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«« Previous page · Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. The Wild, Definitive Saga of Rock’s Greatest Supergroup by David Browne · Lord Byron: By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept (Poem) · Bert Bevers: Terugwerkende kracht (Gedicht) · Lord Byron: Remind me not, remind me not (Poem) · Bert Bevers: Gouy (Gedicht) · Lord Byron: It is the hour (Poem) · Lord Byron: Euthanasia (Poem) · Albert Hagenaars over de nieuwe dichtbundel ‘Nederzettingen’ van Bert Bevers · Louis Aragon: De Hollandse reis · Fatima Bhutto: The Runaways · Occupying the Stage. The Theater of May ’68 by Kate Bredeson · Lord Byron: I Speak Not (Poem)

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Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. The Wild, Definitive Saga of Rock’s Greatest Supergroup by David Browne

The first and most complete narrative biography of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, by acclaimed music journalist and Rolling Stone senior writer David Browne.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is crosby-st-na-yo.jpgEven in the larger-than-life world of rock and roll, it was hard to imagine four more different men.

David Crosby, the opinionated hippie guru. Stephen Stills, the perpetually driven musician. Graham Nash, the tactful pop craftsman. Neil Young, the creatively restless loner.

But together, few groups were as in sync with their times as Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Starting with the original trio’s landmark 1969 debut album, the group embodied much about its era: communal musicmaking, protest songs that took on the establishment and Richard Nixon, and liberal attitudes toward partners and lifestyles. Their group or individual songs–“Wooden Ships,” “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes,” “After the Gold Rush,” “For What It’s Worth” (with Stills and Young’s Buffalo Springfield), “Love the One You’re With,” “Long Time Gone,” “Just a Song Before I Go,” “Southern Cross”–became the soundtrack of a generation.

But their story would rarely be as harmonious as their legendary and influential vocal blend. In the years that followed, these four volatile men would continually break up, reunite, and disband again–all against a backdrop of social and musical change, recurring disagreements and jealousies, and self-destructive tendencies that threatened to cripple them both as a group and as individuals.

In Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young: The Wild, Definitive Saga of Rock’s Greatest Supergroup, longtime music journalist and Rolling Stone writer David Browne presents the ultimate deep dive into rock and roll’s most musical and turbulent brotherhood on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Featuring exclusive interviews with David Crosby and Graham Nash along with band members, colleagues, fellow superstars, former managers, employees, and lovers-and with access to unreleased music and documents–Browne takes readers backstage and onstage, into the musicians’ homes, recording studios, and psyches, to chronicle the creative and psychological ties that have bound these men together–and sometimes torn them apart.

This is the sweeping story of rock’s longest-running, most dysfunctional, yet pre-eminent musical family, delivered with the epic feel their story rightly deserves.

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young:
The Wild, Definitive Saga of Rock’s Greatest Supergroup
by David Browne (Author)
Hardcover: 480 pages
Publisher: Da Capo Press;
1st Edition edition April 2, 2019
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0306903288
ISBN-13: 978-0306903281
April 2, 2019

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Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young:
The Wild, Definitive Saga of Rock’s Greatest Supergroup

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Lord Byron: By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept (Poem)


By the Rivers of Babylon
We Sat Down and Wept

We sat down and wept by the waters
Of Babel, and thought of the day
When our foe, in the hue of his slaughters,
Made Salem’s high places his prey;
And ye, oh her desolate daughters!
Were scattered all weeping away.

While sadly we gazed on the river
Which rolled on in freedom below,
They demanded the song; but, oh never
That triumph the stranger shall know!
May this right hand be withered for ever,
Ere it string our high harp for the foe!

On the willow that harp is suspended,
Oh Salem! its sound should be free;
And the hour when thy glories were
But left me that token of thee:
And ne’er shall its soft tones be blended
With the voice of the spoiler by me!

George Gordon Byron
(1788 – 1824)
By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Byron, Lord

Bert Bevers: Terugwerkende kracht (Gedicht)

 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Bert_Bevers53-150x150.jpg

Terugwerkende kracht
 Bij Nostalghia van Andrej Tarkovski

Toen ik het hier voor het eerst zag
moest ik huilen, want dit licht doet
me denken aan herfst in Bologna.

Ik wil niets meer voor mezelf alleen.

Wat kan er gebeuren?

