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· Conrad Ferdinand Meyer: In der Sistina · Julia Malye: La Louisiane (Roman) · DEAR AWKWARDNESS tentoonstelling AVA NAVAS in PARK · Les oies sauvages par Guy de Maupassant · Claude McKay: To Winter · L’hiver par Anna de Noailles · Emerald Wounds: Selected Poems by Joyce Mansour · Maureen N. McLane: What You Want. Poems · Eileen Myles: a “Working Life” · Sophie Marceau: La Souterraine · Richard Meier: A Duration · Tammy Nguyen: O

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Conrad Ferdinand Meyer: In der Sistina

In der Sistina

In der Sistine dämmerhohem Raum,
Das Bibelbuch in seiner nerv’gen Hand,
Sitzt Michelangelo in wachem Traum,
Umhellt von einer kleinen Ampel Brand.

Laut spricht hinein er in die Mitternacht,
Als lauscht’ ein Gast ihm gegenüber hier,
Bald wie mit einer allgewalt’gen Macht,
Bald wieder wie mit seinesgleichen schier:

»Umfaßt, umgrenzt hab ich dich, ewig Sein,
Mit meinen großen Linien fünfmal dort!
Ich hüllte dich in lichte Mäntel ein
Und gab dir Leib, wie dieses Bibelwort.

Mit wehnden Haaren stürmst du feurigwild
Von Sonnen immer neuen Sonnen zu,
Für deinen Menschen bist in meinem Bild
Entgegenschwebend und barmherzig du!

So schuf ich dich mit meiner nicht’gen Kraft:
Damit ich nicht der größre Künstler sei,
Schaff mich – ich bin ein Knecht der Leidenschaft –
Nach deinem Bilde schaff mich rein und frei!

Den ersten Menschen formtest du aus Ton,
Ich werde schon von härterm Stoffe sein,
Da, Meister, brauchst du deinen Hammer schon,
Bildhauer Gott, schlag zu! Ich bin der Stein.«

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
(1825 – 1898)
In der Sistina

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Julia Malye: La Louisiane (Roman)

Pour la première fois depuis trois mois, elles discernent enfin le sable que leur cachait l’eau lors de la traversée de l’Atlantique, ce fond de l’océan qu’elles ont brièvement aperçu ce matin en débarquant de La Baleine.

Personne ne leur a expliqué où elles seraient logées ce soir, dans combien de temps elles seraient fiancées. On ne dit pas tout aux femmes.

Paris, 1720. Marguerite Pancatelin, la Supérieure de la Salpêtrière, est mandatée pour sélectionner une centaine de femmes « volontaires » qui seront envoyées en Louisiane afin d’y épouser les colons français. Parmi elles, trois amies improbables : une orpheline de douze ans à la langue bien pendue, une jeune aristocrate désargentée et rejetée par sa famille ainsi qu’une femme condamnée pour avortement.

Comme leurs compagnes à bord de La Baleine , Charlotte, Pétronille et Geneviève ignorent tout de ce qui les attend au-delà des mers. Et n’ont pas leur mot à dire sur leur avenir.

Ces étrangères réunies par le destin devront braver l’adversité – maladie, guerre, patriarcat –, traverser une vie faite de chagrins d’amour, de naissances et de deuils, de cruauté et de plaisirs inattendus. Et d’une amitié forgée dans le feu.

Un roman d’une profondeur et d’une émotion saisissantes, qui nous transporte au cœur d’une terre impitoyable, aux côtés d’héroïnes animées d’une extraordinaire soif d’amour et de vie.

Julia Malye est née à Paris en 1994. Elle a publié son premier roman, La Fiancée de Tocqueville (éditions Balland), à l’âge de 15 ans. Diplômée de Sciences Po et de la Sorbonne en sciences sociales et lettres modernes, elle est également titulaire d’un Master of Fine Arts en creative writing de l’Université d’État de l’Oregon. Elle est traductrice de l’anglais pour Les Belles Lettres et, depuis 2018, elle enseigne l’écriture de fiction à Sciences Po. Son quatrième roman, La Louisiane, écrit parallèlement en français et en anglais, est en cours de traduction dans plus de vingt pays et sera adapté en série.

