. Inmiddels is ze uitgegroeid tot een van de belangrijkste dichters van Zuid-Afrika.

Haar poëzie is persoonlijk, zintuiglijk en sterk geëngageerd: Krog dicht over het moederschap en het ouder worden, maar ook over de diepe verbondenheid en de worsteling met de ongelijkheid en het racisme in haar land. Krog kreeg bekendheid in Nederland door haar vele optredens bij Poetry International, de Nacht van de Poëzie en het festival Winternachten. Talrijke poëzieliefhebbers raakten in de ban van haar ongewone, ontroerende en klankrijke poëzie.

In 1999 publiceerde uitgeverij Atlas een bloemlezing uit haar werk onder de titel Om te kan asemhaal. Daarna zijn haar dichtbundels bij uitgeverij Podium verschenen. Zij schreef ook proza, bijvoorbeeld Country of my Skull (in het Nederlands: De kleur van je hart, 1998/2000), toneelstukken en non-fictie. De roman Mond vol glas van Henk van Woerden en het toneelstuk Mamma Medea van Tom Lanoye vertaalde zij van het Nederlands naar het Afrikaans.

Antjie Krog is buitengewoon hoogleraar Letteren en Filosofie aan de Universiteit van de Westkaap. Haar werk is veelvuldig bekroond, onder andere met de prestigieuze Hertzogprijs, de Reina Prinsen Geerligsprijs, de Pringle Award, de Alan Paton Award. Op donderdag 19 april a.s. neemt zij de Gouden Ganzenveer 2018 in ontvangst.

Laureaat Gouden Ganzenveer 2018: Antjie Krog
foto: Karina Turok magazine

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Voyage of the Sable Venus and Other Poems by Robin Coste Lewis

Now in paperback, this National Book Award-winning debut poetry collection is a meditation on the black female figure through time.

Robin Coste Lewis’s electrifying collection is a triptych that begins and ends with lyric poems meditating on the roles desire and race play in the construction of the self.

In the center of the collection is the title poem, “Voyage of the Sable Venus,” an amazing narrative made up entirely of titles of artworks from ancient times to the present–titles that feature or in some way comment on the black female figure in Western art.

Bracketed by Lewis’s own autobiographical poems, “Voyage” is a tender and shocking meditation on the fragmentary mysteries of stereotype, juxtaposing our names for things with what we actually see and know. A new understanding of biography and the self, this collection questions just where, historically, do ideas about the black female figure truly begin–five hundred years ago, five thousand, or even longer? And what role did art play in this ancient, often heinous story?

Here we meet a poet who adores her culture and the beauty to be found within it. Yet she is also a cultural critic alert to the nuances of race and desire–how they define us all, including her own sometimes painful history.

Lewis’s book is a thrilling aesthetic anthem to the complexity of race–a full embrace of its pleasure and horror, in equal parts.

Robin Coste Lewis, the winner of the National Book Award for Voyage of the Sable Venus, is the poet laureate of Los Angeles. She is writer-in-residence at the University of Southern California, as well as a Cave Canem fellow and a fellow of the Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities. She received her BA from Hampshire College, her MFA in poetry from New York University, an MTS in Sanskrit and comparative religious literature from the Divinity School at Harvard University, and a PhD in poetry and visual studies from the University of Southern California. Lewis was born in Compton, California; her family is from New Orleans.

Voyage of the Sable Venus
and Other Poems
By Robin Coste Lewis
Published by Knopf
Nov. 2017
176 Page
ISBN 9781101911204

new books magazine

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‘Riskante relaties’, nieuwe vertaling van Martin de Haan van Les Liaisons dangereuses van Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos

‘Wie zou er niet huiveren bij de gedachte aan alle ellende die één riskante relatie kan veroorzaken?’

Vicomte de Valmont, een geduchte libertijn, heeft net het plan opgevat om de kuise, vrome présidente de Tourvel te verleiden. Maar dan stelt marquise de Merteuil, zijn bondgenote in het kwaad, hem een ander doelwit voor: de piepjonge Cécile Volanges, met wier aanstaande echtgenoot beiden een appeltje te schillen hebben. Dat loopt niet goed af.

Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos
Choderlos de Laclos was een geboren avonturier. Hij koos voor een militaire loopbaan, maar die bracht hem slechts een saai garnizoensleven. In zijn vrije tijd schreef hij, onder meer poëzie en libretto’s. Het succes kwam in 1782, met de verschijning van Les liaisons dangereuses.

