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«« Previous page · 40ste editie van het Kunstenfestival Watou: ‘Watou 2021’ · Geen boekenweek, maar wel een week vol boeken (6 t/m 14 maart 2021) · Natalie Portman’s Fables by Natalie Portman (Author) & Janna Mattia (Illustrator) · Greta Bellamacina: Tomorrow’s Woman · Kom zijn liefste – over Herman Gorter ( 29 oktober 2020 – Hilversum) · Independent Bookstore Day: saturday august 29, 2020 · Dutch writer Marieke Lucas Rijneveld is the winner of The 2020 International Booker Prize · Weird Westerns. Race, Gender, Genre · Letterenhuis Antwerpen: Expo Velodroom. Fietsaffiches uit de belle époque · Brooklyn Book Festival Announces: 15th Anniversary Will Be An All-Virtual Festival · The Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini · Free human rights lawyer and prisoner of conscience Nasrin Sotoudeh

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40ste editie van het Kunstenfestival Watou: ‘Watou 2021’

Elke zomer slaat het Kunstenfestival Watou haar tenten op in het gelijknamige kunstdorpje net voorbij Poperinge, tegen de Franse grens aan.

Dichters en beeldend kunstenaars, aanstormend talent en gevestigde waarden, uit binnen- en uit buitenland zorgen telkens weer voor een wonderlijke ervaring in karaktervolle tentoonstellingsplekken: een verlaten herenhuis, de kelder van een brouwerij, … Een unieke kunstbeleving ontstaat uit het samengaan van beeldende kunst en poëzie in verrassende, karaktervolle ruimtes

De 40ste editie van het Kunstenfestival Watou staat voor beweging, meerstemmigheid, menselijkheid en intensiteit. ‘Watou 2021’ nodigt het publiek uit om te kijken, te lezen, te voelen, te reflecteren en te verbinden. Met de kunst, de poëzie, de natuur en met elkaar. Bezoekers bewegen zich tussen de drie hoeken van het parcours: Watou, het kunstdorp zelf, de Gasthuiskapel in het centrum van Poperinge en de nieuwe locatie, het Kasteel De Lovie, daartussen.

Kunst en poëzie dringen volgens de curatoren altijd meervoudige perspectieven op: “Heel wat vormen en inhoudelijke visies bestaan gelijktijdig en zonder hiërarchie. Er is geen groot gelijk, er is geen waarheid, er is alleen meerstemmigheid en die meerstemmigheid is een rijkdom.”

‘Watou 2021’ presenteert werk van 40 kunstenaars uit binnen- en buitenland, van verschillende generaties en met diverse achtergronden. De focus ligt op creaties, verrassende samenwerkingen en werk dat nooit eerder in Vlaanderen te zien was. De selectie poëzie weerspiegelt eenzelfde meerstemmigheid. Er is werk te lezen én te horen van 40 dichters: van overleden dichters tot gevestigde namen en jonge dichters en debutanten. Een aantal gedichten wordt ingelezen door ondermeer Wannes Cappelle, Zwangere Guy, Charlotte Adigéry en Lander Gyselinck.

Het programma bevat onder andere optredens en performances van Esther Kläs & Gustavo Gomes, Stefan Hertmans, Catharina van Eetvelde en Claron McFadden, IKRAAAN, CHVE / Colin H van Eeckhout, Fulco, Les Âmes Perdues, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld én Wannes Cappelle en Nicolas Callot en Koen Vanmechelen, curator van het experimentele traject Patchwork.

Als de wereld onder onze ogen aan het veranderen is en we nog niet kunnen benoemen wat we zien. Als alles wat we al decennia denken en voor waar aannemen onder druk staat. Als we ons, beroofd van onze zekerheden, onveilig voelen. Als de wereld complex is geworden, dan is er één plek waar al die onzekerheden, al dat geweld, al die onrust, al die complexiteit, en ook al die schoonheid en al dat verlangen samenkomen: de kunst. Daar is het dat we intens leven, tijdens het maken van kunst, het ervaren van kunst, en het herinneren van kunst. ‘Watou 2021’ is een uitnodiging om poëzie en beeldende kunst te ervaren met hersenen, zintuigen en gevoelens. Om vervuld te worden van die complexiteit, van die meerlagigheid.