La Louisiane
par Julia Malye
Ed. Stock
Paru le: 03 Janvier 2024
Format: 138 x 216 mm
560 pages
Ean: 9782234094116
Prix: €23.90

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Ana Navas, geboren in 1984 in Quito, Ecuador, en opgegroeid in Venezuela, is een multidisciplinair kunstenaar.

Haar werk richt zich op thema’s als assimilatie en toe-eigening, met de nadruk op de oorsprong van kunst- en designobjecten en de relatie tussen hoge en populaire cultuur.

‘Dear awkwardness’ is een persoonlijke brief waarin ze haar dank uitspreekt voor het concept van awkwardness. Ze erkent de negatieve invloed ervan op sociale situaties, maar omarmt ook de positieve invloed ervan en integreert het in het proces van het maken van haar kunst.

De bij PARK getoonde glaswerken zijn onlangs gemaakt bij MAKE in Eindhoven en laten deze ‘awkward mentaliteit’ zien.

tentoonstelling Ana Navas
02.03 – 07.04 2024

Platform for Visual Arts
Wilhelminapark 53
5041 ED Tilburg

Tijdens tentoonstellingen geopend:
vrijdag 13.00 – 17.00 uur
zaterdag 13.00 – 17.00 uur
zondag 13.00 – 17.00 uur
Toegang is gratis

PARK ligt op 10 minuten loopafstand van het Centraal Station Tilburg in de nabijheid van De Pont museum. Er is beperkt parkeergelegenheid voor de deur. Aan het Wilhelminapark geldt betaald parkeren van maandag t/m vrijdag tussen 9.00 en 15.00 uur.

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Les oies sauvages par Guy de Maupassant

Les oies sauvages

Tout est muet, l’oiseau ne jette plus ses cris.
La morne plaine est blanche au loin sous le ciel gris.
Seuls, les grands corbeaux noirs, qui vont cherchant leurs proies,
Fouillent du bec la neige et tachent sa pâleur.

Voilà qu’à l’horizon s’élève une clameur ;
Elle approche, elle vient, c’est la tribu des oies.
Ainsi qu’un trait lancé, toutes, le cou tendu,
Allant toujours plus vite, en leur vol éperdu,
Passent, fouettant le vent de leur aile sifflante.

Le guide qui conduit ces pèlerins des airs
Delà les océans, les bois et les déserts,
Comme pour exciter leur allure trop lente,
De moment en moment jette son cri perçant.

Comme un double ruban la caravane ondoie,
Bruit étrangement, et par le ciel déploie
Son grand triangle ailé qui va s’élargissant.

Mais leurs frères captifs répandus dans la plaine,
Engourdis par le froid, cheminent gravement.
Un enfant en haillons en sifflant les promène,
Comme de lourds vaisseaux balancés lentement.
Ils entendent le cri de la tribu qui passe,
Ils érigent leur tête ; et regardant s’enfuir
Les libres voyageurs au travers de l’espace,
Les captifs tout à coup se lèvent pour partir.
Ils agitent en vain leurs ailes impuissantes,
Et, dressés sur leurs pieds, sentent confusément,
A cet appel errant se lever grandissantes
La liberté première au fond du coeur dormant,
La fièvre de l’espace et des tièdes rivages.
Dans les champs pleins de neige ils courent effarés,
Et jetant par le ciel des cris désespérés
Ils répondent longtemps à leurs frères sauvages.

Guy de Maupassant
(1850 – 1893)
Les oies sauvages

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Claude McKay: To Winter


To Winter

Stay, season of calm love and soulful snows!
There is a subtle sweetness in the sun,
The ripples on the stream’s breast gaily run,
The wind more boisterously by me blows,
And each succeeding day now longer grows.
The birds a gladder music have begun,
The squirrel, full of mischief and of fun,
From maples’ topmost branch the brown twig throws.
I read these pregnant signs, know what they mean:
I know that thou art making ready to go.
Oh stay! I fled a land where fields are green
Always, and palms wave gently to and fro,
And winds are balmy, blue brooks ever sheen,
To ease my heart of its impassioned woe.

