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«« Previous page · INSEL, the only novel by Mina Loy · Hugo Ball: Einer Verdammten · Hugo Ball: O Marietta-Kripistika! · Hugo Ball: brulba dori · Exhibition Rasheed Araeen = A Retrospective (02/12/2017 – 25/03/2018) · Robert Desnos: Que voulez-vous que je vous dise ? · Hugo Ball: From Cabaret Voltaire – Issue 1 · Magritte, Broodthaers & de hedendaagse kunst – Tentoonstelling KMSKB · Franklin Foer: World Without Mind. The Existential Threat of Big Tech · The Last Revolution – Nexus-conferentie 2017 · Robert Desnos: Porte du second infini. À Antonin Artaud · Viking Eggeling: Generalbass der Malerei

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INSEL, the only novel by Mina Loy

Insel, the only novel by the surrealist master Mina Loy, is a book like no other—about an impossible friendship amid the glamorous artistic bohemia of 1930s Paris.

German painter Insel is a perpetual sponger and outsider—prone to writing elegant notes with messages like “Am starving to death except for a miracle—three o’clock Tuesday afternoon will be the end”—but somehow writer and art dealer Mrs. Jones likes him.

Together, they sit in cafés, hatch grand plans, and share their artistic aspirations and disappointments. And they become friends. But as they grow ever closer, Mrs. Jones begins to realize just how powerful Insel’s hold over her is.

Unpublished during Loy’s lifetime, Insel—which is loosely based on her friendship with the painter Richard Oelze—is a supremely surrealist, deliberately excessive creation: baroque in style, yet full of deft comedy and sympathy. Now, with an alternate ending only recently unearthed in the Loy archives, Insel is finally back in print, and Loy’s extraordinary achievement can be appreciated by a new generation of readers.

Mina Loy was born in London in 1882 and began her artistic career as painter; she was influenced by Impressionism and achieved success in the Parisian art world before turning to poetry and other forms of visual art, including lampshades and “junk collages.” She was at the heart of the modernist movement (as well as Dada, Futurism, and Surrealism) and had close friendships with Djuna Barnes and Gertrude Stein, among many others. Her frank and rigorously experimental writing earned her both praise and censure, as did her unconventional life: she spent many years living in Greenwich Village and on the Bowery, befriending bums, drunks, and other down-and-outs. Her work has recently been collected inThe Lost Lunar Baedeker (FSG) and Stories and Essays of Mina Loy (Dalkey Archive). She died in 1966 in Aspen, Colorado.

Elizabeth Arnold, a scholar and poet, is the author of Effacement and two other collections.

Sarah Hayden is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cork, where her focus is on Mina Loy and avant-garde artistic movements.

Mina Loy
Edited by Elizabeth Arnold,
with an Introduction by Sarah Hayden
Trade Paperback
Novel, 2014
180 pages
ISBN 9781612193533
Publisher Melville House
Part of The Neversink Library

“Is there anyone in America except you, Bill [William Carlos Williams,] and Mina Loy who can write anything of interest in verse?” — Ezra Pound, letter to Marianne Moore magazine

More in: - Book Lovers, Archive K-L, Archive K-L, Art & Literature News, Loy, Mina, SURREALISM

Hugo Ball: Einer Verdammten


Einer Verdammten

Ha, wie sie heuchlerisch entrüstet,
Sich hüllen in die Kutten der Moral
Und wie Papa vertraulich flüstert:
»Mama, dies ist ein offener Skandal«.
Die hohe Gattin nickt verständlich
Und vor »Empörung« brennend rot
Ruft sie: »Von Denen ist es schändlich
Uns schützt vor Kindersegen doch der liebe Gott.«

Hugo Ball
(1886 – 1927)

Erstdruck in:
Der Revoluzzer (Zürich),
1. Jg., Nr. 12, Oktober 1915 magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Ball, Hugo, Dada, DADA, Dadaïsme

Hugo Ball: O Marietta-Kripistika!


O Marietta-Kripistika!

O Marietta-Kripistika!
Thronkanapee im Serail von Sevilla!
Du bist wertvoller als die juchzende
Säubande von Hosenträgern,
Deren Rüssel
An deinem Bauch
Zu schnuppern
Gewohnt sein pflegt.

