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# Music Archive

«« Previous page · Joe Hill: Everybody’s Joining It (song) · Joe Hill: What we want (song) · Where the Fraser River Flows by Joe Hill (song) · Teken de petitie: LIEFDE VOOR MUZIEK! · “Jong in de jaren zestig. De muziek van Frans Kellendonk” door Jaap Goedegebuure · Joe Hill: Workers of the World, Awaken (song) · The Rebel Girl by Joe Hill (Song) · Ton van Reen: Vlucht uit Montaillou. Roman · Resistance: A Songwriter’s Story of Hope, Change, and Courage by Tori Amos · Joe Hill’s Last Will (Poem written in his cell on the eve of his execution) · Stranger Than Kindness: The Nick Cave Exhibition + Book · Joe Hill: Ta-Ra-Ra Boom De-Ay (Song)

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Joe Hill: Everybody’s Joining It (song)

Everybody’s Joining It

Fellow workers, can’t you hear,
There is something in the air.
Everywhere you walk everybody talks
‘Bout the I. W. W.
They have got a way to strike
That the master doesn’t like —
Everybody sticks,
That’s the only trick,
Al are joining now.

Everybody’s joining it, joining what? Joining it!
Everybody’s joining it, joining what? Joining it!
One Big Union, that’s the workers’ choice,
One Big Union, that’s the only choice,
One Big Union, that’s the only noise,
One Big Union, shout with all your voice;
Make a noise, make a noise, make a noise, boys,
Everybody’s joining it, joining what? Joining it!
Everybody’s joining it, joining what? Joining it!
Joining in this union grand,
Boys and girls in every land;
All the workers hand in hand —
Everybody’s joining it now.

The’ Boss is feeling mighty blue,
He don’t know just what to do.
We have got his goat, got him by the throat,
Soon he’ll work or go starving.
Join I. W. W.
Don’t let bosses trouble you,
Come and join with us —
Everybody does —
You’ve got nothing to lose.

Will the One Big Union Grow?
Mister Bonehead wants to know.
Well! What do you think, of that funny gink,
Asking such foolish questions?
Will it grow? Well! Look a here,
Brand new locals everywhere,
Better take a hunch,
Join the fighting bunch,
Fight for Freedom and Right.

Joe Hill
Everybody’s Joining It

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More in: # Music Archive, Archive G-H, Joe Hill, Workers of the World

Joe Hill: What we want (song)


What we want

(Tune: “Rainbow”)

We want all the workers in the world
to organize
Into a great big union grand
And when we all united stand
The world for workers we’ll demand
If the working class could only see
and realize
What mighty power labor has
Then the exploiting master class
It would soon fade away.

Come all ye toilers that work
for wages,
Come from every land,
Join the fighting band,
In one union grand,
Then for the workers we’ll make upon
this earth a paradise
When the slaves get wise
and organize.

We want the sailor and the tailor
and the lumberjacks,
And all the cooks and Laundry girls,
We want the guy that dives for pearls,
The pretty maid that’s making curls,
And the baker and staker
and the chimneysweep
We want the man that’s slinging hash,
The child that works for little cash
In one union grand.

We want the tinner and the skinner
and the chambermaid,
We want the man with spikes on soles,
We want the man that’s digging holes,
We want the man that’s climbing poles,

And the tracker and the mucker
and the hired man
And all the factory girls and clerks,
Yes, we want every one that works,
In one union grand.

Joe Hill
What we want

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More in: # Music Archive, Archive G-H, Joe Hill, Workers of the World

Where the Fraser River Flows by Joe Hill (song)

Where the Fraser River Flows

(Tune: “Where the River Shannon Flows”)

Fellow workers pay attention to what I’m going to mention,
For it is the fixed intention of the Workers of the World.
And I hope you’ll all be ready, true-hearted, brave and steady,
To gather ’round our standard when the Red Flag is unfurled.

Where the Fraser river flows, each fellow worker knows,
They have bullied and oppressed us, but still our Union grows.
And we’re going to find a way, boys, for shorter hours and better pay, boys;
And we’re going to win the day, boys; where the river Fraser flows.

For the gunny-sack contractors have all been dirty actors,
And they’re not our benefactors, each fellow worker knows.
So we’ve got to stick together in fine or dirty weather,
And we will show no white feather, where the Fraser river flows.

