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«« Previous page · Faisal Mohyuddin: The Displaced Children Of Displaced Children · Jonathan Sperber: Karl Marx · Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto · Karel Michiels: 1968. Biografie van een mythisch jaar · Mark Kurlansky: 1968. The Year That Rocked the World · Wolfgang Kraushaar: 1968 · Arthur Anjou: 68: Année rhétorique. Les meilleurs slogans de Mai 68 · Roel Janssen: 1968. You Say You Want a Revolution · Christopher de Hamel: Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts · Detlef Siegfried: 1968. Protest, Revolte, Gegenkultur · Ivory Pearl by Jean-Patrick Manchette · The longlist of The Orwell Prize for Books 2018

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Faisal Mohyuddin: The Displaced Children Of Displaced Children

Poetry. Asian & Asian American Studies. Moving through past, present and future, this is a family history that journeys between America, Pakistan, modern Europe and even into space.

Faisal Mohyuddin delves into the past of his parents and their neighbours in Pakistan and India in a self-consciously impossible attempt to find some way of belonging to a place that is lost. Moving from elegant ghazals of lament to stuttering, disjointed phrases of yearning, Mohyuddin portrays with restrained emotion the complexities of what it is to be displaced, geographically, spiritually, psychologically. With moments of sorrow interspersed with unsettling humour, deep familial love and celebrations of beauty, it is a story recognizable to any who have felt displaced in a new world. If the personal is political, then this is truly poetry for our times.

Faisal Mohyuddin, a child of immigrants from Pakistan, is the author of the chapbook The Riddle of Longing (Backbone Press, 2017). He is the recipient of the 2014 Edward Stanley Award from Prairie Schooner and a 2017 Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Award. A graduate of Carleton College, Northwestern University, and Columbia College Chicago, he is also an alumnus of the U.S. Department of State’s Teachers for Global Classrooms program. He teaches English at Highland Park High School in Illinois, serves as an educator adviser to the global not- for-profit Narrative 4, and lives with his wife and son in Chicago. THE DISPLACED CHILDREN OF DISPLACED CHILDREN is his debut full-length collection.

The Displaced Children Of Displaced Children
by Faisal Mohyuddin (Author)
April 2, 2018
88 pages
Publisher: Eyewear Publishing
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1912477068
ISBN-13: 978-1912477067

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Jonathan Sperber: Karl Marx

Seit vier Jahrzehnten ist dies die erste große Marx-Biographie – geschrieben von einem exzellenten Kenner auf der Grundlage intensiver Forschungen.

Jonathan Sperber zeigt uns Karl Marx genauer als je zuvor im Kontext seines Jahrhunderts und interpretiert ihn nicht, wie die meisten seiner Vorgänger, als eine Art posthumen Zeitgenossen. Dieses Buch macht uns vielmehr bewusst, wie stark Marx sich im Koordinatensystem der eigenen Epoche bewegte – zwischen den Ereignissen der Französischen Revolution und einer kapitalistischen Zukunft.

Kein anderer Denker ist so gründlich in eine permanente Deutungshaftung für die Gegenwart genommen worden wie Karl Marx. Doch über der immensen und mit den aktuellen Krisen des Finanzkapitalismus wieder anschwellenden Wirkungsgeschichte sind die Ursprünge seiner Theorie weitgehend aus dem Blick geraten.

Jonathan Sperber schildert den historischen Marx – er rekonstruiert die Entstehung der Marxschen Theorie im Kontext der damaligen Ideen und Kontroversen, zeichnet seine politischen Aktivitäten vom Redakteur der Rheinischen Zeitung bis zum Gründervater der sozialistischen Bewegungen nach und beschreibt auch sehr eindrucksvoll den Menschen Karl Marx.

Die Biographie folgt den Spuren eines genialen Mannes, der ein Leben lang nach einer neuen und radikaleren Version der Französischen Revolution suchte und schließlich – neben Darwin – zum meistzitierten Denker des 19. Jahrhunderts werden sollte.