Hugo Ball
O Marietta-Kripistika! magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Ball, Hugo, Dada, DADA, Dadaïsme

Hugo Ball: brulba dori

brulba dori

brulba dori daula dalla
sula lori wauga malla
lori damma fusmalu

Dasche mame came rilla
schursche saga moll vasvilla
suri pauge fuzmalu

Dolli gamba bokamufti
sabel ize spogagufti
palazuma polja gei

mula dampe dori villa
alles virds schavi drestilla
offi lima dozapau

Hugo Ball
gedicht: brulba dori magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Ball, Hugo, DADA, Dada, Dadaïsme

Exhibition Rasheed Araeen = A Retrospective (02/12/2017 – 25/03/2018)


# Rasheed Araeen, Paki Bastard (Portrait of an Artist as a Black Person), 1977, courtesy the artist

The Van Abbemuseum will stage Rasheed Araeen: A Retrospective, the first comprehensive survey of the artist. The exhibition, spanning 60 years of work, presents a body of work that has had a profound influence on generations of artists, writers and thinkers.

Rasheed Araeen: A Retrospective is structured across five chapters: from his early experiments in painting in Karachi in the 1950s and early 60s, his pioneering minimalist sculptures carried out after his arrival in London in 1964, key pieces from the 70s and 80s following Araeen’s political awakening, his nine panel cruciform works from the 80s and 90s and a selection of his new geometric paintings and wall structures. Alongside this, material relating to Araeen’s writing, editorial and curatorial projects will be presented as part of an expanded artistic practice that in its scope and ambition continues to challenge the formal, ideological and political assumptions of Eurocentric modernism.

Publication:A monograph, edited by Nick Aikens and published by JRP Ringier in collaboration with Van Abbemuseum, MAMCO, BALTIC and Garage includes new essays by Aikens, Kate Fowle, Courtney Martin, Michael Newman, Gene Ray, Dominic Rhatz, John Roberts, Marcus du Sautoy, Zoe Sutherland and Kaelen Wilson-Goldie and an extensive conversation between Aikens and Araeen.


# Rasheed Araeen, The Reading Room, 2017, steel and glass tables, wooden stools, and copies of Third Text journal, courtesy the artist

Following the Van Abbemuseum Rasheed Araeen: A Retrospective will travel to MAMCO, Geneva, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead and Garage Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow.

The exhibition is supported by Mondriaan Fund and Stichting Promotors van het Van Abbemuseum. The publication is generously supported by Aicon Gallery, New York, Grosvenor Gallery, London and Rossi Rossi, Hong Kong

Rasheed Araeen
A Retrospective
02/12/2017 – 25/03/2018
spanning 60 years’ work
Curators: Nick Aikens
van abbemuseum eindhoven

#  van abbemuseum eindhoven web magazine

More in: - Book News, Archive A-B, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, DICTIONARY OF IDEAS, Exhibition Archive, FDM Art Gallery, MONTAIGNE, Photography, Sculpture

Robert Desnos: Que voulez-vous que je vous dise ?


Que voulez-vous que je vous dise ?
À Théodore Fraenkel

C’est la pure vérité
Comme un manchon
Ma belle dame mettez vos deux mains
dans le bec de gaz
nous y verrons plus clair
Vous êtes perdue si vous ne m’égratignez
pas un peu
pour voir
plus clair
Un bateau s’arrête et fait son
Les champs de blé réclament longuement la coiffure à la frégate.
Le mystérieux concierge enfonce
avec précaution sa clef dans ton œil
après vingt ans on est prié de dire son nom
mais la postérité n’exige pas de carte d’identité
à vos souhaits
Les miens sont simples
me donne à boire durant toute la mort
qu’on me fiche la guerre.

Robert Desnos (1900 – 1945)
Que voulez-vous que je vous dise ?
À Théodore Fraenkel magazine

More in: Archive C-D, Desnos, Robert, SURREALISM

Hugo Ball: From Cabaret Voltaire – Issue 1

When I founded the Cabaret Voltaire, I was sure that there must be a few young people in Switzerland who like me were interested not only in enjoying their independence but also in giving proof of it.

I went to Herr Ephraim, the owner of the Meierei, and said, “Herr Ephraim, please let me have your room. I want to start a night-club.” Herr Ephraim agreed and gave me the room. And I went to some people I knew and said, “Please give me a picture, or a drawing, or an engraving. I should like to put on an exhibition in my night-club.” I went to the friendly Zürich press and said, “Put in some announcements. There is going to be an international cabaret. We shall do great things.” And they gave me pictures and they put in my annoucements. So on 5th February we had a cabaret. Mademoiselle Hennings and Mademoiselle Leconte sang French and Danish chansons. Herr Tristan Tzara recited Rumanian poetry. A balalaika orchestra played delightful folk-songs and dances.

I received much support and encouragement from Herr M. Slodki, who designed the poster, and from Herr Hans Arp, who supplied some Picassos, as well as works of his own, and obtained for me pictures by his friends O. van Rees and Artur Segall. Much support also from Messrs. Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco and Max Oppenheimer, who readily agreed to take part in the cabaret.