Claude McKay
(1889 – 1948)
To Winter

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L’hiver par Anna de Noailles


C’est l’hiver sans parfum ni chants.
Dans le pré, les brins de verdure
Percent de leurs jets fléchissants
La neige étincelante et dure.

Quelques buissons gardent encor
Des feuilles jaunes et cassantes
Que le vent âpre et rude mord
Comme font les chèvres grimpantes.

Et les arbres silencieux
Que toute cette neige isole
Ont cessé de se faire entre eux
Leurs confidences bénévoles.

– Bois feuillus qui, pendant l’été,
Au chaud des feuilles cotonneuses
Avez connu les voluptés
Et les cris des huppes chanteuses,

Vous qui, dans la douce saison,
Respiriez la senteur des gommes,
Vous frissonnez à l’horizon
Avec des gestes qu’ont les hommes.

Vous êtes las, vous êtes nus,
Plus rien dans l’air ne vous protège,
Et vos coeurs tendres ou chenus
Se désespèrent sur la neige.

– Et près de vous, frère orgueilleux,
Le sapin où le soleil brille
Balance les fruits écailleux
Qui luisent entre ses aiguilles.

Anna de Noailles
(1876 – 1933)

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Emerald Wounds: Selected Poems by Joyce Mansour

Joyce Mansour (1928–1986), a Syrian Jewish exile from Egypt, was born in England.

She became a well known female poet, author of 16 books of poetry, as well as a number of important prose and theatre pieces.

Mansour was 25 years old when she published her first book in Paris in 1953.

Her fierce, macabre, erotically charged works caught the eye of André Breton, who welcomed her into his Surrealist group and became her lifelong friend and ally.

Despite her success in surrealist circles, her books received scant attention from the literary establishment, which is hardly surprising since Mansour’s favorite topics happened to be two of society’s greatest fears: death and unfettered female desire.

She lived in Paris, France until her death in 1986 at the age of 58.

Now, over half a century later, Mansour’s time has come. Emerald Wounds collects her most important work, spanning the entire arc of her career, from the gothic, minimalist fragments of her first published work to the serpentine power of her poems of the 1980s.

In fresh new translations, Mansour’s voice surges forth uncensored and raw, communicating the frustrations, anger, and sadness of an intelligent, worldly woman who defies the constraints and oppression of a male-dominated society. Mansour is a poet the world needs today.

“You know very well, Joyce, that you are for me –and very objectively too– the greatest poet of our time. Surrealist poetry, that’s you.” –André Breton


“A woman created the sun

Inside her

And her hands were beautiful

The earth plunged beneath her feet

Assailing her with the fertile breath

Of volcanoes “


Emerald Wounds: Selected Poems
by Joyce Mansour (Author)
Garrett Caples (Editor)
Emilie Moorhouse (Translator)
Published by City Lights
ISBN: 9780872869011
July 25, 2023
217 pages
26,99 euro

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Maureen N. McLane: What You Want. Poems

In her first book of poems since the scintillating More Anon: Selected Poems, Maureen N. McLane offers a bravura, trenchant sounding out of inner and outer weathers.

What You Want is a book of core landscapes, mindscapes, and shifting moods. Meditative, lyrical, alert to seasons and pressures on our shared life, McLane registers and shapes an ambient unease.

Whether skying with John Constable or walking on wintry paths in our precarious republic, the poet channels what Wordsworth called “moods of my own mind” while she scans for our common horizon.

Here are poems filled with gulls and harbors, blinking red lights and empty lobster traps, beach roses and rumored sharks, eels and crows, wind turbines and superhighways.

From Sappho to the Luminist painter Fitz Henry Lane, from constellations to microplastics, What You Want is a book alive to the cosmos as well as to our moment, with its many vexations and intermittent illuminations.

