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«« Previous page · In de man zit nog een jongen. Willem Wilmink – De biografie door Elsbeth Etty · Chronicles of a Liquid Society by Umberto Eco · This is Not the End of the Book by Umberto Eco & Jean-Claude Carrière · In Her Own Words. The Life and Poetry of Aelia Eudocia by Brian P. Sowers · The Choice. Embrace the Possible by Edith Eva Eger · Hans-Dieter Rutsch: Der Wanderer. Das Leben des Theodor Fontane · Julie Egdell: Alice in Winterland. Poetry · Aslı Erdoğan: The Stone Building and Other Places · Conan Doyle for the defense. The True Story of a Sensational British Murder, a Quest for Justice, and the World’s Most Famous Detective Writer by Margalit Fox · Rachel Feder: Harvester of Hearts. Motherhood under the Sign of Frankenstein · M.C. Escher in Fries Museum · Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s Greatest Poems

»» there is more...

In de man zit nog een jongen. Willem Wilmink – De biografie door Elsbeth Etty

Willem Wilmink (1936-2003) is een van de meest geliefde dichters van Nederland.

Zijn eenvoudige maar treffende gedichten en liedjes, veelal geschreven voor legendarische tv-programma’s als De Stratemakeropzeeshow, J.J. de Bom en De film van Ome Willem, spreken iedereen aan. ‘De oude school’, ‘Deze vuist op deze vuist’ en ‘Ben Ali Libi’ behoren tot de canon van de Nederlandse literatuur. Hetzelfde geldt voor Wilminks hertalingen van Middeleeuwse klassiekers. Hij was een groot kenner van poëzie uit alle tijdvakken en in al haar verschijningsvormen.

Zijn werk is doortrokken van heimwee naar een veilige kinderwereld die nooit heeft bestaan. Naar eigen zeggen is Wilmink altijd elf jaar gebleven, wat aanvankelijk zijn loopbaan en privéleven ernstig frustreerde, maar tegelijkertijd zijn poëtische kapitaal bleek. Met humor en zelfspot maakte hij zijn lange tijd door miskenning en afwijzing getekende leven leefbaar.

Voor In de man zit nog een jongen sprak neerlandicus en journalist Elsbeth Etty met tientallen tijdgenoten en intimi van Wilmink. Het resultaat is een intiem en niets verhullend portret.

Elsbeth Etty (1951) is literair criticus, columnist en voormalig bijzonder hoogleraar literaire kritiek. Ze publiceerde o.a. verschillende essay- en columnbundels. Voor Liefde is heel het leven niet, haar biografie van Henriette Roland Holst, werd ze genomineerd voor de AKO Literatuurprijs en bekroond met de Gouden Uil en de Busken Huetprijs.

In de man zit nog een jongen
Willem Wilmink – De biografie
Auteur: Elsbeth Etty
Uitgeverij: Nijgh & van Ditmar
NUR: 321
Taal Nederlands
Bladzijden 552 pp.
Bindwijze Hardcover
ISBN: 9789038806112
Publicatiedatum: 22-01-2019
Prijs: € 34,99

# New books
Willem Wilmink – De biografie
Auteur: Elsbeth Etty

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Chronicles of a Liquid Society by Umberto Eco

The final book from one of Europe’s cultural giants: an entertaining collection of essays about the modern world – from unbridled individualism to mobile phones.

Umberto Eco was an international cultural superstar. A celebrated essayist as well as novelist, in this, his last collection, he explores many aspects of the modern world with irrepressible curiosity and wisdom written in his uniquely ironic voice.

Written by Eco as articles for his regular column in l’Espresso magazine, he brings his dazzling erudition, incisiveness and keen sense of the everyday to bear on topics such as popular culture and politics, unbridled individualism, conspiracies, the old and the young, mobile phones, mass media, racism, good manners and the crisis in ideological values.

It is a final gift to his readers – astute, witty and illuminating.

