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    FLEURSDUMAL POETRY LIBRARY - classic, modern, experimental & visual & sound poetry, poetry in translation, city poets, poetry archive, pre-raphaelites, editor's choice, etc.
    FLEURSDUMAL POETRY LIBRARY - classic, modern, experimental & visual & sound poetry, poetry in translation, city poets, poetry archive, pre-raphaelites, editor's choice, etc.

New on FdM

  1. Ernst Stadler: Vorfrühling
  2. The Past by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  3. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Totentanz
  4. Eugene Field: Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
  5. Adya en Otto van Rees: Pioniers binnen de avant-garde
  6. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Neue Liebe, neues Leben
  7. Nina Mingya Powles: In the Hollow of the Wave (Poetry)
  8. The Apology by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. J.H. Leopold: Gij deed van alle mensen
  10. Umberto Eco: Hoe herken ik een fascist

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TZK103Issue No. 103
September 2016

TZK #103 addresses “poetry,” a language form central to the recent shift toward affect in contemporary critical writing. Seeing the “artist-poet” as a vital site for the intersection of politics, affect, and digitality, we consider her voice and her currency from various perspectives, pro and con, across generations, analyzing her rising success, also asking what is gained and lost in this move from “rational” thought to what one feels? Scanning populist poetry, anarchist poetry, post-millennial net-poetry, the poetry of surplus-language and social media, the art historical poetic/poet-turned-object, and shades of fading Poesie, this issue, conceived by the editors with John Kelsey and Isabelle Graw explores how the seeming immediacy of #poetry and the suggestion of a hyper-personal voice correlates with current economic demand to claim visibility.

Issue No. 103 – September 2016 “Poetry”

Table of contents

7   Preface
36   Tim Griffin What Is Poetry?
42   Joshua Clover Objectively Speaking / Remarks on Subjectivity and Poetry
48   Isabelle Graw The Poet’s Seduction / Six Theses on Marcel Broodthaers’s Contemporary Relevance
74   Liz Kotz Word Pieces, Event Scores, Compositions
82   Monika Rinck The Promise of Poetic Language
88   Ada O’Higgins If you don’t like the reflection. Don’t look in the mirror. I don’t care.
94   Chris Kraus and Ariana Reines The feelings I Fail to capitalize, I fail / Chris Kraus and Ariana Reines in conversation on auto-fiction and biography
108   Felix Bernstein The Irreproachable Essay / On the Amazon Discourse of Hybrid Literature
122   Daniela Seel IMMEDIACY, I MEET WITH SKEPTICISM / Three questions for Daniela Seel
130   Micaela Durand DEVIL SHIT
134   Karolin Meunier Hearing Voices / On the reading and performance of poetry
148   Dena Yago Empire Poetry

Short Cut
169   Four Theses on Branding / David Joselit on Berlin Biennale 9
173   Mantras der Gegenwart / Hanna Magauer über Berlin Biennale 9

177   Sehnsucht nach der verlorenen Stadt / Johannes Paul Raether über “spiritus” von Honey-Suckle Company
182   BENJAMIN BUCHLOH, ART HISTORIAN / Christine Mehring on Benjamin H. D. Buchloh’s “Formalism and Historicity: Models and Methods in Twentieth-Century Art”
187   Es war zweimal sagte sie / Vojin Sasa Vukadinovic über Eva Meyers „Legende sein“
191   Less is more? / John Miller on Justin Lieberman’s “The Corrector’s Custom Pre-Fab House”
96   So machen wir’s / Eva Geulen über „The Use of Bodies“ (Homo Sacer IV.2) von Giorgio Agamben

Short Waves
203   Gunter Reski über Victor Man bei MD 72, Berlin / Harry Burke on Dean Blunt at Arcadia Missa, London / Rhea Dall on Stephen G. Rhodes at Eden Eden, Berlin / Tobias Vogt über Thea Djordjadze bei Sprüth Magers, Berlin / Deanna Havas on Marc Kokopeli at Lomex, New York / Martin Herbert on Fredrik Værslev at Bergen Kunsthall, Norway

222   Habeas Corpus / Simon Baier über Francis Picabia im Kunsthaus Zürich
227   Marcel Broodthaers, Art Historian’s Artist / Trevor Stark on Marcel Broodthaers at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
232   Malerei als soziales Handeln? / Christian Spies über Fernand Léger im Museum Ludwig, Köln
226   Simulierte Musealisierung / Philipp Kleinmichel über Isa Genzken im Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
240   Elegance is Resistance / Stephanie LaCava on Lukas Duwenhögger at Artists Space, New York

245   TONY CONRAD (1949–2016) by Diedrich Diederichsen
247   Jay Sanders TONY CONRAD (1949–2016)

Martha Rosler
Amy Sillman
Amy Sillman

More issues:
Issue No. 103 / September 2016 “Poetry”
Issue No. 102 / June 2016 “Fashion”
Issue No. 101 / March 2016 “Polarities”
Issue No. 100 / December 2015 “The Canon”
Issue No. 99 / September 2015 “Photography”
Issue No. 98 / June 2015 “Media”
Issue No. 97 / March 2015 “Bohemia”
Issue No. 96 / December 2014 “The Gallerists”
Issue No. 95 / September 2014 “Art vs. Image”
Issue No. 94 / May 2014 “Berlin Update”
Issue No. 93 / March 2014 “Speculation”
Issue No. 92 / December 2013 “Architecture”
Issue No. 91 / September 2013 “Globalism”
Issue No. 90 / June 2013 “How we aim to work”
Issue No. 89 / March 2013 “Mike Kelley”
Issue No. 88 / December 2012 “The Question of Value”
Issue No. 87 / September 2012 “Conflict”
Issue No. 86 / June 2012 “The Curators”
Issue No. 85 / March 2012 “Art History Revisited”
Issue No. 84 / December 2011 “Feminism!”
Issue No. 83 / September 2011 “The Collectors”
Issue No. 82 / June 2011 “Artistic Research”
Issue No. 81 / March 2011 “Where do you stand, colleague ?”
Issue No. 80 / December 2010 “Political Art?”
Issue No. 79 / September 2010 “Life at Work”
Issue No. 78 / June 2010 “Fashion”
Issue No. 77 / March 2010 “Painting”

# More information on website Texte Zur Kunst magazine

More in: #Archive Concrete & Visual Poetry, Art & Literature News, Art Criticism, LITERARY MAGAZINES, MODERN POETRY, POETRY ARCHIVE, PRESS & PUBLISHING

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