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«« Previous page · Thomas Ashe: Meet We no Angels, Pansie? · Bert Bevers: Amper een bestemming · Guillaume Apollinaire: Mon Lou je veux te reparler · Song by Aphra Behn · Bert Bevers: Jaag zacht · Schubert’s Winter Journey. Anatomy of an Obsession by Ian Bostridge · Paul Bezembinder: Styxoтворение · John Barbour: Freedom · Guillaume Apollinaire: C’est l’hiver · Lies Jane Austen Told Me by: Julie Wright · Gabriële by Anne & Claire Berest: The saga of a surrealist muse, from Montmartre to New York · Frank Behrendt: Die Winnetou-Strategie Werde zum Häuptling deines Lebens

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Thomas Ashe: Meet We no Angels, Pansie?


Meet We no Angels, Pansie?

Came, on a Sabbath noon, my sweet,
In white, to find her lover;
The grass grew proud beneath her feet,
The green elm-leaves above her:–
Meet we no angels, Pansie?

She said, ‘We meet no angels now’;
And soft lights stream’d upon her;
And with white hand she touch’d a bough;
She did it that great honour:–
What! meet no angels, Pansie?

O sweet brown hat, brown hair, brown eyes,
Down-dropp’d brown eyes, so tender!
Then what said I? Gallant replies
Seem flattery, and offend her:–
But–meet no angels, Pansie?

Thomas Ashe
Meet We no Angels, Pansie? magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, CLASSIC POETRY

Bert Bevers: Amper een bestemming

Amper een bestemming

Van om de hoek is daar opeens
dat meisje: haar rechterhand
trekt een ballon, hartvormig
glimmend rood. Ze oogt zich

er niet van bewust, deint samen
met het ding naar amper een
bestemming. Geen lust in
doelgericht lopen is haar aan

te zien. De straat draagt haar
welhaast verlegen.


Bert Bevers
gedicht: Amper een bestemming
Verschenen in Appel, jaargang 19, nummer 1, Sint-Truiden, 1994

Bert Bevers is a poet and writer who lives and works in Antwerp (Be) magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert

Guillaume Apollinaire: Mon Lou je veux te reparler


Mon Lou je veux te reparler

Mon Lou je veux te reparler maintenant de l’Amour
Il monte dans mon cœur comme le soleil sur le jour
Et soleil il agite ses rayons comme des fouets
Pour activer nos âmes et les lier
Mon amour c’est seulement ton bonheur
Et ton bonheur c’est seulement ma volonté
Ton amour doit être passionné de douleur
Ma volonté se confond avec ton désir et ta beauté
Ah ! Ah ! te revoilà devant moi toute nue
Captive adorée toi la dernière venue
Tes seins ont le goût pâle des kakis et des figues de Barbarie
Hanches fruits confits je les aime maa chérie
L’écume de la mer dont naquit la déesse
Évoque celle-là qui naît de ma caresse
Si tu marches Splendeur tes yeux ont le luisant
D’un sabre au doux regard prêt à se teindre de sang
Si tu te couches Douceur tu deviens mon orgie
Et le mets savoureux de notre liturgie
Si tu te courbes Ardeur comme une flamme au vent
Des atteintes du feu jamais rien n’est décevant
Je flambe dans ta flamme et suis de ton amour
Le phénix qui se meurt et renaît chaque jour
Chaque jour
Mon amour
Va vers toi ma chérie
Comme un tramway
Il grince et crie
Sur les rails où je vais
La nuit m’envoie ses violettes
Reçois-les car je te les jette
Le soleil est mort doucement
Comme est mort l’ancien roman
De nos fausses amours passées
Les violettes sont tressées
Si d’or te couronnait le jour
La nuit t’enguirlande à son tour

Guillaume Apollinaire
(1880 – 1918)
Poèmes à Lou
Mon Lou je veux te reparler magazine

More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry A-E, Apollinaire, Guillaume, Archive A-B, Guillaume Apollinaire

Song by Aphra Behn



Love in Phantastique Triumph sat,
Whilst Bleeding hearts about him flow’d,
For whom fresh pays he did create,
And strange Tyrannick pow’r he shew’d;
From thy bright Eyes he took his fires,
Which round about in sport he hurl’d;
But ’twas from mine he took desires,
Enough t’undoe the Amorous world.