‘Watou 2021’ vertrekt vanuit de mens zelf. Wat is onze rol en positie in deze wereld? Wat is de impact van de recente transformaties op ons menszijn? Door de aanwas van technologie en artificiële intelligentie, maar ook door de crisis die we meemaken, leunen we niet alleen op onze rationele, maar ook op onze emotionele, spirituele, intuïtieve en biologische intelligentie.

Het vertrouwde werd vervangen door het confronterende en het oncomfortabele. Het daagt ons uit om onze blik open en dynamisch te houden. Met beweging als constante. Naar de ander en het andere.

Kunst en poëzie dringen altijd meervoudige perspectieven op: heel wat vormen en inhoudelijke visies bestaan gelijktijdig en zonder hiërarchie. Er is geen groot gelijk, er is geen waarheid, er is alleen meerstemmigheid en die meerstemmigheid is een rijkdom.

W A T O U  2 0 2 1

Arocha & Schraenen – Sarah & Charles – Leyla Aydoslu – Blauwhaus – Melanie Bonajo – Peter Buggenhout – N. Dash – Michael Dean – Lieven De Boeck – Ella de Burca – Anouk De Clercq – Edith Dekyndt – Bram Demunter – Tracey Emin – Bendt Eyckermans – Mekhitar Garabedian – Gijs Van Vaerenbergh – Nadia Guerroui – Esther Kläs – Margaret Lee – Bart Lodewijks & Jan Kempenaers – Ariane Loze – Ives Maes – Mark Manders – Neo Matloga – Vincent Meessen – Lucy Skaer – Socle – Joris Van de Moortel – Catharina Van Eetvelde – Luca Vanello – Johan Van Geluwe – Eva Vermandel – Leon Vranken – Ugo Rondinone – Zhang Yunyao

Anellie David – Anna Enquist – Anne Vegter – Armando – Bernke Klein Zandvoort – Cees Nooteboom – Charlotte Van den Broeck – Chris Lomans – Dean Bowen – Dominique De Groen – Erwin Mortier – Estelle Boelsma – Geert Buelens – Gerrit Kouwenaar – Gertrude Starink – Hester Knibbe – J.V. Neylen – Jan Arends – Jan de Roek – Jos De Haes – Lamia Makaddam – Lara Taveirne – Laurine Verweijen – Levina van Winden – M. Vasalis – Marieke Lucas Rijneveld – Mattijs Deraedt – Miriam Van Hee – Nele Buyst – Paul Van Ostaijen Piet Gerbrandy – Poli Roumeliotis – René Van Gijsegem – Roelof ten Napel – Sanne Kabalt – Sasja Janssen – Stefan Hertmans – Thomas Möhlmann – Tonnus Oosterhoff – Yousra Benfquih

M E E R   I N F O R M AT I E
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een organisatie van de stad POPERINGE
Grote Markt 1, 8970 Poperinge (BE)

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Geen boekenweek, maar wel een week vol boeken (6 t/m 14 maart 2021)

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Natalie Portman’s Fables by Natalie Portman (Author) & Janna Mattia (Illustrator)

Academy Award-winning actress, director, producer, and activist Natalie Portman retells three classic fables and imbues them with wit and wisdom.

From realizing that there is no “right” way to live to respecting our planet and learning what really makes someone a winner, the messages at the heart of Natalie Portman’s Fables are modern takes on timeless life lessons.

Told with a playful, kid-friendly voice and perfectly paired with Janna Mattia’s charming artwork, Portman’s insightful retellings of The Tortoise and the Hare, The Three Little Pigs, and Country Mouse and City Mouse are ideal for reading aloud and are sure to become beloved additions to family libraries.

Natalie Portman is an Academy Award-winning actress, director, producer, and activist whose credits include Leon: The Professional, Cold Mountain, Closer, V for Vendetta, the Star Wars franchise prequels, A Tale of Love and Darkness, Jackie, and Thor: Love and Thunder. Born in Jerusalem, Israel, she is a graduate of Harvard University, and now lives with her family in Los Angeles. Natalie Portman’s Fables is her debut picture book.

Janna Mattia was born and raised in San Diego. She received a degree in Illustration for Entertainment from Laguna College of Art and Design, and now works on concept and character art for film, illustration for licensing, and private commissions. Natalie Portman’s Fables is her picture book debut.