“ A swan song from one of Europe’s great intellectuals…Eco entertains with his intellect, humor, and insatiable curiosity…there’s much here to enjoy and ponder ”.  Tim Parks, Guardian

Chronicles of a Liquid Society
by Umberto Eco
ISBN 9781784705206
ISNB 9781911215318
Harvill Secker / Vintage
320 pages
Language & Literary Studies

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Chronicles of a Liquid Society
by Umberto Eco

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This is Not the End of the Book by Umberto Eco & Jean-Claude Carrière

The perfect gift for book lovers: a beautifully designed hardcover in which two of the world’s great men have a delightfully rambling conversation about the future of the book in the digital era, and decide it is here to stay.

‘The book is like the spoon: once invented, it cannot be bettered.’ Umberto Eco These days it is almost impossible to get away from discussions of whether the ‘book’ will survive the digital revolution.

Blogs, tweets and newspaper articles on the subject appear daily, many of them repetitive, most of them admitting they don’t know what will happen. Amidst the twittering, the thoughts of Jean-Claude Carrière and Umberto Eco come as a breath of fresh air. There are few people better placed to discuss the past, present and future of the book. Both avid book collectors with a deep understanding of history, they have explored through their work the many and varied ways ideas have been represented through the ages.

This thought-provoking book takes the form of a long conversation in which Carrière and Eco discuss everything from what can be defined as the first book to what is happening to knowledge now that infinite amounts of information are available at the click of a mouse. En route there are delightful digressions into personal anecdote. We find out about Eco’s first computer and the book Carrière is most sad to have sold.

Readers will close this entertaining book feeling they have had the privilege of eavesdropping on an intimate discussion between two great minds. And while, as Carrière says, the one certain thing about the future is that it is unpredictable, it is clear from this conversation that, in some form or other, the book will survive.

Umberto Eco (1932–2016) wrote fiction, literary criticism and philosophy. His first novel, The Name of the Rose, was a major international bestseller. His other works include Foucault’s Pendulum, The Island of the Day Before, Baudolino, The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, The Prague Cemetery and Numero Zero along with many brilliant collections of essays.

Jean-Claude Carrière is a writer, playwright and screenwriter. He is notably the co-author of Conversations About the End of Time (with Stephen Jay Gould, Umberto Eco, etc.) He has also worked with Peter Brook, Milos Forman, Buñuel, Godard and the Dalaï Lama.

This is Not the End of the Book
A conversation curated by Jean-Philippe de Tonnac
By Umberto Eco, Jean-Claude Carrière
Language & Literary Studies
ISBN 9780099552451
Vintage Publ.
352 pages

# new books
This is Not the End of the Book
Umberto Eco & Jean-Claude Carrière magazine

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In Her Own Words. The Life and Poetry of Aelia Eudocia by Brian P. Sowers

In Her Own Words: The Life and Poetry of Aelia Eudocia is the first full-length study to examine Eudocia’s writings as a unified whole and to situate them within their wider fifth-century literary, social, and religious contexts.

Responsible for over 3,000 lines of extant poetry, Eudocia is one of the best-preserved ancient female poets. Because she wrote in a literary mode frequently suppressed by proto-orthodox (male) leaders, much of her poetry does not survive, and what does survive remains understudied and underappreciated.

This book represents a detailed investigation into Eudocia’s works: her epigraphic poem in honor of the therapeutic bath at Hammat Gader, her Homeric cento—a poetic paraphrase of the Bible using lines from Homer—and her epic on the fictional magician-turned-Christian, Cyprian of Antioch.

Reading her poetry as a whole and in context, Eudocia emerges as an exceptional author representing three unique late-antique communities: poets interested in preserving and transforming classical literature; Christians whose religious views positioned them outside and against traditional power structures; and women who challenged social, religious, and literary boundaries.

Brian P. Sowers is Assistant Professor of Classics at Brooklyn College, City University of New York.

In Her Own Words
The Life and Poetry of Aelia Eudocia
Brian P. Sowers
Hellenic Studies Series 80
Harvard University Press
ISBN 9780674987371
275 pages
Publication: January 2019

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Aelia Eudocia
Life and work – poetry magazine

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The Choice. Embrace the Possible by Edith Eva Eger

It’s 1944 and sixteen-year-old ballerina and gymnast Edith Eger is sent to Auschwitz.

Separated from her parents on arrival, she endures unimaginable experiences, including being made to dance for the infamous Josef Mengele. When the camp is finally liberated, she is pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive.

