Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov: The reed
Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov
(Михаи́л Ю́рьевич Ле́рмонтов 1814 – 1841)
The reed
A fisherman sat humming
Beside a stream one day
And watched the wind of morning
The reeds and grasses sway.
He cut a reed, and, making
A hole in it or two,
To one end held a finger
And in the other blew.
The reed to life was wakened,
It spoke up with a sigh.
Was’t voice of wind or maiden,
Its gentle voice and shy?
"0 fisherman," it begged him,
"Do not torment me so.
0 fisherman, I pray you,
Hear out my tale of woe.
"A fair and lovely maiden
But motherless I was.
I bloomed, but bloomed unwanted,
By no one loved, alas!
My father he remarried
And took a witch to wife.
I called on death to claim me
So wretched was my life.
"The witch she had a dearly
Beloved son, had she,
A worthless rogue and scapegrace
Who fooled young maids was he.
I went with him one evening
To walk beside the stream
And watch its waters mirror
The sun’s last dying gleam.
"My love in vain he begged forþ
Him and his pleas i spurned.
Gold coins to me he offeredþ
In ire from him I turned.
Then with his knife he struck me.
He struck me in the breast.
A grave he dug and put me
There on the bank to rest.
"And o’er my grave soon after
There grew a slender reed,
And in it live the sorrows
That made my young heart bleed.
0 fisherman, pray leave me,
Do not disturb my sleep.
Alack, you cannot help me
And have not learnt to weep!…"
Mikhail Lermontov poetry
kempis.nl poetry magazine
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