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    Kalinić, Vinko

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Vinko Kalinić: Ne znam odgovor (Don’t know the answer)

Vinko Kalinić

Ne znam odgovor

pitaš me: zašto te volim? baš tebe? meni sasvim nepoznato biće? a ne pitaš me koliko su duboke tvoje oči? i kako može živ čovjek ne osjetiti ono što u njima gori? tako svečano. i toplo.

ne znam odgovor. tek osjećam da bi se nas dvoje jako dobro razumijeli. čak i onda kada ni riječ jednu ne bi izrekli. samo da nasloniš glavu na moje grudi. netalo bi svijeta. i svega onog što grčevito skupljaju isprazni ljudi. oko čega se tuku. i za sobom vuku, ko ukleti svoje prokletstvo.

bez ičega. i sasvim goli. stajali bi nijemo. zadivljeni. u spoznanju. koliko je malo potrebno za biti sretan. i to malo, koliko je ljepše dati, no uzeti. i tako bi nestajali. ležeći jedno drugom u sjeni. šuteći. sva bi pitanja bila besmislena. i svi odgovori uzaludni. ono između nas progutalo bi sve što smo ikad bili. i što ćemo ikada biti. što je itko ikada utjelovio u riječi. dok ne bi nestali. sasvim. jedno drugom darujući, i posljednji komadić sebe.

Komiža, 18. 04. 2011


Don’t know the answer

you ask me: why I love you? yes, you? to me absolutely unknown being? but you don’t ask me how deep are those eyes of yours? and how can a living man not feel what burns inside those eyes? so festive. and warm.

I don’t know the answer. I just feel that you and I would understand each other very well. Even when we wouldn’t say one single word. just so you lean your head on my chest. the world would disappear. and all that what futile people collect frantically. things they fight for. and drag around, like damned drag their own curse.

without anything. and totally naked. we would be standing silent. amazed. in the cognition. how little is needed to be happy. and that little, how nicer is to give than to take. and that’s how we would disappear. lying in one another’s shadow. being silent. all questions would be senseless. and all answers useless. that between us would swallow everything that we’ve ever been. and what we would ever be. what has anyone ever embodied into words. until we would disappear. totally. giving each other the last particle of himself.

Translation by Darko Kotevski, Melbourne

Vinko Kalinić poetry poetry magazine

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