Jonathan Sperber ist Professor für Geschichte an der Universität von Missouri. Seine Bücher über das 19. Jahrhundert haben mehrere Preise erhalten, darunter “Rhineland Radicals” über die Revolution von 1848 im Rheinland den “Preis des DAAD” für das beste Buch zur deutschen Geschichte.

Jonathan Sperber:
Karl Marx
Sein Leben und sein Jahrhundert.
Originaltitel: Karl Marx. A Nineteenth-Century Life
Übersetzt von Thomas Atzert, Friedrich Griese, Karl Heinz Siber, Beck C. H.
EAN: 9783406640964
ISBN: 3406640966
Libri: 3841243
Mit 33 Abbildungen
März 2013
634 Seiten
Gebundene Ausgaben
€ 29,95 magazine

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Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. With an introduction by Yanis Varoufakis. ‘Vintage Classics’.

Featuring a new introduction from Yanis Varoufakis, this reissue of “The Communist Manifesto” in pocket portable form marks the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth.

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels:
The Communist Manifesto
With an introduction by Yanis Varoufakis.
EAN: 9781784873691
ISBN: 1784873691
Libri: 9401440
‘Vintage Classics’.
Random House UK Ltd
85 Pages
€ 5,99
April 2018 magazine

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Karel Michiels: 1968. Biografie van een mythisch jaar

1968 is na een halve eeuw een iconisch jaar geworden. Volgens sommigen de bron van alle kwaad dat ons nu overkomt, volgens anderen een keerpunt in de bewustwording van de mens.

Wat is er toen echt gebeurd, en hoe heeft dat ons denken en handelen beïnvloed? Wie waren de rebellen, wie de poseurs? En waar hield de rest van de Vlamingen zich mee bezig, de overgrote meerderheid die geen boodschap had aan revolutie?

Dit boek is geen objectieve geschiedschrijving. De auteur mixt zijn persoonlijke herinneringen als kind met feiten en verhalen die hij zelf relevant vindt, ook voor onze tijd. Hij neemt de lezer even goed mee naar Parijs en Vietnam als naar Leuven en Bilzen. Hij luistert even graag naar Marc Dex en Engelbert Humperdinck als naar The Beatles en de Stones. 1968 is een kleurrijk fresco van een mythisch jaar, heerlijk fris en onbevangen geschreven, zoals de tijdsgeest het toen wilde.

Karel Michiels (1960) is journalist en auteur. Hij publiceerde biografieën over een aantal opmerkelijke figuren en boeken over voetbal, reizen en cannabis. Met De Rasta Revelatie debuteerde hij in 2008 als romanschrijver onder de rastanaam Jah Shakespear.

Auteur: Karel Michiels
Biografie van een mythisch jaar
Uitgeverij : Lannoo
ISBN : 9789401444002
Taal : Nederlands
Uitvoering : Paperback
Aantal pagina’s : 288
Verschenen: Oktober  2017
Afmetingen : 213 x 144 x 28 mm.

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Mark Kurlansky: 1968. The Year That Rocked the World

To some, 1968 was the year of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Yet it was also the year of the Martin Luther King, Jr., and Bobby Kennedy assassinations; the riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago; Prague Spring; the antiwar movement and the Tet Offensive; Black Power; the generation gap; avant-garde theater; the upsurge of the women’s movement; and the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union.

In this monumental book, Mark Kurlansky brings to teeming life the cultural and political history of that pivotal year, when television’s influence on global events first became apparent, and spontaneous uprisings occurred simultaneously around the world. Encompassing the diverse realms of youth and music, politics and war, economics and the media, 1968 shows how twelve volatile months transformed who we were as a people–and led us to where we are today.

Mark Kurlansky is the New York Times bestselling author of many books, including The Food of a Younger Land; Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World; Salt: A World History; 1968: The Year That Rocked the World; The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell; and Paper: Paging Through History. He lives in New York City.