From me he took his sighs and tears,
From thee his pride and cruelty;
From me his languishments and fears,
And ev’ry killing Dart from thee:
Thus thou, and I, the God have arm’d,
And set him up a Deity,
But my poor heart alone is harm’d,
Whilst thine the Victor is, and free.

Aphra Behn
From Abdelazer, or the Moor’s Revenge:
Song magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, CLASSIC POETRY

Bert Bevers: Jaag zacht

Jaag zacht

Praat niet hardop in het woud.
Dat is voor niets goed. Immers:
de waarheid is als een schuw dier.
Mensen hebben er schrik van.


Bert Bevers
gedicht: Jaag zacht
Verschenen in de Enghuizer Dialogen VIII, Hummelo, mei 2017

Bert Bevers is a poet and writer who lives and works in Antwerp (Be) magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert, Natural history

Schubert’s Winter Journey. Anatomy of an Obsession by Ian Bostridge

An exploration of the world’s most famous and challenging song cycle, Schubert’s Winter Journey (Winterreise), by a leading interpreter of the work, who teases out the themes—literary, historical, psychological—that weave through the twenty-four songs that make up this legendary masterpiece.

Completed in the last months of the young Schubert’s life, Winterreise has come to be considered the single greatest piece of music in the history of Lieder. Deceptively laconic—these twenty-four short poems set to music for voice and piano are performed uninterrupted in little more than an hour—it nonetheless has an emotional depth and power that no music of its kind has ever equaled.

A young man, rejected by his beloved, leaves the house where he has been living and walks out into snow and darkness. As he wanders away from the village and into the empty countryside, he experiences a cascade of emotions—loss, grief, anger, and acute loneliness, shot through with only fleeting moments of hope—until the landscape he inhabits becomes one of alienation and despair.

Originally intended to be sung to an intimate gathering, performances of Winterreise now pack the greatest concert halls around the world.

Drawing equally on his vast experience performing this work (he has sung it more than one hundred times), on his musical knowledge, and on his training as a scholar, Bostridge teases out the enigmas and subtle meanings of each of the twenty-four lyrics to explore for us the world

Schubert inhabited, his biography and psychological makeup, the historical and political pressures within which he became one of the world’s greatest composers, and the continuing resonances and affinities that our ears still detect today, making Schubert’s wanderer our mirror.

Ian Bostridge performs regularly throughout Europe, North America and the Far East to outstanding critical acclaim. He read Modern History at Oxford and received a D.Phil in 1990. He is the author of Witchcraft and Its Transformations c.1650-c.1750 and A Singer’s Notebook. He is Humanitas Professor of Music at the University of Oxford and a regular contributor to The Guardian and the TLS. He is married to the writer and critic Lucasta Miller. They live in London with their two children.

Schubert’s Winter Journey
Anatomy of an Obsession
By Ian Bostridge
Published on Jan 02, 2018
Published by Vintage
528 Pages
ISBN 9780525431800

new books magazine

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Paul Bezembinder: Styxoтворение


Het was een wat desolate zondagmiddag.
Wij bezochten de dierentuin van Overloon.
Bij het gouden kooitje van het vogelverblijf
beseften wij: poetry, that rare bird, had flown.

Ooit had zij hier haar hoogste vorm gevonden
in een vogellijfje ingepakt in kleurenpracht –
тихотворенье in rumoerig gezelschap
en шумасшествие in de stilte van de nacht.

Zou zij gevlucht zijn of zou zij zijn gevlogen?
Vond het zorgteam haar met haar pootjes omhoog?
Of was ze toch maar paradijsvogel geworden?
Eentje die krijsend naar de onderwereld vloog?


