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    FDM Art Gallery
    EXHIBITION - art, art history, photos, paintings, drawings, sculpture, ready-mades, video, performing arts, collages, gallery, etc.
    Joep Eijkens Photos

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  8. Much Madness is divinest Sense by Emily Dickinson
  9. Death. A spirit sped by Stephen Crane
  10. Song: ‘Sweetest love, I do not go’ by John Donne

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Joep Eijkens Photos: Mariëlle Videler & Tinder Touch


M a r i ë l l e   V i d e l e r

T I N D E R   T O U C H

Mariëlle Videler about her work:

Situations: models for life

The perishablility I prefer, that’s why in the course of years I concentrated myself more and more on temporary works and life art. I create situations, temporary actions in a given, chosen or created space in which rituals, cultivated or instinctive behaviour, and the active participation of others plays an important role.

In my work I try to unite intuition and concept. I collect images, text and experiences out of life, culture, social systems and art history. These form an archive that I use partly direct and conscious to create a work, while other works are started in a more intuitive way. While spontaneous working, drawing for example, I see connections with a more conceptual framework. This can help me to make certain decisions for material, shape or colour and I can decide to implement a motif from my archive that is connected to the concept. The participants in my work can be divided in two groups. People that I invite to participate in the actions, to co-create a work and people who at a later stage get involved in or view the situation. I use codes and biological / cultural manners to approach people and on an intuitive level activate and involve / engage them in the work. Therefore I research conceptual structures like a game or a sport, more intuitive social structures as riding with a boom-car through the streets and systems within different cultures for example the Turkish seasonal fest Hidrellez. I search for connections between my intuition and concepts.

Art is my way of creating models for life: situations. By making special surroundings, situations, I try to intensify the moment of contact between people. I obsessively compose the situation for the other to direct.

M o r e   o n   w e b s i t e   M a r i ë l l e   V i d e l e r

Joep Eijkens Photos: Mariëlle Videler & Tinder Touch magazine – magazine for art & literature

© J. Eijkens  2007 (eerder gepubliceerd op

More in: FDM Art Gallery, Joep Eijkens Photos

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