The horrors of the Holocaust didn’t break Edith. In fact, they helped her learn to live again with a life-affirming strength and a truly remarkable resilience. The Choice is her unforgettable story.

“Edith’s strength and courage are remarkable…her life and work are an incredible example of forgiveness, resilience, and generosity.”— Sheryl Sandberg

Edith Eva Eger
An eminent psychologist and one of the few remaining Holocaust survivors old enough to remember life in the camps, Dr. Edith Eger has worked with veterans, military personnel, and victims of physical and mental trauma. She lives in La Jolla. The Choice is her first book.

“One of those rare and eternal stories that you don’t want to end and that leave you forever changed.” — Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

The Choice.
Embrace the Possible
by Edith Eva Eger
Winner of the 2017 National Jewish Book Award and 2018 Christopher Award
Publisher: Scribner Book Company
Language: English
Hardcover: 304 pages
(September 5, 2017)
Paperback: 320 pages
(September 2018)

# new novel
Dr. Edith Eva Eger magazine

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Hans-Dieter Rutsch: Der Wanderer. Das Leben des Theodor Fontane

Theodor Fontane ist der große Dichter des alten Preußen – und er war zugleich ein zutiefst moderner Charakter. Hans-Dieter Rutsch entdeckt diesen Fontane neu.

Er erzählt sein Leben und erkundet seine Welt, seine Orte in ihrer historischen Dimension wie in ihrer Gegenwart. In Neuruppin, Fontanes Kindheitsstadt, steht noch die Apotheke, die der Vater durch Spielschulden verlor. Auch der Sohn wurde Apotheker, begann zu schreiben und wurde politisch.

In der Revolution 1848 kämpfe Fontane auf den Berliner Barrikaden, und mit dreißig entschloss er sich zu einem Leben als freier Schriftsteller. Seine Wege führten ihn als Kriegsberichterstatter nach Paris, wo er als Spion verhaftet wurde, nach London, wo der die Nachtseiten der Industrialisierung sah; da ist aber auch das Sehnsuchtsland Schlesien; und immer wieder Brandenburg, wo der Romancier das Menschliche studierte.

Für Fontane waren diese Reisen literarisch-journalistischer Auftrag, seine Familie ließ er oft in prekären Bedingungen zurück. Dieses Buch entdeckt einen hellsichtigen, in seiner Zeit neuartigen Dichter, der rastlos das frühmoderne Deutschland beschrieb und darin auch unsere Gegenwart, der sich schon damals nach Entschleunigung, Schlichtheit sehnte – einen doppelten Fontane, der unser Zeitgenosse ist.

Hans-Dieter Rutsch, geboren 1954, arbeitete als Dramaturg, Autor und Regisseur beim DEFA Studio für Dokumentarfilme in Babelsberg. 1995 begründete er die Havel-Film Babelsberg. Er realisierte über fünfzig Dokumentationen, Features und Reportagen vor allem zu Themen der ostdeutschen und osteuropäischen Zeitgeschichte. 2012 erschien sein Buch «Die letzten Deutschen. Schicksale aus Schlesien und Ostpreußen».

“Von unseren großen Schriftstellern ist er der unterhaltsamste und von unseren unterhaltsamsten der intelligenteste.” Marcel Reich-Ranicki über Theodor Fontane

Titel: Der Wanderer.
Das Leben des Theodor Fontane
Autor: Hans-Dieter Rutsch
1. Auflage
20. November 2018
Rowohlt Berlin
400 Seiten
Zahlreiche s/w Abbildungen
ISBN: 3737100268
EAN: 9783737100267
€ 26,00

# new books
Der Wanderer von Hans-Dieter Rutsch
Das Leben des Theodor Fontane magazine

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Julie Egdell: Alice in Winterland. Poetry

Alice in Winterland is the story of a strange and subversive wonderland, of a worm who thinks he is a caterpillar and the Baba Yaga who became a witch. It’s a book about life in post-Soviet Russia, mad hatters, tears and temptations. It is a story of exile, heartbreak, loneliness and longing, about falling down a cultural and linguistic rabbit hole.

Julie Egdell has been published in magazines and anthologies in the UK, Mexico and France in Bloodaxe’s Hallelujah for 50ft Women and Ek Zuban’s The Break-Out Anthology. She also features in theDark Matter 4 chapbook published by Black Light Engine Room Press. Alice in Winterland is her first full-length collection. She lives in Whitley Bay.

