Dutch Politics (2)
Dutch Politics (2)
Column by Melseke
We have a new measurement system in Holland. Despite all efforts to standardise the systems in Europe and the willingness of the UK and other countries to give up their yards and inches and conform to the metric system, Holland has created a new one. The system was first used in 2007 to measure the Koran and will probably, with the support of the current government, further infiltrate into our society and, on a somewhat longer term, make the metric system redundant in Holland. A problem with the introduction of this new system on a broader scale is however that nobody except Wilders knows exactly how the Wilders Donald Duck relates to the metric system and that may cause a serious delay. So I asked Emile (SP) to do me a favour and borough Geert’s Donald Duck for me. Emile is friends with Geert (PVV), and with Mark(VVD) and Verhagen(CDA). With Farshad, Willibrord, Harm, Malik, Stef, Bas Jan, Harrie, Louis, Martin, Hanke and Betty. With Brigitte, Job, Tjeerd, Ineke, Tony, Jasper, Henk, Sharon, Dion, Maarten, Pierre, Lilian, Atje, Renske, Bart, Eric and Ahmed. And with Esther, Alexander, Hans, Kees, Miriam, Joost and Janneke. You’re right, i forgot to mention Wim, Arie and Petro, but it’s only a selection, it’s certainly not comprehensive. I asked Emile because we are friends, but that may not come as a surprise to you. So I got the Donald Duck and made the translation from the metric system, it’s 0.4513 cm. Implementation on a large scale will be a hell of a job and certainly take at least a decade and that’s something to consider before a final decision is made. After having established the formula i threw the Donald Duck into the bin. I think it’s good for Wilders, a couple of days without a Donald Duck will make him realise how it feels to be disconnected from your culture.
Political Observations: Dutch Politics (2) by Melseke
fleursdumal.nl magazine
More in: Melseke, Columns, The talk of the town