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Vandaag verschijnt het nieuwste deel in de reeks digitale publicaties van fleursdumal.nl, Fantom Ebooks. Fantom Ebooks nummer 2 is een werk van de Eindhovense dichter, schrijver en vertaler Paul Bezembinder, getiteld ‘Kwatrijnen. Filosofische Verkenningen’. De e-bundel omvat achttien filosofische en absurdistische kwatrijnen.
Bezembinder (1961) studeerde theoretische natuurkunde in Nijmegen. In zijn poëzie zoekt hij in vooral klassieke versvormen en thema’s naar de balans tussen serieuze poëzie, pastiche en smartlap. Zijn gedichten (Nederlands) en vertalingen (Russisch- Nederlands) verschenen in verschillende (online) literaire tijdschriften, waaronder fleursdumal.nl. Voorbeelden van zijn werk zijn ook te vinden op zijn website: www.paulbezembinder.nl
Fantom Ebooks is een uitgave van Art Brut Digital Editions en publiceert onregelmatig bijzondere kunst- en literatuurprojecten. Deel 3 verschijnt eind 2018. Fantom Ebooks nummer 1 is de bundel OVERVLOED van dichter Bert Bevers. Deze bevat tien verschillende vertalingen van het gedicht ‘Overvloed’ van Bert Bevers.
Filosofische Verkenningen
Art Brut Digital Editions
Series Fantom Ebooks
Fantom Ebooks 2018
ISBN: 978-90-76326-10-8
NUR 306
1ste PDF-uitgave FANTOM2, Juni 2018
GRATIS te downloaden via onderstaande LINK
fleursdumal.nl magazine
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Poëzie in Mickery
Halbo C. Kools poëzieavonden in 1966
Niels Bokhove
Literair Leeuwarden (I)
Schrijvers die sporen nalieten
Pieter de Groot
Big Brother heeft bestaan
Marco Daane
J. van Oudshoorn en een hongerkunstenaar
Jan Paul Hinrichs
‘Puur pooierachtige diefstal’
Nico Keuning
Een uniek liefdadigheidsalbum van Philippe Zilcken
Jaap Versteegh
Berliner Beobachter
Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens
Hans Olink
Schoon & haaks
Jan Paul Hinrichs
De Laatste Pagina
Oscar Timmers (1931-2018)
Paul Arnoldusse
Literair Leeuwarden
In drie nummers besteedt De Parelduiker aandacht aan het feit dat Leeuwarden dit jaar Culturele hoofdstad van Europa is. Literair Leeuwarden wordt, steeds vanuit een andere invalshoek en door een andere auteur, onder de loep genomen. Om te beginnen met de negentiende eeuw: de gebroeders Halbertsma uit Grou, François HaverSchmidt, Pieter Jelles Troelstra, Nienke van Hichtum en, niet te vergeten, Trui Jentink, ‘de pruttelende koffiekan van de Romkeslaan’, feministe van het eerste uur. Het begin van een mooie Leeuwarder literatuurgeschiedenis in vogelvlucht.
Boudewijn de Groot en Lennaert Nijgh in Mickery Loenersloot
Dichter Halbo C. Kool, door tekstdichter Lennaert Nijgh als ‘een wonderkind van 60’ bezongen, probeerde het succes van Poëzie in Carré (1966) een vervolg te geven met zijn poëzieavonden in het pas geopende Mickery-theater van Ritsaert ten Cate in Loenersloot. Na het eerste optreden van Nina Simone in Nederland aldaar mochten Lennaert Nijgh en zanger Boudewijn de Groot optreden in Mickery met hun cyclus Voor de overlevenden, te midden van dichterscoryfeeën als Clara Eggink, Theun de Vries, Remco Campert, A. Roland Holst, Gerrit Kouwenaar en Fritzi Harmsen van Beek. Mede door de slechte bereikbaarheid – al reed er een speciale bus van het Leidse Bosje – werden de avonden geen succes.
De Parelduiker 2018/2
ISBN 9789059375161
€ 12,50
80 pagina’s
# Website Uitgeverij Bas Lubberhuizen
Literair tijdschrift De Parelduiker
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Nicht verloren laufen
Een boek met lino’s van Walter Kerkhofs en Ivo van Leeuwen.
Handgedrukt, oplage 70.