Auteur: Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos
Les Liaisons dangereuses
Riskante relaties
Vertaler: Martin de Haan
Uitgeverij: De Arbeiderspers
470 pagina’s
ISBN-13 9789029588874
ISBN-10 902958887X
Prijs: € 34,99
Publicatiedatum: 28-11-2017 magazine

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Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry

First published by City Lights in 1962 and long out of print, Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry is the only comprehensive selection of his poetry to be published in the U.S., and it remains the perfect introduction to his extensive poetic canon.

Edited by Lowry’s good friend, renowned Canadian poet Earle Birney, with the assistance of his widow, Margerie Lowry, the selection includes extraordinary poems written during Lowry’s stay in Mexico, many of which are closely related to his landmark novel.

“These poems would be worth keeping in print, if for no other reason, for their illuminations of Under the Volcano: ‘See mind’s petal / torn from a good tree, but where shall it settle / But in the last darkness and at the end?’ Sometimes, as the images of “For Under the Volcano,” they become ‘palm-of-the-hand’ versions of that masterpiece. Lowry is a poet of struggle—with life, and with the creative process. Here are his struggle’s fruits: guilt, alcoholism, hopeless, self-deriding quest for salvation, which seems to be love, and, above all, self-destruction—but always accomplished with self-knowledge, enriched (in order to further torment itself) with compassion for all the beings that the poet, and us with him, are failing. His words are always sad and often beautiful.” –– William T. Vollmann

Malcolm Lowry (1909–1957) was a British novelist and poet whose masterpiece Under the Volcano is widely hailed as one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century. Born near Liverpool, England, Lowry grew up in a prominent, wealthy family and chafed under the expectations placed upon him by parents and boarding school. He wrote passionately on the themes of exile and despair, and his own wanderlust and erratic lifestyle made him an icon to later generations of writers.

Title Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry
Subtitle Pocket Poets Series Number 17
Author Malcolm Lowry
Preface by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Introduction by Earle A. Birney
Edited by Earle A. Birney
Collection City Lights Pocket Poets
Publisher City Lights Publishers
Paperback – $13.95
118 pages
ISBN-10 0872867293
ISBN-13 9780872867291
Publication in March 2017 magazine

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Ein fantastischer Blick auf die Welt: Der aspekte-Literaturpreis 2017 geht an Juliana Kálnay

“Wie viel Leben steckt in vier Wänden? Welche Erinnerungen haften an Böden, Fenstern und Türen?

Wer in einer Wohnung lebt, lebt immer auch in einem Erinnerungsort, in einem Geschichtsraum. Und wenn schon eine Wohnung so viel Geschichten bietet, was hat dann erst ein ganzes Haus zu sagen? In ihrem Debütroman „Eine kurze Chronik des allmählichen Verschwindens“ ringt Juliana Kálnay um einen anderen, einen fantastischen Blick auf die Welt. Ein Mann wird zu einem Baum, eine alte Frau spürt wie sich die Räume bei Kälte zusammenziehen, ein ganzes Haus lebt unter dem Gesetz des Unwirklichen. In feinen, leicht verschwommenen Vignetten erzählt Kálnay auf den Spuren des magischen Realismus vom Wundern und Träumen dieser Hausbewohner. Es ist ein Buch, in dem man sich herrlich verlieren kann. Und das große Lust macht auf die Welt des Surrealen.”

So begründet die Jury – Jana Hensel (Autorin), Ursula März (Die Zeit), Daniel Fiedler (Redaktionsleiter ZDF Kultur Berlin) Simon Strauß (FAZ) und Volker Weidermann (Das Literarische Quartett, Der Spiegel – ihre Entscheidung.

Juliana Kálnay erzählt mit Aberwitz und aus vielen Perspektiven, es ist ein Stimmengewirr, ein Puzzle, das sich nach und nach zu einem dichten Bild fügt. Die Charaktere – Bewohner eines rätselhaften Hauses – versuchen, sich einen Reim auf die Dinge des Lebens zu machen, sich selbst und die anderen zu verstehen, tappen aber oft im Dunklen. Kálnays magischer Realismus hält die Handlung in der Schwebe, ohne ins Phantastische abzuheben, das Haus verbindet alle Elemente im Roman.

Der aspekte-Literaturpreis wird in diesem Jahr zum 39. Mal vergeben. Er ist mit 10.000 Euro dotiert und die bedeutendste Auszeichnung für deutschsprachige Erstlingsprosa. Die Preisverleihung findet am Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2017, 11:30 Uhr im Rahmen der Frankfurter Buchmesse auf dem Blauen Sofa am ZDF-Stand statt.