Natalie Portman’s Fables
Natalie Portman (Author)
Janna Mattia (Illustrator)
Age Range: 4 – 6 years
Hardcover: 64 pages
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends (October 20, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1250246865
ISBN-13: 978-1250246868

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Natalie Portman’s Fables

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Greta Bellamacina: Tomorrow’s Woman

In Tomorrow’s Woman, Greta Bellamacina‘s bold, exploratory voice combines the vivid imagery of French surrealism and British romantic poetry with a modern, first-person examination of love, gender identity, motherhood, and social issues.

Andy Warhol’s Interview Magazine writes that “Bellamacina is garnering critical acclaim for her way with words and her ability to translate the classic poetic form into the contemporary creative landscape.”

Greta Bellamacina is an actress, filmmaker, and poet. She was born in London and made her acting debut in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the age of thirteen. She trained at RADA, where she performed a variety of lead theatre roles, before going on get a B.A. in English at King’s College London. Her feature film Hurt by Paradise is currently in post-production.

As a poet, Greta Bellamacina was shortlisted as Young Poet Laureate in 2014 for her debut collection, Kaleidoscope. In 2015, she edited On Love, a survey of contemporary British love poetry from Ted Hughes to the present. The same year, she published Perishing Tame, her first collection with New River Press, “a dazzling meditation on motherhood, female identity, ennui and love,” which she launched at The Shakespeare & Company in Paris.

In 2016, she published a collection of collaborative poetry with Robert Montgomery: Points for Time in the Sky, a pyschogeographical journey through modern Britain, and a rare example of collaborative poetry in British literature. The same year, she edited Smear, an anthology of contemporary feminist poetry. Dazed said the collection “unapologetically confronts self-image, body autonomy and our relationships with each other, celebrating the imperfect, frank woman.” In 2018, she was commissioned by the National Poetry Library to write a group of poems for their Odyssey series—modern mediations on Homer’s Odyssey.

Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine says Greta “is garnering critical acclaim for her way with words and her ability to translate the classic poetic form into the contemporary creative landscape.”

This is her first volume of her poetry to be released in the United States.

Greta Bellamacina
Tomorrow’s Woman
112 pages
6 Feb. 2020
ISBN-13 : 978-1524854096
ISBN-10 : 1524854093
Publisher : Andrews McMeel Publishing
Product Dimensions : 14.22 x 0.76 x 20.83 cm
Reading level : 15 and up
Language: : English

# more poetry
Greta Bellamacina
Tomorrow’s Woman

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Kom zijn liefste – over Herman Gorter ( 29 oktober 2020 – Hilversum)

Stichting Feest der Poëzie organiseert met Sociëteit “De Unie” Hilversum op donderdag 29 oktober 2020 in de serie Gooise dichters van het Feest der Poëzie een avond over Herman Gorter.


Herman Gorter, de dichter van ‘Mei’ (‘Een nieuwe lente en een nieuw geluid…’), woonde een aantal jaren aan de Nieuwe ‘s-Gravelandseweg 66 in Bussum, in een huis naar ontwerp van architect Berlage.

Voordrachtskunstenaar Simon Mulder en soundscape-artiesten Beggar Brahim (elektrische gitaar) en Jesse LaChiffre (klarinet) brengen nummers van de CD ‘Herman Gorter – Verzen 1890’, waarbij de gedichten uit de lyrische, experimentele, sensitivistische periode van classicus, dichter en socialist Herman Gorter, een unieke samenklank aangaan met Beggar Brahims klanklandschappen.

Klassiek muziekduo Marleen van Os en Daan van de Velde brengt bijzondere en nauwelijks uitgevoerde liederen op teksten van Gorter, bijgestaan door sopraan Heleen Oomen.

Stadsdichter Mieke van Zonneveld brengt de gedichten van Gorter die zij als motto’s in haar debuutbundel Leger gebruikte, en de daarbij behorende gedichten.

Verder bijzondere filmbeelden van Gorter van filminstituut Eye en de première van de videoclip ‘In de zwarte nacht’.

Sociëteit “De Unie” Hilversum
donderdag 29 oktober 2020
20:00 – 22:00 uur
s-Gravelandseweg 57
1217 EH Hilversum

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Independent Bookstore Day: saturday august 29, 2020



  Independent Bookstore Day
  saturday august 29, 2020

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Dutch writer Marieke Lucas Rijneveld is the winner of The 2020 International Booker Prize

Today, on Wednesday 26 August, The Discomfort of Evening, written by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld and translated from Dutch by Michele Hutchison, is announced as the winner of The 2020 International Booker Prize.