Alles wat je wenst als je knielt, want
zonder enig gebed gebeurt er niets.

Je wilt zeker gelukkig zijn, maar
in het leven zijn er belangrijker zaken.

Dus: een, twee, drie, geloof!

Wat moeten wij dan doen
om elkaar te leren kennen?

Grenzen slechten.


Die tussen vroeger en later.


Bert Bevers

Terugwerkende kracht
Bij Nostalghia van Andrej Tarkovski
Verschenen op Versindaba, Stellenbosch, februari 2019
Bert Bevers is a poet and writer who lives and works in Antwerp (Be)

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert, LITERARY MAGAZINES

Lord Byron: Remind me not, remind me not (Poem)


Remind me not, remind me not

Remind me not, remind me not,
Of those beloved, those vanish’d hours,
When all my soul was given to thee;
Hours that may never be forgot,
Till Time unnerves our vital powers,
And thou and I shall cease to be.

Can I forget—canst thou forget,
When playing with thy golden hair,
How quick thy fluttering heart did move?
Oh! by my soul, I see thee yet,
With eyes so languid, breast so fair,
And lips, though silent, breathing love.

When thus reclining on my breast,
Those eyes threw back a glance so sweet,
As half reproach’d yet rais’d desire,
And still we near and nearer prest,
And still our glowing lips would meet,
As if in kisses to expire.

And then those pensive eyes would close,
And bid their lids each other seek,
Veiling the azure orbs below;
While their long lashes’ darken’d gloss
Seem’d stealing o’er thy brilliant cheek,
Like raven’s plumage smooth’d on snow.

I dreamt last night our love return’d,
And, sooth to say, that very dream
Was sweeter in its phantasy,
Than if for other hearts I burn’d,
For eyes that ne’er like thine could beam
In Rapture’s wild reality.

Then tell me not, remind me not,
Of hours which, though for ever gone,
Can still a pleasing dream restore,
Till Thou and I shall be forgot,
And senseless, as the mouldering stone
Which tells that we shall be no more.

George Gordon Byron
(1788 – 1824)
Remind me not, remind me not

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Byron, Lord

Bert Bevers: Gouy (Gedicht)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Bert_Bevers53-150x150.jpg

Bij de Scheldebron

Schuw welhaast laat zich traag water
wellen tot niet veel meer dan beek.

Ze heeft geen weet nog van de haven
die zij op zal rekken in een ander land.

Grond die krimpt en zwelt is klei, dat
voelt ze naarmate het noorden nadert,

haar oevers verder van elkaar te liggen
komen. Hier echter is zij beleefd nog

stroompje dat gehuchten passeert waarin
lopers roesten in lang vergeten sloten.

Met zicht op haar eerste meander schiet
iemand in de regen zich door het hart.

Bert Bevers

Bij de Scheldebron
Verschenen in Ballustrada, jaargang 33, nummer 2-3, Terneuzen, april 2019
Bert Bevers is a poet and writer who lives and works in Antwerp (Be)

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Bevers, Bert, LITERARY MAGAZINES

Lord Byron: It is the hour (Poem)

It is the hour

It is the hour when from the boughs
The nightingale’s high note is heard;
It is the hour — when lover’s vows
Seem sweet in every whisper’d word;
And gentle winds and waters near,
Make music to the lonely ear.
Each flower the dews have lightly wet,
And in the sky the stars are met,
And on the wave is deeper blue,
And on the leaf a browner hue,
And in the Heaven that clear obscure
So softly dark, and darkly pure,
That follows the decline of day
As twilight melts beneath the moon away.

George Gordon Byron
(1788 – 1824)
It is the hour

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Byron, Lord

Lord Byron: Euthanasia (Poem)



When Time, or soon or late, shall bring
The dreamless sleep that lulls the dead,
Oblivion! may thy languid wing
Wave gently o’er my dying bed!

No band of friends or heirs be there,
To weep, or wish, the coming blow:
No maiden, with dishevelled hair,
To feel, or feign, decorous woe.

But silent let me sink to earth,
With no officious mourners near:
I would not mar one hour of mirth,
Nor startle friendship with a tear.

Yet Love, if Love in such an hour
Could nobly check its useless sighs,
Might then exert its latest power
In her who lives, and him who dies.

‘Twere sweet, my Psyche! to the last
Thy features still serene to see:
Forgetful of its struggles past,
E’en Pain itself should smile on thee.