Gebonden door Liesbeth Huyben
Grafiek expositie met werk van Walter Kerkhofs en Ivo van Leeuwen. Verder is naast grafiek van boven genoemde kunstenaars, ook werk te zien van de Hamburgse kunstenaar: Dragan Prgomelja.
Tijdens de presentatie worden drie muziekstukken uitgevoerd, die werden gecomponeerd door Frans Kerkhofs op gedichten van Nabokov.
Uitvoerenden: Lizette van Beek, mezzo-sopraan en Doré van Deijk, piano.
Nicht verloren laufen
16 juni 2018 op 16.00 uur
NS-Plein 16, Tilburg
Expositie open 17/23/14 juni van 12.00 tot 17.00
new art work
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The story of how literature shaped world history, in sixteen acts—from Alexander the Great and the Iliad to Don Quixote and Harry Potter
In this groundbreaking book, Martin Puchner leads us on a remarkable journey through time and around the globe to reveal the powerful role stories and literature have played in creating the world we have today.
Puchner introduces us to numerous visionaries as he explores sixteen foundational texts selected from more than four thousand years of world literature and reveals how writing has inspired the rise and fall of empires and nations, the spark of philosophical and political ideas, and the birth of religious beliefs. Indeed, literature has touched the lives of generations and changed the course of history.
At the heart of this book are works, some long-lost and rediscovered, that have shaped civilization: the first written masterpiece, the Epic of Gilgamesh; Ezra’s Hebrew Bible, created as scripture; the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, and Jesus; and the first great novel in world literature, The Tale of Genji, written by a Japanese woman known as Murasaki. Visiting Baghdad, Puchner tells of Scheherazade and the stories of One Thousand and One Nights, and in the Americas we watch the astonishing survival of the Maya epic Popol Vuh. Cervantes, who invented the modern novel, battles pirates both real (when he is taken prisoner) and literary (when a fake sequel to Don Quixote is published).
We learn of Benjamin Franklin’s pioneering work as a media entrepreneur, watch Goethe discover world literature in Sicily, and follow the rise in influence of The Communist Manifesto. We visit Troy, Pergamum, and China, and we speak with Nobel laureates Derek Walcott in the Caribbean and Orhan Pamuk in Istanbul, as well as the wordsmiths of the oral epic Sunjata in West Africa.
Throughout The Written World, Puchner’s delightful narrative also chronicles the inventions—writing technologies, the printing press, the book itself—that have shaped religion, politics, commerce, people, and history. In a book that Elaine Scarry has praised as “unique and spellbinding,” Puchner shows how literature turned our planet into a written world.
Title: The Written World
Subtitle: The Power of Stories to Shape People, History, Civilization
Author: Martin Puchner
Publisher: Random House
Format Hardcover, $32.00
ISBN-10 0812998936
ISBN-13 9780812998931
Publication Date: 24 October 2017
Nb of pages 448 p.
new books
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Fifty years ago, the demonstrations of May 68 turned the streets of Paris and Nanterre upside down, and shook France to its very core. Linked with a vast international protest movement, it brought about profound changes in French society and abroad.
Fifty years on, various cultural institutions explore the history and legacy of May – June 1968 through get-togethers, exhibitions, newly-opened archives, participatory workshops, theatre, music, debates and talks casting fresh light on the events.
# more information on website soixantehuit.fr and fleursdumal.nl
More in: Exhibition Archive, Histoire de France, PRESS & PUBLISHING, Protests of MAY 1968
The longlist of The Orwell Prize for Books 2018 features historical writing, fiction and for the first time a graphic novel.
The Islamic Enlightenment: The Modern Struggle Between Faith and Reason, Christopher de Bellaigue (Bodley Head). An absorbing account of the political and social reformations that transformed the lands of Islam in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries)
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race, Reni Eddo-Lodge (Bloomsbury). A book on racial inequalities, exploring issues from eradicated black history to the political purpose of white dominance, whitewashed feminism to the inextricable link between class and race
Threads from the Refugee Crisis, Kate Evans (Verso). Combining the techniques of eyewitness reportage with the medium of comic-book storytelling, Evans has produced a compelling view into the life of asylum seekers living in Calais’s ‘Jungle’.