The £50,000 prize will be split between Marieke Lucas Rijneveld and Michele Hutchison, giving both the author and translator equal recognition.

The winner was announced by chair of the judges, Ted Hodgkinson, this evening, at a digital event which was livestreamed across The Booker Prizes Facebook and YouTube pages. The Dutch edition was a bestseller in the Netherlands, where it won the prestigious ANV Debut Prize.

The Discomfort of Evening was chosen from a shortlist of six books during a lengthy and rigorous judging process, by a panel of five judges, chaired by Ted Hodgkinson, Head of Literature and Spoken Word at Southbank Centre. The panel also includes: Lucie Campos, director of the Villa Gillet, France’s centre for international writing; Man Booker International Prize-winning translator and writer Jennifer Croft; Booker Prize longlisted author Valeria Luiselli and writer, poet and musician Jeet Thayil, whose novel Narcopolis was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2012.

Chair of the judges, Ted Hodgkinson says: ‘We set ourselves an immense task in selecting a winner from our superb shortlist, filled with fiction bold enough to upend mythic foundations and burst the banks of the novel itself. From this exceptional field, and against an extraordinary backdrop, we were looking for a book that goes beyond echoing our dystopian present and possesses a timeless charge. Combining a disarming new sensibility with a translation of singular sensitivity, The Discomfort of Evening is a tender and visceral evocation of a childhood caught between shame and salvation, and a deeply deserving winner of The 2020 International Booker Prize.’

Born in April 1991 in Nieuwendijk, Netherlands, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, whose preferred pronouns are they/them, is the youngest author to win The International Booker Prize. The Dutch author grew up in a Reformed farming family in North Brabant before moving to Utrecht and, alongside their writing career, Rijneveld still works on a dairy farm. One of the most exciting new voices in Dutch literature, Rijneveld has already won awards for both their first poetry collection Calfskin and their debut novel The Discomfort of Evening.

Following a stint as an editor, Michele Hutchison became a literary translator from Dutch. Her translations include the bestselling An American Princess by Annejet van der Zijl, Mona in Three Acts by Griet op de Beeck and Seaweed by Miek Zwamborn. She is also co-author of The Happiest Kids in the World.

The Discomfort of Evening tells the story of Jas and her devout farming family in a strict Christian community in rural Netherlands. One winter’s day, her older brother joins an ice skating trip. Resentful at being left alone, she attempts to bargain with God pitting the life of her pet rabbit against that of her brother; he never returns. As grief overwhelms the farm, Jas succumbs to a vortex of increasingly disturbing fantasies, watching her family disintegrate into a darkness that threatens to derail them all.

The Guardian described The Discomfort of Evening as ‘an unflinching  study of a family falling apart in the madness of grief, rendered all the more unnerving for the childishly plain, undramatic way their compulsive behaviours are reported’.

The Financial Times said ‘there is a bold beauty to the book… by using Jas’s everyday world as a metaphor for loneliness and fear, Rijneveld has created something exceptional.’

Megan Nolan for the New Statesman commented that the character of Jas ‘produces a truly haunting and savage loneliness, communicated by Rijneveld with an agile intensity I have rarely encountered.’

The International Booker Prize is awarded every year for a single book that is translated into English and published in the UK or Ireland. It aims to encourage more publishing and reading of quality fiction from all over the world and to promote the work of translators. Both novels and short-story collections are eligible. The contribution of both author and translator is given equal recognition, with the £50,000 prize split between them.

This year the judges considered 124 books, translated from 30 languages.

(Together, the two Booker Prizes reward the best fiction from around the globe that is published in English in the UK and Ireland. The Booker Prizes are sponsored by Crankstart, a charitable foundation.)

# More on website The Booker Prize


     Selfportrait  (Wikimedia)

Marieke Lucas Rijneveld
Dutch writer and poet (1991)

2018 – De avond is ongemak
2020 – Engels: The Discomfort of Evening, translation Michele Hutchison (Booker International Prize 2020)

Collections of poetry
2015 – Kalfsvlies (C. Buddingh’-prijs 2016) (Ida Gerhardt Poëzieprijs 2020)
2019 – Fantoommerrie

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Weird Westerns. Race, Gender, Genre

Weird Westerns is an exploration of the hybrid western genre—an increasingly popular and visible form that mixes western themes, iconography, settings, and conventions with elements drawn from other genres, such as science fiction, horror, and fantasy.

