Vincent Berquez: Following the farmer’s dog
Vincent Berquez
Following the farmer’s dog
The children follow the sheepdog
who follows its master along
the glassy road of chilly children’s
feet and the scar under the icy paw
of the working dog beneath it.
The echoing laughter of children,
the solid animals slowly scratching
the hardened ground of the harsh
winter and tumbling white crystals.
The intimate covering amplifies
the skipping children full of laughter
on the harsh diamonds beneath them,
as the slippery earth trips them up;
and the dog’s scarred paw cuts deep
in the cold and it moves fast to feel less
of the freezing ground beneath
following its master towards the flock.
And afterwards the children will drink
hot drinks and the farmer and his scuttling
dog will eat hot food, and the cattle
will be revived on this Christmas Eve,
this twinkling morning of dusky daylight.
vincent berquez poetry poetry magazine
More in: Berquez, Vincent, Vincent Berquez