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  3. Katy Hessel: The Story of Art without Men
  4. Alice Loxton: Eighteen. A History of Britain in 18 Young Lives
  5. Oscar Wilde: Ballade De Marguerite
  6. Anita Berber: Kokain
  7. Arthur Rimbaud: Bannières de mai
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The Booker Prize 2022 for Shehan Karunatilaka’s novel: The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida

The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida was announced as the winner of the Booker Prize 2022 on October 17 at a ceremony in London.

Shehan Karunatilaka’s second novel is a searing, mordantly funny satire set amid the murderous mayhem of a Sri Lanka beset by civil war.

Maali Almeida, war photographer, gambler and closet gay, has woken up dead in what seems to be a celestial visa office. His dismembered body is sinking in the Beira Lake and he has no idea who killed him. At a time when scores are settled by death squads, suicide bombers and hired goons, the list of suspects is depressingly long.

But even in the afterlife, time is running out for Maali. He has ‘seven moons’ to try and contact the man and woman he loves most and lead them to a hidden cache of photos that will rock Sri Lanka.

“Life after death in Sri Lanka: an afterlife noir, with nods to Dante and Buddha and yet unpretentious. Fizzes with energy, imagery and ideas against a broad, surreal vision of the Sri Lankan civil wars. Slyly, angrily comic.”
— The 2022 judges Booker Prize on The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida

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