Despite frequent declarations of the western’s death, the genre is now defined in part by its zombie-like ability to survive in American popular culture in weird, reanimated, and reassembled forms.

The essays in Weird Westerns analyze a wide range of texts, including those by Native American authors Stephen Graham Jones (Blackfeet) and William Sanders (Cherokee); the cult television series Firefly and The Walking Dead; the mainstream feature films Suicide Squad and Django Unchained; the avant-garde and bizarre fiction of Joe R. Lansdale; the tabletop roleplaying game Deadlands: The Weird West; and the comic book series Wynonna Earp.

The essays explore how these weird westerns challenge conventional representations by destabilizing or subverting the centrality of the heterosexual, white, male hero but also often surprisingly reinforce existing paradigms in their inability to imagine an existence outside of colonial frameworks.

Author Bio:
Kerry Fine is an instructor in the Department of English at Arizona State University. Michael K. Johnson is a professor of English at the University of Maine–Farmington. Rebecca M. Lush is an associate professor at California State University, San Marcos. Sara L. Spurgeon is a professor of American literature at Texas Tech University.

Postwestern Horizons:
Postwestern Horizons encourages scholarship which rethinks and reimagines traditional western scholarship by challenging predominant paradigms, including revisionist ones, and dislocating our sense of region. By moving past the West as a national place, process, and idea to more methodologically innovative, transnationally daring, and theoretically fertile horizons of scholarship, this series encourages new ways of conceiving cultural production and reception. Postwestern Horizons encompasses studies of visual culture, environmental studies, literature, history, film studies, and much more.

Weird Westerns
Race, Gender, Genre
Edited by Kerry Fine, Michael K. Johnson, Rebecca M. Lush, and Sara L. Spurgeon
Postwestern Horizons Series
468 pages

August 2020

August 2020

# new books
Weird Westerns.
Race, Gender, Genre

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Letterenhuis Antwerpen: Expo Velodroom. Fietsaffiches uit de belle époque


Expo Velodroom in Letterenhuis Antwerpen

Eind 19de eeuw is de fiets een ware rage. Met de expo Velodroom toont het Letterenhuis 57 fietsaffiches uit eigen collectie, die alleen al door hun formaat en kwaliteit adembenemend zijn.

Uitvindingen als de fietsketting en de luchtband maken de fiets aan het einde van de 19de eeuw tot een snel en comfortabel vervoermiddel. Op geen tien jaar tijd is de tweewieler alomtegenwoordig. Jong, oud, arm, rijk, man, vrouw. Iedereen gaat de fiets op. Fietsen is vrijheid.

Fietsmerken en organisatoren van wielerwedstrijden maken gretig gebruik van hét communicatiemiddel van die tijd: de affiche. Bekende kunstenaars worden ingeschakeld om promotie voor de fiets te maken: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Alphonse Mucha en Georges Gaudy maken prachtige ontwerpen.

Behalve meesterwerkjes, zijn de affiches ook tijdsdocumenten: ze tonen de technologische en maatschappelijke veranderingen van die tijd. De hang naar vrijheid en natuur, de emancipatie van de vrouw, de opkomst van de wielersport en nieuwe vormen van vrijetijdsbesteding komen samen op deze affiches.


Met Velodroom brengt het Letterenhuis een minder bekend deel van zijn collectie naar buiten. Naast onder meer manuscripten van Vlaamse schrijvers en dichters, bewaart het Letterenhuis ook een grote verzameling culturele affiches. De collectie van het Letterenhuis telt meer dan 60.000 affiches. Een aanzienlijk deel ervan dateert van de late 19de eeuw, toen veel illustere kunstenaars ontwerpen maakten en verbeterde druktechnieken een enorme toename van de kleurrijke affiche in het straatbeeld teweegbracht.

Uitvindingen als de fietsketting en de luchtband maken de fiets aan het einde van de 19de eeuw tot een snel en comfortabel vervoermiddel. Op geen tien jaar tijd is de tweewieler alomtegenwoordig. Jong, oud, arm, rijk, man, vrouw. Iedereen gaat de fiets op. Fietsen is vrijheid.

Behalve meesterwerkjes, zijn de affiches ook tijdsdocumenten: ze tonen de technologische en maatschappelijke veranderingen van die tijd. De hang naar vrijheid en natuur, de emancipatie van de vrouw, de opkomst van de wielersport en nieuwe vormen van vrijetijdsbesteding komen samen op deze affiches.