Juliana Kálnay, geboren 1988 in Hamburg, wuchs zunächst in Köln und dann in Málaga auf. Sie veröffentlichte in deutsch- und spanischsprachigen Anthologien und Zeitschriften und erhielt das Arbeitsstipendium Literatur der Kulturstiftung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein 2016. Sie lebt und schreibt in Kiel. »Eine kurze Chronik des allmählichen Verschwindens« ist ihr erster Roman.

Juliana Kálnay
Eine kurze Chronik des allmählichen Verschwindens
Quartbuch. 2017
192 Seiten. 13 x 21 cm.
Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag
Buch €20,–
ISBN 978-3-8031-3284-0
Klaus Wagenbach Verlag

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Ein fantastischer Blick auf die Welt
Der aspekte-Literaturpreis 2017 geht an Juliana Kálnay magazine

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David Lagercrantz: The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye

From the author of the #1 international best seller The Girl in the Spider’s Web: the new book in the Millennium series, which began with Stieg Larsson’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Lisbeth Salander, the girl with the dragon tattoo, the brilliant hacker, the obstinate outsider, the volatile seeker of justice for herself and others—even she has never been able to uncover the most telling facts of her traumatic childhood, the secrets that might finally, fully explain her to herself. Now, when she sees a chance to uncover them once and for all, she enlists the help of Mikael Blomkvist, the editor of the muckraking, investigative journal Millennium. And she will let nothing stop her—not the Islamists she enrages by rescuing a young woman from their brutality; not the prison gang leader who passes a death sentence on her; not the deadly reach of her long-lost twin sister, Camilla; and not the people who will do anything to keep buried knowledge of a sinister pseudoscientific experiment known only as The Registry. Once again, Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, together, are the fierce heart of a thrilling full-tilt novel that takes on some of the most insidious problems facing the world at this very moment.

David Lagercrantz was born in 1962 and is an acclaimed author and journalist. He has written numerous biographies (including the internationally best-selling I Am Zlatan Ibrahimović, for which he was the ghostwriter) and four novels, including Fall of Man in Wilmslow, and the #1 best-selling The Girl in the Spider’s Web.

“Lagercrantz’s excellent second contribution to Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series [is a] complicated, fascinating mystery.” Publisher’s Weekly

The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye
A Lisbeth Salander novel,
continuing Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Series
By David Lagercrantz
Suspense & Thriller – Crime Mysteries

Sep 12, 2017
512 Pages

Sep 12, 2017
368 Pages

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Daniel Kane: “Do You Have a Band?”. Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City

During the late 1960s, throughout the 1970s, and into the 1980s, New York City poets and musicians played together, published each other, and inspired one another to create groundbreaking art.

In “Do You Have a Band?”, Daniel Kane reads deeply across poetry and punk music to capture this compelling exchange and its challenge to the status of the visionary artist, the cultural capital of poetry, and the lines dividing sung lyric from page-bound poem.

Kane reveals how the new sounds of proto-punk and punk music found their way into the poetry of the 1960s and 1970s downtown scene, enabling writers to develop fresh ideas for their own poetics and performance styles. Likewise, groups like The Fugs and the Velvet Underground drew on writers as varied as William Blake and Delmore Schwartz for their lyrics. Drawing on a range of archival materials and oral interviews, Kane also shows how and why punk musicians drew on and resisted French Symbolist writing, the vatic resonance of the Beat chant, and, most surprisingly and complexly, the New York Schools of poetry. In bringing together the music and writing of Richard Hell, Patti Smith, and Jim Carroll with readings of poetry by Anne Waldman, Eileen Myles, Ted Berrigan, John Giorno, and Dennis Cooper, Kane provides a fascinating history of this crucial period in postwar American culture and the cultural life of New York City.

Daniel Kane is reader in English and American literature at the University of Sussex in Brighton. His books include We Saw the Light: Conversations Between the New American Cinema and Poetry (2009) and All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s (2003).

Title Do You Have a Band?
Subtitle Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City
Author Daniel Kane
Publisher Columbia University Press
Title First Published 25 July 2017
Format Paperback
ISBN-10 0231162979
ISBN-13 9780231162975
Publication Date 25 July 2017
Main content page count 296
Weight 16 oz.
Paperback – $30.00
296 Pages

Daniel Kane: Do You Have a Band?”: Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City
from Columbia University Press

new books magazine

More in: # Music Archive, - Book News, Archive K-L, Art & Literature News, FDM in New York, Patti Smith, STREET POETRY, Urban Art

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