Testosterone Rex, Cordelia Fine (Icon Books). A book explaining why past and present sex roles are only serving suggestions for the future. It reveals a much more dynamic situation through an entertaining and well-documented exploration of the latest research that draws on evolutionary science, psychology, neuroscience, endocrinology, and philosophy.
The Road to Somewhere – The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics, David Goodhart (Hurst Publishers). An exposition of how the political elites have failed their societies. This investigation into the new global politics reveals how the Somewhere backlash is a democratic response to the dominance of Anywhere interests, in everything from mass higher education to mass immigration.
What You Did Not Tell, Mark Mazower (Allen Lane). In the centenary of the Russian Revolution, What You Did Not Tell recounts a brand of socialism erased from memory – humanistic, impassioned, and broad-ranging in its sympathies. But it also explores the unexpected happiness that may await history’s losers, the power of friendship, and the love of place.
Poverty Safari, Darren McGarvey (Luath Press). People from deprived communities all across Britain feel misunderstood and unheard. Darren McGarvey, aka Loki, gives voice to their feelings and concerns, and anger that is spilling over.
Age of Anger: A History of the Present, Pankaj Mishra (Allen Lane). How can we explain the origins of the great wave of paranoid hatreds that seem inescapable in our close-knit world – from American ‘shooters’ and ISIS to Trump? Pankaj Mishra answers our bewilderment by casting his gaze back to the eighteenth century, before leading us to the present.
Bitch Doctrine, Laurie Penny (Bloomsbury) Bread for All:The Origins of the Welfare State, Chris Renwick (Allen Lane). This collection of Laurie Penny’s writing covers everything from the shock of Donald Trump’s election and the victories of the far right, to online harassment and the transgender rights movement. These darkly humorous articles provoke challenging conversations about the definitive social issues of today.
Winter, Ali Smith (Hamish Hamilton). In the second novel in her Seasonal cycle, Smith’s shape-shifting quartet of novels casts a merry eye over a bleak post-truth era with a story rooted in history, memory and warmth, its taproot deep in the evergreens: art, love, laughter.
Lovers and Strangers: An Immigrant History of Post-War Britain, Clair Wills (Allen Lane). Clair Wills’ book brings to life the incredible diversity and strangeness of the migrant experience. She introduces us to lovers, scroungers, dancers, homeowners, teaches, drinkers, carers and many more to show the opportunities and excitement as much as the humiliation and poverty that could be part of the new arrivals’ experience.
The judges for the Orwell Prize for Books are politician, academic and journalist Andrew Adonis (Chair), Literary Journalist and Artistic Director of Words and Literature of the Bath Festival, Alex Clark, author Kit de Waal, and Lorien Kite, Deputy Life & Arts Editor for the Financial Times.
The shortlist for The Orwell Prize for Books will be announced at The Bath Festival on 18th May. The winner of the £3000 prize will be unveiled on 25th June 2018 at The RSA, together with the winner of The Orwell Prize for Journalismand The Orwell Prize for Exposing Britain’s Social Evils.
Previous winners of the Orwell Prize for Books include John Bew for his biography of Clement Attlee (2017), Raja Shehadeh (2008), Alan Johnson (2014), and Andrea GiThe judges for the Orwell Prize for Booksllies (2010).
The Orwell Prize 2018 is for work published in the calendar year 2018. For more details and rules of entry please visit www.orwellfoundation.com
orwell-prize 2018
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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been imprisoned in Iran for nearly two years on bogus charges. She hasn’t committed any crime.
Nazanin has been told that she could be charged again and face another trial imminently, which may result in an even longer prison sentence.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is a 39-year-old British-Iranian woman, who ordinarily lives with her husband and young daughter in London. She works for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, a UK-based media charity. This has been used against her as evidence of ‘membership of an illegal group’, the charge that Nazanin was found guilty of at an unfair trial which saw her sentenced to five years in prison
She was arrested on 3 April 2016 at a Tehran airport, when she was about to board a plane home to the UK with her then one-year-old daughter, Gabriella. They had been on holiday in Iran visiting Nazanin’s parents – a trip Nazanin had made many times before, without incident.
At the airport, they were stopped by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Nazanin was taken into custody, without being told why, and Gabriella was given to her grandparents, who had accompanied them to the airport. Gabriella’s UK passport was confiscated at the airport (she does not have an Iranian passport), though it has since been returned.