Met Velodroom brengt het Letterenhuis een minder bekend deel van zijn collectie naar buiten. Naast onder meer manuscripten van Vlaamse schrijvers en dichters, bewaart het Letterenhuis ook een grote verzameling culturele affiches. De collectie van het Letterenhuis telt meer dan 60.000 affiches. Een aanzienlijk deel ervan dateert van de late 19de eeuw, toen veel illustere kunstenaars ontwerpen maakten en verbeterde druktechnieken een enorme toename van de kleurrijke affiche in het straatbeeld teweegbracht.

Geïllustreerd met prachtige affiches uit de collectie van het Letterenhuis laten tien auteurs hun licht schijnen over de poster craze & cycle hype uit die gouden tijd van la petite reine. Ze vertellen verhalen over de fietsaffiches en de ontwerpers daarvan, over de ontwikkeling van het rijwiel en de niet te overschatten maatschappelijke betekenis van die freedom machine – zeker ook voor de vrouwenemancipatie. Ook de wielersport en het ontluikende fietstoerisme komen uiteraard aan bod.

woensdag 03 juni 2020 tot zaterdag 31 oktober 2020 van 10:00 tot 17:00 voor Individuele bezoekers

Jij en je bubbel zijn meer dan welkom. Kom gerust eens uitzoeken welke vijf affiches jouw favorieten zijn. Reserveer wel even op voorhand en vergeet je mondmasker niet.

Om de verspreiding van het coronavirus te vertragen, worden enkele maatregelen genomen. Zo wordt er gewerkt met tijdsblokken en bezoekerslimieten. Daarom moet je op voorhand je ticket reserveren.

Om de verspreiding van het coronavirus te vertragen, worden enkele maatregelen genomen. Zo wordt er gewerkt met tijdsblokken en bezoekerslimieten. Daarom moet je op voorhand je ticket reserveren.

3 juni t/m 31 oktober 2020
Woensdag – zondag 10 – 17 uur

# meer informatie op website Letterenhuis

Minderbroedersstraat 22
2000 Antwerpen
tel. +32 3 222 93 20

De Antwerp Museum App, een gratis app voor smartphone, gidst je door de expo. Bij de thema’s en affiches is een woordje uitleg voorzien in de app. Op die manier kan je met je smartphone de expo op je eigen tempo bezoeken. Vind de tour in de Antwerp Museum App

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Brooklyn Book Festival Announces: 15th Anniversary Will Be An All-Virtual Festival

The 2020 Virtual Brooklyn Book Festival will be the 15th anniversary of free literary programming!

This fall an array of national and international literary stars and emerging authors will participate as part of a Virtual Festival including Sigrid Nunez, Lee Child, Salman Rushdie, Mia Couto, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Joyce Carol Oates, Adrian Tomine, Emily St. John Mandel, Claudia Rankine, Edmund White, Marie Lu, Colson Whitehead, and more.

Plus independent publishers, literary magazines, and literary organizations will be showcased in our Virtual Literary Marketplace starting August 15.

Each year the Festival also includes a week of Bookend events — see them virtually this year from locations all over the city. This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Bookends!

At Children’s Day, more than 50 authors will participate in a full day of author readings and performances, workshops, activities, and book signings — all virtual.
Some of the children’s authors in 2020 are Max Brallier, Tami Charles, Ben Clanton, Chris Grabenstein, Carlos Hernandez, Oliver Jeffers, Varian Johnson, Meg Medina, and R.L. Stine.

About the Brooklyn Book Festival: The Brooklyn Book Festival was launched in 2006 to address the need for a major literary event that embraced the diverse constituencies of New York City. The Festival’s mission is to celebrate published literature and support the literary community through programming that connects New York City readers with local, national, and international authors, publishers, and booksellers. To this end the festival develops original programs that are hip, smart, and diverse and collaborates to present free and low-cost programming including the Festival Day, Bookend Events, YA Outloud, and the BKBF Children’s Day. BKBF is presented by the non-profit Brooklyn Book Festival, Inc. and the Brooklyn Book Festival Literary Council.