New the boss the law is stretching, bulls and pimps he’s fetching,
And they are a fine collection, as Jesus only knows.
But why their mothers reared them, and why the devil spared them,
Are questions we can’t answer, where the Fraser river flows.

Why should any worker be without the necessities of life when ten men can produce enough for a hundred?

Joe Hill
Where the Fraser River Flows

Songs of the Workers (15th edition) (1919)
Industrial Workers of the World
Where the Fraser River Flows by Joe Hill (uncredited). Onward, “One Big Union!”
The tune to this song, “Where the River Shannon Flows” (1906) written by James J. Russell.

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More in: # Music Archive, Archive G-H, Joe Hill, Workers of the World

Teken de petitie: LIEFDE VOOR MUZIEK!


De campagne ‘Liefde voor Muziek’ is een initiatief van de voltallige Nederlandse muziekindustrie. Ruim 3000 artiesten, organisaties en bedrijven uit de gehele breedte (pop, jazz, klassiek en elektronische muziek) van de muziekbranche steunen de campagne met hart en ziel.

In maart van dit jaar verstomde als gevolg van het coronavirus alle livemuziek in poppodia, concertzalen en op festivals even onverwachts als abrupt. Veel artiesten, gezonde bedrijven en ZZP’ers hebben geen omzet of inkomen meer. Tienduizenden banen en knowhow dreigen verloren te gaan. Nederland heeft geweldige muzikanten. Nationaal en internationaal succesvolle sterren in alle genres van de pop, dance en jazz. Deze kunnen optreden dankzij een groot ecosysteem van 150.000 professionals.

De organisatie van ‘LIEFDE VOOR MUZIEK’! wil de regering laten (in)zien hoe omvangrijk en divers de Nederlandse muziekindustrie is, wat haar culturele en economische waarde is.

Zij vragen de muziekliefhebber om de petitie ‘Liefde voor Muziek’ te tekenen. Laat weten dat je het voortbestaan van live muziek (festivals en concerten) in Nederland ook belangrijk vindt.

Meer informatie op website:


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More in: # Music Archive, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, The talk of the town

“Jong in de jaren zestig. De muziek van Frans Kellendonk” door Jaap Goedegebuure

Tussen zijn vijftiende en twintigste droomde Frans Kellendonk (1951-1990), naderhand uitgegroeid tot een van de belangrijkste schrijvers van zijn generatie, niet alleen van literaire roem, hij ambieerde ook een carrière als singer-songwriter. Hij schreef tientallen liedjes, zijn vriend Leonard de Vos maakte er de muziek bij.

Met de begeleidende brieven en fragmenten uit zijn bijdragen aan diverse schoolkranten van het Nijmeegse Dominicuscollege geven Kellendonks liedjes een authentiek beeld van het puberbestaan tijdens de jaren zestig. Het was de periode waarin Bob Dylan furore maakte, de Amerikaanse bemoeienis met Vietnam op wereldwijde protesten stuitte en de anti-autoritaire provobeweging de Hollandse huiskamers danig wist te choqueren.

Jong in de jaren zestig roept de sfeer op van bevlogen jongeren in tijden van sociale en culturele veranderingen.

Jaap Goedegebuure (1947), emeritus hoogleraar en literatuurcriticus, publiceerde in 2018 de positief ontvangen biografie van Frans Kellendonk. Eerder maakte hij met Oek de Jong een uitgave van Frans Kellendonks brieven, en bezorgde hij (met Rick Honings) een uitgebreide editie van Kellendonks Verzameld werk.

Jaap Goedegebuure
Jong in de jaren zestig
De muziek van Frans Kellendonk
Uitgever: Querido
Publicatiedatum: 02-04-2020
ISBN: 9789021421520
NUR: 320
156 pagina’s
Prijs: € 15,00

# new books magazine

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Joe Hill: Workers of the World, Awaken (song)


Workers of the World,

Workers of the world, awaken!
Break your chains. demand your rights.
AII the wealth you make is taken
By exploiting parasites.
Shall you kneel in deep submission
From your cradles to your graves?
ls the height of your ambition
To be good and willing slaves?

Arise, ye prisoners of starvation!
Fight for your own emancipation;
Arise, ye slaves of every nation.
In One Union grand.
Our little ones for bread are crying,
And millions are from hunger dying;
The end the means is justifying,
‘Tis the final stand.