In poems of powerful command and delicate invitation, moving from swift notations to sustained sequences, this collection sees McLane testing what (if anything) might “outlast the coming heat.”

And meanwhile, “There’s no end / to beauty and shit.”

Maureen N. McLane is a poet, memoirist, critic, and educator. She has published eight books of poetry, including This Blue, Finalist for the National Book Award, and Some Say, Finalist for the Audre Lorde/Publishing Triangle Award and for The Believer Award in Poetry. She is also the author of an experimental hybrid of memoir and criticism, My Poets, a New York Times Notable Book. Other works include two monographs on British romantic poetics and numerous essays on romantic-era and contemporary literature and culture. Her poems have been translated into Italian, French, Greek, Spanish, and Czech and have recently appeared in the London Review of Books, Poesia, The New York Review of Books, and The Yale Review. Her essays have appeared in the LRB, The New York Times Book Review, and the Los Angeles Review of Books. She is the Henry James Professor of English and American Letters at New York University. Her latest book is What You Want: poems, just out from Farrar, Straus and Giroux and Penguin UK.

What You Want.
by Maureen N. McLane
Publisher: ‎ Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2 mei 2023)
Language: English
128 pages
ISBN-10‎ 0374607257
ISBN-13‎ 978-0374607258

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Eileen Myles: a “Working Life”

From “one of the essential voices in American poetry” (New York Times) comes a rich new collection of expansive, light-footed, and cheerfully foreboding poems oddly in tune with our strange and evolving present.

The first new collection since Evolution from the prolific poet, activist, and writer Eileen Myles, a “Working Life” unerringly captures the measure of life. Whether alone or in relationship, on city sidewalks or in the country, their lyrics always engage with permanence and mortality, danger and safety, fear and wonder.

a “Working Life” is a book transfixed by the everyday: the “sweet accumulation” of birds outside a window, a cup of coffee and a slice of pizza, a lover’s foot on the bed.

These poems arise in the close quarters of air travel, the flashing of a landscape through a train window, or simply in a truck tooling around town, or on foot with a dog in all the places that held us during the pandemic lock-downs.

Myles’s lines unabashedly sing the happy contradictions of love and sex, spill over with warnings about the not-so future world threatened by climate change and capitalism, and also find transcendent wonder in the landscapes and animals around us, and in the solitary and collective act of caring for one another and our world.

With intelligence, heart, and singular vision, a “Working Life” shows Eileen Myles working at a thrilling new pitch of their poetic and philosophical powers.

Eileen Myles (they/them) came to New York from Boston in 1974 to be a poet. Their books include Pathetic Literature, For Now (an essay/talk about writing), Evolution, Afterglow (a dog memoir), I Must Be Living Twice: new and selected poems, and Chelsea Girls. The Trip, their super-8 puppet road film can be seen on YouTube. Eileen has received a Guggenheim Fellowship and was recently elected a member of the American Academy of Arts & Letters. They live in New York and Marfa, TX.

a “Working Life”
Author: Eileen Myles
Language: English
Publisher: Grove Press
Publication Date: 2023-04-18
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780802161895
ISBN-10: 0802161898
Pages: 288
List Price: $26.00

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Sophie Marceau: La Souterraine

Les treize histoires et sept poèmes qui composent ce livre se répondent et se complètent:

Au fil des récits, des fables, des fragments de vie, des poésies, il s’agit toujours de dévoiler un mystère, un secret, la part souterraine…

Les mots s’insinuent comme il faut pour toucher ce qu’il y a à toucher, et dire ce qu’il y a à en dire. Avec finesse et intensité.

Et c’est un plaisir de plonger dans ces textes – débordants d’imagination, de fantaisie, basculant souvent de l’observation la plus juste à une imprévisible drôlerie.

Sophie Marceau: actrice, réalisatrice et scénariste, elle publie avec La Souterraine son deuxième livre après Menteuse (Stock, 1996).