The Festival is proud of its roster of supporters including the Amazon Literary Partnership, the Baillie Gifford Non Fiction Prize, the Brooklyn Borough President’s Office, Brookfield Properties and J.P. Morgan Chase, Con Edison, Disney, Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, Kirby Family Foundation, Little A, the Mayor’s Office of Media & Entertainment, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson and Council Members Brad Lander, Stephen Levin and Carlos Menchaca, NYC COVID-19 Response and Impact Fund in New York Community Trust, New York State Council on the Arts, Lit Tap, NYU. The Festival’s media sponsors include C-SPAN, Book TV, the New York Review of Books, and WNYC.

Be sure to visit or check out the official Facebook page, follow the Festival on Instagram (@bkbookfest), on Twitter (@BKBF), and past Festival photos on Flickr.

2020 Brooklyn Book Festival

Sunday, October 4 = 10am — 8pm
Virtual Festival Day

Saturday, October 3 = 10am — 4pm
Virtual Children’s Day

Saturday, October 3 = 1pm — 6pm
Y.A. Out Loud

September 28 — October 5
Virtual Bookend Events

Confirmed Authors Festival 2020: Salar Abdohbv – Aria Aber – Ayad Akhtar – Becky Albertalli – Rochelle Alers – A. Andrews – Diannely Antigua – Zaina Arafat – Will Arbery – Derf Backderf – Brit Bennett – Carl Bergman – Marie-Helene Bertino – Mark Bibbins – Chelsea Bieker – Betsy Bird – Eula Biss – Max Brallier – Libba Bray – Bill Buford – Susannah Cahalan – Patrice Caldwell – Ada Calhoun – Kacen Callender – Maisy Card – Veronica Chambers – Ruth Chan – Tami Charles – Lee Child – Dave Chisholm – Ben Clanton – Brandy Colbert – Zoraida Córdova – Eduardo C. Corral – Mia Couto – Mike Curato – Angela Dominguez – Sophie Escabasse – Debbi Michiko Florence – Nick Flynn – Curdella Forbes – Carolyn Forché – Gilbert Ford – Kelli Jo Ford – Lauren Francis-Sharma – Marcial Gala – Matt Gallagher – Camryn Garrett – Sasha Geffen – Nelson George – Hafizah Geter – Julia Gfrörer – Paolo Giordano – Chris Grabenstein – Isabel Greenberg – Chris Grine – Kristen Gudsnuk – Romesh Gunesekera – Shawn Harris – Mike Hawthorne – Carlos Hernandez – Amy Herzog – Cathy Park Hong – Mark Honigsbaum – Kiku Hughes – Michael R. Jackson – Victoria James – Oliver Jeffers – N.K. Jemisin – Beverly Jenkins – Kim Johnson – Leah Johnson – Varian Johnson – Tayari Jones – Wayne Jordan – Stephanie Kelton – Jessica Kim – Lily King – Peter Kispert – Yusef Komunyakaa – Andrew Krivak – Ryan La Sala – Stephan Lee – Attica Locke – Marie Lu – Alain Mabanckou – Deborah Madison – Maureen Mahon – Kevin Noble Maillard – Ricardo Alberto Maldonado – Emily St. John Mandel – Ilana Masad – Janae Marks – Bernice L. McFadden – Karen McManus – Juana Medina – Meg Medina – Fernanda Melchor – Colin Meloy – Maaza Mengiste – Kate Messner – Adrienne Miller – Lydia Millet – Jonah Mixon-Webster – Marcus J. Moore – John Murillo – Daniel Nayeri – Emily Nemens – Andrés Neuman – Kevin Nguyen – Lynn Nottage – Sigrid Nunez – Joyce Carol Oates – Tracy O’Neill – Tochi Onyebuchi – Claribel Ortega – Carey Pietsch – Rory Power – Claudia Rankine – Raúl the Third – Calvin Reid – Kiley Reid – Jared Reinmuth – Justin A. Reynolds – Hallie Rubenhold – Salman Rushdie – Kate Elizabeth Russell – Joe Sacco – Aisha Saeed – Jerry Saltz – Maria Scrivan – Tariq Shah – Kevin Sherry – Adania Shibli – Curtis Sittenfeld – Bishakh Som – Mika Song – Leslie Stein – R.L. Stine – Emma Straub – Brandon Taylor – Emily Temple – Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o – Héctor Tobar -Adrian Tomine – Laura van den Berg – Juan Pablo Villalobos – Ivan Vladislavić – Karolina Waclawiak – Kawai Strong Washburn – Jesse Wegman – Edmund White – Colson Whitehead – Rick Wilson – Alexis Wright – Shannon Wright – Yao Xiao – Bianca Xunise – Gene Luen Yang – Brigit Young – Lidia Yuknavitch – Kate Zambreno –

Brooklyn Book Festival Announces: 15th Anniversary Will Be An All-Virtual Festival

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The Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini

Most people outside Italy know Pier Paolo Pasolini for his films, many of which began as literary works—Arabian Nights, The Gospel According to Matthew, The Decameron, and The Canterbury Tales among them.