We organized a Russian evening and, a little later, a French one (works by Apollinaire, Max Jacob, André Salmon, A. Jarry, Laforgue and Rimbaud). On 26th February Richard Huelsenbeck arrived from Berlin and on 30th March we performed some stupendous Negro music (toujours avec la grosse caisse: boum boum boum boum – drabatja mo gere drabatja mo bonooooooooo -). Monsieur Laban was present at the performance and was very enthusiastic. Herr Tristan Tzara was the initiator of a performance by Messrs. Tzara, Huelsenbeck and Janco (the first in Zürich and in the world) of simultaneist verse by Messrs. Henri Barzun and Fernand Divoire, as well as a poème simultané of his own composition, which is reproduced on pages six and seven.

The persent booklet is published by us with the support of our friends in France, Italy and Russia. It is intended to present to the Public the activities and interests of the Cabaret Voltaire, which has as its sole purpose to draw attention, across the barriers of war and nationalism, to the few independent spirits who live for other ideals. The next objective of the artists who are assembled here is the publication of a revue internationale. La revue paraîtra à Zurich et portera le nom “Dada” (“Dada”). Dada Dada Dada Dada.

Zürich, 15th May 1916

Hugo Ball
From Cabaret Voltaire – Issue 1 magazine

More in: Archive A-B, Archive A-B, Ball, Hugo, Dada, DADA, Dadaïsme, LITERARY MAGAZINES, Pablo Picasso

Magritte, Broodthaers & de hedendaagse kunst – Tentoonstelling KMSKB

50 jaar na zijn overlijden, boeit René Magritte nog steeds. Hij stelt onze kijk en geest in vraag en brengt onze zekerheden voortdurend aan het wankelen.

Magrittes mysterieus en uitdagend werk blijft de generaties na hem beïnvloeden, van pop art en conceptuele kunst tot de meest hedendaagse kunstcreaties. De tentoonstelling creëert een dialoog tussen de originele werken van Magritte en hun moderne en hedendaagse interpretaties.

Marcel Broodthaers belichaamt deze artistieke verwantschap zonder twijfel het best: hij bevraagt zowel het statuut van het object als dat van de taal. Andere kunstenaars zoals Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Ed Ruscha, César, Sean Landers, David Altmejd, George Condo en Gavin Turk herdefiniëren onze verhouding tot Belgiës grootste surrealist.

Meer dan 150 schilderijen, beeldhouwwerken, installaties, tekeningen, films en archiefmateriaal komen samen in deze unieke tentoonstelling. De ervaring zet zich voort in het Musée Magritte Museum, waar huidige creaties interageren met de grootste Magritte collectie ter wereld.

De tentoonstelling is uitzonderlijk 7 dagen op 7 open. Voor de gelegenheid zal ook het Magritte Museum elke dag open zijn, van 13.10.2017 tot 18.02.2018.

Niet te missen: binnen de tentoonstelling is een creatief atelier vrij toegankelijk voor elke bezoeker. Eenmaal per maand vinden er ook animaties plaats: weekends in de namiddag van: 4 & 5 november – 2 & 3 december – 13 & 14 januari – 3 & 4 februari

Magritte, Broodthaers & de hedendaagse kunst
Tentoonstelling KMSKB
13.10.2017 tm 18.02.2018

Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België
Regentschapsstraat 3
1000 Brussel
#  meer  info  op  website  kmskb

Musée Magritte Museum
Koningsplein 1
1000 Brussel magazine

More in: Andy Warhol, Art & Literature News, Marcel Broodthaers, Marcel Broodthaers, René Magritte, SURREALISM, Surrealism, Surrealisme

Franklin Foer: World Without Mind. The Existential Threat of Big Tech

Over the past few decades there has been a revolution in terms of who controls knowledge and information.

This rapid change has imperiled the way we think. Without pausing to consider the cost, the world has rushed to embrace the products and services of four titanic corporations. We shop with Amazon; socialize on Facebook; turn to Apple for entertainment; and rely on Google for information. These firms sell their efficiency and purport to make the world a better place, but what they have done instead is to enable an intoxicating level of daily convenience.

As these companies have expanded, marketing themselves as champions of individuality and pluralism, their algorithms have pressed us into conformity and laid waste to privacy. They have produced an unstable and narrow culture of misinformation, and put us on a path to a world without private contemplation, autonomous thought, or solitary introspection–a world without mind. In order to restore our inner lives, we must avoid being coopted by these gigantic companies, and understand the ideas that underpin their success.

Elegantly tracing the intellectual history of computer science–from Descartes and the enlightenment to Alan Turing to Stuart Brand and the hippie origins of today’s Silicon Valley–Foer exposes the dark underpinnings of our most idealistic dreams for technology. The corporate ambitions of Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon, he argues, are trampling longstanding liberal values, especially intellectual property and privacy. This is a nascent stage in the total automation and homogenization of social, political, and intellectual life. By reclaiming our private authority over how we intellectually engage with the world, we have the power to stem the tide.

