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    Jean Tinguely & Niki de Saint Phalle

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Niki de Saint Phalle exhibition in Zürich and Frankfurt

Her sensual Nanas—buxom, colorful female figures— laid the foundation for her international success beyond the art world: Niki de Saint Phalle.

But the self-taught artist’s creative spectrum is much broader, and her unconventional oeuvre, ranging from painting and drawing to assemblages, performances, theater, film, and architecture, is more subversive and critical of society than is widely assumed.

Based on her efforts to process her own feelings, she addressed social and political issues, critically questioning institutions and role models in ways that are as relevant today as they have ever been.

The exhibition and the publication shed new light on the artist’s exceptional personality and uncover the wide-ranging oeuvre of the popular outsider—that is always surprising and eccentric, emotional, dark and brutal, humorous and cheerful.

NIKI DE SAINT PHALLE (1930–2002) is one of the most important artists and sculptors of her generation. Growing up in Paris and New York, she returned to Paris in the 1950s, where she began her artistic career with her legendary Tirs, her “shooting” series, created during provocative performances.

Kunsthaus Zürich
September 2, 2022–January 8, 2023

Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
February 3–May 21, 2023

Museumsshop Kunsthaus Zürich
Niki de Saint Phalle
[exhibition catalog in German]

Text(s) by Christoph Becker, Bice Curiger, Katharina Dohm, Sandra Gianfreda, Cathérine Hug, Mickry 3, Nicolas Party, graphic design by Lena Huber, ed. Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft / Kunsthaus Zürich, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt

Niki de Saint Phalle
Ed. Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft,
Kunsthaus Zürich,
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
240 pages,
195 illustrations
23,5 x 29 cm, soft cover
Lay-Flat Binding with Flaps
ISBN 978-3-7757-5299-2
€ 44.00

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More in: - Book News, - Bookstores, Archive O-P, Exhibition Archive, Jean Tinguely & Niki de Saint Phalle

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