But vain the wish?for Beauty still
Will shrink, as shrinks the ebbing breath;
And women’s tears, produced at will,
Deceive in life, unman in death.

Then lonely be my latest hour,
Without regret, without a groan;
For thousands Death hath ceas’d to lower,
And pain been transient or unknown.

`Ay, but to die, and go,’ alas!
Where all have gone, and all must go!
To be the nothing that I was
Ere born to life and living woe!

Count o’er the joys thine hours have seen,
Count o’er thy days from anguish free,
And know, whatever thou hast been,
‘Tis something better not to be.

George Gordon Byron
(1788 – 1824)

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More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Byron, Lord

Albert Hagenaars over de nieuwe dichtbundel ‘Nederzettingen’ van Bert Bevers

In De Verborgen Hoek besteedt recensent Albert Hagenaars uitgebreid aandacht aan de meest recente dichtbundel ‘Nederzettingen’ van Bert Bevers en de verhouding daarvan tot zijn eerdere werk.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is nederzettingen400.jpg‘Nederzettingen’ verscheen bij uitgeverij Kleinood & Grootzeer. De bundel is verdeeld in drie reeksen: Nederzettingen, Uit de tijd en Gedichten uit een stadje in de heuvels en bevat dertig recente gedichten.

Bert Bevers is een dichter met een brede kijk op zijn onderwerpen en een onmiskenbaar eigen idioom.

Eerste druk 100 genummerde en door de auteur gesigneerde exemplaren. Boekje, 42 pagina’s, gelijmd 21 x 10,5 cm. ISBN/EAN 978-90-76644-91-2. Prijs € 18,-

Bert Bevers (Bergen op Zoom, 1954) woont en werkt in Antwerpen. Keuzes uit zijn gedichten verschenen in de verzamelbundels Afglans (1997) en Eigen terrein (2013). Werk van zijn hand verscheen in literaire tijdschriften als Ballustrada, Bzzlletin, Deus ex Machina, Dietsche Warande & Belfort, Digther, Fleurs du, Gierik & Nieuw Vlaams Tijdschrift, Hollands Maandblad, Meander, Poëziekrant, De Tweede Ronde, TZUM en Versindaba alsmede in vele bloemlezingen.

Albert Hagenaars (Bergen op Zoom, 1955) is dichter en schrijver. De belangrijkste thema’s in zijn boeken zijn reizen, interculturele relaties, vervreemding en identiteit. Verder schrijft hij al jarenlang literaire recensies, meestal over poëzie.

# Albert Hagenaars: Kruisbestuivingen tussen tijd en plaats over Bert Bevers

# link naar literaire blog De Verborgen Hoek 

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Louis Aragon: De Hollandse reis

Le voyage de Hollande verscheen op 12 februari 1964 bij de Franse uitgever Seghers. De editie (2025 exemplaren!) werd verfraaid met een tekening van Jongkind, een typisch Hollands landschap met windmolens, beemden en scheepjes onder een lage wolkenlucht.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is aragon-holl-reis.jpegAl in 1965 verscheen een herdruk, daarna werd de bundel opnieuw uitgegeven in 1981 en 2005, telkens bij Seghers. In 2007 ten slotte werd Le voyage de Hollande in de Bibliothèque de la Pléiade opgenomen als onderdeel van Aragons volledige dichtwerk (OEuvres poétiques complètes, deel II, Parijs, Gallimard).

In de zomer van 1963 verbleven Louis Aragon (1897-1982) en zijn vrouw Elsa Triolet (1896-1970) een maand in Nederland. Tussen 29 juli en 26 augustus bezochten ze onder meer Texel, Zuid-Holland (Wassenaar) en Utrecht.

De neerslag van die reis vinden we terug in Le voyage de Hollande, een bundel bestaande uit zes delen van wisselende lengte (twee tot twaalf gedichten), voorafgegaan door een kwatrijn waarin de lezer wordt aangemaand nooit de liefde in opspraak te brengen: wie dat doet mag het ‘domein’ van de dichter niet betreden. Een domein dat ten dele reëel is, geïnspireerd door het verblijf in Nederland, ten dele utopie van de liefde en ode aan de geliefde.