Mark Kurlansky:
The Year That Rocked the World
Category: World History
480 Pages
Random House Trade Paperbacks
ISBN 9780345455826

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Wolfgang Kraushaar: 1968

Ein halbes Jahrhundert ist mittlerweile vergangen seit jenem legendären Jahr 1968.

Wolfgang Kraushaar, der wohl beste Kenner der 68er Bewegung, schildert die Ereignisse jenes Jahres und ihre Nachwirkungen, charakterisiert die Wortführer – Reformer und Revoluzzer –, zeigt die globale Dimension der Studentenrevolte und zieht ein politisches Fazit.

Besondere Kapitel sind dem Sound der Revolte, der Revolte der Frauen und den Lebensbahnen derer gewidmet, die 1968 eine herausragende Rolle spielten.

Wolfgang Kraushaar, geb. 1948, studierte Politikwissenschaft, Philosophie und Germanistik. Seit 1987 arbeitet er am Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung. Sein Arbeitsschwerpunkt ist die Untersuchung von Protest und Widerstand in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik und der DDR.

Kraushaar, Wolfgang:
100 Seiten
Format 11,4 x 17 cm
100 Seiten
6 Abb. und Infografiken
März 2018
EUR (D) 10,00
ISBN: 978-3-15-020452-8

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Arthur Anjou: 68: Année rhétorique. Les meilleurs slogans de Mai 68

Mai 1968 fut le printemps des slogans politiques, qu’on retrouve avec bonheur dans cette anthologie “facon Cyrano de Bergerac”.

Choisies et commentées par Arthur Anjou, ces phrases cultes, souvent abrasives, toujours surprenantes, invitent à la (re)découverte de ce mouvement social et culturel majeur du XXe siècle, à l’occasion de son cinquantième anniversaire.

Arthur Anjou
68: Année rhétorique
Les meilleurs slogans de Mai 68
Librio (n° 1231) – Idées
À paraître le 18/04/2018
Genre : Documents
112 pages
130 x 205 mm
Broché €3,00
EAN : 9782290154687
ISBN : 9782290154687

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Roel Janssen: 1968. You Say You Want a Revolution

Het jaar 1968 behoort tot de iconische jaren van de twintigste eeuw. Het is een kanteljaar, waarin alles mogelijk lijkt. 1968 is het jaar van de Meirevolutie in Parijs, de Praagse Lente, het verzet tegen de oorlog in Vietnam, het bloedbad van My Lai, de moorden op Martin Luther King en Robert Kennedy, de Yippies bij de Democratische conventie in Chicago, de zwarte handschoenen bij de Olympische Spelen in Mexico en Amsterdam als ‘magies centrum’.

Over de hele wereld komen jongeren in opstand tegen de gevestigde orde. De protesten worden gevoed door het ideaal van een andere samenleving en het geloof in de nieuwe mens. Ze gaan gepaard met psychedelische experimenten, harde strijd en emancipatiebewegingen van zwarten en vrouwen. Bevrijding is het sleutelwoord.

Maar 1968 eindigt als een jaar van restauratie: de bestendiging van de regering van president De Gaulle in Frankrijk, de Sovjetinval in Tsjecho-Slowakije en de verkiezing van Richard Nixon in de Verenigde Staten. Desondanks hebben de culturele,maatschappelijke en politieke invloeden van 1968 nu, een halve eeuw later, niets aan betekenis ingeboet.

In dit enerverende, kleurrijke boek neemt Roel Janssen, die in mei 1968 naar Parijs trok om getuige te zijn van de studentenrevolte, de lezer mee op een wereldreis door het revolutiejaar. Het is een gedreven journalistiek verslag dat de gebeurtenissen van vijftig jaar geleden in perspectief plaatst en de herinneringen aan dat veelbewogen jaar levend houdt. ‘You say you want a revolution’, een verwijzing naar de hit van the Beatles in 1968, onderscheidt zich door een spannende verteltrant vol smakelijke details en oog voor de zelfoverschatting van de generatie van ’68.

