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Thomas a Kempis: Against vain and worldly knowledge

Thomas a Kempis

(ca. 1380-1471)

Against vain and worldly knowledge


“My Son, let not the fair and subtle sayings of men move thee.

For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. (1) Give ear

to My words, for they kindle the heart and enlighten the mind,

they bring contrition, and they supply manifold consolations.

Never read thou the word that thou mayest appear more learned or

wise; but study for the mortification of thy sins, for this will

be far more profitable for thee than the knowledge of many

difficult questions.


“When thou hast read and learned many things, thou must always

return to one first principle. I am He that teacheth man

knowledge, (2) and I give unto babes clearer knowledge than can

be taught by man. He to whom I speak will be quickly wise and

shall grow much in the spirit. Woe unto them who inquire into

many curious questions from men, and take little heed concerning

the way of My service. The time will come when Christ will

appear, the Master of masters, the Lord of the Angels, to hear

the lessons of all, that is to examine the consciences of each

one. And then will He search Jerusalem with candles, (3) and the

hidden things of darkness (4) shall be made manifest, and the

arguings of tongues shall be silent.


“I am He who in an instant lift up the humble spirit, to learn

more reasonings of the Eternal Truth, than if a man had studied

ten years in the schools. I teach without noise of words,

without confusion of opinions, without striving after honour,

without clash of arguments. I am He who teach men to despise

earthly things, to loathe things present, to seek things

heavenly, to enjoy things eternal, to flee honours, to endure

offences, to place all hope in Me, to desire nothing apart from

Me, and above all things to love Me ardently.


“For there was one, who by loving Me from the bottom of his

heart, learned divine things, and spake things that were

wonderful; he profited more by forsaking all things than by

studying subtleties. But to some I speak common things, to

others special; to some I appear gently in signs and figures, and

again to some I reveal mysteries in much light. The voice of

books is one, but it informeth not all alike; because I inwardly

am the Teacher of truth, the Searcher of the heart, the Discerner

of the thoughts, the Mover of actions, distributing to each man,

as I judge meet.”

(1) 1 Corinthians iv. 20

(2) Psalm xciv. 10

(3) Zephaniah i. 12

(4) 1 Corinthians iv. 5

Thomas a Kempis:  Imitatio Christi

The Third Book – Chapter XLIII

kempis poetry magazine

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