Growing up in Whitley Bay, Julie Egdell never knew how much she had in common with Lewis Carroll’s Alice. But when she went to work in St Petersburg she discovered that she was the spitting image of the Russian version of Alice – not Tenniel’s blonde school-girl, but the dark-haired ‘Alisa’ of Soviet illustrated children’s stories, sarcastic and cruel and very Russian. A new city, a new language and a new identity. What could possibly go wrong?

I watch boats come in.
Not so many as years gone by, but a few.
I am not an English rose
but a thistle on this bank,

hard and sharp.
In the northern city,
the only place I have
to call home.

(from: Collingwood)

Julie Egdell:
Alice in Winterland
Publisher: Smokestack Books
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0995563594
ISBN-13: 978-0995563599
Released on December 31, 2017
Price: £7.95
84 pages

# New poetry
Julie Egdell
• magazine

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Aslı Erdoğan: The Stone Building and Other Places

Vivid stories from one of Turkey’s most admired contemporary female authors, whose political activism has made her the target of state persecution.

Three interconnected stories feature women whose lives have been interrupted by forces beyond their control. Exile, serious illness, or the imprisonment of one’s beloved are each met with versions of strength and daring, while there is no undoing what fate has wrought. These atmospheric, introspective tales culminate in an experimental, multi-voiced novella, whose “stone building” is a metaphor for the various oppressive institutions—prisons, police HQs, hospitals and psychiatric asylums—that dominate the lives of all of these characters. Here is a literary distillation of the alienation, helplessness, and controlled fury of exile and incarceration—both physical and mental—presented in a series of moving, allegorical portraits of lives ensnared by the structures of power.

Aslı Erdoğan (Istanbul, 1967) is a renowned, prize-winning author, journalist, and human rights activist whose fiction has been translated into many languages. She has published novels, collections of short stories and poetic prose, and selections from her political essays. As a journalist, she has covered controversial topics such as state violence, discrimination, and human rights, for which she has been persecuted in a variety of ways.

Erdogan was imprisoned for four months by the Turkish government in a sweeping roundup of dissident voices after the failed coup attempt of July 2016. The subject of both PEN International and PEN America advocacy campaigns, she was released from prison in late December 2016.

This is her second work to be translated into English.

“Aslı Erdoğan is an exceptionally perceptive and sensitive writer who always produces perfect literary texts.”—Orhan Pamuk, author of The Red-Haired Woman

Title The Stone Building and Other Places
Author Aslı Erdoğan
Translated by Sevinç Türkkan
Publisher City Lights Publishers
literature in translation
Title First Published 27 February 2018
Format Paperback
ISBN-10 0872867501
ISBN-13 9780872867505
Publication Date 27 February 2018
Main content page count 174
List Price $15.95

# new novel
Aslı Erdoğan magazine

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Conan Doyle for the defense. The True Story of a Sensational British Murder, a Quest for Justice, and the World’s Most Famous Detective Writer by Margalit Fox

For all the scores of biographies of Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the most famous detective in the world, there is no recent book that tells this remarkable story—in which Conan Doyle becomes a real-life detective on an actual murder case.

In Conan Doyle for the Defense, Margalit Fox takes us step by step inside Conan Doyle’s investigative process and illuminates a murder mystery that is also a morality play for our time—a story of ethnic, religious, and anti-immigrant bias.

In 1908, a wealthy woman was brutally murdered in her Glasgow home. The police found a convenient suspect in Oscar Slater—an immigrant Jewish cardsharp—who, despite his obvious innocence, was tried, convicted, and consigned to life at hard labor in a brutal Scottish prison.

Conan Doyle, already world famous as the creator of Sherlock Holmes, was outraged by this injustice and became obsessed with the case. Using the methods of his most famous character, he scoured trial transcripts, newspaper accounts, and eyewitness statements, meticulously noting myriad holes, inconsistencies, and outright fabrications by police and prosecutors. Finally, in 1927, his work won Slater’s freedom.