Auteur: Roel Janssen
1968. You Say You Want a Revolution
Uitgeverij : Balans, Uitgeverij
ISBN : 9789460035586
Taal : Nederlands
Uitvoering : Paperback
Aantal pagina’s : 256
Verschijningsdatum : 22-01-2018
Afmetingen : 215 x 135 x 25 mm.
Gewicht : 381 gr.
20,00 euro

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Christopher de Hamel: Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts

An extraordinary exploration of the medieval world – the most beguiling history book of the year

This is a book about why medieval manuscripts matter. Coming face to face with an important illuminated manuscript in the original is like meeting a very famous person. We may all pretend that a well-known celebrity is no different from anyone else, and yet there is an undeniable thrill in actually meeting and talking to a person of world stature.

The idea for the book, which is entirely new, is to invite the reader into intimate conversations with twelve of the most famous manuscripts in existence and to explore with the author what they tell us about nearly a thousand years of medieval history – and sometimes about the modern world too. Christopher de Hamel introduces us to kings, queens, saints, scribes, artists, librarians, thieves, dealers, collectors and the international community of manuscript scholars, showing us how he and his fellows piece together evidence to reach unexpected conclusions. He traces the elaborate journeys which these exceptionally precious artefacts have made through time and space, shows us how they have been copied, who has owned them or lusted after them (and how we can tell), how they have been embroiled in politics and scholarly disputes, how they have been regarded as objects of supreme beauty and luxury and as symbols of national identity. The book touches on religion, art, literature, music, science and the history of taste.

Part travel book, part detective story, part conversation with the reader, Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts conveys the fascination and excitement of encountering some of the greatest works of art in our culture which, in the originals, are to most people completely inaccessible. At the end, we have a slightly different perspective on history and how we come by knowledge. It is a most unusual book.

Biography: In the course of a long career at Sotheby’s Christopher de Hamel has probably handled and catalogued more illuminated manuscripts and over a wider range than any person alive. Since 2000, he has been Fellow and Librarian of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The Parker Library, in his care, includes many of the earliest manuscripts in English language and history. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and the Royal Historical Society.

♦’Endlessly fascinating and enjoyable’ Neil MacGregor
♦’A marvellous book’ David Attenborough
♦’Full of delights’ Tom Stoppard

Christopher de Hamel
Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts
Winner of the Wolfson History Prize 2017
Winner of the Duff Cooper Prize for Non-Fiction
Shortlisted for the Waterstones Book of the Year 2016
Published 5th April 2018
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
ISBN: 9780141977492
Number of pages: 656
Weight: 461 g
Dimensions: 198 x 129 x 28 mm
Paperback – £12.99

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Detlef Siegfried: 1968. Protest, Revolte, Gegenkultur

Hinter der Zeitenwende von 1968 steckt mehr als nur eine politische Revolte: Männer ließen sich die Haare lang wachsen, Frauen wollten endlich die Pille nehmen dürfen, Drogen wurden konsumiert, Musikfestivals, Kommunen und neue Zeitschriften stellten das vorhandene Weltbild auf den Kopf.

So unterschiedliche Heldenfiguren wie Twiggy, Rudi Dutschke, Che Guevara, Jimi Hendrix und Mao Tse-Tung traten auf den Plan, während die deutsche Politik noch mit dem Vermächtnis der NS-Zeit zu kämpfen hatte.

Es wäre jedoch ein Irrtum zu glauben, alles habe erst 1968 begonnen. Detlef Siegfried zeigt, welche gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen und politischen Ereignisse schon im Vorfeld nötig waren, damit die Revolte der Schüler, Studenten und Lehrlinge Fahrt aufnehmen konnte. Dabei lässt er nicht nur die Gegenkultur in Großstädten wie Berlin oder Frankfurt am Main wieder aufleben, sondern rückt auch Schauplätze aus der bundesrepublikanischen Provinz ins Rampenlicht. Doch wie viel revolutionäre Dynamik ließ sich in die »roten« Siebzigerjahre hinüberretten? Und was wurde eigentlich aus all den Linken?