Sophie Marceau (Auteur)
La Souterraine
Cinéma, littérature et poésie
Editeur Seghers
Paru le 4 mai 2023
Format: broché
EAN 9782232146831
ISBN 2232146839
SKU 5292114
Nombre de pages 160
Format 14cm x 19cm
€ 17,00

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Richard Meier: A Duration

In the poem-essays that comprise A Duration, writing is a physical act where writing and lived experience support one another in bodies—animal, plant, mineral, and word bodies—that are injured and heal, that die and continue in new forms, playing new roles.

Here, in his fifth book, Richard Meier transmutes years of daily practices of attention—be it to a line spoken by Lear’s Fool, a train to Kingston, or “red inside green stem below eight white petals in a spiral with space between them attached to the yellow center”—into mesmerizing trajectories through an always unfolding present.

In the collapse of the border between writing and the body, A Duration, “play[s] both hearts with a heartbeat and kinship of place, time, mundanity in the continuous onrushing imagined joy.”

Richard Meier’s second book of poetry, Shelley Gave Jane a Guitar, was published by Wave Books in 2006. His first book, Terrain Vague, was selected by Tomaž Šalamun for the Verse Prize and published by Verse Press in 2001. His book In the Pure Block of the Whole Imaginary was published by Omnidawn in 2012. He is writer-in-residence at Carthage College and lives in Chicago, IL and Madison, WI.

Richard Meier
A Duration
Publication: 6 June 2023
Publisher: ‎Wave Books
Language: ‎Engish
Paperback: ‎120 pages
Regular price $18.00

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Tammy Nguyen: O

In O, artist and writer Tammy Nguyen returns to Vietnam to visit the caves of the Phong Nha Karst.

This journey into the Karst’s “wind-carved teeth” resounds with the traditional songs of Nguyen’s guides, whose melodies produce the O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O that echoes through narratives woven together around it as a visual and sonic spine: the story of Nguyen’s Uncle Van, an opportunistic businessman who traded in Vietnamese porcelain vessels; her coming-of-age as a child with missing teeth, and the material and mineral histories of the veneers that eventually completed her “American Smile”; the plastic paradise of the man-made island of Forest City, a simulacrum of natural beauty kept uncannily bright and lush by the flow of global investment capital; and, behind it all, a retelling of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave that supplies what the original parable lacked: an understanding of fantasy’s role in the construction of a sublime.

In O’s anti-allegory, the personal and geopolitical sit uncomfortably alongside one another. The shape of a bowl becomes the mouth of a cave. The uncanny naturalism of Nguyen’s zirconium veneers reflect Forest City’s manicured paradise.

What emerges is a kaleidoscopic meditation on the play of language across scales: how it rebounds between our stories of self and the semantic regimes of global capital alike.

Tammy Nguyen is a multimedia artist and writer whose work spans painting, drawing, printmaking, and publishing. Intersecting geopolitical realities with fiction, her practice addresses lesser-known histories through a blend of myth and visual narrative. She is the founder of Passenger Pigeon Press, an independent press that joins the work of scientists, journalists, creative writers, and artists to create politically nuanced and cross-disciplinary projects. In 2008, she received a Fulbright scholarship to study lacquer painting in Vietnam, where she remained and worked with a ceramics company for three years thereafter. Nguyen received an MFA from Yale in 2013 and was awarded the Van Lier Fellowship at Wave Hill in 2014 and a NYFA Fellowship in painting in 2021. She was included in Greater New York 2021 at MOMA PS1 and has also exhibited at Nichido Contemporary Art in Japan, Smack Mellon, Rubin Museum, The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre in Vietnam, and the Bronx Museum, among others. Her work is included in the collections of Yale University, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, MIT Library, the Seattle Art Museum, the Walker Art Center Library, and the Museum of Modern Art Library. She is Assistant Professor of Art at Wesleyan University.

by Tammy Nguyen
Publisher: Ugly Duckling Presse
Product Number:9781946433916
ISBN: 978-1-946433-91-6
Price: $ 30.00

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