Paul Bezembinder
gedicht: Styxoтворение

Paul Bezembinder studeerde theoretische natuurkunde in Nijmegen. In zijn poëzie zoekt hij in vooral klassieke versvormen en thema’s naar de balans tussen serieuze poëzie, pastiche en smartlap. Zijn gedichten (Nederlands) en vertalingen (Russisch-Nederlands) verschenen in verschillende (online) literaire tijdschriften. Voor­beelden van zijn werk zijn te vinden op zijn website, magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, Bezembinder, Paul, POETRY IN TRANSLATION: BEZEMBINDER

John Barbour: Freedom



A! Fredome is a noble thing!
Fredome mays man to haiff liking;
Fredome all solace to man giffis,
He levys at ese that frely levys!
A noble hart may haiff nane ese,
Na ellys nocht that may him plese,
Gyff fredome fail; for fre liking
Is yarnyt our all othir thing.
Na he that ay has levyt fre
May nocht knaw weill the propyrte,
The angyr, na the wretchyt dome
That is couplyt to foule thyrldome.
Bot gyff he had assayit it,
Than all perquer he suld it wyt;
And suld think fredome mar to prise
Than all the gold in warld that is.
Thus contrar thingis evirmar
Discoweryngis off the tothir ar.

John Barbour
(c. 1320 -1395)
Freedom magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, CLASSIC POETRY

Guillaume Apollinaire: C’est l’hiver


C’est l’hiver

C’est l’hiver et déjà j’ai revu des bourgeons
Aux figuiers dans les clos Mon amour nous bougeons
Vers la paix ce printemps de la guerre où nous sommes
Nous sommes bien Là-bas entends le cri des hommes
Un marin japonais se gratte l’œil gauche avec l’orteil droit
Sur le chemin de l’exil voici des fils de rois
Mon cœur tourne autour de toi comme un kolo où dansent quelques
jeunes soldats serbes auprès d’une pucelle endormie
Le fantassin blond fait la chasse aux morpions sous la pluie
Un belge interné dans les Pays-Bas lit un journal où il est question de moi
Sur la digue une reine regarde le champ de bataille avec effroi
L’ambulancier ferme les yeux devant l’horrible blessure
Le sonneur voit le beffroi tomber comme une poire trop mûre
Le capitaine anglais dont le vaisseau coule tire une dernière pipe d’opium
Ils crient Cri vers le printemps de paix qui va venir
Entends le cri des hommes
Mais mon cri va vers toi mon Lou tu es ma paix et mon printemps
Tu es ma Lou chérie le bonheur que j’attends
C’est pour notre bonheur que je me prépare à la mort
C’est pour notre bonheur que dans la vie j’espère encore
C’est pour notre bonheur que luttent les armées
Que l’on pointe au miroir sur l’infanterie décimée
Que passent les obus comme des étoiles filantes
Que vont les prisonniers en troupes dolentes
Et que mon cœur ne bat que pour toi ma chérie
Mon amour ô mon Loup mon art et mon artillerie

Guillaume Apollinaire
(1880 – 1918)
Poèmes à Lou
C’est l’hiver magazine

More in: *Concrete + Visual Poetry A-E, Apollinaire, Guillaume, Archive A-B, Guillaume Apollinaire

Lies Jane Austen Told Me by: Julie Wright

Ever since Emma read Pride and Prejudice, she’s been in love with Mr. Darcy and has regarded Jane Austen as the expert on all things romantic.

So naturally when Emma falls for Blake Hampton and he invites her home to meet his parents, she is positive an engagement is in her future. After all, Blake is a single man in possession of a good fortune, and thus must be in want of a wife.

But when it turns out that what Blake actually wants is more of a hook-up than a honeymoon, Emma is hurt, betrayed, and furious. She throws herself deeper into her work as CMO of Kinetics, the fastest growing gym franchise in the nation. She loves her work, and she’s good at it, which is why she bristles when her boss brings in a consultant to help her spearhead the new facilities on the East Coast. Her frustration turns to shock when that consultant turns out to be Blake’s younger brother, Lucas.

Emma is determined not to fall for Lucas, but as she gets to know him, she realizes that Lucas is nothing like his brother. He is kind and attentive and spends his time and money caring for the less fortunate.

What she can’t understand is why Lucas continues to try to push her back into Blake’s arms when he so clearly has fallen as hard for her as she has fallen for him. It isn’t until Lucas reveals to Emma that he was adopted into the Hampton family that she begins to understand his loyalty to Blake as well as his devotion to the child April-she is Lucas’s biological niece.

Emma opens up to Lucas about the feelings of abandonment she has harbored ever since she was a child and her mother left the family. As she helps Lucas deal with his past demons, she is able to exorcise some of her own.