Margalit Fox, a celebrated longtime writer for The New York Times, has “a nose for interesting facts, the ability to construct a taut narrative arc, and a Dickens-level gift for concisely conveying personality” (Kathryn Schulz, New York). In Conan Doyle for the Defense, she immerses readers in the science of Edwardian crime detection and illuminates a watershed moment in the history of forensics, when reflexive prejudice began to be replaced by reason and the scientific method.

A senior writer at The New York Times, Margalit Fox is considered one of the foremost explanatory writers and literary stylists in American journalism. As a member of the newspaper’s celebrated obituary news department, she has written front-page send-offs of some of the leading cultural figures of our age. (Conan Doyle for the Defense is in many ways a fond belated obituary for the long-overlooked Oscar Slater, an immigrant everyman treated inexcusably by history.) Fox’s previous book, The Riddle of the Labyrinth, won the William Saroyan International Prize for Writing. She lives in Manhattan with her husband, the writer and critic George Robinson.

Conan Doyle for the Defense
The True Story of a Sensational British Murder, a Quest for Justice, and the World’s Most Famous Detective Writer
By Margalit Fox
Published by Random House
Random House
Jun 26, 2018
352 Pages
ISBN 9780399589454

new books magazine

More in: #Biography Archives, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive E-F, Art & Literature News, Arthur Conan Doyle, CRIME & PUNISHMENT, Sherlock Holmes Theatre

Rachel Feder: Harvester of Hearts. Motherhood under the Sign of Frankenstein

In the period between 1815 and 1820, Mary Shelley wrote her most famous novel, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, as well as its companion piece, Mathilda, a tragic incest narrative that was confiscated by her father, William Godwin, and left unpublished until 1959. She also gave birth to four—and lost three—children.

In this hybrid text, Rachel Feder interprets Frankenstein and Mathilda within a series of provocative frameworks including Shelley’s experiences of motherhood and maternal loss, twentieth-century feminists’ interests in and attachments to Mary Shelley, and the critic’s own experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood.

Harvester of Hearts explores how Mary Shelley’s exchanges with her children—in utero, in birth, in life, and in death—infuse her literary creations. Drawing on the archives of feminist scholarship, Feder theorizes “elective affinities,” a term she borrows from Goethe to interrogate how the personal attachments of literary critics shape our sense of literary history.

Feder blurs the distinctions between intellectual, bodily, literary, and personal history, reanimating the classical feminist discourse on Frankenstein by stepping into the frame.

The result—at once an experimental book of literary criticism, a performative foray into feminist praxis, and a deeply personal lyric essay—not only locates Mary Shelley’s monsters within the folds of maternal identity but also illuminates the connections between the literary and the quotidian.

Rachel Feder is an assistant professor of English and literary arts at the University of Denver. Her scholarly and creative work has appeared in a range of publications including ELH, Studies in Romanticism, and a poetry chapbook from dancing girl press.

Rachel Feder (Author)
Harvester of Hearts
Motherhood under the Sign of Frankenstein
Cloth Text – $99.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3753-0
Paper Text – $34.95
ISBN 978-0-8101-3752-3
August 2018
Women’s Studies
Literary Criticism
152 pages
Northwestern University Press

new books magazine

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M.C. Escher in Fries Museum

Het Fries Museum haalt M.C. Escher terug naar zijn geboortestad Leeuwarden. In Escher op reis (28 april t/m 28 oktober 2018) volg je zijn ontwikkeling van grafisch talent tot wereldberoemd kunstenaar.

Met meer dan tachtig originele prenten, circa twintig tekeningen en diverse foto’s en voorwerpen treed je in de voetsporen van de reislustige graficus, die in Italië, Zwitserland en Spanje inspiratie vond voor zijn bekendste werken.

De reis begint in het grauwe platte Nederland en voert je mee naar de zon en de bergen van de Méditerranée. Eschers reislust blijkt bepalend voor zijn artistieke ontwikkeling. De schetsen die hij onderweg maakte, zijn de inspiratie voor de topstukken waarin hij jaren later de werkelijkheid naar zijn hand zette. De tentoonstelling eindigt met deze iconische werken die Escher zo bekend en geliefd maken.

Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) werd geboren in het stadspaleis van Leeuwarden, waar tegenwoordig Keramiekmuseum Princessehof gevestigd is. Na zijn studie trok Escher de wijde wereld in.