What most people are not aware of is that he was primarily a poet, publishing nineteen books of poems during his lifetime, as well as a visual artist, novelist, playwright, and journalist. Half a dozen of these books have been excerpted and published in English over the years, but even if one were to read all of those, the wide range of poetic styles and subjects that occupied Pasolini during his lifetime would still elude the English-language reader.

For the first time, Anglophones will now be able to discover the many facets of this singular poet. Avoiding the tactics of the slim, idiosyncratic, and aesthetically or politically motivated volumes currently available in English, Stephen Sartarelli has chosen poems from every period of Pasolini’s poetic oeuvre. In doing so, he gives English-language readers a more complete picture of the poet, whose verse ranged from short lyrics to longer poems and extended sequences, and whose themes ran not only to the moral, spiritual, and social spheres but also to the aesthetic and sexual, for which he is most known in the United States today. This volume shows how central poetry was to Pasolini, no matter what else he was doing in his creative life, and how poetry informed all of his work from the visual arts to his political essays to his films. Pier Paolo Pasolini was “a poet of the cinema,” as James Ivory says in the book’s foreword, who “left a trove of words on paper that can live on as the fast-deteriorating images he created on celluloid cannot.”

Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922–75) was an Italian film director, writer, and intellectual. This generous selection of poems will be welcomed by poetry lovers and film buffs alike and will be an event in American letters.

The Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini
A Bilingual Edition
Edited and Translated by Stephen Sartarelli
With a Foreword by James Ivory
Format Paperback
512 pages
Dimensions 152.4 x 226.06 x 33.02mm
Publisher The University of Chicago Press
Language English
Edition Bilingual edition
ISBN10 022632544X
ISBN13 9780226325446
Paper $25.00

Susan Stewart | The Nation: “An accused blasphemer deeply devoted to Franciscan Catholicism, a Gramscian communist permanently expelled from the party, an avowed homosexual dedicated to the consensual sexual freedom of everyone, a champion of the local on a global scale, a neorealist of the imagination, and a radically innovative poet alienated from the existing practices of the avant-garde: Pasolini is not so much a figure of contradictions as he is a force against the incoherence hiding in every hypocrisy.”

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More in: - Book News, Archive O-P, Archive O-P, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, Pier Paolo Pasolini

Free human rights lawyer and prisoner of conscience Nasrin Sotoudeh

Nasrin Sotoudeh and her son

In prisons across Iran, there have been people who have tested positive for COVID-19. This raises grave concerns for prisoners in Iran, including human rights lawyer and prisoner of conscience Nasrin Sotoudeh. Take action and demand she is released now.

After two grossly unfair trails, Nasrin Sotoudeh, a prominent Iranian human rights lawyer, was sentenced to 38 years and six months in prison and 148 lashes because of her work defending women’s rights and protesting against Iran’s discriminatory and degrading forced veiling laws. Nasrin has dedicated her life to peaceful human rights works.

Now, in prisons across Iran, there have been confirmed cases of COVID-19. This raises grave fears that prisoners, like Nasrin, are at risk of contracting the virus. Prisoners are at particular risk because they are unable to take the same social distancing and hygiene measures as those outside of prison to protect themselves.

Across Iran, prisoners have pleaded with officials to address overcrowded, unhygienic and unsanitary conditions that put them at greater risk of COVID-19 infections, raising alarms about the authorities’ failure to sufficiently protect prison populations from the spread of the virus. Some prisoners have been denied adequate medical care, leaving them at greater risk from the virus if contracted.

Nasrin is among the hundreds of prisoners of conscience jailed in Iran. No one should spend a single day in prison for peacefully exercising their rights.

Call on the Supreme Leader of Iran to release Nasrin Sotoudeh immediately and unconditionally and for her sentences to be quashed without delay.

Iran: Free Nasrin Sotoudeh
Link: action amnesty international


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