Detlef Siegfried, geb. 1958, ist Professor für neuere deutsche und europäische Geschichte an der Universität Kopenhagen. Er hat mehrere Bücher zu Alltagskultur, Pop und Linksradikalismus in der Bundesrepublik veröffentlicht, darunter Time is on my side. Konsum und Politik in der westdeutschen Jugendkultur der 60er Jahre (2006) und Sound der Revolte. Studien zur Kulturrevolution um 1968 (2008).

Siegfried, Detlef:
Protest, Revolte, Gegenkultur
Originalausgabe Reclam
Geb. Format: 16 x 24 cm
299 Seiten
60 farb. Abb.
ISBN: 978-3-15-011149-9
€ 28,00

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Ivory Pearl by Jean-Patrick Manchette

Set in Cuba’s Sierra Maestra in the 1950s, in the days leading up to the Revolution–Manchette’s unfinished masterpiece with a fearless female protagonist.

Out of the wreckage of World War II swaggers Ivory Pearl, so named (rhymes with girl) by some British soldiers who made her their mascot, a mere kid, orphaned, survivor of God knows what, but fluent in French, English, smoking, and drinking. In Berlin, Ivy meets Samuel Farakhan, a rich closeted intelligence officer. Farakhan proposes to adopt her and help her to become the photographer she wants to be; his relationship to her will provide a certain cover for him. And she is an asset. The deal is struck…

1956: Ivy has seen every conflict the postwar world has on offer, from Vietnam to East Berlin, and has published her photographs in slick periodicals, but she is sick to death of death and bored with life and love. It’s time for a break. Ivy heads to Cuba, the Sierra Maestra.

History, however, doesn’t take vacations.

Ivory Pearl was Jean-Patrick Manchette’s last book, representing a new turn in his writing. It was to be the first of a series of ambitious historical thrillers about the “wrong times” we live in. Though left unfinished when Manchette died, the book, whose full plot has been filled in here from the author’s notes, is a masterpiece of bold suspense and black comedy: chilling, caustic, and perfectly choreographed.

Jean-Patrick Manchette (1942–1995) was a genre-redefining French crime novelist, screenwriter, critic, and translator. Born in Marseille to a family of relatively modest means, Manchette grew up in a southwestern suburb of Paris, where he wrote from an early age. While a student of English literature at the Sorbonne, he contributed articles to the newspaper La Voie communiste and became active in the national students’ union.
In 1961 he married, and with his wife Mélissa began translating American crime fiction—he would go on to translate the works of such writers as Donald Westlake, Ross Thomas, and Margaret Millar, often for Gallimard’s Série noire.  Throughout the 1960s Manchette supported himself with various jobs writing television scripts, screenplays, young-adult books, and film novelizations. In 1971 he published his first novel, a collaboration with Jean-Pierre Bastid, and embarked on his literary career in earnest, producing ten subsequent works over the course of the next two decades and establishing a new genre of French novel, the néo-polar (distinguished from traditional detective novel, or polar, by its political engagement and social radicalism). During the 1980s, Manchette published celebrated translations of Alan Moore’s Watchmen graphic novels for a bande-dessinée publishing house co-founded by his son, Doug Headline. In addition to Fatale (also available as an NYRB Classic), Manchette’s novels Three to Kill and The Prone Gunman, as well as Jacques Tardi’s graphic-novel adaptations of them (titled West Coast Blues and Like a Sniper Lining Up His Shot, respectively), are available in English.

Ivory Pearl
by Jean-Patrick Manchette,
translated from the French by Donald Nicholson-Smith,
introduction by Doug Headline,
with an afterword by Gary Indiana
Paperback – $14.95
Published by NYRB
An NYRB Classics Original
Publication Date: May 1, 2018
208 Pages
ISBN 9781681372105
French Literature
Literary Fiction

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The longlist of The Orwell Prize for Books 2018


The longlist of The Orwell Prize for Books 2018 features historical writing, fiction and for the first time a graphic novel.