Louis Aragon
De Hollandse reis
Vertaling: Katelijne De Vuyst
Tweetalige bundel
Uitgeverij Vleugels
Franse reeks
isbn 978 90 78627 67 8
128 pagina’s
€ 23,50

# new books
Louis Aragon
De Hollandse reis

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More in: - Book News, Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Surrealism, SURREALISM, Surrealisme

Fatima Bhutto: The Runaways

How far would you run to escape your life?

Anita lives in Karachi’s biggest slum. Her mother is a maalish wali, paid to massage the tired bones of rich women. But Anita’s life will change forever when she meets her elderly neighbour, a man whose shelves of books promise an escape to a different world.

On the other side of Karachi lives Monty, whose father owns half the city and expects great things of him. But when a beautiful and rebellious girl joins his school, Monty will find his life going in a very different direction.

Sunny’s father left India and went to England to give his son the opportunities he never had. Yet Sunny doesn’t fit in anywhere. It’s only when his charismatic cousin comes back into his life that he realises his life could hold more possibilities than he ever imagined.

These three lives will cross in the desert, a place where life and death walk hand in hand, and where their closely guarded secrets will force them to make a terrible choice.

‘Incredibly ambitious, extremely powerful and moving’ – BBC Radio 4

Fatima Bhutto was born in Kabul. She is the author of a book of poetry, two works of non-fiction, including her bestselling memoir Songs of Blood and Sword, and the highly acclaimed novel The Shadow Of The Crescent Moon, which was longlisted in 2014 for the Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fiction.

Fatima Bhutto
The Runaways
Penguin Books Ltd
Imprint: Viking
Published: 07/03/2019
ISBN: 9780241346990
Length: 432 Pages
RRP: £14.99

# new novel
Fatima Bhutto
The Runaways

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Occupying the Stage. The Theater of May ’68 by Kate Bredeson

Occupying the Stage: the Theater of May ’68 tells the story of student and worker uprisings in France through the lens of theater history, and the story of French theater through the lens of May ’68.

Based on detailed archival research and original translations, close readings of plays and historical documents, and a rigorous assessment of avant-garde theater history and theory, Occupying the Stage proposes that the French theater of 1959–71 forms a standalone paradigm called “The Theater of May ’68.”

The book shows how French theater artists during this period used a strategy of occupation-occupying buildings, streets, language, words, traditions, and artistic processes-as their central tactic of protest and transformation. It further proposes that the Theater of May ’68 has left imprints on contemporary artists and activists, and that this theater offers a scaffolding on which to build a meaningful analysis of contemporary protest and performance in France, North America, and beyond.

At the book’s heart is an inquiry into how artists of the period used theater as a way to engage in political work and, concurrently, questioned and overhauled traditional theater practices so their art would better reflect the way they wanted the world to be. Occupying the Stage embraces the utopic vision of May ’68 while probing the period’s many contradictions. It thus affirms the vital role theater can play in the ongoing work of social change.

Occupying the Stage
The Theater of May ’68
Kate Bredeson (Author)
Publication Date: November 2018
Pages 232
Trim Size 6 x 9
Paper Text – $34.95
Northwestern University Press
Drama & Performance Studies
ISBN 978-0-8101-3815-5

# new books
Occupying the Stage
The Theater of May ’68
Kate Bredeson

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More in: #Editors Choice Archiv, - Book News, - Book Stories, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Protests of MAY 1968, THEATRE

Lord Byron: I Speak Not (Poem)


I Speak Not

I speak not, I trace not, I breathe not thy name;
There is grief in the sound, there is guilt in the fame;
But the tear that now burns on my cheek may impart
The deep thoughts that dwell in that silence of heart.
Too brief for our passion, too long for our peace,
Were those hours – can their joy or their bitterness cease?
We repent, we abjure, we will break from our chain, –
We will part, we will fly to – unite it again!
Oh! thine be the gladness, and mine be the guilt!
Forgive me, adored one! – forsake if thou wilt;
But the heart which is thine shall expire undebased,
And man shall not break it – whatever thou may’st.
And stern to the haughty, but humble to thee,
This soul in its bitterest blackness shall be;
And our days seem as swift, and our moments more sweet,
With thee at my side, than with worlds at our feet.
One sigh of thy sorrow, one look of thy love,
Shall turn me or fix, shall reward or reprove.
And the heartless may wonder at all I resign –
Thy lips shall reply, not to them, but to mine.

George Gordon Byron
(1788 – 1824)
I Speak Not

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