At stake is nothing less than who we are, and what we will become. There have been monopolists in the past but today’s corporate giants have far more nefarious aims. They’re monopolists who want access to every facet of our identities and influence over every corner of our decision-making. Until now few have grasped the sheer scale of the threat. Foer explains not just the looming existential crisis but the imperative of resistance.

Franklin Foer is a national correspondent for The Atlantic and a fellow at the New America Foundation. He is the author of How Soccer Explains the World, which has been translated into 27 languages and a winner of a National Jewish Book Award. For seven years, he edited The New Republic magazin

Franklin Foer:
World Without Mind.
The Existential Threat of Big Tech
272 pages
Published September 2017
Penguin Press
ISBN 1101981113
ISBN13: 9781101981115

World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech by Franklin Foer . Franklin Foer reveals the existential threat posed by big tech, and in his brilliant polemic gives us the toolkit to fight their pervasive influence. magazine

More in: - Book Stories, - Bookstores, Archive E-F, Art & Literature News, AUDIO, CINEMA, RADIO & TV, DICTIONARY OF IDEAS, MONTAIGNE, The Art of Reading, The talk of the town

The Last Revolution – Nexus-conferentie 2017

De Jasmijnrevolutie, de Egyptische Revolutie, Euromaidan: het is nu moeilijk voor te stellen dat de Russische Revolutie, precies een eeuw geleden, beloofde de laatste revolutie te zijn.

Ondanks bolsjewistisch optimisme en dromen van gelijkheid bracht zij evengoed, net als andere opstanden, een angstaanjagende vernietiging van vrijheid, waarden en waarheid.

Revoluties bleven volgen.

Vragen over mens en maatschappij blijven onopgelost. Vanwaar revoluties? Welke machten bevrijden en welke onderdrukken?

Wat leren we uit het feit dat de Franse Revolutie eindigde in een bloedbad, de Russische Revolutie verwerd tot totalitarisme, maar de Amerikaanse Revolutie succesvol was?

Op zaterdag 18 november brengt Nexus gezaghebbende denkers, politici, wetenschappers en ideologen van over de hele wereld bijeen voor een gezamenlijke zoektocht naar antwoorden, ideeën en argumenten.

Wat voor vrijheidsbeweging wacht de 21e eeuw? En wie zijn de individuen die tegen gevestigde machten in durven denken, die wel in opstand komen? Waar halen zij die kracht vandaan? Wat zal de ware laatste revolutie zijn?


Antony Blinken – diplomaat en strateeg van Clinton en Obama

Aleksandr Dugin – politiek filosoof en adviseur van Poetin

William Fallon – oud-bevelhebber Amerikaanse strijdkrachtenDeelnemers

Sjeik Rached Ghannouchi – toppoliticus en leider Tunesische revolutie

Aileen Kelly – expert Russische intellectuele geschiedenis

Pankaj Mishra – essayist en romancier

Moisés Naím – Venezolaans staatsman en politiek filosoof

Nelofer Pazira – Afghaans-Canadees filmmaker en schrijver

Shaha Riza – Arabisch activist

Dominique de Villepin – Frans staatsman en diplomaat

Leon Wieseltier – publiek intellectueel

Michael Žantovský – diplomaat, vertaler, woordvoerder en vriend van Václav Havel

Zhang Weiwei – filosoof van China als belangrijkste supermacht

The Last Revolution
Nexus-conferentie 2017
Zaterdag 18 november 2017
9.30 — 16.00 uur
Nationale Opera & Ballet

#  meer  info  op  website  nexus  instituut magazine


Robert Desnos: Porte du second infini. À Antonin Artaud

Porte du second infini
À Antonin Artaud

L’encrier périscope me guette au tournant
mon porte-plume rentre dans sa coquille
La feuille de papier déploie ses grandes ailes blanches
Avant peu ses deux serres
m’arracheront les yeux
Je verrai que du feu mon corps
feu mon corps !
Vous eûtes l’occasion de le voir en grand appareil
le jour de tous les ridicules
Les femmes mirent leurs bijoux dans leur bouche
comme Démosthène
Mais je suis inventeur d’un téléphone de
verre de Bohême et de
tabac anglais
en relation directe
avec la peur !

Robert Desnos (1900 – 1945)
Porte du second infini
À Antonin Artaud magazine

More in: Antonin Artaud, Archive C-D, Desnos, Robert, REPRESSION OF WRITERS, JOURNALISTS & ARTISTS, SURREALISM

Viking Eggeling: Generalbass der Malerei

Generalbass der Malerei
Viking Eggeling (1880-1925) magazine

More in: Dada, DADA, Dadaïsme, Illustrators, Illustration, Viking Eggeling

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