The Islamic Enlightenment: The Modern Struggle Between Faith and Reason, Christopher de Bellaigue (Bodley Head). An absorbing account of the political and social reformations that transformed the lands of Islam in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries)

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race, Reni Eddo-Lodge (Bloomsbury). A book on racial inequalities, exploring issues from eradicated black history to the political purpose of white dominance, whitewashed feminism to the inextricable link between class and race

Threads from the Refugee Crisis, Kate Evans (Verso). Combining the techniques of eyewitness reportage with the medium of comic-book storytelling, Evans has produced a compelling view into the life of asylum seekers living in Calais’s ‘Jungle’.

Testosterone Rex, Cordelia Fine (Icon Books). A book explaining why past and present sex roles are only serving suggestions for the future. It reveals a much more dynamic situation through an entertaining and well-documented exploration of the latest research that draws on evolutionary science, psychology, neuroscience, endocrinology, and philosophy.

The Road to Somewhere – The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics, David Goodhart (Hurst Publishers). An exposition of how the political elites have failed their societies. This investigation into the new global politics reveals how the Somewhere backlash is a democratic response to the dominance of Anywhere interests, in everything from mass higher education to mass immigration.

What You Did Not Tell, Mark Mazower (Allen Lane). In the centenary of the Russian Revolution, What You Did Not Tell recounts a brand of socialism erased from memory – humanistic, impassioned, and broad-ranging in its sympathies. But it also explores the unexpected happiness that may await history’s losers, the power of friendship, and the love of place.

Poverty Safari, Darren McGarvey (Luath Press). People from deprived communities all across Britain feel misunderstood and unheard. Darren McGarvey, aka Loki, gives voice to their feelings and concerns, and anger that is spilling over.

Age of Anger: A History of the Present, Pankaj Mishra (Allen Lane). How can we explain the origins of the great wave of paranoid hatreds that seem inescapable in our close-knit world – from American ‘shooters’ and ISIS to Trump? Pankaj Mishra answers our bewilderment by casting his gaze back to the eighteenth century, before leading us to the present.

Bitch Doctrine, Laurie Penny (Bloomsbury) Bread for All:The Origins of the Welfare State, Chris Renwick (Allen Lane). This collection of Laurie Penny’s writing covers everything from the shock of Donald Trump’s election and the victories of the far right, to online harassment and the transgender rights movement. These darkly humorous articles provoke challenging conversations about the definitive social issues of today.

Winter, Ali Smith (Hamish Hamilton). In the second novel in her Seasonal cycle, Smith’s shape-shifting quartet of novels casts a merry eye over a bleak post-truth era with a story rooted in history, memory and warmth, its taproot deep in the evergreens: art, love, laughter.

Lovers and Strangers: An Immigrant History of Post-War Britain, Clair Wills (Allen Lane). Clair Wills’ book brings to life the incredible diversity and strangeness of the migrant experience. She introduces us to lovers, scroungers, dancers, homeowners, teaches, drinkers, carers and many more to show the opportunities and excitement as much as the humiliation and poverty that could be part of the new arrivals’ experience.

The judges for the Orwell Prize for Books are politician, academic and journalist Andrew Adonis (Chair), Literary Journalist and Artistic Director of Words and Literature of the Bath Festival, Alex Clark, author Kit de Waal, and Lorien Kite, Deputy Life & Arts Editor for the Financial Times.

The shortlist for The Orwell Prize for Books will be announced at The Bath Festival on 18th May. The winner of the £3000 prize will be unveiled on 25th June 2018 at The RSA, together with the winner of The Orwell Prize for Journalismand The Orwell Prize for Exposing Britain’s Social Evils.

Previous winners of the Orwell Prize for Books include John Bew for his biography of Clement Attlee (2017), Raja Shehadeh (2008), Alan Johnson (2014), and Andrea GiThe judges for the Orwell Prize for Booksllies (2010).

The Orwell Prize 2018 is for work published in the calendar year 2018. For more details and rules of entry please visit

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