When Nazanin was first detained, she wasn’t told why. She was put in solitary confinement. She was held in solitary for 45 days, and could not speak to her family or a lawyer. Her family were not told the reasons for her imprisonment.
Nazanin did not have a fair trial. She was only allowed access to a lawyer three days before her trial. In September 2016, Nazanin was sentenced to five years in prison for ‘membership of an illegal group’.
Nazanin’s physical and mental health is suffering. She suffers from severe arm, neck and back pain as a result of her prison conditions, and her hair is falling out. Nazanin’s husband has most recently said that she is worried about lumps on her breast.
Her family say that Nazanin has been extremely distressed and depressed during her imprisonment and separation from Gabriella. Last November, Nazanin wrote a suicidal letter to her family. A year has passed and her mental health has continued to decline.
The Iranian authorities have a track record of not allowing prisoners the healthcare they need – especially for people imprisoned on political charges – and this is sadly the case for Nazanin too.
◊ Amnesty International UK asks to take action. We (FDM mag.) support their work.
◊ Help get Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe home.
◊ Call on Iran to free Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.
# More information on website Amnesty International UK
free prisoner of conscience: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
fleursdumal.nl magazine
Eine fundamentale Abrechnung mit dem Internet von einem der einflussreichsten Blogger der Republik
Ausgerechnet Schlecky Silberstein, Kultakteur in der Netzgemeinde, propagiert diesen Leitspruch: »Das Internet muss weg.« Der Blogger und Online Comedian kennt das Netz wie seine Westentasche. Und gerade deshalb warnt er davor. Dank Fake News, Filterblasen und Social Bots erlangen Konzerne, politische Entscheidungsträger und Kriminelle zunehmend Kontrolle über weite Teile der Menschheit. Schlecky Silberstein analysiert den »Daten-Kasino-Kapitalismus«, in dem unsere Daten als Handelsware gezielt eingesetzt werden, um unser Verhalten vorherzusagen und zu beeinflussen. Nicht nur Donald Trump wusste ihn auf seinem Weg zur Macht zu nutzen, auch unsere eigene Gesellschaft droht von programmierbaren Propaganda-Maschinen gelenkt zu werden. Können wir einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit dem Internet lernen oder hilft nur noch die sofortige Abschaltung?
Schlecky Silberstein, geboren 1981, ist einer der wichtigsten Blogger Deutschlands. Sein gleichnamiger Blog hat über 600.000 regelmäßige Leser, rund 130.000 folgen ihm auf Facebook. Die von ihm produzierte Comedy Show »Bohemian Browser Ballett« ist fester Bestandteil von »funk«, dem jungen Online-Medienangebot von ARD und ZDF. Schlecky Silberstein lebt in Berlin.
Schlecky Silberstein
Das Internet muss weg
Eine Abrechnung
272 Seiten,
13,5 x 21,5 cm,
16 s/w Abbildungen
ISBN: 978-3-8135-0794-2
€ 16,00
Verlag: Knaus
Erscheinungstermin: 5. März 2018
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Van onzen correspondent bevat de artikelen die Willem Elsschot in de jaren 1918-1922 schreef voor de Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant. Ze zijn bijeengezocht en van een geschiedenis voorzien door C.J. Aarts en M.C. van Etten.
Bijna niemand weet dat Willem Elsschot kort na de Eerste Wereldoorlog een paar jaar de Antwerpse correspondent van de Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant was. Elsschot brengt nuchter verslag uit, maar laat zijn sarcastisch commentaar niet achterwege.
Terwijl Antwerpen herrijst, heeft Elsschot een scherp oog voor alle ellende van de bevolking: de woningnood, de voedselschaarste, de afbladderende verf, de werkloosheid. Bovenal was Elsschot er zich steeds van bewust dat hij zijn bijdragen aan de Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant schreef voor Nederlandse lezers.
C.J. Aarts en M.C. van Etten schetsen in dit prachtig vormgegeven en geïllustreerde boek hun fascinerende zoektocht naar de journalist Willem Elsschot. Van onzen correspondent is dan ook een verrassende aanvulling bij de biografie van deze grote schrijver.
Willem Elsschot (1882–1960) is de beroemde auteur van een klein, maar fijnzinnig literair oeuvre. Zijn journalistiek werk is tot nu toe nauwelijks bekend.