If the workers take a notion,
They can stop all speeding trains;
Every ship upon the ocean
They can tie with mighty chains.
Every wheel in the creation,
Every mine and every mill ,
Fleets and armies of the nation,
Will at their command stand still.

Join the union, fellow workers,
Men and women, side by side;
We will crush the greedy shirkers
Like a sweeping, surging tide;
For united we are standing,
But divided we will fall;
Let this be our understanding —
“All for one and one for all.”

Workers of the world, awaken!
Rise in all your splendid might;
Take the wealth that you are making,
It belongs to you by right.
No one will for bread be crying,
We’ll have freedom, love and health.
When the grand red flag is flying
In the Workers’ Commonwealth.

Joe Hill
Workers of the World, Awaken

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More in: # Music Archive, Archive G-H, Joe Hill, Workers of the World

The Rebel Girl by Joe Hill (Song)

The Rebel Girl

There are women of many descriptions
In this queer world, as everyone knows.
Some are living in beautiful mansions,
And are wearing the finest of clothes.
There are blue blooded queens and princesses,
Who have charms made of diamonds and pearl;
But the only and thoroughbred lady
Is the Rebel Girl.

That’s the Rebel Girl, that’s the Rebel Girl!
To the working class she’s a precious pearl.
She brings courage, pride and joy
To the fighting Rebel Boy.
We’ve had girls before, but we need some more
In the Industrial Workers of the World.
For it’s great to fight for freedom
With a Rebel Girl.

Yes, her hands may be hardened from labor,
And her dress may not be very fine;
But a heart in her bosom is beating
That is true to her class and her kind.
And the grafters in terror are trembling
When her spite and defiance she’ll hurl;
For the only and thoroughbred lady
Is the Rebel Girl.

Joe Hill
The Rebel Girl

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More in: # Music Archive, Archive G-H, Joe Hill, Workers of the World

Ton van Reen: Vlucht uit Montaillou. Roman

De befaamde en onsterfelijke Franse schrijver Boris Vian zit op het terras van Café La Coupole in Parijs, een plek waar schrijvers en kunstenaars graag vertoeven.

Zijn oog valt op een bericht in de krant. ‘Bij het plaatsje Montaillou heeft een beer de wolven verjaagd die het 17-jarige herderinnetje Claire Soubirous dreigden aan te vallen. De beer liet het meisje met rust.’ Boris leest het summiere bericht drie keer. Het ontroert hem. Beren zijn z’n lievelingsdieren. Ze hebben het uiterlijk van knuffels en het innerlijk van prijsvechters. Zal hij een boek kunnen schrijven met in de hoofdrol een beer? Een beer met menselijke eigenschappen, zoals kinderen hun knuffelberen zien als hun beste vriendjes en met hen praten?

Hij pakt een lijntjesschrift uit zijn tas en schroeft de dop van zijn pen. Opeens is het er weer, na lange jaren, het geluk van het schrijven. Het eerste hoofdstuk waarin de beer, die Napoleon heet, en Claire besluiten op reis te gaan naar Parijs, vloeit als vanzelf op het papier.

Aan zijn tafeltje op het terras van La Coupole schrijft Boris elke dag een hoofdstuk, vaak in het bijzijn van schrijvers en lezers. Een van hen is de schrijver Ton van Reen, een bewonderaar van het werk van Boris Vian, die een dagboek bijhoudt over de gebeurtenissen. Al vlug ontdekt men dat wat Boris schrijft ook in het echt gebeurt. De pers duikt erop. Frankrijk staat op zijn kop. De toekomst van het land vloeit uit de pen van Boris.

Quotes uit de Franse pers:
Tja, wat moet ik er van zeggen? Een roman over de liefde? Onzin natuurlijk. Maar het leest lekker weg. En dat ik een rol speel in een boek van Boris Vian? Dat streelt me wel natuurlijk.’ – Michel Houellebecq in Le magazin Houellebecq

‘Boem. Pats. Zo kennen we Boris Vian weer. IJzersterk in het absurde. En toch heel geloofwaardig, ook omdat het leven van de mens nu eenmaal ongerijmd is. Een boek waarin ik van de eerste tot de laatste letter geloof. Ontroerend is de kleine rol die facteur Ferdinand Cheval speelt in dit heerlijke verhaal, waarin ook ik op mijn plaats word gezet.’ – Jean Paul Sartre in L’Echo du Cimétière de Montmartre