Hij verhuisde naar Italië, waar hij gelukkige en productieve jaren beleefde. Op een ezel trok hij de bergen in om charmante dorpjes en karakteristieke vergezichten vast te leggen. Zodra het donker werd bond hij een zaklampje aan zijn knoopsgat en schetste hij de aanblik van Rome bij nacht.

De prenten uit deze periode verraden Eschers fascinatie voor opvallende perspectieven en beeldcompilaties. Na omzwervingen langs Zwitserland en België belandde hij uiteindelijk in Baarn. Daar verwerkte Escher zijn mediterraanse indrukken tot complexe beelden en onmogelijke werelden. Aan het einde van Eschers reis laat hij met topstukken als Belvédère (1958) en Metamorphose II (1939-1940) niet alleen zijn technische kunnen en wiskundige trucjes zien; wie goed kijkt ontdekt ook zijn voorliefde voor het Italiaanse landschap.

Het jaar dat Leeuwarden Culturele Hoofdstad van Europa is, staat het Fries Museum in het teken van Escher. Naast Escher op reis, presenteert het museum het hele jaar de tentoonstelling Phantom Limb: art beyond Escher. Met indrukwekkende installaties zetten hedendaagse (inter)nationale kunstenaars je op het verkeerde been. Ze scheppen een wereld waarin niets is wat het lijkt, net zoals Escher dat deed. Bovendien daagt het museum mensen uit om zich te laten inspireren door de wereldberoemde graficus. De uiteenlopende projecten worden samengebracht op  # website

m.c. escher
escher op reis
Nog t/m 28 oktober 2018
Fries Museum – leeuwarden

publicatie bij ‘escher op reis’
fries museum brengt rijk geïllustreerd escherboek uit

Bij de grootschalige tentoonstelling Escher op reis verschijnt een tweetalige publicatie in het Nederlands en Engels. Net als in de tentoonstelling volg je in het boek de reizen van de wereldberoemde graficus M.C. Escher, die een bepalende invloed hadden op zijn persoonlijke en artistieke ontwikkeling. De catalogus bevat alle prenten die te zien zijn in Escher op reis en kost 29,95 euro. Het boek wordt uitgegeven door het Fries Museum in samenwerking met de M.C. Escher Stichting, Maurits S.r.l. en WBOOKS.

Escher op reis – Escher’s Journey
Federico Giudiceandrea
In samenwerking met het Fries Museum
Tentoonstelling t/m 28 oktober 2018
ISBN 978 94 625 8275 0
Aantal pagina’s 186
Formaat 20 x 25 cm
Illustraties ca. 100 afbeeldingen kleur
Uitvoering Hardback
WBooks –  2018
Taal Engels, Nederlands
Wbooks – € 29,95

Exhibition M.C. Escher in Fries Museum
new books magazine

More in: - Book News, Archive E-F, Art & Literature News, Exhibition Archive, Illustrators, Illustration, M.C. Escher

Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s Greatest Poems

Just in time for his 99th birthday, New Directions is proud to present a swift, terrific chronological selection of Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s greatest poems.

Through this tight lens, it is now possible to see Ferlinghetti—a brilliant and prolific poet—in a richer, broader, and more complex way. From his very first landmark books—Pictures of the Gone World (City Lights, 1955) and A Coney Island of the Mind (New Directions, 1958)—to new work, Ferlinghetti’s Greatest Poems displays every stage of this multifaceted writer’s long and celebrated career. It’s exciting to revisit in one slender volume so much of the splendid, playful, and trenchant work of one of America’s greatest and most popular poets.

“A brave man and a brave poet.”––Bob Dylan

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet and founder of City Lights Books, author of A Coney Island of the Mind and Pictures of the Gone World, among numerous other books, has been drawing from life since his student days in Paris where he frequented the Academie Julien and where he did his first oil painting.

“Lawrence gets you laughing and then hits you with the truth.”––Francis Ford Coppola

Title: Ferlinghetti’s Greatest Poems
Author: Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Edited by Nancy J. Peters
Publisher New Directions Publishing Corporation
Format Hardcover, $16.95
144 pp.
ISBN-10 081122712X
ISBN-13 9780811227124
Publication Date 21 November 2017

new poetry books magazine

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