C.J. Aarts (1947) en M.C. van Etten (1948) zijn de samenstellers van de uitgeverijgeschiedenis 175 jaar Nijgh & Van Ditmar (2012) en van een tiental bloemlezingen, waaronder de zeer succesvolle bloemlezing Domweg gelukkig, in de Dapperstraat (1990).
Willem Elsschot, van onzen correspondent
Auteur(s): C.J. Aarts, M.C. van Etten
Formaat 150 x 230
Aantal pagina’s 352
Publicatiedatum 24 nov. 2017
ISBN 978-94-6310-170-7
€ 34,99
Pelckmans uitgevers
new books
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Fifty years after it first appeared, one of Noam Chomsky’s greatest essays will be published for the first time as a timely stand-alone book, with a new preface by the author.
As a nineteen-year-old undergraduate in 1947, Noam Chomsky was deeply affected by articles about the responsibility of intellectuals written by Dwight Macdonald, an editor of Partisan Review and then of Politics. Twenty years later, as the Vietnam War was escalating, Chomsky turned to the question himself, noting that “intellectuals are in a position to expose the lies of governments” and to analyze their “often hidden intentions.”
Originally published in the New York Review of Books, Chomsky’s essay eviscerated the “hypocritical moralism of the past” (such as when Woodrow Wilson set out to teach Latin Americans “the art of good government”) and exposed the shameful policies in Vietnam and the role of intellectuals in justifying it.
Also included in this volume is the brilliant The Responsibility of Intellectuals Redux, written on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, which makes the case for using privilege to challenge the state. As relevant in 2017 as it was in 1967, The Responsibility of Intellectuals reminds us that “privilege yields opportunity and opportunity confers responsibilities.”
All of us have choices, even in desperate times.
Title The Responsibility of Intellectuals
Author Noam Chomsky
Publisher New Press, The
Format Hardcover
Nb of pages 112 p.
ISBN-10 162097343X
ISBN-13 9781620973431
Hardcover – $16.95
Publication Date 07 November 2017
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Turkey now jails more journalists than any other country. One third of all imprisoned journalists in the world are being held in Turkish prisons, the vast majority waiting to be brought to trial.
Journalists and media workers from all strands of opposition media have been targeted in an unprecedented crackdown since the violent coup attempt in July 2016.
Coupled with the closure of more than 160 media outlets, the message is clear and disturbing: the space for dissent is ever-shrinking and speaking out comes at an immeasurable cost.
This crackdown must end. Act now to demand media freedom in Turkey.
Journalists and other media workers must be freed from pre-trial detention. A free media is an essential component of any functioning, pluralist society.
They must be allowed to do their job, because journalism is not a crime.
# Take action and send email via amnesty international
fleursdumal.nl magazine
How is ink made? What is the bestselling book of all time? What are the oldest known books in the world? And how does one make sense of the colors found on Penguin paperbacks? The answers to these questions and many more await readers in The Book Lovers’ Miscellany.
The Book Lovers’ Miscellany is a cornucopia for bibliophiles. With customary wisdom and wit, Claire Cock-Starkey presents a brief illustrated history of paper, binding, printing, and dust jackets, with a wealth of arcane facts that even the most avid book lovers may be hard-pressed to answer: Which natural pigments were used to decorate medieval bibles? Which animal is needed for the making of vellum? Curious facts are drawn from throughout the history of books and publishing, including many more recent examples, such as a short history of the comic and the story behind the massively successful Harlequin romance imprint Mills and Boon. Readers can explore the output of the most prolific writers and marvel at the youth of the youngest published authors—or lament the decisions of the publishers who rejected books that later became colossal bestsellers. The book also includes a collection of lists, including unfinished novels, books that have faced bans, books printed with mistakes, the most influential academic books of all time, and the longest established literary families.
The perfect gift for every bibliophile, The Book Lovers’ Miscellany is equally well suited to reading straight through or dipping into here and there.
The Book Lovers’ Miscellany
by Claire Cock-Starkey (Author)
ISBN: 9781851244713
Published January 15, 2018
Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
The Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford publishes books related to their collection, in some cases facsimile editons of rare or noteworthy titles. UCP distributes Bodleian Library titles in North America.
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