‘Iedere goede roman is een dwaalspoor door het leven. Dit is zo’n roman. Een waar doolhof waar je niet uit wilt raken, een tuin vol verhalen en sprookjes. Ik zit er nog middenin.’ – Françoise ‘Tristesse’ Sagan in L’heure du Femme de Campagne

Aad Nuis schreef in de Haagsche Post: ‘Ton van Reen is een schrijver met karakter. Hij gaat zijn eigen weg, los van de wisselingen van de literaire mode. Hij schrijft graag sprookjes, waarbij de toon onverhoeds kan omslaan van Andersen op zijn charmantst in Grimm op zijn gruwelijkst.’

Vlucht uit Montaillou is zo’n sprookje.

Ton van Reen
Vlucht uit Montaillou
De reis van Claire en Napoleon naar Parijs
Boris Vian-roman
ISBN 978-90-6265-504-5
Eerste uitgave 14 juli 2019
Gebrocheerd in omslag met flappen,
438 blz.
€ 22,00

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Resistance: A Songwriter’s Story of Hope, Change, and Courage by Tori Amos

A timely and passionate call to action for engaging with our current political moment, from the Grammy-nominated and multiplatinum singer-songwriter and New York Times bestselling author Tori Amos.

Since the release of her first, career-defining solo album Little Earthquakes, Tori Amos has been one of the music industry’s most enduring and ingenious artists. From her unnerving depiction of sexual assault in “Me and a Gun” to her post-September 11 album, Scarlet’s Walk, to her latest album, Native Invader, her work has never shied away from intermingling the personal with the political.

Amos began playing piano as a teenager for the politically powerful at hotel bars in Washington, DC, during the formative years of the post-Goldwater and then Koch-led Libertarian and Reaganite movements. The story continues to her time as a hungry artist in Los Angeles to the subsequent three decades of her formidable music career. Amos explains how she managed to create meaningful, politically resonant work against patriarchal power structures–and how her proud declarations of feminism and her fight for the marginalized always proved to be her guiding light. She teaches us to engage with intention in this tumultuous global climate and speaks directly to supporters of #MeToo and #TimesUp, as well as young people fighting for their rights and visibility in the world.

Filled with compassionate guidance and actionable advice–and using some of the most powerful, political songs in Amos’s canon–this book is for anyone determined to steer the world back in the right direction.

Tori Amos is a Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter, pianist, composer, and, with Ann Powers, the New York Times bestselling author of Tori Amos: Piece by Piece. She has released fifteen studio albums, including her latest, Native Invader, in 2017.

Tori Amos
Resistance: A Songwriter’s Story
of Hope, Change, and Courage
Publisher: Atria Books
Date: May 05, 2020 !
Pages: 272
ISBN-10: 1982104155
ISBN-13: 978-1982104153
Publisher: Atria Books (May 5, 2020)
Language: English
Publishing date: May 5, 2020
Price: $23.40

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Joe Hill’s Last Will (Poem written in his cell on the eve of his execution)

Last Will

My will is easy to decide,
For there is nothing to divide.
My kind don’t need to fuss and moan —
“Moss does not cling to a rolling stone.”

My body? Ah, If I could choose,
I would to ashes it reduce,
And let the merry breezes blow
My dust to where some flowers grow.

Perhaps some fading flower then
Would come to life and bloom again.
This is my last and final will.
Good luck to all of you.

Joe Hill
Last Will
Written in his cell on the eve of his execution

Joe Hill was sentenced to death after being accused of the murder of two shopkeepers. His conviction is often disputed by historians. On November 18, 1915, one day before his execution, he wrote his last will. On that same day, he sent a telegram to fellow IWW member Bill Haywood, telling him: “Don’t waste time mourning – Organize!”

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More in: # Music Archive, - Archive Tombeau de la jeunesse, Archive G-H, Archive G-H, In Memoriam, Joe Hill

Stranger Than Kindness: The Nick Cave Exhibition + Book


Stranger Than Kindness is a journey in images and words into the creative world of musician, storyteller and cultural icon Nick Cave.
This highly collectable book invites the reader into the innermost core of the creative process and paves the way for an entirely new and intimate meeting with the artist, presenting Cave’s life, work and inspiration and exploring his many real and imagined universes. It features full colour reproductions of original artwork, handwritten lyrics, photographs and collected personal artefacts along with commentary and meditations from Nick Cave, Janine Barrand and Darcey Steinke.

