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Annemarie Slobbe: “To live is to let go.”


Annemarie Slobbe: “To live is to let go.”

In her work, Anne​marie Slobbe (1990) embraces an abstract visual language​ to reflect​ ​the​ ​​nullity​ ​of the ​human condition​.​ The passage of time is a central component in her paintings and drawings, which consist of rhythmic and repetitive patterns.​

To emphasize everything’s state of impermanence she manipulates her materials to create compositions which are receptive of the changing light of day. The transitory characteristics of the work are also experienced by the spectator when one’s viewpoint is altered.

By using these elements she adds a layer of uncontrollability to the work​, as a visual reference to the fact that in our own lives many things lay beyond our control​. She questions the human struggle against the current of life since it brings more inner rest when one decides to find acceptance of their situation and learns to let go.

Annemarie graduated in 2014 at AKV St. Joost Breda. ​At the moment h​er work is represented by Patty Morgan and SBK Amsterdam.

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More in: Anne​marie Slobbe, Art & Literature News, Exhibition Archive, FDM Art Gallery

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