Realizing that her love life is as complicated as anything Jane Austen could have dreamed up, Emma must find a way to let Blake know that it’s time for him to let her go and to let Lucas know it’s time for him to love her back.

Julie Wright wrote her first book when she was fifteen, and has since written twenty-three novels. She has a husband, three kids, a dog, and a varying amount of fish, frogs, and salamanders (depending on attrition). She loves writing, reading, traveling, speaking at schools, hiking, playing with her kids, and watching her husband make dinner.

Julie Wright
Lies Jane Austen Told Me
Published: 2017
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781629723426
Publisher: Shadow Mountain magazine

More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive A-B, Archive W-X, Art & Literature News, Austen, Jane, Austen, Jane, Jane Austen

Gabriële by Anne & Claire Berest: The saga of a surrealist muse, from Montmartre to New York

A “Jules et Jim” style love story set against the background of the Surrealist revolution.

September 1908. 27-year-old Gabriële Buffet – a musician, an free-spirited young woman and a feminist before her time – meets Francis Picabia, a successful young painter with a scandalous reputation.

He needed his art to head in a new direction, she is prepared to break with convention: to inspire, theorise and be thought-provoking. She becomes the “woman with the erotic brain” who has men on their knees, including Marcel Duchamp and Guillaume Apollinaire. Moving from Paris to New York, Berlin, Zurich, Barcelona, Étival and Saint-Tropez, Gabriële guides the precursors of abstract art, the futurists, the Dadaists, always at the cutting edge of artistic innovation. This book transports us to the beginning of the Twentieth Century when the codes of beauty and society were reinvented.

Collaborating intimately in both content and writing, Anne et Claire Berest tell the story of their great-grandmother, Gabriële Picabia, the surrealists’ muse.

Anne & Claire Berest
Published: 23/08/2017
450 pages
Format: 140 x 215 mm
EAN: 9782234080324
Prix: €21.50
Collection: a Bleue
Éditions Stock magazine

More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, Surrealism, Surrealisme

Frank Behrendt: Die Winnetou-Strategie Werde zum Häuptling deines Lebens

“Führe dich selbst in eine gute Zukunft. Wie ein guter Häuptling seinen Stamm.” (Frank Behrendt)

Frank Behrendt ist seit seiner Jugend leidenschaftlicher Winnetou-Fan – der »Guru der Gelassenheit« hat sich in vielen Lebenslagen von dem stolzen Apachen-Häuptling und anderen Figuren des Schriftstellers Karl May inspirieren lassen.

Auch von anderen Persönlichkeiten im echten Leben hat Frank Behrendt viel gelernt. Ihre Haltung, Klugheit und Weisheit hat er übernommen und für seinen eigenen Weg erfolgreich adaptiert. Selbstbestimmt und selbst-entschieden zu leben, tatsächlich Häuptling des eigenen Lebens zu sein, war immer sein Ziel.

In unterhaltsamen Geschichten erzählt Frank Behrendt an konkreten Beispielen, wie ihn die Helden seiner Kindheit nachhaltig beeinflusst haben. Eine Inspiration für jeden und ein flammender Appell an alle, Ausschau zu halten nach den Helden am Wegesrand – den fiktionalen und den realen.

Frank Behrendt, geb. 1963, ist seit gut 20 Jahren ausgewiesener PR- und Kommunikationsfachmann mit intensiven Kontakten zu Medien, Wirtschaft und Politik. Nach Stationen bei BILD, Dornier, Henkel, RTL Television und Universal Music war der Absolvent der Deutschen Journalistenschule in München Deutschland-Chef bei KetchumPleon, bevor er 2011 als Vorstand zur fischerAppelt AG wechselte. Seit Februar 2017 ist er in der Serviceplan-Gruppe tätig. Im März 2017 wurde er von der Deutschen Public Relations Gesellschaft (DPRG) als “PR-Kopf des Jahres” ausgezeichnet. Frank Behrendt lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen drei Kindern in Köln.

Frank Behrendt
Die Winnetou-Strategie Werde zum Häuptling deines Lebens
Seitenzahl: 221
Oktober 2017
Abmessung: 218mm x 139mm x 25mm
Gebundenes Buch mit Schutzumschlag
ISBN-13: 9783579086811
ISBN-10: 3579086812
Verlag: Gütersloher Verlagshaus magazine

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