Stranger Than Kindness asks what shapes our lives and makes us who we are, and celebrates the curiosity and power of the creative spirit.

The book has been developed and curated by Nick Cave in collaboration with Christina Back. The images were selected from ‘Stranger Than Kindness: The Nick Cave Exhibition’, opening at the Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen in March 2020.

Nick Cave has been performing music for more than thirty years and is best known as the songwriter and lead singer of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, whose latest album Ghosteen was widely received as their best work ever. Cave’s body of work also covers a wider range of media and modes of expression including film score composition and writing of novels. His recent Conversations events and Red Hand Files website have seen Cave exploring deeper and more direct relationships with his fans.

Stranger Than Kindness: The Nick Cave Exhibition
A journey into the creative world of musician, storyteller and cultural icon Nick Cave.
23 March 2020 – 3 October 2020
Exhibition in the Black Diamond Copenhagen
Stranger Than Kindness: The Nick Cave Exhibition
The Black Diamond – Royal Danish Library
Søren Kierkegaards Plads, Copenhagen, Denmark
Please check our website for a new opening date:

The exhibition was developed and designed by Christina Back, Royal Danish Library and Janine Barrand, Arts Centre Melbourne in collaboration with Nick Cave for The Black Diamond, Copenhagen. It was curated and produced by Royal Danish Library in collaboration with the Australian Music Vault at Arts Centre Melbourne. The soundscapes were composed and recorded for the exhibition by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis.

The book: Stranger Than Kindness is a journey in images and words into the creative world of musician, storyteller and cultural icon Nick Cave.

This highly collectable book invites the reader into the innermost core of the creative process and paves the way for an entirely new and intimate meeting with the artist, presenting Cave’s life, work and inspiration and exploring his many real and imagined universes.

Nick Cave
Stranger Than Kindness
Hardcover: 276 pages
Publisher: Canongate Books;
Main edition (23 Mar. 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1838852247
ISBN-13: 978-1838852245
Product Dimensions: 22 x 3 x 29 cm

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More in: # Music Archive, - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive C-D, Nick Cave, THEATRE

Joe Hill: Ta-Ra-Ra Boom De-Ay (Song)


Ta-Ra-Ra Boom De-Ay

I had a job once threshing wheat, worked sixteen hours with hands and feet.
And when the moon was shining bright, they kept me working all the night.
One moonlight night, I hate to tell, I “accidentally” slipped and fell.
My pitchfork went right in between some cog wheels of that thresh-machine.

It made a noise that way.
And wheels and bolts and hay,
Went flying every way.
That stingy rube said, “Well!
A thousand gone to hell.”
But I did sleep that night,
I needed it all right.

Next day that stingy rube did say, “I’ll bring my eggs to town today;
You grease my wagon up, you mutt, and don’t forget to screw the nut.”
I greased his wagon all right, but I plumb forgot to screw the nut,
And when he started on that trip, the wheel slipped off and broke his hip.

It made a noise that way,
That rube was sure a sight,
And mad enough to fight;
His whiskers and his legs
Were full of scrambled eggs;
I told him, “That’s too bad —
I’m feeling very sad.”

And then that farmer said, “You turk! I bet you are an I-Won’t Work.”
He paid me off right there, By Gum! So I went home and told my chum.
Next day when threshing did commence, my chum was Johnny on the fence;
And ‘pon my word, that awkward kid, he dropped his pitchfork, like I did.

It made a noise that way,
And part of that machine
Hit Reuben on the bean.
He cried, “Oh me, oh my;
I nearly lost my eye.”
My partner said, “You’re right —
It’s bedtime now, good night.”

But still that rube was pretty wise, these things did open up his eyes.
He said, “There must be something wrong; I think I work my men too long.”
He cut the hours and raised the pay, gave ham and eggs for every day,
Now gets his men from union hall, and has no “accidents” at all.

That rube is feeling gay;
He learned his lesson quick,
Just through a simple trick.
For fixing rotten jobs
And fixing greedy slobs,
This is the only way,

Joe Hill
Ta-Ra-Ra Boom De-Ay

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More in: # Music Archive, - Archive Tombeau de la jeunesse, Archive G-H, Joe Hill, MUSEUM OF PUBLIC PROTEST, Workers of the World

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